Quality of Life
Mgr. Bc. Jaroslav Biolek
Quality of Life
jaro 2017
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 20. 2. 2017 do 5. 3. 2017.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 6. 3. 2017 do 19. 3. 2017.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 20. 3. 2017 do 2. 4. 2017.
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 3. 4. 2017 do 16. 4. 2017.
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 17. 4. 2017 do 30. 4. 2017.
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 1. 5. 2017 do 14. 5. 2017.
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 15. 5. 2017 do 28. 5. 2017.

Týden 1+2

Basic information

- 1 lesson a week (Tuesday morning)
- compulsory attendance (missing 1 lesson without apologize, 2 with apologize are permitted)
- discussion or workshop form - active participation
- experiential learning and reflection, practice-oriented learning
- e-learning, reading texts and working in the interactive syllabus


Jaroslav Biolek




1) What do you imagine when anyone says "quality of life"? (mind map)

2) Critical reading the text of "Introduction to quality of life" - subjectivity, complexity, relativity (dual-entry diary)

3) Reflection on the reading  and discussion on your comments and ideas


Plans for seminars

1. Interactive discussions about topics related with QoL and geography

- reading books, articles about QoL

- discussions about concepts of QoL, multidimensionality, methodology, research on QoL...


2. Applied research on a problem concerned QoL in Brno

- reading articles in newspapers, journals

- walking through Brno, observing a life in the city, talking with people...

Tasks for next week:

- think of 2-3 particular problems concerned QoL in Brno which you would like to do research on and send your suggestions

- write a short essay on QoL (your point of view on QoL) and upload in https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/1431/jaro2017/Z8147/ode/ode_68109089/


Poslední změna: 17. 2. 2015 13:28.04https://prezi.com/uzf4qy3jcvqb/quality-of-life-seminars/

Týden 3+4

Asking pre-research questions

What is my aim for studying this subject?

What are my expectations?

Why should we do research on QoL?

What is a goal of our research? Which topic? What would I like to do?

What kind of research? With whom? For whom?

What are outputs of this research? Who owns the results? How are they (re)presented? By and for whom?


Choosing research topic or problem

- think of the topics on our research 

- choose the most important topic according to criterias of your interest, relation to QoL, problem relevance and "doability".

Your themes are:
- way of socialization on the public spaces
- smoking on the streets
- quality of air
- priorities for improvement of QoL (denizens x newcomers)
- bike lanes
- political participation
- emotional and mental mapping
- plan for "development" of area upon cemetery

Poslední změna: 5. 3. 2015 18:47.28

Starting points of our research

- response and reflection on the research questions

- undertaking our research - doing field notes

- reading the cookbooks, other research accounts, case studies...

- mixing up reading, writing and doing

- no conceptualizing and theorizing, rather following the real associations

- thinking of the selected problem through the relations and associations which are connected with

- drawing a schema of these actors and their connections (as a mind map)

- discussing the character of these relations

- thinking of our role in this network how we can use our power to do relevant research on this problem concerned with QoL

Poslední změna: 12. 3. 2015 17:54.20

Network of the actors and our research?

How can we use this network to do the research on QoL?

What actors should we focus on? Why?

Whose QoL do we do research on?

What kind of the research could we apply on these actors?

What kind of the methodology could we use investigating on these actors (or with them)?

What are time-space circumstances and limitations?


Specification of the research aim

- which locality / community?
- pre-research observation / psycho-geographical mental mapping?
- writing the notes / taking the photos?

- what will be the outputs?


Týden 5+6

Discussion about research on the development of locality above Central cemetery

1. Purpose of this research?
- definition of key questions
- covering research issues - present activities and problems x future plans

2. Characteristics of this place?
- interactions? processes?
- actors? things?
- fitting together?

3. Our basic questions?
- who, for who, where?
- what, with whom?
- when?
- how?
-► PLAN: - time
               - methods
               - people


Týden 7+8

Týden 9+10

Týden 11+12

Týden 13+14