
Organizational Instructions to the Course

1. Course Description

The course is designed as an introduction to basic principles of marketing and to help students develop basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them to enter the field of marketing. It offers the basic theoretical framework of marketing, including segmentation, buyer behavior, product management; marketing communications, channel management, and pricing decisions are introduced on this subject. Students are also introduced to basic concepts in market research and management of marketing programs.

You can follow all lectures via the platform: You need your student ID (UČO) and faculty password to log in. From there, it is a straightforward process.

 2. Topics to be covered

 The following topics will be covered throughout the semester:

  • Defining marketing for the 21st century
  • Developing marketing strategies and plans
  • Marketing information system and Marketing research
  • Analyzing consumer markets
  • Analyzing business markets
  • Product and service strategy
  • Brand equity and brand positioning
  • Competitive strategies
  • Market segmentation
  • Pricing strategies and programs
  • Marketing channels
  • Marketing communication

3. Course Goals

After passing this course students should be able to use (and understand) typical methods and tools of marketing management, to understand and to applicate marketing theory models into practical life (during the lectures case studies and empirical examples will be introduced).

4. Required Texts, Materials, or Equipment

Mandatory literature (M):

  • KOTLER, Philip, Kevin Lane KELLER, Mairead BRADY, Malcolm GOODMAN a Torben HANSEN. Marketing management. 4th European edition. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2019. xxxvii, 80. ISBN 9781292248448. 
  • (the older ed.: Kotler, P. and Keller, K. Marketing management, 14th ed., 2011. Prentice-Hal - you can find the pdf in Learning Materials)

                  Please note that chapter numbering may differ in various editions so follow teacher´s instructions in lectures.

5. Course completion requirements

Successful completion of the course requires meeting the conditions described below:

In order to be admitted to the final test you must:

  • have duly completed the compulsory attendance requirement;
  • actively cooperate in solving teamwork problems with team members;
  • deliver required materials by the designated deadlines (only 1 team member posts the material, but the others are responsible for posting them).

Violation of even 1 of the above conditions is a reason for not admitting the student to the final test or applying a sanction by the instructor.

6. Course Grading

6.1. Seminar evaluation

Seminar work consists of several team activities solved during the semester and following each other so it is important to not underestimated any part. Two resulted works ((I.) data poster and (II.) video) are given evaluation. It is possible to get 0-100% on each of these two works. The evaluation is based on compliance with the assignment, the sophistication of the solution, and the degree of use of the functions of the application designed for the development of the work. Specifics of the evalution are described in Seminar work - details part. The final value of the seminar work is given by the arithmetic average of the evaluation from two team tasks (poster and video/comics).

All team members receive the same value. An exception is when team members notify the instructor that a certain team member did not participate in the work. The marked student will be awarded a value of 0% on that teamwork.

6.2. Final test

The final test consists of closed-ended questions and covers all lecture topics (see table 1). Students can choose to write the final test either in Czech or English language. Please reserve an hour for the exam term.

Specifics of scoring test questions will be told before the first exam date.

Any copying, recording, or taking out of the test, use of unauthorized aids as well as communication devices, or any other interference with the objectivity of the examination (credit) will be considered as a failure to meet the requirements for graduation and as a gross violation of the study regulations. As a result, the instructor will close the examination (credit) with a grade of "F" in the IS and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings, which may result in termination of studies.

6.3. Final evaluation of the course

The final evaluation of the course is given by the weighted average of the values from the seminar works (weight 0.5), and from the final test (weight 0.5).

Explanation of Grading System:

  • Seminar works = 50 %
  • Final test = 50 %

6.4. Course Grading Scale

The following scale applies when it comes to final evaluation:


93.00 -> 100

Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.


85.00 -> 92.99

Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject matter


77.00 -> 84.99

Moderately broad knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.


69.00 -> 76.99

Reasonable knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.


60.00 -> 68.99

Minimum knowledge and understanding of subject matter.


Unacceptable level of knowledge and understanding of subject matter.

7. Course Policies and Other Information

7.1. Attendance Policy

Attendance at lectures is not compulsory, but is highly recommended - it will help you get the most out of your participation in the exercises. Attendance and active participation in the exercises are compulsory (applicable for online mode: just because your computer is connected is not active participation). You can miss a maximum of 2 seminars.

COVID-19 permitting, tests, presentations, and semester projects will take place in classroom mode. In any case, we will keep you posted upfront. 

7.2. Penalties for Late Work

Students must respect deadlines. They are created according to the abilities of university students and are applicable to all. In case students need to extend the date, they need to inform the lecturer in advance and explain the valid reason.

7.3. Policies on missed Exams and Make-up Exams

Any copying, keeping a record of tests, using forbidden aids including any communication devices, or any other breach of objectivity of the test/exam is regarded as a failure to meet the obligations of the subject and as a serious breach of study regulations. As a consequence, the teacher grades a student with an "F" and the dean is allowed to initiate disciplinary action, which might lead to the termination of the studies.

7.4. Requests for feedback on drafts and request to revise

Students can, at any time during the semester, ask lecturers for feedback, advice, suggestion, or revision of their ongoing work. This is done either during the seminars, during office hours, or via email.

7.5. Disclaimer

The lecturers reserve the right to make modifications to this information throughout the semester. Some topics may be covered by external experts.

8. Preliminary Schedule of Topics and Required Readings

Table 1

Date of lecture

Topics/Assigned Readings for Lectures

Scope of seminars



Introduction to Marketing
(chapt. 1)

Introduction to seminar tasks

Case study



Business environment, analyzing consumer markets
(chapt. 6)

Group work: environment analysis


Target marketing (segmentation, targeting) 
chapt. 8)
Group work: buyer persona development


Group work: study design, survey development



Brand equity and brand positioning

(chapt. 9,10 from p. 241 in 14th ed.; chapt. 10, 11 from p. 297 in 15th ed.)

Case study



Marketing information system and Marketing research

(chapt. 3 & 4)

Group work:  Analysing the results of the survey in form of a poster


Reading week

Reading week

  09.04.2024 Competitive strategies
chapt. 11) 

Group work: Presentation of postersPK


Analyzing business markets
(chapt. 7)

Group work: Optimalization ideas


Marketing communication

(chapt. 17, from p. 475 in 14th ed.; chapt. 19 from p. 579 in 15th ed.)

Group work: Video

Guest: Aneta Beranová, dm-drogerie markt


Product strategy

(chapt. 12 and 13)



Marketing channels

(chapt. 15, from p. 414 in 14th ed.; chapt. 17 from p. 515 15th ed.)

Wednesday groups: cancelled due to public holiday

Thursday groups: Presentation of video


Pricing strategies and programs

(chapt. 14, from p. 382 in 14th ed.; chapt. 16 from p. 482 15th ed.)

Wednesday groups: Presentation of video

Thursday groups: cancelled due to rector's day off.

 Note: OČ - Ondřej Částek; RČ - Renata Čuhlova; DM - Dušan Mladenović; PK - Prateek Kalia

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or something is unclear.

BPH_MAR1/AMA1 Marketing 1 Team:

doc. Ing. Ondřej Částek, Ph.D.

Ing. Renata Čuhlová, Ph.D., BA (Hons)

Ph.D. Prateek Kalia

Ing. Ladislava Kuchynková, Ph.D.

Ing. Dušan Mladenović, Ph.D.