Obrázek kurzu
E-learning preparatory courses are for students who intend to study General Medicine, Dentistry or Physiotherapy in English language.

The goal of the course is revising secondary school knowledge of Chemistry and practicing answering skills essential for success at the entrance examination.

Description of the course: this course consists of several units (see the course contents) in which theoretical backgrounds needed for understanding the given topic are specified.
Each unit contains a short test providing feedback on partial knowledge, a discussion group serving as space for participants’ communication with both their colleagues and tutors.
Individual courses are concluded with final tests similar to the actual entrance tests; its score informs about participants’ chance to pass the entrance exam.

The course is available to purchase from November 1st 2020 to July 21st 2021 and open until September 15th 2021.

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After the payment it takes few days (2-3) than the payment is assigned in system and status of your order will changed from "payment not received" to "paid". Please be patient you will be informed about the change via e-mail.
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Chemistry - preparatory course

https://is.muni.cz/ekurzy/FMCH_2020 Zkopírovat odkaz do schránky

21 lekcí
celkem 85 hodin
nyní nelze zakoupit
Pokud už e-kurz studujete, přihlaste se do IS MU.
Přihlašování probíhá od 1. 11. 2020 do 1. 10. 2021


prof. RNDr. Eva Táborská, CSc.
doc. RNDr. Jiří Dostál, CSc.
doc. Mgr. Petr Táborský, Ph.D.
doc. RNDr. Josef Tomandl, Ph.D.
Mgr. Kateřina Vopěnková, Ph.D.
MUDr. Bc. Eva Závodná, Ph.D.

Osnova e-kurzu

  •   1. Basic chemical terms
  •   2. Stoichiometric calculations
  •   3. Atomic structure
  •   4. Periodic table of elements
  •   5. Chemical bonds
  •   6. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
  •   7. Solutions. Electrolytes. Acids and Bases
  •   8. Oxidation and reduction
  •   9. Brief synapsis of inorganic compounds
  • 10. Introduction to organic chemistry
  • 11. Alcohols. Thiols. Aldehydes
  • 12. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives
  • 13. Amines. Nitro compounds
  • 14. Heterocyclic compounds
  • 15. Sacharides
  • 16. Fatty acids and lipids
  • 17. Amino acids and proteins
  • 18. Enzymes
  • 19. Vitamins
  • 20. Nucleotides and nucleic acids
  • 21. Energy and metabolism

Více o e-kurzu