angličtinaPřihlášení do IS MU
For bank transfers from foreign bank accounts, please provide the following information:

Ben. account No. / IBAN:CZ48 0100 0001 0773 5409 0287
Beneficiary:Masarykova univerzita
Address:Žerotínovo nám. 9
City, ZIP:Brno, 601 77
Country:Česká republika
Benef. bank:
Beneficiary's bank:Komerční banka, nám. Svobody 21, Brno, 631 31
Detail of charges:OUR
Account No.for charges:must not be a Masaryk University account
Pay by cheque:use "NO"

Please make sure that you also enclose the following information with the payment order:

  • the total to pay in EUR
  • the payment identification number associated with the order placed with the Shopping Center as well as the customer's name (use the "Details of Payment" (or similar) section for this purpose)