Epidemiology and modeling (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 100 %
PřF:E1041 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine I • 100 %
PřF:E2011 Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science • 100 %
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 100 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 82 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 82 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 76 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 41 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 29 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 29 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 12 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 12 %
PřF:E1051 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine II • 12 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 12 %
PřF:E3011 Algorithmization and programming • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:E1051 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine II • 100 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 100 %
PřF:E3011 Algorithmization and programming • 100 %
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II • 93 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 86 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 79 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 71 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 64 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 36 %
PřF:BI6180C Plant biology - practice • 29 %
PdF:CORE071 Practical psychology and communication • 21 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 21 %
FF:CORE056 Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis • 14 %
FSS:CORE030 Media and Society in the 21st Century • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 100 %
PřF:E3101 Mathematical modelling - introduction • 100 %
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 100 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 89 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 78 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 67 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 56 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 44 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 22 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 22 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 11 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 11 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 11 %
PřF:CORE041 Science – the greatest project of mankind • 11 %
PřF:C3620 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 11 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 11 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 11 %
PdF:TI9008 E-COURSE: News from the world of modern Hi-Tech aids for visually impaired people • 11 %
FSpS:P959 Physical Education – Aerobic-mix • 11 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 11 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 11 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 11 %
4th term
PřF:E4015 Team Project of the Computational Biology - Epidemiology and Modeling • 100 %
PřF:E5046 Biostatistics for Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 90 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 90 %
PřF:E5440 Time series • 90 %
PřF:MAZRD Applied analysis of biomedical and geographical data • 80 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 80 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 50 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 30 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 30 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 20 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI6340 Community ecology and macroecology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:E5012 Bachelor thesis I • 100 %
PřF:E5013 Bachelor Thesis Seminar of the Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:E8600 Multivariate Methods • 100 %
PřF:E8600C Multivariate Methods - practices • 100 %
PřF:E0350 Epidemiology • 67 %
PřF:E0351 Epidemiology - Practicals • 67 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 67 %
PřF:E7527 Data Analysis in R • 50 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 33 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 33 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 33 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 33 %
PřF:BI4340 Human biology • 17 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 17 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 17 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 17 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 17 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 17 %
6th term
PřF:E5447 Database Systems in Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:E6012 Bachelor thesis II • 100 %
PřF:E6013 Bachelor thesis seminar of the Mathematical Biology • 100 %
PřF:E6090 Bachelor state exam in Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:E7491 Regression Modelling • 100 %
PřF:MAZRD Applied analysis of biomedical and geographical data • 100 %
FF:AR1B65 The Creation of Family Trees in Practice • 17 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 17 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 17 %
PdF:TI9011 Internships in educational programs for schools at leisure centers • 17 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 17 %

The information was preprocessed: 5/10/2024 11:31

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