Analytical Chemist - Manager of Chemical Laboratory (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:F1240 Physics for chemists I • 100 %
PřF:F1241 Physics for chemists I, seminar • 100 %
PřF:M1010 Mathematics I • 100 %
PřF:M1020 Mathematics I - seminar • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 86 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 86 %
PřF:C1050 Basic calculations in chemistry • 57 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 43 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 29 %
FF:CJBA37 Slovak Language • 14 %
PřF:CORE029 Critical thinking • 14 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 14 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 14 %
PřF:M2010 Mathematics II • 14 %
PřF:M2020 Mathematics II - seminar • 14 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 14 %
FSpS:P927 Physical Education – Cardio Training • 14 %
FSpS:P973 Physical Education – Basketball • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:F2090 Physics for chemists II • 100 %
PřF:F2091 Physics for chemists II, seminar • 100 %
PřF:M2010 Mathematics II • 100 %
PřF:M2020 Mathematics II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 25 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 25 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3100 Analytical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3110 Analytical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 50 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 50 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 50 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 50 %
ESF:BPH_EKOR Corporate Economics • 50 %
4th term
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C3705 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3706 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory - practical work • 100 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C6005 Project and theses • 100 %
PřF:C6140 Optimization and Evaluation of Analytical Methods • 100 %
PřF:C6160 Analytical chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 67 %
PřF:C4200 Biochemistry II - seminar • 67 %
ESF:BPH_POEK Business Economics • 67 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 33 %
PřF:CORE121 Water for modern human society • 33 %
PřF:C3700 Quality in analytical laboratory • 33 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C7031 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry • 33 %
PřF:C7041 Molecular Spectrometry • 33 %
PřF:C8700 Technology of chemical productions • 33 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PdF:CORE072 Science and Society • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C5120 Computers in Chemistry and Chemometrics • 100 %
PřF:C5140 Computers in Chemistry and Chemometrics - practical work • 100 %
PřF:C5145 Quality management in bioanalytical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C5190 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry II - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C5350 Analytical Chemistry III • 100 %
PřF:C5355 Analytical Chemistry III - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
ESF:BPH_ZMAN Principles of Management • 100 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 80 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 60 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 60 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 40 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 20 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:CZBMCL Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška v oboru Analytický chemik - manažer chemické laboratoře • 20 %
PřF:C2105 Computer in analytical laboratory • 20 %
PřF:C3700 Quality in analytical laboratory • 20 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 20 %
PřF:C5000F Independent project from chemistry • 20 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 20 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 20 %
PřF:C7021 Separation Methods A • 20 %
PřF:C7031 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry • 20 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 20 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 20 %
FSpS:P984 Physical Education – Hardening • 20 %
FSpS:P988 Physical Education – Swimming • 20 %
ESF:BPH_EKOR Corporate Economics • 20 %
6th term
PřF:C2105 Computer in analytical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 100 %
PřF:C7031 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry • 100 %
PřF:CZBMCL Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška v oboru Analytický chemik - manažer chemické laboratoře • 75 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 75 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 75 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 75 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 50 %
PřF:C3700 Quality in analytical laboratory • 50 %
PřF:C6245 Analytical chemistry of organic compounds - laboratory course • 25 %
PřF:E2220 Environmental Analytical Chemistry • 25 %
PdF:CORE072 Science and Society • 25 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 25 %
ESF:BPH_POEK Business Economics • 25 %

Anthropology (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1071 Diploma anthropological seminar I • 100 %
PřF:BI1251 Introduction to Anthropology I • 100 %
PřF:BI3200 Basics of Scientific Work • 100 %
PřF:BI3170 Anthropology of prehistory • 99 %
PřF:BI1231 Human anatomy for anthropologists I. • 97 %
PřF:BI1231C Human anatomy for anthropologists I - practical training • 97 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 90 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:BI3070 Basic genetics for anthropologists • 38 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 36 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 32 %
