SZ6638 Educational Communication

Pedagogická fakulta
podzim 2020
0/0/.5. 6 hodin. 3 kr. Ukončení: k.
Mgr. Jiřina Karasová (přednášející)
doc. Mgr. Jana Kratochvílová, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Radek Pospíšil, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Lucie Škarková, Ph.D. (přednášející)
doc. RNDr. Eva Trnová, PhD. (přednášející)
Mgr. et Mgr. Marie Hošťálková (cvičící)
Mgr. Jarmila Bradová, Ph.D.
Katedra pedagogiky – Pedagogická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: doc. RNDr. Eva Trnová, PhD.
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Katedra pedagogiky – Pedagogická fakulta
Rozvrh seminárních/paralelních skupin
SZ6638/Kombi01: Pá 23. 10. 9:00–11:50 učebna 20, Pá 13. 11. 13:00–15:50 učebna 20, E. Trnová
!NOWANY( SZ6038 Pedagogická komunikace )
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
Cíle předmětu
The aim of the course is to
(a) familiarize students (through topics 1-10) with the specifics of classroom communication. This will be achieved by various teaching methods and forms that will allow students to observe and evaluate the diversity of classroom communication when using them in the instruction;
(b) develop student's ability to reflect specific educational situations in relation to characteristics of classroom communication as well as in relation to individual actors of classroom communication (teacher, teacher assistant, pupil, parent).
Learning outcomes:
On completion of this course, the student will be able to: • discuss selected issues of classroom communication and use knowledge gained by studying scientific literature to support their arguments (see topics 1-10).
• evaluate their existing educational communication, appoint its strengths and identify ways to improve it.
• provide a schoolmate with constructive feedback on their performance at the seminar, and prove mastery of skills at required level, while also understanding classroom communication in particular teaching situations. 1. Pedagogická komunikace a pedagogická interakce, vliv sebepojetí učitele na jeho pedagogické jednání. 2. Komunikace verbální (mluvený i psaný projev) a neverbální. Specifika pedagogické komunikace (IRF komunikační struktura, dialog ve výuce, podmínky, metody, obsah, prostředky, cíle). 3. Efektivní komunikace s rodiči žáků: učitel – žák – rodič. 4. Otázky pedagoga – podle fází výuky a podle výukových metod. Otázky pedagoga – podle kognitivních a afektivních cílů. Zpětná vazba – její druhy, funkce a význam pro učení jedince. 5. Využití prostoru v pedagogické komunikaci, proxemika. 6. Techniky vedení rozhovoru, naslouchání, shrnování, rekapitulace. Emocionální stránka pedagogické komunikace (akceptace, empatie, pozitivita, expresivita, humor apod.). • describe and analyze teaching or educational situation (among other, virtual classroom observations on websites are used) in terms of classroom communication, making use of scientific terminology. Propose an alteration to teaching or educational situation, which corresponds with the rules of effective classroom communication.
  • Main topics (syllabus):
  • 1. Classroom communication and classroom interaction, affect of teacher's slef-concept on their teaching actions. Verbal communication (spoken and written) and nonverbal communication.
  • 2. The specifics of classroom communication (IFR structure, dialogue in instruction, conditions, methods, content, resources, objectives). Effective communication with parents : teacher - pupil - parent.
  • 3. Teacher's questions - according to stages and teaching methods. Teacher´s questions - according to cognitive and affective goals.
  • 4. Feedback - its types, functions and importance for individual's learning. Use of space in classroom communication, proxemics. 5. Techniques of interviewing, listening, summarizing, recapitulation. Emotional side of classrroom communications (acceptance, empathy, positivity, expressivity, humor etc.).
  • 6. Nonviolent communication.Presentation skills – powerpoint.
    povinná literatura
  • Bender, Y. (2005). The tactful teacher: Effective communication with parents, colleagues, and administrators. Nomad Press. Available at:
  • BROOKHART, Susan M. How to give effective feedback to your students. Second edition. Alexandria: ASCD, 2017, 145 stran. ISBN 9781416623069. info
  • Cazden, C. B. (2001). Classroom Discourse: the Language of Teaching and Learning. Portsmouth: Heinemann.
Výukové metody
Presentations, feedback, reflection,seminar work (video creation and its reflection).
Metody hodnocení
Additional information:
To complete the course successfuly:
- individual performance of the student before the class recorded on a video is a basic requirement, which demonstrates mastery of the rules of effective classroom communication (see topics 1-10), feedback on the student's performance is provided by the teacher and other students of the seminar group (see topic 7);
- further requirement is drafting a written reflection or introspection (in volume of 1-2 pages, 5000 characters). Individual feedback will be provided through the evaluation unit in IS MUNI.
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
The course will be taught for 12 students and more - maximum 15 students. ERASMUS students are preferred.
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Studijní materiály
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích podzim 2017, podzim 2018, podzim 2019, jaro 2020, jaro 2021, jaro 2022, jaro 2023, jaro 2024, jaro 2025.