DRÁPELA, Martin. Introducing FSPML 2.0M : A Markup Language for Multilevel Tagging of Functional Sentence Perspective. In Language, literature and culture in a changing transatlantic world III, University of Presov, 10.-12. 9. 2015, Prešov, Slovakia. 2015.
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Základní údaje
Originální název Introducing FSPML 2.0M : A Markup Language for Multilevel Tagging of Functional Sentence Perspective
Autoři DRÁPELA, Martin (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí).
Vydání Language, literature and culture in a changing transatlantic world III, University of Presov, 10.-12. 9. 2015, Prešov, Slovakia, 2015.
Další údaje
Originální jazyk angličtina
Typ výsledku Prezentace na konferencích
Obor 60200 6.2 Languages and Literature
Stát vydavatele Slovensko
Utajení není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Kód RIV RIV/00216224:14210/15:00083829
Organizační jednotka Filozofická fakulta
Klíčová slova anglicky information structure; corpus annotation
Štítky mzok, rivok
Příznaky Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
Změnil Změnila: Mgr. Marie Skřivanová, učo 262124. Změněno: 16. 3. 2016 15:05.
This talk, dedicated to the memory of Professor Aleš Svoboda, who served on the IAA faculty for a number of years, is a minor contribution to the problems of annotation of information structure of language (IS). The author of the paper aims to introduce a relatively complex multilevel scheme for the annotation of functional sentence perspective, an approach to IS developed mainly by Aleš Svoboda and his teacher Jan Firbas. The proposed annotation scheme represents an expansion of an FSP tagging scheme introduced by the author in his dissertation in 2008 (published in 2011) and later subcategorized into three annotation levels: Loose, Transitional, and Strict. While keeping the annotation tagset as compressed as possible, the Multilevel variant presented in this paper seeks to address the need to provide a sophisticated, human- and machine- readable annotation scheme to capture multifaceted linguistic characterisation of communicative units within communicative fields. The IS part of the scheme is directly compatible with Svoboda's 1988 (published in 1989) generalization of communicative units into informemes and allows of the annotation of the degrees of communicative dynamism, the types of communicative units (theme, diatheme, transition proper, transition, rheme), the types of dynamic semantic functions, and the degrees of contextual dependence. The non-IS part of this multilevel scheme provides for the annotation of static semantic functions, syntactic functions, syntactic forms, generalized word-class tags, generalized phrase structure constituents, and selected semantic and discourse roles of communicative units.
MUNI/A/1246/2014, interní kód MUNázev: Nové směry v anglofonním jazykovědném a literárním výzkumu III (Akronym: NDALLR3)
Investor: Masarykova univerzita, Nové směry v anglofonním jazykovědném a literárním výzkumu III, DO R. 2020_Kategorie A - Specifický výzkum - Studentské výzkumné projekty
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