8. 11. 2010 15:53nové
Dotazy specifické pro lékařskou fakultu.
12. 7. 2010 21:01nové
Nicholas/ Mathematics or Physics
I am preparing for the entrance exams in order to study Medicine in Masaryk university with the knowledge of biology and chemistry from my previous school. The issue is with physics, my knowledge is very limited in this area and its a part of the entrance exam. On the positive side I am quite good at maths, so does any one know if the university gives students a choice in the entry exams of either mathematics or physics, like some other universities in Czech do. To all those who know about the entrance exam procedures your comments are very appreciated.
změněno 12. 7. 2010 21:14 nové
As far as I know, I'm afraid not.
There is no choice between maths and physics.
You are obliged to pass the entrance exam which consists of biology, chemistry
and physics.
More info You can find here http://www.med.muni.cz/index.php?id=9.
There are also sample tests avaliable, here
http://www.med.muni.cz/index.php?id=349 and model questions here