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@inproceedings{1118487, author = {Hurdík, Jan and Selucká, Markéta}, address = {Trnava}, booktitle = {Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law}, editor = {Monika Jurčová, Jozef Štefanko}, keywords = {CESL; New Czech Civil Code}, howpublished = {tištěná verze "print"}, language = {eng}, location = {Trnava}, isbn = {978-80-8082-618-5}, pages = {69-78}, publisher = {Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis}, title = {CESL and its impact on the New Czech Civil Code}, year = {2013} }
TY - JOUR ID - 1118487 AU - Hurdík, Jan - Selucká, Markéta PY - 2013 TI - CESL and its impact on the New Czech Civil Code PB - Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis CY - Trnava SN - 9788080826185 KW - CESL KW - New Czech Civil Code N2 - The article deals with impact on the New Czech Civil Code by CESL. The author try to resolve how much is New Czech Civil Code in the European context of Civil Law. ER -
HURDÍK, Jan a Markéta SELUCKÁ. CESL and its impact on the New Czech Civil Code. In Monika Jurčová, Jozef Štefanko. \textit{Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law}. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, 2013, s.~69-78. ISBN~978-80-8082-618-5.