J 2004

Deposition of polymer films by rf discharge at atmospheric pressure

SLAVÍČEK, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Antonín BRABLEC, Vratislav KAPIČKA, Miloš KLÍMA et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Deposition of polymer films by rf discharge at atmospheric pressure

Name in Czech

Depozice polymerních vrstev v rf výboji za atmosférického tlaku


SLAVÍČEK, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Antonín BRABLEC (203 Czech Republic), Vratislav KAPIČKA (203 Czech Republic) and Miloš KLÍMA (203 Czech Republic)


Czech. J. Phys. Praha, Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, 2004, 0011-4626

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10305 Fluids and plasma physics

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 0.292

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

deposition of films; rf discharge; plasma diagnostics


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 8/2/2008 19:43, doc. RNDr. Vilma Buršíková, Ph.D.


V originále

RF plasma nozzle at atmospheric pressure has been used for deposition of thin films. The mechanical properties of deposited films were studied using indentation technique. Special properties of RF discharges offer hopeful technological applications like deposition of thin solid films. The parameters of the plasma were investigated by spectral and optical methods. The powered RF electrode of the torch discharge plasma source is made from the metal or dielectric pipe with an inner diameter of 1 - 2 mm and with a length of several centimeters. The electrode is connected through the matching unit to the RF generator driven at the frequency of 13.56 MHz. The mixture of argon and n-hexane or HMDSO (hexamethyldisiloxane, C6H18Si2O) gas ows through the RF electrode at the pipe. Polymer films were deposited on the several substrates e.g. glass, brass polished plates and Si wafers.

In Czech

Depozice polymerních vrstev v rf výboji za atmosférického tlaku


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MSM 143100003, plan (intention)
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OC 527.20, research and development project
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