PřF:BI7878 General Anthropology I: Biological Anthropology • 27 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 16 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2072 Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:BI2251 Introduction to Anthropology II • 100 %
PřF:BI2424 Field research methods • 100 %
PřF:BI2232 Anatomy for anthropologists II • 97 %
PřF:BI2232C Anatomy II practical training • 97 %
PřF:BI4260 Anthropology of Antiquity • 97 %
PřF:BI2120S Cytology, histology, embryology seminar • 53 %
PřF:BI2120 Cytology, histology, embryology • 48 %
PřF:BI2323 Histology and embryology for anthropologists • 45 %
PřF:BI2323S Histology and embryology for anthropologists seminar • 45 %
PřF:BI4343 Teeth in bioanthropology • 21 %
PřF:BI7879 General Anthropology II: Sociocultural Anthropology • 21 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 19 %
PřF:BI4224 Environmental anthropology • 15 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 11 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI5110 Anthropological archaeology (middleages) • 100 %
PřF:BI3181 Human physiology I • 97 %
PřF:BI3181C Human physiology I practical training • 97 %
PřF:BI3233 Human anatomy for anthropologists III • 97 %
PřF:BI3233C Human anatomy III practical training • 97 %
PřF:BI3301 Seminar III • 97 %
PřF:C7007 Biochemistry • 97 %
PřF:BI7351 Methods of anthropology I • 91 %
PřF:LFMA011P Microscopic anatomy - lecture • 91 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 38 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 34 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 28 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 22 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 22 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 19 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 19 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 19 %
PřF:CORE074 Biosocial anthropology: the nature of the human species and its variability • 16 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 16 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 13 %
4th term
PřF:BI1221 History of Anthropology • 100 %
PřF:BI3434 Processing of research data in anthropology • 100 %
PřF:BI4302 Seminar • 100 %
PřF:BI6460 Anthropology of modern history • 100 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 96 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 96 %
PřF:BI4182 Human physiology II • 96 %
PřF:BI4182C Human physiology II practical training • 96 %
PřF:BI8352 Methods of anthropology II • 96 %
PřF:BI4041 Paleopathology • 50 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 36 %
PřF:BI4343 Teeth in bioanthropology • 32 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 25 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI5301 Seminar V • 100 %
PřF:MAS01 Applied statistics I • 100 %
PřF:MAS10C Applied statistics I - exercises • 100 %
PřF:BI3434 Processing of research data in anthropology • 94 %
PřF:BI5402 Dermatoglyphics • 94 %
PřF:BI6868 Evolution of Human Skeletal System • 94 %
PřF:BI6868C Evolution of Human Skeletal System - practical training • 94 %
PřF:BI4502 Bachelor Thesis I • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 44 %
PřF:BI5555 Diploma Thesis Seminar for Anthropologists • 31 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 19 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 19 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 13 %
PřF:BI2727 Isotope analysis in bioarchaeology • 13 %
PřF:BI3233 Human anatomy for anthropologists III • 13 %
PřF:BI7878 General Anthropology I: Biological Anthropology • 13 %
PřF:LFMA011P Microscopic anatomy - lecture • 13 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 13 %
6th term
PřF:BI2223 Anthropology and modern trends in biology • 89 %
PřF:MAS02 Applied statistics II • 89 %
PřF:MAS20C Applied statistics II - exercises • 89 %
PřF:BI6302 Seminar VI • 83 %
PřF:BI6502 On-site training I • 83 %
PřF:BI6100 Bachelor Thesis II • 67 %
PřF:BI6085 Bachelor state exam of Anthropology • 56 %
FF:HIAB05 The History ot the Classical World • 11 %
PřF:BI4502 Bachelor Thesis I • 11 %

Applied and environmental geology (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G1011 Introductory geological concentration • 92 %
PřF:G1021 Physical geology • 92 %
PřF:G1081 Palaeontology • 92 %
PřF:G1101 Principles of Geophysics • 92 %
PřF:G1061 Mineralogy • 83 %
PřF:JAG01 English for Geologists I • 75 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 33 %
FSpS:P976 Physical Education – Futsal • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:G3021 Petrography • 90 %
PřF:G3061 Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I • 90 %
PřF:G5081 Geochemistry I • 90 %
PřF:G1141 Optical Microscopy in Geology • 80 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 80 %
PřF:G4101 Structural geology and geotectonics • 80 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 70 %
PřF:JAG02 English for Geologists II • 60 %
PřF:GI221 3D modelling in Leapfrog Geo software • 20 %
PřF:G8711 Geological disasters and hazards • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G2101 Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:G2121 Engeneering Geology • 100 %
PřF:G5061 Economic geology I • 100 %
PřF:G3081 Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 83 %
PřF:G4121 Quaternary geology • 83 %
PřF:G8271 Geological field trip to Brno vicinity • 83 %
PřF:GA801 Chemical principles of geological processes • 67 %
PřF:G6101 Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 33 %
PřF:GI231 Methods of prospection for mineral deposits - practical exercises • 33 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 33 %
PřF:G6661 Gems and their deposits • 33 %
FF:CORE008 The Transformation of Christian Europe • 17 %
FF:CORE089 Philosophy in sci-fi • 17 %
FF:VKOR1 Korean 1 • 17 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 17 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 17 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 17 %
