People, technology and information.

Degree programme objectives

The aim of this Bachelor’s study programme is to develop the qualities of future information professionals and to provide meaningful further education to specialists from practice. Graduates are trained to be able to deal with theoretical and practical, methodological, and ethical issues of information science and librarianship. They include, in particular, orientation in literature and information resources provided by libraries and other memory institutions, management of library and information systems, education in media and information literacy, and complex work with information resources. The aim of the bachelor's study is to give students a terminological basis, to familiarize them with the functioning of libraries and information services, to teach them in this field to work with modern technologies, procedures and their applications and to seek effective problem solving. Strong emphasis is placed on developing life-long learning and creative thinking.

The aim of the workplace is to prepare specialists for the practice, who

(a) work with data and information in different professional positions in a critical and ethical manner;

b) control digital technologies, devices, information systems and applications applied in human interaction with information;

c) are media and information literate, can purposefully make information available to users and actively operate in the public space and civil society.

Bachelor's degree graduate goes into practice with the knowledge and skills needed to perform the profession of an information and knowledge expert, as well as to apply in other positions focused on complex work with information and data.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Admission to Bachelor's and long-cycle Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026
Submission deadline until midnight 28. 2. 2025

  • Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme
    This programme is taught in Czech.

    The criteria for admission for studies are the results of the Learning Potential Test (TSP). Applicants may also be admitted based on other criteria, see Admission without the Entrance Examination. The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University disregards the results of SCIO National Comparative Examinations.

    You can file your e-applications for studies from 1 November to 28 February.
    The date and time of the examination will be stated in the electronic invitation for the examination, which will be uploaded to your e-application. The faculty will not be sending paper invitations. Applicants applying for the major study plan and minor study plan in a combined study must comply with the conditions for admission into both plans.

    Learning Potential Test (TSP)

    This test is only in Czech. For up-to-date information, click here

    Field of Study Examination

    For admission for studies of this degree programme, you do not need to take the Field of Study Examination.

    Admission without the entrance examination

    You may be exempt from the entrance examination based on secondary school results in a choice of any four of the following profile subjects: Czech or Slovak language, English, Chinese, history, French, music, information technology, Italian, Latin, maths, German, Russian, Spanish, basics of social sciences.

    Secondary school results may be applied for an exemption from the entrance examination by those applicants whose average grade was 1.5 or higher in each of the four profile subjects. The total average result in all subjects is not taken into consideration. Secondary school seminars are also disregarded. The average grade of each profile subject is calculated based on the results of the last four years of study in the following way: the mid-year grade is calculated from the final year, whereas the final grades are calculated from the previous three years. It is also necessary that applicants have studied each of the profile subjects for at least two years during the last four years.
    Enter your grades in your e-application. Then print the grades out and let your secondary school certify them with a stamp and a signature. Upload the scan of the certified grades into your e-application. You can also upload officially certified school reports or any other documents certifying your school results.
    Please upload the officially certified documents directly to your e-application in the section Application for the Exemption from the Entrance Examination no later than 28 February.

  • Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme
    Limit for TSP percentile for successfully passing the entrance examination: 30


  • Objectives
    The aim of this Bachelor’s study programme is to develop the qualities of future information professionals and to provide meaningful further education to specialists from practice. Graduates are trained to be able to deal with theoretical and practical, methodological, and ethical issues of information science and librarianship. They include, in particular, orientation in literature and information resources provided by libraries and other memory institutions, management of library and information systems, education in media and information literacy, and complex work with information resources. The aim of the bachelor's study is to give students a terminological basis, to familiarize them with the functioning of libraries and information services, to teach them in this field to work with modern technologies, procedures and their applications and to seek effective problem solving. Strong emphasis is placed on developing life-long learning and creative thinking.

    The aim of the workplace is to prepare specialists for the practice, who

    (a) work with data and information in different professional positions in a critical and ethical manner;

    b) control digital technologies, devices, information systems and applications applied in human interaction with information;

    c) are media and information literate, can purposefully make information available to users and actively operate in the public space and civil society.

    Bachelor's degree graduate goes into practice with the knowledge and skills needed to perform the profession of an information and knowledge expert, as well as to apply in other positions focused on complex work with information and data.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • orientate in the basic terms and concepts of information science and librarianship;
    • search, organize, critically analyze, interpret, store and mediate information;
    • control modern information and communication technologies, systems and applications to provide information services;
    • actively apply legal and ethical values and norms in human interaction with information;
    • orientate in the issues of physical and digital libraries, library systems and standards;
    • contribute to the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage;
    • actively and with the use of technology educate various target groups in information, media and digital literacy in libraries, businesses and public institutions;
    • use research methods to set up information processes and to design information services in libraries, public and the corporate sector.
    • use different means of creating electronic information resources and for online promotion.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    Graduates are prepared to master the theoretical, methodological and ethical fundamentals of information science and librarianship, the creation and management of library and information systems, information education, work with information sources in digital libraries and database centers. They are able to apply theoretical knowledge in library and information practice using modern information and communication technologies. Within elective courses, they can focus on developing information services, processes and technologies to ensure them, work with literature and information resources, or providing information support to science.

    Graduates will be employed in job positions focused on complex work with information:

    - Libraries (professional librarians in the position of an acquirer, cataloger, collection manager, library systems administrator, teaching librarian, child librarian, reference librarian, search engineer, information services worker);

    - Academic workplaces (academic librarians and experts providing information support to science and research);

    - Information services in the public, non-profit and commercial sector (information systems experts, information management, analysis and interpretation of information, own business in the field of providing information services);

    - Media, PR, advertising agencies (editors, publishers, redactors, information analysts);

    - Advisory and educational activities (information systems experts, data and information management, information services design, informal and continuing vocational education lecturers).

  • Practical Training
    Mandatory part of the study is completing the practical subjects Reference and information services 1 and 2 at the Central Library of the Faculty of Arts at the Masaryk university. Depending on their own specialization, students must complete at least one semester of practical training within the Practice and Internship, Terrain Project, Research Seminar, or Long-Term Internship Abroad.
  • Goals of Theses
    The minimum bachelor's thesis range is 70,000 characters, including spaces, counts content, own text and notes. The bachelor thesis can be theoretical, theoretical-application or theoretical-research. Students choose the topic from the offer or at their own choice. They process it into the bachelor thesis project (properly in the 4th semester), which is approved by the departmental board. The whole thesis holds one main topic, expressed by name, and presents the current state of knowledge of the subject. The text is terminologically unified and the terminology is reasonable. The main arguments are conclusive, the work has clear conclusions. If the work contains both theoretical and practical (research or application) part, these components have to be meaningfully interconnected. The work is typographically and linguistically correct. Emphasis is placed on quality work with literature.

    The classification of the bachelor's thesis is decided by the commission for final examinations based on the opinions of the opponent and the supervisor of the thesis, the assessment of the thesis and the performance of the diploma in the defense. The oral part of the final state examination is held in front of the committee and the student draws one of the circles over which the debate is then held. Student has 20 minutes to prepare and 20 minutes for the own exam.

    More detailed instructions for processing the bachelor's thesis as well as conditions for the final state examination are described on website of The Division of Information and Library Studies (

  • Access to Further Studies
    A graduate of a bachelor's degree program may (after fulfilling the admission requirements) continue in any follow-up Master's degree. He or she can continue to study in a direct follow-up master's program in Information Studies and Librarianship at the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor