Degree programme objectives

The mission of the Bachelor's degree programme in Sport Management is to provide students with a discipline-specific education that focuses on developing and supporting competencies to apply knowledge from the fields of kinanthropology, economics and management to the specific environment of sport.

The primary goal of the program is to prepare students to work in management positions in sport. The curriculum should provide students with the space to acquire theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of sport as it is practiced in a European and global context. Within the framework of the study, students will be introduced to economic, managerial, sport-specific and social topics necessary to meet the demands of a dynamically developing sport sector. An important part of the educational process will also be the implementation of internships with external entities in the field of sport as well as direct confrontation with the environment of sports management through lectures and seminars led by experts from practice.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The mission of the Bachelor's degree programme in Sport Management is to provide students with a discipline-specific education that focuses on developing and supporting competencies to apply knowledge from the fields of kinanthropology, economics and management to the specific environment of sport.

    The primary goal of the program is to prepare students to work in management positions in sport. The curriculum should provide students with the space to acquire theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of sport as it is practiced in a European and global context. Within the framework of the study, students will be introduced to economic, managerial, sport-specific and social topics necessary to meet the demands of a dynamically developing sport sector. An important part of the educational process will also be the implementation of internships with external entities in the field of sport as well as direct confrontation with the environment of sports management through lectures and seminars led by experts from practice.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • understand the management of the Czech and global sports environment;
    • identify and understand the social and ethical implications for shaping sport;
    • be familiar with the basic kinanthropological terminology and understanding of key phenomena of the contemporary sports environment (doping, gender, equal opportunities, fair play, etc.);
    • understand the basics of sport psychology with respect to the needs of the sport manager;
    • to acquire economic and managerial knowledge enabling an understanding of the functioning of the economy, public budgets in relation to the needs of the state or specific sports organisations, to understand the issues of public budgets and financial;
    • acquire the necessary legal minimum for the exercise of the managerial profession;
    • perform environmental analyses and implement the acquired knowledge in the development of the sports organization, propose new solutions to existing problems based on the application of comparative and analytical methods;
    • apply managerial and marketing skills to specific problems, develop and implement a marketing plan for the organization, learn fundraising and promotional techniques for the needs of sports entities;
    • be involved in the management of the day-to-day activities of sports organisations and manage a small team of staff, prepare a budget for a sports organisation, event or project;
    • organise a sporting event of local importance;
    • be familiar with the current trends in the field of sport management using literature, scientific articles and international databases, assess the relevance of the information obtained and critically evaluate it;
    • be familiar with the issues of sports training, regeneration and nutrition;
    • communicate and present the acquired knowledge in both Czech and English in an appropriate form;
    • implement the knowledge gained from teaching into the real environment of sports management.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of the bachelor's degree will find employment in sports and recreational clubs in the non-profit sector as well as in professional sports clubs. In addition, the graduate can profile in middle management positions in public administration institutions dealing with sport and its financing and in sports associations. Specific positions across institutions should be middle management positions for the graduate of the programme, such as positions of organisational and administrative staff, positions as members of project teams in all the above mentioned organisations and institutions.

  • Practical Training

    The practice of the Bachelor's professionally oriented study programme Sport Management will be a core part of the curriculum. This essential content of the study programme will lead to the linking of knowledge gained through theoretical teaching with practical application in the field of sport. Students will be placed in sports clubs and other sports organisations where they will test the theoretical knowledge acquired during their studies in practical conditions. Under the guidance of experienced managers and didacticians, students will solve specific tasks that are part of everyday practice. Practical training will also include ongoing reflection on the practice aimed at providing information on the students' managerial and didactic skills and abilities.

    Practicum experiences will be conducted continuously in each of the designated semesters so that the student is familiar with the year-long work of a manager.

    The managerial internships will consist of the following courses spread over four semesters.

    Preparation for the internship taking place in the 2nd semester

    Professional Practice 1, taking place in Semester 3, totalling 160 hours

    Professional Practice 2, taking place in Semester 4, totalling 160 hours

    Professional practice 3 in semester 5, totalling 160 hours

    The student will have the opportunity to complete in a selected sports institution activities that are the content of the year-round work of sports club management. The individual internships will focus on the financial management of the sports organization, human resources, marketing and fundraising and event management.

  • Goals of Theses

    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to demonstrate the competences necessary for the management of sports clubs and non-profit organizations in the sport environment; to demonstrate the ability to work critically with professional literature and available sources, to obtain relevant data for the given issue, to sort and analyze them; to draw conclusions for theory and practice from the obtained knowledge.

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme will be able to continue their studies primarily in the follow-up study programme Sport Management at the Faculty of Sport Studies or at any college or university in the Czech Republic or abroad. Another option is to study other follow-up master's programmes from the offer of the Faculty of Sports Studies if they meet the conditions of the admission procedure (offer of courses for completion through lifelong learning).

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

Faculty of Sports Studies
Programme guaranteed by
In cooperation with
Programme guarantor