PdF BSP3Svp Special Education for Education
Name in Czech: Speciální pedagogika se zaměřením na vzdělávání
Bachelor's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF B-SP3S Special Education for Education

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    State exam structure
    Obligatory courses (both courses)
    Inclusive special education (test)
    Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

    Obligatory-elective courses (selection of one course)
    Education of Individuals with Impaired Communication Ability
    Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment
    Education of Individuals with Visual Impairment
    Education of Individuals with Physical Impairment

    The State Exam is thematically focused on gaining an overview and basic knowledge about the issues of inclusive and special education and pathopsychology. It also focuses on the following competencies of students to master auxiliary educational, upbringing activities, to have communication knowledge and skills, to be able to apply approaches to education and upbringing of children with special educational needs in the position of teacher s assistant.

    The content of the thematic areas follows the study subjects listed below
    Inclusive special education
    Inclusive education
    Field: Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
    Field: Education of Pupils with Impaired Communication Ability
    Field: Education of Pupils with Hearing Impairment
    Field: Education of Pupils with Visual Impairment
    Field: Education of Pupils with Behavioral disorders

    The bachelor's state exam of educational-psychological module takes place in the form of a written test with 50 items with a choice of one correct answer. 60 minutes are available for the test. Test items are in the range corresponding to the credit load of subjects: introduction to education and psychology, theory and methodology of education, educational communication, research in educational practice, special and inclusive education, basics of educational diagnostics, developmental and social psychology, assistant practice. For each course, thematic areas are set with the corresponding literature to study. A detailed overview of thematic areas is published on the website of the Department of Education.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Suggestion of topics for qualification theses
    Support for teachers of a child with ADHD
    Support, strengthening, accompanying the child through an externalized behavior disorder with a focus on the family, school, peers
    Inclusive school
    Risks / problems / behavioral disorders in various forms and manifestations in the context of teaching and learning
    Use of the SymWriter program for the development of vocabulary of children with SLI
    The importance of hearing education for children with severe hearing impairment and their families

    Topics of defended final theses
    Leisure activities for people with Intellectual Disabilities
    Employment of an adult woman with intellectual disabilities in the labour market
    The use of personal and social education as a prevention of behavioral disorders in primary school
    Communication skills of a child with a cochlear implant
    Ling sounds and their use in speech therapy care for children with hearing impairment
    Communicative competence in primary school pupils from the point of view of the pragmatic language level
    Development of communication skills of pupils with intellectual disabilities using AAC systems
    Environmental education of a pupil with ntellectual disabilities
    Issues of aggression and bullying in primary school
    Inclusive school for the effective education of all children in mainstream education
    Vocabulary development in children with hearing impairment through games and exercises
    Development of the lexical-semantic level in individuals with hearing impairment
    Development of communication skills in people with cerebral palsy
    Development of communication skills of pupils with mental disabilities using AAK systems
    Development of drawing expression in a child with ASD
    The influence of drama education on the psychological and emotional side of children at risk of behavioral disorders
    Bullying in the context of moral cognition
    Possibilities of applying etopedy in the children's ward of a psychiatric hospital

    Relevant opinions are stored in the archive of final theses is.muni.cz

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty (P+PV 55 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3000Introduction to Medical Disciplines P. Kachlíkk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 1-
PdF:SP3001Sociology for Special Pedagogy L. Slepičkovák 0/1/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 1-
PdF:SP3002Opthalmology M. Vrubelzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 1-
PdF:SP3004Neurology P. Kachlíkzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 3-
PdF:SP3005Pediatrics P. Kachlíkzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 2-
PdF:SP3006Psychiatry P. Kachlíkk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 3-
PdF:SP3007Research Methods in Special Education 1 K. Pančochak 2/0/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.3 2P
PdF:SP3009Pathopsychology 1 V. Vojtovázk 2/0/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 2P
PdF:SP3017ORL - Phoniatrics P. Kachlíkzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 2-
PdF:SP3066Special Education Disagnostics B. Bazalovák 0/2/03 3Z
PdF:SP3600Pupil with Special Educational Needs P. Pitnerováz 0/1/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 1-
PdF:SP3611Special Needs Education I V. Vojtovázk 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 1Z
PdF:SP3640Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities B. Bazalovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 4P
PdF:SP3669ICT - Special eduration K. Pančochaz 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.2 6-
PdF:SP3999Internationalization of the Special Education Field V. Vojtováz 0/0/0- 2-
43 credits

Povinně-volitelné předměty (12 kr.)

Skupina 1

Student si volí k předmětu Obor: Logopedie jeden z nabízených předmětů (Obor: Surdopedie, Obor: Oftalmopedie, nebo Obor: Etopedie). Celkem 2 předměty ze skupiny.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3610Speech Therapy V. Vojtovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 4P
PdF:SP3620Education of Students with Visually Impairments P. Röderovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 5P
PdF:SP3630Characteristics and education of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties/disorders K. Červenkazk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 5P
PdF:SP3670Education of Students with Hearing Impairments P. Kaválkovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 5P
24 credits

Skupina 2

Student si volí k předmětu Obor: Somatopedie jeden z nabízených předmětů (Obor: Surdopedie, Obor: Oftalmopedie, nebo Obor: Etopedie). Celkem 2 předměty ze skupiny.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3620Education of Students with Visually Impairments P. Röderovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 5P
PdF:SP3630Characteristics and education of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties/disorders K. Červenkazk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 5P
PdF:SP3670Education of Students with Hearing Impairments P. Kaválkovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 5P
PdF:SP3680Education of pupils with physical disability I. Fialovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 4P
24 credits

Oborové didaktiky (5 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3613Special Needs Education III V. Vojtovázk 0/1/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 5Z
PdF:SP3699Inclusive Education I. Fialovák 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.2 6Z
5 credits