6 – Split leap

The split leap is usually initiated with preparatory steps, followed by a take off from one leg, which is accompanied by a forward swing of the other leg. Then the take-off leg actively swings backwards. At maximum split, both ankles are at their maximum height. After that, the gymnast lands on one foot and decelerates the movement.

Split leap
View of the practitioner

Při dálkovém skoku se těžiště těla pohybuje po parabolické křivce. Její tvar je určen v okamžiku odrazu a to konkrétně velikostí počáteční rychlosti a úhlem vzletu. Při doskoku působí setrvačné síly, které tlačí trup do předklonu a zanoženou dolní končetinu dolů. Aby nedošlo k těmto nežádoucím pohybům, vzpřimovače trupu, hýžďové svaly i extenzory kyčelního kloubu musí provést aktivní izometrickou kontrakci.

Split leap: Biomechanics
  • Insufficient split.
  • Too low flight.
  • Bent head.
  • Torso or legs.
  • Physical preparation 1

    Static stretching of the muscles of the lower limbs.

    Split leap: Physical preparation 1.1
    Split leap: Physical preparation 1.2
  • Physical preparation 2

    To strengthen the hip flexors and extensors, lift your lower leg forward or backward. You can use a support.

    Split leap: Physical preparation 2.1
    Split leap: Physical preparation 2.2
    Split leap: Physical preparation 2.3
  • Drill 1

    Perform split leaps in a smaller range on a line on the ground. Gradually increase the range.

    Split leap: Drill 1.1
    Split leap: Drill 1.2
  • Drill 2

    Follow up with split leaps in a smaller range on the balance beam.

    Split leap: Drill 2