Human Rights in Europe

First group presentation

Here you will find all the neccessary information about the first group presentation. 

1) Let me repeat the information from my last e-mail: Please form groups of 4 people. If that does not compute, then (exceptionally) a group of 3 or 5 is also acceptable. VERY IMPORTANT: As some you contacted me that you will be missing, Everyone will prepare the presentation as a video presentation, i. e. you will record your presentation on a laptop or a a phone (simply record the camera) and then you will upload it to a folder below. This way, you can participate and cooperate even if you have uncompatible schedules. The deadline for uploading this will be the 19th of November (giving you even more time to finish it). You can record your presentation as a group or you can record your parts individually (after dividing the work) and put the recordings together. You can also use powepoint as part of your presentations but it is not obligatory. The presentations should take roughly 20 minutes and it is advised that you split the time between all member of the group (5 mins per person on average).

2) The assignment - I have a challenge for you! Please make yourself familiar with the facts of the case Rosa Edelmira PINDO MULLA against Spain, that will be decided by the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR.{%22itemid%22:[%22001-209983%22]} (also below in a pdf)

Your job is to formulate arguments both for the government (arguing that the rights were not violated) and for the applicant (arguing that the rights were violated). You can divide your work in any way you want, but it might be logical if two always two people would be responsible for arguing for a particular party (but the final recording will always have to contain arguments for both sides).

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