Nová média a politika

Týden 9 - Kyberaktivismus II

Subaktivismus, haktivismus, kulturní sabotáž

Povinná literatura:

  • Bakardjieva, M. 2009. „Subactivism: Lifeworld and Politics in the Age of the Internet.“ The Information Society 25 (2): 91-104.

Doporučená literatura:

  • Baumgartner, J. C. 2007. Humor on the next frontier: Youth, Online Political Humor and the JibJab Effect. Social Science Computer Review 25: 319-338.
  • Beck, U. 2007. Vynalézání politiky: k teorii reflexivní modernizace. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.
  • Cammaerts, B. 2007. Jamming the Political: blond counter-hegemonic practices. Continuum: journal of media & cultural studies 21 (1): 71-90.
  • Van Laer, J. - Van Aelst, P. 2010. Cyber-protest and civil society: The Internet and action repretoires in social movements. Pp. 230-254 in Jewkes, Y. -  Yar, M. (eds.). Handbook of Internet Crime. London: Willan Publishing.
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