Indirect speech

At the lower level - B1, we looked at the basic rules for indirect speech and the verbs say and tell. However, there are many more verbs for reporting. For example, we can report direct speech with such expressions as: He predicted that…, She complained that …, etc.

Exercise 1

Use the right forms of the expressions to complete the reports of what was said. Make them negative if necessary, using the short forms.

explain predict complain expect lend would was could

We should remember the verb patterns, i.e., whether the verb is followed by an infinitive, -ing form, or the “that” clause. Below are several examples:


Exercise 2

Use the right forms of the expressions to complete the reports of what was said. Make them negative if necessary, using the short forms.

Reporting with passive verbs

We can report what people say about somebody else by using the structure subject + passive verb + to-infinitive

Example in the present: Everyone says that Peter is very good at languages. Peter is said to be very good at languages.

Exercise 3

Report these sentences using the passive structure.