Project in Object-oriented Design of Information Systems

Week 1: Introductory Lesson


  • Semester outline
  • Student responsibilities
    • Regular attendance
      • Attendance will be monitored since the third week.
      • 1 non-excused absences during the semester (since the third week).
    • Regular work on UML models
      • In general, models will focus on the application of software patterns in software life cycle as well as component-based system development.
      • Concrete models required for successful assessment will be specified during the semester
  • Tool introduction
    • Hint: How to avoid incorrect Czech letters encoding in PDF reports?
      • Tools -> Report -> Generate PDF Report...
      • Tab "Options"
      • Font: Arial (or other Czech font)
  • Case study introduction
    • Masaryk University has developed an information system, referred to as IS MU. This system consists of many modules covering wide range of university activities, e.g. complete study agenda, classroom management, e-shop etc. In our project, we will suppose that the development of IS MU reached maintenance limits. Every change in the code produces many errors in unrelated parts of the system which makes the system maintenance very complicated. This is the common situation after the continuous long time adaptation of a system to user requirements. Our goal is therefore to refactor the system in the way that the new architecture will strictly adopt component-based design.
    • Our refactoring comprises several phases. During the first phase, that has been already done, initial use case model has been outlined. This model comes from current IS MU services and represents the top-level overview to the most important modules. Another phases, e.g. analysis, design of selected components, components assembly, etc., will follow.
  • Team formation
    • Appoint couples.


  • Go through the use case model in order to understand the problem domain. Find possible inconsistencies with the behavior of the real IS MU.  Discuss uncertain aspects of the system.
  • Write short documentation for every use case in the model (can be in Czech):
    • Right-click on the use case then open "Specification -> General Tab".
    • 1-3 sentences describing crucial aspects of the use case (e.g. key services).
  • Homework:
    • Read the specification of the Ollie's Order Centre (see link bellow), pages 31-33. This demo system will be used in next lessons to demonstrate the application of analysis and design patterns.

How to Import License Key to Visual Paradigm

When the VP is launched for the first time, it requires to set up a license:

  • Click to "Change License"
  • Select "Perpetual License"
  • Click to "Single Seat License - Import Key File"
  • Find the license key file on your local disk (see Links section)


How to switch Visual Paradigm to English

  • Menu "Nástroje" -> "Volby aplikační..."
  • "Obecné" (first item in the list in the left hand side), tab "Vzhled"
  • Choose "English" in the section "Instalovaný uživatelský jazyk"
  • Click to "Použít".


Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.