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    1. SHAW, Robert Laurence John, Kaarel SIKK a David ZBÍRAL. Toponymic surnames and the spatiality of heresy prosecutions: Peter Seila’s register of sentences from the Quercy region (Languedoc), 1241–1242. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. Springer Nature, 2024, roč. 2024, č. 11, s. 1-14. ISSN 2662-9992. Dostupné z:


    1. KOTZÉ, Gideon, David ZBÍRAL a Robert Laurence John SHAW. A dependency-driven workflow for analyzing the agency of men and women in a corpus of historical trial documents. In Linguistic Intersections of Language and Gender, 20-21 July 2023, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. 2023.
    2. HAYTON, Magda a Robert Laurence John SHAW. Apocalyptic Asceticism : Completing the edition of Alexander Minorita's Expositio in Apocalypsim as it is found in Cambridge, University Library, MM.5.31. Traditio: Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion. USA: Cambridge University Press, 2023, roč. 78, č. 1, s. 263-372. ISSN 0362-1529. Dostupné z:
    3. ZBÍRAL, David a Robert Laurence John SHAW. Behind closed doors: What was there to fear from an inquisition? For the inquisitors, quite a lot. In History Today. 2023, s. 16-18. ISSN 0018-2753.
    4. SHAW, Robert Laurence John. Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling (CASTEMO) and the InkVisitor Environment : From Sentences in a Source to Statements in a Database. In International Medieval Congress 2023, Leeds, 3.-7. 7. 2023. 2023.
    5. ZBÍRAL, David, Robert Laurence John SHAW, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Adam MERTEL. From Notarial Documents to Knowledge Graphs : Introducing Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling (CASTEMO) and the InkVisitor application. In Administration in Times of Crisis: The Roman Papacy in the Great Western Schism, Rome, 23–24 October 2023. 2023.
    6. ZBÍRAL, David, Robert Laurence John SHAW, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Adam MERTEL. Historical Texts into Structured Knowledge Graphs : Introducing Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling in InkVisitor. In Social Networks in Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Thirty Years after Robust Action, Vienna, 21-23 June 2023. 2023.
    7. ZBÍRAL, David, Robert Laurence John SHAW, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Adam MERTEL. Maximising the Power of Semantic Textual Data : CASTEMO Data Collection and the InkVisitor Application. In DH2023: Collaboration as Opportunity, 10.-14. 07. 2023, Graz. 2023.
    8. SHAW, Robert Laurence John, Tomáš HAMPEJS a David ZBÍRAL. Modeling systems of sentencing in early inquisition trials : Crime, social connectivity, and punishment in the register of Peter Seila (1241–2). Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. Milton: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, 2023, roč. 56, č. 3, s. 176-197. ISSN 0161-5440. Dostupné z:
    9. SHAW, Robert Laurence John, David ZBÍRAL, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Adam MERTEL. Networks of Dissent (DISSINET project) Computational Modelling of Dissident and Inquisitorial Cultures in Medieval Europe. In New Approaches to Mediterranean Studies. 2023.


    1. ZBÍRAL, David a Robert Laurence John SHAW. Hearing voices : reapproaching medieval inquisition records. Religions. 2022, roč. 13, č. 12, s. 1-25. ISSN 2077-1444. Dostupné z:
    2. InkVisitor 1.3 (software)
      ZBÍRAL, David, Adam MERTEL, Petr HANÁK, Ján MERTEL, Peter ONDREJKA, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Robert Laurence John SHAW. InkVisitor 1.3. 2022.
    3. ZBÍRAL, David, Adam MERTEL a Robert Laurence John SHAW. Maximising the Power of Semantic Textual Data : CASTEMO Data Collection and the InkVisitor Application. In Computing the Past : Computational Approaches to the Dynamics of Cultures and Societies, 6-8 October 2022, Plzeň, Czech Republic. 2022.
    4. SHAW, Robert Laurence John. The French Celestine "network" (ca. 1350-1450) : cross-order and lay collaboration in late medieval monastic reform. In Bonde, Sheila; Maines, Clark. Other Monasticisms : Studies in the History and Architecture of Religious Communities Outside the Canon, 11th - 15th Centuries. Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, s. 33-63. ISBN 978-2-503-58784-4.
    5. SHAW, Robert Laurence John, Tomáš HAMPEJS a David ZBÍRAL. The inquisitorial punishment of belief : a statistical analysis of the effects of social and theological beliefs in Peter Seila’s register of sentences (1241-2). In International Medieval Congress 2022, 4-7 July 2022, Leeds, UK. 2022.


    1. ZBÍRAL, David, Adam MERTEL, Robert Laurence John SHAW a Tomáš HAMPEJS. An ontology for modelling the social, spatial, and semantic relations in pre-modern written sources. In Data4History, 19. May - 30. June 2021, Berlin (virtual conference). 2021.
    2. ZBÍRAL, David, Adam MERTEL, Robert Laurence John SHAW a Tomáš HAMPEJS. Data collection in historical network research : An extreme proposal. In Networks 2021, 5. - 10. July 2021, online. 2021.
    3. SHAW, Robert Laurence John, Tomáš HAMPEJS a David ZBÍRAL. Guilt by Association? : A computational analysis of the social patterns of inquisition punishments in thirteenth-century Languedoc. In Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, online, 15.-18. April 2021. 2021.
    4. ZBÍRAL, David, Robert Laurence John SHAW, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Adam MERTEL. Model the source first! Towards source modelling and source criticism 2.0. Zenodo. 2021, s. 1-13. Dostupné z:
    5. SHAW, Robert Laurence John, Tomáš HAMPEJS a David ZBÍRAL. Social Connections, Perceptions, and Inquisition Punishments in Medieval Languedoc : A Computational Analysis. In International Congress on Medieval Studies, online, 10 - 15 May, 2021, Kalamazoo, USA. 2021.
    6. SHAW, Robert Laurence John, Tomáš HAMPEJS a David ZBÍRAL. Social Connections, Perceptions, and Inquisition Punishments in Medieval Languedoc : A Computational Analysis. In International Medieval Congress 2021, 5 - 9 July, Leeds, UK. 2021.
    7. ZBÍRAL, David, Robert Laurence John SHAW, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Adam MERTEL. Towards the Social, Spatial, and Discursive Patterns in Medieval Inquisitorial Records : Data Collection and Analysis in the Dissident Networks Project. In International Medieval Congress. 2021.
    8. ZBÍRAL, David, Robert Laurence John SHAW, Tomáš HAMPEJS a Adam MERTEL. Towards the Social, Spatial, and Discursive Patterns in Medieval Inquisitorial Records : Data Collection and Analysis in the Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET). In International Congress on Medieval Studies. 2021.


    1. SHAW, Robert Laurence John. The Minims, Their Rule, and French Religious Society at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century. Viator. Brepols, 2020, roč. 51, č. 2, s. 335-387. ISSN 0083-5897. Dostupné z:


    1. HAYTON, Magda a Robert Laurence John SHAW. Communicating solutions to the Great Western Schism in 1380s France. Mediaeval Studies. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2018, roč. 80, č. 1, s. 297-338. ISSN 0076-5872.
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Zobrazeno: 21. 9. 2024 11:35