4th term
PřF:G5021 Regional geology of the CR • 100 %
PřF:G6141 Environmental Geology • 100 %
PřF:G4221 Geoscience Documentation of Territory • 83 %
PřF:G6301 Hydraulics • 83 %
PřF:G7671 Geological Research of underground construction • 83 %
PřF:G8711 Geological disasters and hazards • 83 %
PřF:G9421 Groundwater protection • 83 %
PřF:G0231 Choice of the bachelor thesis • 67 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 50 %
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 50 %
PřF:G2141 Minerals and Rock Microscopy • 33 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 33 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 33 %
PřF:G7411 Meteorites, tectites and impact structures • 33 %
PřF:G8761 Recalculation of chemical data for geologist • 33 %
FF:CJVS1B Spanish for academic purposes I • 17 %
FF:VKOR4 Introduction to Korean studies • 17 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 17 %
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 17 %
PřF:GI221 3D modelling in Leapfrog Geo software • 17 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 17 %
PřF:G4101 Structural geology and geotectonics • 17 %
PřF:JS001 Spanish for scientists - exam • 17 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 17 %
FSpS:P9030 Physical Education – Outdoor Workout • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 100 %
PřF:G4141 Academic Skills for Geologists • 100 %
PřF:G5011 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:G5041 Bachelor Thesis - recherche • 100 %
PřF:G5051 Bachelor Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:G5221 Geology of a region in GIS • 100 %
PřF:G3101 Basics of geological data treatment • 71 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 43 %
PřF:G6661 Gems and their deposits • 43 %
PřF:G5511 Petrel and seismic stratigraphy • 29 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 14 %
FF:CORE043 The Fundamentals of Design Thinking • 14 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 14 %
PřF:GS301 Bachelor thesis defense • 14 %
PřF:GS331 Geology - state examination for Applied and environmental geology • 14 %
PřF:G2121 Engeneering Geology • 14 %
PřF:G6011 Bachelor Thesis Seminar II • 14 %
PřF:G6051 Bachelor Thesis II • 14 %
PřF:G7321 Plate Tectonics and Orogeny • 14 %
PřF:G7501 Physical geochemistry • 14 %
PřF:G7531 Microanalysis course • 14 %
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 14 %
PřF:G8101 Mineral resources in the world • 14 %
PřF:G8221 Practical Tectonics in Field • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 14 %
PdF:RJ1081 Russian online • 14 %
FSpS:P966 Physical Education – Total body training • 14 %
FSpS:P968 Physical Education – • 14 %
FSpS:P987 Physical Education – Self-defence • 14 %
6th term
PřF:GS301 Bachelor thesis defense • 100 %
PřF:GS331 Geology - state examination for Applied and environmental geology • 100 %
PřF:G6051 Bachelor Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:G6011 Bachelor Thesis Seminar II • 83 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 67 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 67 %
PřF:G9351 Tensors in Geology • 50 %
FSpS:P9025 Physical Education – Fitness Strength Training Methods • 50 %
PřF:GB911 Advanced tectonic seminary • 33 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 33 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 17 %
PřF:BI7879 General Anthropology II: Sociocultural Anthropology • 17 %
PřF:GA231 Holocén • 17 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 17 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 17 %
PřF:G6011K Bachelor Thesis Seminar II • 17 %
PřF:G7671 Geological Research of underground construction • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 17 %
FSpS:P9026 Physical Education – Kombatan • 17 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 17 %

Applied biochemistry (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7170 Structure and function of the cell • 100 %
PřF:C4222 Basic calculations in laboratory • 97 %
PřF:M1035 Mathematics for biochemists • 94 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 94 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 91 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 71 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 71 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 65 %
PřF:F2120 Physics • 53 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 35 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 32 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 18 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 18 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 18 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 18 %
PřF:C1471 Applied mathematics for biochemists • 15 %
PřF:C1472 Applied mathematics for biochemists - seminar • 15 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 12 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 12 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 12 %
PřF:M1030 Mathematics for biologists • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:C1472 Applied mathematics for biochemists - seminar • 96 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 96 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 96 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 96 %
PřF:C1471 Applied mathematics for biochemists • 93 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 93 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 89 %
PřF:C4221 Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory • 89 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 70 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 67 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 56 %
PřF:F2120 Physics • 52 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 26 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 22 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 19 %
