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Curriculum vitae

  • doc. Libora OATES-INDRUCHOVÁ, Ph.D.
Current Academic Appointment
  • Department of Sociology
    Faculty of Social Studies
    Masaryk University
    Brno, Czech Republic
Current Position
  • Associate Professor / Reader
  • Dr. habil. (doc.): Szeged University, Hungary
  • Ph.D.: English Department, Lancaster University, UK
  • M.A.: English Department, Lancaster University, UK
  • Mgr.: Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Academic Employment
  • 2008-present: Associate Professor in Gender Studies, Dept. of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • 2004-2008: Assistant Professor in Gender Studies, Dept. of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • 1995 - 2006: Assistant Professor in English Literature and Gender Studies, Dept. of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities (until 2001 Institute of Modern Languages), University of Pardubice, Czech Republic.
  • 1999 - 2000: Visiting Lecturer, Institute of English and American Studies, Szeged University, Hungary.
  • SOC 457: Censorship and Silencing (in Czech)
  • GEN 102: History of the Women's Movement (in Czech)
  • GEN 117: Feminism in Czech and International Contexts (in Czech)
  • GEN 124: Gender in Literature (in Czech)
  • GEN 502: History of the Women's Movement (in Czech)
  • GEN 507: Gender Fieldwork: Feminist Methodology and Qualitative Research (in Czech)
  • GEN 107: Gender Fieldwork: Feminist Methodology and Qualitative Research (in Czech)
  • SOC 910: PhD Dissertation Seminar
  • SOC 222: MA Thesis Seminar
  • SOC 487: MA Thesis Seminar
  • SOC 508: MA Thesis Project
Current Research Projects
  • Transformation of Gender Culture in Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989
  • Academic Censorship under State Socialism: Czech Republic and Hungary
  • Censorship and Publishing in Social Sciences during the Normalization (1968-1989) (Czech version to be published by Libri)
International Scholarships (non-degree research)
  • 2008-2009: Marie Curie Fellow, Collegium Budapest Institute for Advanced Study, Hungary.
  • 2004: Visiting Scholar, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • 2004: Mellon Foundation Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh.
  • 1998-1999: Fellowship, Collegium Budapest / Institute for Advanced Study, Hungary.
  • 1996-1998: Doctoral Student Support Scholarship, CEU Foundation, Budapest, Hungary.
Research Grants
  • 2009-2011: GAČR (Czech Science Foundation) for the project Transformation of Gender Culture in Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989. Research team member.
  • 2008-2009: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (European Commission) for the project Academic Censorship under State Socialism: Czech Republic and Hungary.
  • 2003-2004: GAČR (Czech Science Foundation) for the project Self-censorship and 'text coding' of academic texts during Normalisation, 1968-1989.
  • 1999-2000: Research Support Scheme Grant awarded by the Open Society Support Foundation.
  • 1996: Research Support Scheme Grant awarded by the Open Society Institute (unable to accept due to the mutual exclusivity with the CEU Foundation Scholarship).
Major Publications
  • Books
  • 2007: Ženská literární tradice a hledání identit: antologie angloamerické feministické literární teorie [Women’s Literary Tradition and the Search for Identities: An Anthology of Anglo-American Feminist Literary Theory]. Praha: Slon. Editor. ISBN: 80-86429-69-5
  • 2004: with Andrea Koudelková, under the name Indruchová, Slovník odborných výrazů: atletika, česko anglický-anglicko český [Czech-English and English-Czech dictionary of track and field]. Praha: Karolinum, 109pp. ISBN 80-246-0881-2.
  • 2002: Discourses of Gender in Pre-and Post-1989 Czech Culture, Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series C, Supplement 4, Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice. 222pp. ISSN: 1213 3485, ISBN: 80-7194-434-3
  • 1998: Dívčí válka s ideologií: klasické texty angloamerického feministického myšlení. [Girls' war against ideology: classics of Anglo-American feminist thought.] Editor. Prague: Slon.
  • Articles
  • 2008 “The Limits of Thought?: Regulatory Framework of Social Sciences and Humanities in Czechoslovakia (1968-1989)”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 60,10: 1767-1782.
