English for Physics I

WEEK 14: Final Test & Self Assessment / Resubmissions

To get credit, you need:

- formal email

- article summary

- presentation of an experiment

- credit test (online, you will take from your home). To revise for the test, go through the materials we did in class or complete the online exercises in the Interactive Outline.

After the test, complete the self-evaluating questionnaire below. It is anonymous and it serves as a tool for you to reflect on what we did in our course.

Deadline: 19 December

through this folder you can resubmit the tasks (either the email or the summary) you were asked to rewrite. Deadline: 19 December

If you are registered for the JA001 exam, below you will find topics for the oral part. You can speak about whatever you want or you can be inspired by the topics covered in our course this semester. Prepare a 5 minute talk about the topics below (no power point)

  1. Define two terms from your field of study and support them with relevant examples (plasma - geomagnetic storms, solar wind, hot plasma, cold plasma, the big bang, liquids, solids, gases)
  2. Present a (controversial) problem related to your field of study.
  3. Describe and explain a process / notion / experiment within your field of study (the photoelectric effect, Davisson-Germer experiment, Schrodinger experiment, the big bang, experiment from your presentation)
  4. Compare and contrast phenomena from your field of study (states of matter - liquids, solids, gases)
  5. Classify systems in your field of study (plasma - astrophysical, terrestrial, artificial)
  6. Describe a cause and effect relationship from your field of study.
  7. Speculate on an issue from your field of study (apocalyptic scenarios, how to survive an apocalypse)