PřF FYPZAK Plasma Physics
Name in Czech: Plasma Physics
doctoral combined specialized, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: PřF D-FYA_ Physics

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    State doctoral examination
    The state doctoral examination verifies the students' knowledge in plasma physics, related disciplines and disciplines connected with the topic of the dissertation as well as their ability to creatively solve physical problems, beginning by their formulation continuing with their solution using appropriate devices up to the interpretation of the results. The examination is oral, topics are determined by members of the examination comitee. The students have the right to prepare the answers beforehand. The duration of preparation is 30 minutes.

    The requirements for admission to the state doctoral examination are the passing of the courses FC154 Individual study 1, FB153 Individual study 2 and at least one of the introductory courses (FB502 Deposition and analysis of thin films, FB501 Plasma diagnostics and simulations, FB503 Surface modifications and plasma applications).

    Requirements for the dissertation thesis

    The students submit the dissertation thesis in accordance with the MU study and examination regulations. The basis of the thesis are original scientific (theoretical, experimental or applied) results acquired during the doctoral studies. A necessary condition for submitting the thesis is either the publication of the results or their part or the acceptance for publication in highly regarded scientific journals. If the students present the results of collective work, it is necessary to state which parts of it are their work.
  • Requirements of the study
    The preparation of the dissertation takes place during the whole duration of the studies and comprises at least 60% of the workload.

    During the second semester at the latest the students in concert with their advisors create their Individual Study Plan (ISP) and present it for approval to the PhD commission.

    At the end of the 3rd year of study i.e. 6th semester at the latest the student
    - have passed all theoretical preparation examinations (obligatory ones and the ones chosen with the advisor in the ISP) comprising approximately 20% of the workload (point 4 of the approved ISP) excepting ongoing seminars
    - present the results of their work in English at the Institute seminar (point 5 of the approved ISP)
    - prove their foreign language competence (point 6 of the approved ISP)
    - discharge their duties connected with their pedagogical development (at most 10% of the workload and point 8 of the approved ISP)

    At the end of their studies, ideally during the standard 4 year duration of their studies, i.e. at the end of the 8th semester the students
    - present their findings at an international scientific conference (point 3 of the approved ISP)
    - undergo the obligatory international research internship at least 1 month in duration
    - present their findings in an international scientific journal - 10% of the workload ((point 2 of the approved ISP)
    - finish their dissertation thesis and file the application to defend their dissertation thesis (point 1 and 2 of the approved ISP)
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    Modeling of plasma sources with magnetic field (ongoing thesis), Mgr. Martin Kubečka,
    Advisor: Mgr. Zdeněk Bonaventura, Ph.D.

    Purification and activation of metal and semiconductor surfaces in plasma generated at atmospheric pressure (proposed thesis), Advisor: prof. RNDr. Mirko Černák

    Electric and spectroscopic analysis of micro-discharges (proposed thesis), Advisor: Mgr. Tomáš Hoder, Ph.D.

Recommended progress through the study plan


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PřF:F6710Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology D. Trunecz 0/1/02*8 --
PřF:FB153Individual study 2 D. Trunecz 0/04 2-
PřF:FC154Individual study 1 D. Trunecz 0/04 1-
24 credits


The student enrolls into at least one of the three courses.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PřF:FB501Plasma Diagnostics and Simulations A. Obrusníkz 1/2/03 1-
PřF:FB502Deposition and analysis of thin films P. Součekz 1/2/03 1-
PřF:FB503Surface modifications and plasma applications T. Homolaz 1/3/03 1-
9 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PřF:F7900Students seminary V. Kudrlez 0/1/01 1-
PřF:FB010Elementary processes in plasma 2 D. Truneck 2/1/03+1 1-
PřF:FB041Seminar on plasma deposition and material characterization M. Černákz 0/1/01 1-
PřF:FB100Plasma chemical processes M. Černákz 2/02 1-
PřF:FB240Physics of high-frequency discharges P. Dvořákz 2/0/02 1-
PřF:FC020Numerical methods in plasma physics D. Truneck 1/1/02+1 2-
PřF:FC042Seminar on plasma deposition and material characterization M. Černákz 0/1/01 2-
PřF:FC052Seminar from diagnostics and modeling of plasma M. Černákz 0/1/01 2-
PřF:FC250Plasma and Dry Nano/Microtechnologies L. Zajíčkovák 2/1/03+1 2-
PřF:FC500Analytical models and advanced concepts in plasma physics T. Hoderk 1/1/02 2-
PřF:FC510Special topics in nanotechnology science M. Feketek 2/0/01+1 2-
23 credits