Administrativa (doklady, platby atd.) - Diskusní fórum k přijímacímu řízení 2017 - Diskuse
Daniel Kluka,
Certifikáty, diplomy
Dobrý večer,
prosím Vás, chcel by som sa Vás spýtať ohľadom diplomov a certifikátov. Je potrebné aby som ich zaslal, ak nejaké mám? Kam by som ich mohol zaslať?
Dobrý deň,
ak neplánujete žiadať o odpustenie prijímacej skúšky (podmienky viď žiadosť na tak nič neposielate.
Behrang Tavakoli,
Dear Sir/Madam
This is Behrang Tavakoli, I applied for PhD Management and I ordered application fee has not confirmed yet please tell me what is my application status?
Before that I appreciate for your kind help,
I look forward hearing from you as soon as possible,
Please reply to my request based on my application through my email address :
tel: 00989112285462
By the way, I know the English as my second language.
Yours Sincerely,
Behrang Tavakoli
This is Behrang Tavakoli, I applied for PhD Management and I ordered application fee has not confirmed yet please tell me what is my application status?
Before that I appreciate for your kind help,
I look forward hearing from you as soon as possible,
Please reply to my request based on my application through my email address :
tel: 00989112285462
By the way, I know the English as my second language.
Yours Sincerely,
Behrang Tavakoli