  • 2007: “Reporting or Story-telling?: Qualitative Research on Censorship in Czech Social Sciences, 1968-89.” Sociological Problems/Sociologicheski Problemi, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Knowledge, no. 1-2. Sofia: Institute of Sociology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. ISSN 0324-1572. (In Bulgarian)
  • 2006: "The Void of Acceptable Masculinity During Czech State Socialism: The Case of Radek John's Memento". Men and Masculinities. Vol.8, 4: 428-50. ISSN: 1097-184X
  • 2005: "From Raisa to Hillary: Gender Discourse in Political Speeches and Selected News Coverage of the Perestroika and Early Transition Years." In Medial Welten in Tschechien nach 1989: Genderprojektionen und Codes des Plebejismus, ed. by Jirina van Leeuwen-Turnovcova and Nicole Richter. Specimina Philologiae Slavicae, vol.142. München. Pp.57-71. ISBN 3-87690-896-5. PDF download (230 KB)
  • 2004: "Transforming and Emerging: Discourses of Gender in the Czech Culture of the Transition Period." In Representing Gender in Cultures, ed. by Elżbieta H. Oleksy and Joanna Rydzewska. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Pp. 107-17. ISBN: 3-631-50667-8 PDF download (1.9 MB)
  • 2004: "Moška telesa, ki se upirajo Zahodu in preteklosti: Telo in moškost v oglasih na Češkem." [Male Bodies Resisting the West and the Past: Body and Masculinity in Advertising in the Czech Republic.] Apokalipsa: Revija za preboj v živo kulturo. Into the Slovenian trans. by Marcello Potocco. Vol.78/79/80, April, May, June: 76-93. ISSN: 1318-3680.
  • 2003: "The Ideology of the Genderless Sporting Body: Reflections on the Czech State-Socialist Concept of Physical Culture." In Indeterminate Bodies, ed. by Naomi Segal, Roger Cook and Lib Taylor. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 48-66. ISBN: 0333949692. PDF download (1 MB)
  • 2002: "Genderově bezpříznakový diskurs?: Tělo v teorii tělesné kultury" [Gender-neutral discourse?: The body in the theory of physical culture], Filosofický časopis, Vol.50, 6: 971-89. ISSN: 0015-1831
  • 2002: "The 'Inner' Body in Physical Culture: Hidden theoretical possibilities in Czech state-socialist textbooks". Tidskrift för kulturstudier (Journal of Cultural Studies). 5:69-79.
  • 2000: "Male Bodies Resisting the West and the Past: Body and Masculinity in Advertising in the Czech Republic." East Central Europe-L'Europe du Centre-Est: Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Vol.27 (2000), Part 2: 21-35. PDF download (3.6 MB)
  • 1995: under the name Indruchová, "Žena na ulici: (Stereo)typické reprezentace žen v současné velkoplošné reklamě v České republice." [Women on the street: (stereo)typical representations of women in billboard advertising in the Czech Republic']. Sociologický časopis, Vol.31, 1:85-104.
Recent Invited Lectures
  • Oct 2008 “Under the “Eye of Sauron”: Professional Survival in Post-1968 Institutions and throughout Normalization.” Light in Shadows: Czechoslovakia 1968 Conference, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • Aug 2008 Invitation to convene and teach the course Histories of Alternative Cultures, HESP-ReSET Alternative Culture Beyond Borders summer school (Open Society Institute), Split, Croatia
  • Nov 2007 „The Eye of Sauron or the Enemy Within? : Ideological Regulation of Social Sciences and Humanities in Czechoslovakia in 1969-1989.” The Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • Oct 2007 „Zpráva z výzkumu nebo příběh?: publikování a cenzura ve společenských vědách za normalizace“ [A Research Report or a Story?: Publishing and Censorship in Social Sciences during Normalization], Jak ne/bádat o komunismu [How (Not) to Do Research on Communism] seminar, Institute for Contemporary History, Prague.
  • Mar 2007 „Experiences of Women’s Emancipation Prior and Subsequent to 1989“, invited speaker for the roundatable at Gender and Generations Conference, Dept. of Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Charles University, Prague.
  • Oct 2005 "From an Obituary to 'Four Sheets of Stories': Doing Research on Self-Censorship among Academics", Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London, UK.
  • Nov 2004: "Publish and Perish?: Memories of Publishing Barriers and Ideologized Language in Czech Academia before the Fall of State-Socialism," CREES, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • Nov 2004: "Women in Czech and Canadian Literature: Points of Similarity and Difference," Department of Slavic Langauges and Literatures, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • Nov 2004: "From Raisa to Hillary: Gender Discourse in Czech Newspapers from Perestroika to Transition," CREES, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • Feb 2004: "Publishing, Censorship and Women Academics in the Czech Republic, 1968-1989", English Dept., Lancaster University, UK.
  • Peer Reviewing:
  • Articles:
  • International Feminist Journal of Politics; Gender&History; Women’s Studies International Forum; Aspasia; Sociologický časopis (Czech Sociological Review); Litteraria Pragensia; Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum; Biograf
  • Book manuscripts:
  • Brill (Netherlands), Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Membership in Professional Associations:
  • British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES)
  • Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS)
  • Česká asociace anglistů (CZASE; Czech Association of English Studies)
  • International Samizdat Research Association (ISRA)


Curriculum vitae: doc. Libora Oates-Indruchová, Ph.D. (učo 132754), version: English(1), last update: 2009/02/23 15:50, L. Oates-Indruchová