PřF:BI6180C Plant biology - practice • 15 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 11 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1660 Basic Analytical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C9530 Structure of biomacromolecules • 100 %
PřF:C9531 Structure of biomacromolecules • 100 %
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 93 %
PřF:C7185 Neurobiology • 80 %
PřF:C7015 Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids • 60 %
LF:MBFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 53 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 53 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 40 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 40 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 27 %
LF:BLET051P Health Care Ethics - lecture • 20 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
LF:MBZA0111P Basics of Anatomy • 13 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 13 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 13 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 13 %
4th term
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4185 Seminar to bachalor thesis • 100 %
PřF:C4200 Biochemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C7879 Experimental data processing • 100 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 93 %
PřF:C5190 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry II - laboratory course • 86 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 50 %
LF:MBFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 29 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 29 %
PřF:C7860 Plant Biochemistry • 21 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 14 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI4030C Molecular biology - practice • 100 %
PřF:C6221 Clinical Biochemistry • 100 %
PřF:C6230 Clinical Biochemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:BI5710 Microbiology • 90 %
PřF:C5014 Bachelor thesis from biochemistry • 80 %
PřF:BI5710C Microbiology - practice • 60 %
PřF:BI7430 Molecular biotechnology • 60 %
PřF:BI7430C Molecular biotechnology - practical course • 60 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 60 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 40 %
LF:BLFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 20 %
LF:BLPP011C First Aid - practice • 20 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 20 %
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 20 %
PřF:C5001 Independent project from biochemistry • 20 %
PřF:C7872 Applied biostatistics • 20 %
6th term
PřF:C6014 Bachelor thesis from biochemistry II • 80 %
PřF:C6185 Seminar to bachalor thesis • 80 %
PřF:C6200 Biochemical Methods • 80 %
PřF:CZBAB State exam of the bachelor study programme Applied Biochemistry • 70 %
LF:BLFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 20 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 20 %
FF:DOBRO_ARTS Volunteering • 20 %
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 20 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 20 %
PřF:C7860 Plant Biochemistry • 20 %
PřF:C8155 Cell signaling • 20 %

Astrophysics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 97 %
PřF:F1251 Elements of astronomy 1 • 96 %
PřF:F1110 Linear algebra and geometry • 95 %
PřF:M1100F Mathematical Analysis I • 84 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 78 %
PřF:F1040 Mechanics and molecular physics • 77 %
PřF:F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 • 50 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 46 %
PřF:F0010 Preparatory course (elementary mathematics) • 41 %
PřF:F1080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 24 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 20 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 15 %
PřF:F2070 Electricity and magnetism • 14 %
PřF:F2182 Linear and multilinear algebra • 14 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 14 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 12 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:F2252 Elements of astronomy 2 • 98 %
PřF:F2182 Linear and multilinear algebra • 96 %
PřF:F2070 Electricity and magnetism • 93 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 89 %
PřF:M2100F Mathematical Analysis II • 85 %
PřF:F2423 Computing practice 2 • 57 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 39 %
PřF:F1420 Programming in Python • 37 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 35 %
PřF:JAF02 English for Physicists II • 22 %
PřF:F2080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 20 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 17 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 95 %
PřF:F4120 Theoretical mechanics • 95 %
PřF:F3100 Oscillations, waves, optics • 86 %
PřF:F3170 General astronomy • 86 %
PřF:M3100F Mathematical Analysis III • 86 %
PřF:F3080 Introduction into Physics of Stars • 68 %
PřF:F0020 Autumn astronomy course • 36 %
PřF:F7514 Exoplanets • 36 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 27 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 27 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 23 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 18 %
PřF:F1040 Mechanics and molecular physics • 18 %
PřF:F9146 Observational techniques • 14 %
PřF:M1100F Mathematical Analysis I • 14 %
4th term
PřF:F3190 Astronomical excercises • 100 %
PřF:F4090 Electrodynamics and theory of relativity • 100 %
PřF:F4100 Introduction to Microphysics • 100 %
PřF:F4200 Astronomical observation • 100 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 89 %
PřF:F4190 Introduction to the physics of stellar systems • 79 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 58 %
PřF:F6550 Structure and evolution of Universe • 21 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 16 %
PřF:F4170 Astronomy didactics • 16 %
PřF:F4175 Astrophotography • 16 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 16 %
