Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in History (master's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PdF:DE2A01 History of historiography • 100 %
PdF:DE2A02 The Teaching of Regional History • 100 %
PdF:SZ6039 Educational Psychology (Exercise) • 100 %
PdF:SZ6040 Teaching Practice 1 • 100 %
PdF:SZ6042 School Education • 100 %
PdF:SZ6061 School Education - Seminary • 100 %
PdF:DE2A11 Methodology of history 1 • 96 %
PdF:SZ6041 Seminar on Teaching Practice • 96 %
PdF:JVP013 English for Teachers - C • 77 %
PdF:DE3A08 Foreign Operations of the Army and Police of the Czech Republic 1990-2022 • 19 %
PdF:DE3A09 Selected chapters from the history of the Turkish Republic • 19 %
PdF:DE3A05 Pilgrim Ages and Pilgrims Sites in a European context • 15 %
PdF:DE2A12 Didactics of active teaching methods • 12 %
2nd term
PdF:DE2B03 History of Central Europe • 100 %
PdF:DE2B04 Historical myths and stereotypes of Czech history • 100 %
PdF:DE6002 Teaching Practice 2 • 100 %
PdF:DE2B11 Methodology of history 2 • 96 %
PdF:JVP014 English for Teachers - D • 77 %
PdF:DE_DPP Diploma Thesis - Project • 62 %
PdF:SZ6047 School Management • 58 %
PdF:CJ6002 Teaching Practice 2 • 38 %
PdF:DE3B05 Love, pleasure, relationships in the changes of centuries • 38 %
PdF:SZ6048 Inclusive Education • 31 %
PdF:DE2B07 Cultural history for history teachers • 27 %
PdF:DE3B08 Disinformation warfare. Propaganda, manipulation and fake news in the contemporary world • 27 %
PdF:DE2B08 Historical geography for history teachers • 23 %
PdF:DE3B04 Church Orders and monastery in the Middle Ages • 19 %
PdF:OV6002 Teaching Practice 2 • 19 %
PdF:AJ6002 Teaching Practice 2 • 15 %
PdF:SZ6069 Alternative and Inovative Education • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PdF:DE2A05 The history of science and technology • 100 %
PdF:DE2A06 Selected chapters from recent history • 100 %
PdF:DE2A12 Didactics of active teaching methods • 100 %
PdF:DE6003 Teaching Practice 3 • 100 %
PdF:SZ6046 Educational and Psychology Assessment in Teaching Practice (Exercise) • 100 %
PdF:CJ6003 Teaching Practice 3 • 50 %
PdF:DE_DP Diploma Thesis • 42 %
PdF:DE3A08 Foreign Operations of the Army and Police of the Czech Republic 1990-2022 • 33 %
PdF:DE3A09 Selected chapters from the history of the Turkish Republic • 33 %
PdF:AJ_DP Diploma Thesis • 17 %
PdF:AJ6003 Teaching Practice 3 • 17 %
PdF:DE3A05 Pilgrim Ages and Pilgrims Sites in a European context • 17 %
PdF:OV6003 Teaching Practice 3 • 17 %
PdF:TI9001 Techniques and materials in the work of a special educator • 17 %
4th term
PdF:DE2B07 Cultural history for history teachers • 100 %
PdF:DE2B08 Historical geography for history teachers • 100 %
PdF:DE_DP Diploma Thesis • 33 %
PdF:DE_DPD Diploma Thesis - Completion • 33 %
PdF:DE3B04 Church Orders and monastery in the Middle Ages • 25 %
PdF:DE3B08 Disinformation warfare. Propaganda, manipulation and fake news in the contemporary world • 25 %
PdF:AJ_DPD Diploma Thesis - Completion • 17 %
PdF:CJP010 Guidelines for Writing Bachelor and Master Thesis • 17 %
PdF:DE3B05 Love, pleasure, relationships in the changes of centuries • 17 %
PdF:TI9006A E-COURSE: Recycling – Everything You Can Make Out of Waste • 17 %

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