Detailed Information on Publication Record
Interferon-gamma +874A/T polymorphism in relation to generalized chronic periodontitis and the presence of periodontopathic bacteria
IZAKOVIČOVÁ HOLLÁ, Lydie, Barbara HRDLIČKOVÁ, Petra LINHARTOVÁ and Antonín FASSMANNBasic information
Original name
Interferon-gamma +874A/T polymorphism in relation to generalized chronic periodontitis and the presence of periodontopathic bacteria
Name in Czech
Vztah interferon-gamma +874A/T polymorfizmu ke generalizované chronické parodontitidě a přítomnosti parodontálních patogenů
IZAKOVIČOVÁ HOLLÁ, Lydie (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Barbara HRDLIČKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Petra LINHARTOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Antonín FASSMANN (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Archives of Oral Biology, Amsterodam, Elsevier, 2011, 0003-9969
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
30200 3.2 Clinical medicine
Country of publisher
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Impact factor
Impact factor: 1.603
RIV identification code
Organization unit
Faculty of Medicine
Keywords (in Czech)
genový polymorfizmus; interferon-gamma; mikroorganizmus; parodontitida
Keywords in English
gene polymorphism; interferon-gamma; microorganism; periodontitis
International impact
Changed: 12/4/2012 09:12, Mgr. Michal Petr
V originále
Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) is one of the key regulatory cytokines that has a significant effect on immune responses. It may be important in the chronic inflammatory diseases such as periodontitis in which increased IFN-gamma levels were found. The aim of this study was to analyze +874A/T polymorphism in the IFN-gamma gene and its associations with the presence of periodontopathic bacteria and susceptibility to generalized chronic periodontitis (CP). Our results showed no differences in the allele and genotype frequencies of the IFN-gamma +874A/T polymorphism between patients with CP and controls (p<0.05). Although we found significant differences in the occurrence of periodontal bacteria between patients with CP and healthy controls (from p<0.00001 to p<0.05), no significant association between IFN-gamma +874A/T polymorphism and periodontal pathogens was observed in any group.
In Czech
Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) je jedním z klíčových regulačních cytokinů, které hrají roli v imunitní odpovědi. Je důležitým faktorem u chronických zánětlivých nemocí jako je parodontitida, u níž byly nalezeny zvýšené hladiny IFN-gamma. Cílem naší práce bylo analyzovat frekvence IFN-gamma +874A/T varianty a jeho možnou asociaci s výskytem parodontálních patogenů, příp. náchylností k rozvoji generalizované chronické parodontitidy (CP). Naše výsledky neprokázaly významné rozdíly ve frekvencích IFN-gamma+874A/T polymorfizmu mezi pacienty s CP a kontrolami. Ačkoliv jsme našli významné rozdíly ve výskytu parodontálních patogenů mezi pacienty s CP a kontrolními osobami (from p<0.00001 to p<0.05), vztah mezi IFN-gamma +874A/T variantou a přítomností parodontálních patogenů nebyl signifikantní.
NT11405, research and development project |
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1M0528, research and development project |