PA010 Course Organization
RNDr. Katarína Furmanová, Ph.D.
PA010 Course Organization
podzim 2023

Dear students,

Welcome to the PA010 Intermediate Computer Graphics course. It is a successor of the PB009 Principles of Computer Graphics course. Here, you will find the basic information about the course organization.

The lectures will be held in person in the D1 lecture room. During the semester, you will get two programming assignments, and there will be two programming sessions held instead of lectures. For the programming sessions, we will ask you to bring your laptops. 

Task assignments, how and when they will be announced, when are the deadlines

In the third (3. 10.) and ninth (14. 11.) week of the semester, there will be the programming sessions, where you will get the assignment and start working on that together with us. 

For each assignment, you will have a dedicated folder in the study materials in IS, where you will find all the necessary templates and information just before the session. If you don't finish the whole assignment within the session, you have to finish it yourself. You will need to submit each assignment to the corresponding Homework vault.

Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text

The deadline for the first assignment: 31. 10. (including).

Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text

The deadline for the second assignment: 12. 12. (including).

How the tasks will be evaluated

The points for the assignments will be based on the following principle. For each of them, you can get up to 15 points. After submitting, your solutions will be manually checked by the tutors. If there is some error in the solution or the solution is incomplete, you will lose points (based on the severity of the problem). However, you will still have to fix and resubmit the correct solution to complete the course successfully. The main rule is to have the solutions for both assignments submitted and accepted preferably before going to the final exam. If you don't manage that (for example, the exam is before your deadline for resubmission of your last task), you can still write the exam. In such a case, if you pass the exam, you will get your grade only when both assignments are submitted and approved. If you fail the exam, you will get a notification immediately so that you can enroll in another exam term. 

To pass the course successfully, you have to obtain at least 15 points from both assignments

Please be careful that your submitted source code has to be your own! You can consult the tasks with your colleagues, but the solution has to be written by you.

Final grade

The final evaluation of the course will consist of two parts: 30 points for programming tasks and 70 points for the written final exam. You have to obtain at least 35 points from the exam to pass it. 

To pass the whole course, you have to get at least 50 points (minimally 15 points from the assignments and minimally 35 points from the exam)

The grading system will be the following:

  • A ... 90 - 100 points
  • B ... 80 - 89 points
  • C ... 70 - 79 points
  • D ... 60 - 69 points
  • E ... 50 - 59 points
  • F ... 0 - 49 points

The final written exam will consist of open questions on selected topics discussed within the lectures. 

Where do I find the study materials?

The study materials will consist of slides available in IS. These should be sufficient for the successful completion of this course. 

Questions and problems

Questions: send email to,,

If you encounter any problems during the semester, please contact me ( - the sooner, the better. All problems can be solved...
