FF FDGEJApSLI Experimental and Applied Linguistics
Name in Czech: Experimentální a aplikovaná lingvistika
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-GEJA_ Germanic Languages

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The State Exam is designed as a professional discussion of linguistic problems with members of the Examining Board. At the latest one month before the examination, the Commission will set out the themes to be discussed and familiarize them with the candidates. Candidates for the exam will prepare brief written reviews of the set ranges, including the bibliography of the studied titles as the basis for the subsequent debate.
    A detailed overview of the individual linguistic disciplines, their terminology, specific methods and the most important current issues is envisaged taking into account the history of linguistic research and the professional reflection of related thematic areas. In particular, special emphasis is placed on the following:
    Corpus linguistics, choice and utilization of available corpuses and processing of own language data; Methods of experimental linguistics, basics of statistical methods for the use of linguistics.
    A detailed overview of professional disciplines related to the dissertation topic. Ability to critically assess the theoretical background and practical applicability of individual concepts reflecting the chosen problem.
  • Requirements of the study
    A key part of the study program in the doctoral program is related to the preparation and processing of the dissertation, which represents a complete scientific publication based on original research.
    The obligatory activities of the student are formulated in an individual study plan: In addition to the obligatory courses, they include their own creative activities and their presentation - active participation in at least two professional conferences and the publication of at least one study in a professional periodical. Other professional activities at the workplace may include, for example, teaching, editorial work, organizational cooperation eg in connection with conferences,
    Students are expected to study at a foreign university or other research institution elected in view of the dissertation topic and to allow consultation with foreign experts and the research of the current secondary literature (at least one month). This study stay may be replaced by another subject in exceptional and justified cases (eg family reasons) in agreement with the supervisor and the commission. The foreign internship may be attended repeatedly.
    The duties of the doctoral study consist of five types of subjects:
    Subjects directly related to the proper completion of studies are NJDSJ4_20 Theses, NJDSJ4_21 Doctoral Exam and NJDSJ4_22 Doctoral Work.
    Other types of courses cover the required professional publishing activity of PhD students (NJDSJ41 Publications, NJDSJ411 Conference I, NJDSJ414 Conference II) as well as study and research stay at a foreign university or other research institution (NJDSJ412 Foreign Internship).
    A further type of compulsory subjects, consisting of the NJDSJ_1-NJDSJ_8 Doctoral Seminar I-VIII and for the broader methodological framework, is focused on the I-IV Source and Research Methodology (NJDSJ4_1, NJDSJ4_01, NJDSJ4_12, NJDSJ4_02) courses for the preparation of the dissertation.
    Compulsory courses also include courses in the PhD for PhD Studying 1-2 (PHDZ1, PHDZ2) and one of the foreign language courses (CJV_D_A, CJV_D_F, CJV_D_R, CJV_D_S) with the possibility of alternative recognition of a foreign-language professional publication (NJDS_CJ Foreign Language - publications and papers).
    Within the specialized training, the students complete the subjects specified with respect to the dissertation topic in agreement with the supervisor in a minimum of 90 credits; offered courses are provided in cooperation with the relevant philological departments of the faculty: AJ32058 Analysis of discourse, AJ32059 Utilization of modern technologies in humanities, CJDSL001 Corpus linguistics, CJDSL002 Critical work with data I, CLDS_a28 Theory of translation for DS, LgDEA09 Experimental syntax and semantics, LgDEA10 Critical work with data II, PGDS00EV Ethics of research.
    The remaining courses in the required number of credits within the study content can be supplemented by other courses of the UGNN and other philological workplaces, or by the agreement with the supervisor it is possible to use repeater objects (eg publications, conference presentations).
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    Korpusbasierte Extraktion und Analyse von Kollokationen im fachsprachlichen Kontext
    Formulierungsverfahren in politischen Diskussionen
    Korpusbasierte Untersuchung der Wortbildungsproduktivität von Lehnsuffixen
    Sprachwissenschaftliche Explikation des Potenzials der Vertrauensförderung. Eine exemplarische Analyse von Texten der Brücke/Most-Stiftung
    Tschechische und deutsche Wissenschaftssprache im Vergleich. Eine kontrastive Analyse tschechischer und deutscher wissenschaftlicher Artikel der Linguistik

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:NJDSJ41Publication J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.10 --
FF:NJDSJ411Conference J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:NJDSJ412Foreign internship J. Maláz 0/0/0 Minimální trvání stáže je 1 měsíc.5 --
FF:NJDSJ414Conference II J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:NJDSJ4_01Research of the sources, methodology II J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 2-
FF:NJDSJ4_02Research of the sources, methodology IV J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 4-
FF:NJDSJ4_1Research of the sources, methodology I J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 1-
FF:NJDSJ4_12Research of the sources, methodology III J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 3-
FF:NJDSJ4_20Summary of the Thesis J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 8-
FF:NJDSJ4_21Doctoral Exam J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.35 6-
FF:NJDSJ4_22Doctoral Exam J. Malázk 0/0/0 blok.- 8-
FF:NJDSJ_1Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 1-
FF:NJDSJ_2Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 2-
FF:NJDSJ_3Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 3-
FF:NJDSJ_4Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 4-
FF:NJDSJ_5Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 5-
FF:NJDSJ_6Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 6-
FF:NJDSJ_7Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 7-
FF:NJDSJ_8Seminar - PGS - German Language J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 8-
FF:PHDZ1Philosophy for doctoral studies 1 J. Krobz 0/0/0 6x2 hodiny.5 1-
FF:PHDZ2Philosophy for doctoral studies 2 J. Krobk 0/0/0 3x2 hodiny za semestr.5 2-
135 credits

Povinné předměty - cizí jazyk

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJV_D_AEnglish for Doctoral Studies J. Lennonzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_FFrench for Doctoral Studies L. Václavíkzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_RRussian for PhD Studies - C1 J. Mikešovázk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_SSpanish for Doctoral Studies V. De Azevedo Camachozk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:NJDS_CJForeign Language - DS J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
25 credits

Povinně volitelné specializační předměty

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ32058Analýza diskurzu J. Chovaneck 0/0/015 --
FF:AJ32059The Use of Modern Technologies in the Humanities K. Holmqvistk 0/0/015 --
FF:CJDSL001Corpus linguistics K. Osolsoběz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 --
FF:CJDSL002Critical data analysis I K. Osolsobězk 0/0/015 --
FF:CLDS_a28Theories of Translation for PhD I Z. Fišerzk 0/2/0 blok.15 --
FF:LgDEA09Experimental syntax and semantics I. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 --
FF:LgDEA10Experimental syntax and semantics II. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 --
FF:PGDS00EVResearch Ethics R. Švaříčekz 2/4/015 --
120 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:NJDSJ4_10Working with the Text I J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.20 --
FF:NJDSJ4_11Working with the Text II J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.20 --
FF:NJDSJ4_50Other Activities J. Maláz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
FF:NJDSJ412Foreign internship J. Maláz 0/0/0 Minimální trvání stáže je 1 měsíc.5 --
50 credits