PřF:M4010 Equations of mathematical physics • 16 %
PřF:F4051 Physics in spacetime • 11 %
PřF:F6060 Programming, exam • 11 %
PřF:JAF04 English for Physicists IV • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:M2100F Mathematical Analysis II • 11 %
FSpS:P945 Physical Education – In-line skating • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:F7581 Practical astrophysics - basics • 92 %
PřF:F5030 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics • 85 %
PřF:F5251T Bachelor thesis 1 • 85 %
PřF:F6040 Thermodynamics and statistical physics • 85 %
PřF:F4191 Astronomical excercises • 69 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 46 %
PřF:F5055 Bachelors' Review 1 • 38 %
PřF:F3170 General astronomy • 31 %
PřF:F3080 Introduction into Physics of Stars • 23 %
PřF:F3100 Oscillations, waves, optics • 23 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 23 %
PřF:F4120 Theoretical mechanics • 15 %
PřF:F4170 Astronomy didactics • 15 %
PřF:F5698 The Ultimate Python Developer's guide • 15 %
PřF:F7888 Cosmotea • 15 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 15 %
6th term
PřF:FSB05 State examination Bc., Astrophysics • 91 %
PřF:F6252T Bachelor thesis 2 • 91 %
PřF:F4170 Astronomy didactics • 64 %
PřF:F6060 Programming, exam • 45 %
PřF:F4190 Introduction to the physics of stellar systems • 27 %
PřF:F6055 Bachelors' Review 2 • 27 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 27 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 18 %
PřF:F6550 Structure and evolution of Universe • 18 %
PřF:F8632 Physical principles of some common apparatus • 18 %

Biophysics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F1190 Introduction to biophysics • 100 %
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 100 %
PřF:F1711 Mathematics 1 • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
PřF:C1601BF General and Inorganic Chemistry • 93 %
PřF:F1400 Computer programming • 86 %
PřF:F1040 Mechanics and molecular physics • 71 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 64 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 36 %
PřF:F1080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 29 %
PřF:F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 • 29 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 29 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 14 %
PřF:F0010 Preparatory course (elementary mathematics) • 14 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 14 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:F2070 Electricity and magnetism • 100 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 100 %
PřF:F2712 Mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:F2080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 33 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 22 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 22 %
FF:CORE102 Jak Číňané vnímají svět: Čínské vize pro 21. století • 11 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 11 %
PřF:F2423 Computing practice 2 • 11 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 11 %
FSpS:P976 Physical Education – Futsal • 11 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 11 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 100 %
PřF:C3620 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:F3100 Oscillations, waves, optics • 100 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 100 %
PřF:F3712 Mathematics 3 • 100 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 75 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 25 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 25 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 25 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 25 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 25 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:JNP01 German for Science 1 • 25 %
PdF:NJ_A104 German for Beginners 4 • 25 %
FSpS:P9025 Physical Education – Fitness Strength Training Methods • 25 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 25 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 25 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 25 %
4th term
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 100 %
PřF:F6342 Basics of medical biophysics • 100 %
PřF:F8510 Physics of biopolymers • 100 %
PřF:F4100 Introduction to Microphysics • 75 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 75 %
PřF:F7790 Seminar in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry • 75 %
PřF:F8632 Physical principles of some common apparatus • 75 %
PřF:FB860 Concepts in Biophysics • 50 %
PřF:F4290 Laboratory exercises in biophysics • 50 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 25 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 25 %
PřF:F1420 Programming in Python • 25 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 25 %
PřF:F4050 Introduction to Microphysics • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PdF:NJ_A105 German for Beginners 5 • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 100 %
PřF:C5040 Nuclear Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:F5055 Bachelors' Review 1 • 100 %
PřF:F5251K Bachelor thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 100 %
PřF:F5351 Basics of molecular biophysics • 100 %
PřF:F5370 Biophysical labs by UFKL • 100 %
PřF:F9070 Experimental methods of biophysics • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:F3081 Theoretical mechanics • 50 %
FSpS:P974 Physical Education – Floorball • 50 %
6th term
PřF:C8140 Bioenergetics • 100 %
PřF:C8150 Bioenergetics - seminar • 100 %
PřF:FSB02 State examination Bc., Biophysics • 100 %
PřF:F4290 Laboratory exercises in biophysics • 100 %
PřF:F6055 Bachelors' Review 2 • 100 %
PřF:F6252K Bachelor thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:F6330 Selected topics in applied biophysics • 100 %
FSpS:P9023 Physical Education – Grappling • 50 %

