Czech Legal Culture

Sources of Law - assignment

Sources of Law

  • Constitution and constitutional laws
  • International treaties approved by the Parliament and ratified by the President of the Republic
  • Statutes adopted by the Parliament Derived legislation
  • Legislative acts of territorial self-governing units 

Legislative process:

The legislative process varies according to the type of legislation adopted. If concentrating on the legislative process in the Parliament (i.e. adoption of statutes), all the bills (návrhy zákonů) are introduced in the Chamber of Deputies. Bills may be introduced by Deputies, groups of Deputies, the Senate, the government, or representative bodies of higher territorial self-governing units (i.e. regions) (Art. 42 CCR). In practice, the great majority of the bills are introduced by the government. The detailed provisions of the (floor) debate in both chambers of the Parliament are regulated by the Rules of Procedure of both chambers (by law no. 90/1995 Coll., Standing Rules of the Chamber of Deputies Act and by law no. 107/1999 Coll., Standing Rules of the Senate Act. (source)

Publication and promulgation of the legislation:

Voluntary reading:

Franceso Parisi: Sources of Law and the Institutional Design of Lawmaking

John Chipman Gray: The Nature and Sources of the Law

Czech legislative process

Publication of laws


Constitution of the Czech republic

Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms