GRUSKA, Jozef. From New Challenges of Classical Cryptography to Challenges for Quantum Cryptography. In nic@qs07 (Noise Information & Complexity @ Quantum Scale), Erice, Italy. 2007.
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Základní údaje
Originální název From New Challenges of Classical Cryptography to Challenges for Quantum Cryptography
Název česky Od nových problémů klasické kryptografie k problémům kvantové kryptografie
Autoři GRUSKA, Jozef (703 Slovensko, garant).
Vydání nic@qs07 (Noise Information & Complexity @ Quantum Scale), Erice, Italy, 2007.
Další údaje
Originální jazyk angličtina
Typ výsledku Prezentace na konferencích
Obor 10201 Computer sciences, information science, bioinformatics
Stát vydavatele Itálie
Utajení není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Organizační jednotka Fakulta informatiky
Příznaky Mezinárodní význam
Změnil Změnila: Ing. Dana Komárková, učo 1475. Změněno: 27. 6. 2008 10:48.
Invited key-note talk. Broadness and depth of the classical cryptography has recently started to obtaine a new dimension. It started to be clear that sciences, technologies and industries related to the understanding and developing/managing security, safety, privacy, anonymity and other basic issues of broadly understood cryptography are of much growing interest and importance. This brings a variety of new challenges for quantum cryptography. Of large importance and interest is therefore the question how much and how we can really use quantum phenomena to deal with depth and width of modern cryptography problems. In the first part of the talk, the current development and challenges concerning the practical and foundational issues of the classical cryptography will be dealt with and as well their main implications and challenges for quantum cryptography. Development of grid-networks/computing and foundational implications of cryptography concepts and results for theory of computing are main sources of motivation. (Almost) perfect security and composability are among most difficult issues as well as multiparty secure computations. In the second part of the talk, the correpsonding developments in quantum cryptography will be discussed and analysed. Quantum cryptography, as an area of science and technology, is seen here both as an attempt to develop a new, and more adequate, theory of broadly understood cryptography, and new cryptographic tools and technologies, but also as a new way to get a deeper insight into the physical world, into its basic concepts, models, laws and limitations. In the last part of the talk, the recent research agendas and outcomes in several specific areas of quantum cryptography will be discussed and presented, especially concerning such subareas as anonymity, privacy and encryption methods.
Anotace česky
Zvaná přednáška.
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VytisknoutZobrazeno: 15. 6. 2024 04:47