Biophysical Chemistry (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 100 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:F1240 Physics for chemists I • 100 %
PřF:F1241 Physics for chemists I, seminar • 100 %
PřF:M1010 Mathematics I • 100 %
PřF:M1020 Mathematics I - seminar • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 83 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 67 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 67 %
PřF:C1050 Basic calculations in chemistry • 50 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 33 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 33 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 33 %
FF:NJ_001 Practical Courses of German • 17 %
FSS:POLB1115 Elections in Practice • 17 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 17 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 17 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 17 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 17 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 17 %
PřF:C7170 Structure and function of the cell • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:F2090 Physics for chemists II • 17 %
PřF:F2091 Physics for chemists II, seminar • 17 %
PřF:F2210 Laboratory physics for non physics students • 17 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 17 %
PřF:M2010 Mathematics II • 17 %
PřF:M2020 Mathematics II - seminar • 17 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 17 %
PdF:RJ1081 Russian online • 17 %
FSpS:P959 Physical Education – Aerobic-mix • 17 %
FSpS:P962 Physical Education – Cycling • 17 %
FSpS:P981 Physical Education – Tennis • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:F2090 Physics for chemists II • 100 %
PřF:F2091 Physics for chemists II, seminar • 100 %
PřF:M2010 Mathematics II • 100 %
PřF:M2020 Mathematics II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 60 %
PřF:F8632 Physical principles of some common apparatus • 60 %
PřF:F2210 Laboratory physics for non physics students • 40 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 40 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 20 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 20 %
PřF:CORE122 Chemistry and Society • 20 %
PřF:C2160 C Programming for Chemists • 20 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 20 %
PřF:C6005 Project and theses • 20 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 20 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
PřF:NCBR002 From Supramolecular Chemistry to Structural Biology by Multiscale Modelling Methods • 20 %
PdF:CORE072 Science and Society • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A105 German for Beginners 5 • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 20 %
FSpS:P9048 Physical Education – Japanese fencing • 20 %
FSpS:P981 Physical Education – Tennis • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:C1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3100 Analytical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3110 Analytical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:F1190 Introduction to biophysics • 100 %
FF:CORE005 Guide to Contemporary Philosophy • 33 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 33 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 33 %
PřF:CORE074 Biosocial anthropology: the nature of the human species and its variability • 33 %
FSpS:P9031 Physical Education – Jogalates • 33 %
4th term
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C3705 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4200 Biochemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C5850 Introduction to Biophysical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C6005 Project and theses • 100 %
PřF:C6160 Analytical chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2170 Statistical Methods in Chemistry • 67 %
PřF:C3706 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory - practical work • 67 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 33 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 33 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 33 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 33 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 33 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C7998 Basics of Experimental NMR Spectroscopy • 33 %
PřF:E0321 Sustainable development - the biggest challenge today? • 33 %
FSpS:CORE059 Mýty a omyly ve statistice • 33 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 33 %

Biochemistry (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7170 Structure and function of the cell • 98 %
PřF:M1035 Mathematics for biochemists • 96 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 95 %
PřF:C4222 Basic calculations in laboratory • 90 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 88 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 81 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 78 %
PřF:F2120 Physics • 57 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 40 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 38 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 36 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 27 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 19 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 14 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 14 %
PřF:C1471 Applied mathematics for biochemists • 14 %
PřF:C1472 Applied mathematics for biochemists - seminar • 14 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 14 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 14 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 100 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 98 %
PřF:C1471 Applied mathematics for biochemists • 98 %
PřF:C1472 Applied mathematics for biochemists - seminar • 98 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 98 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 97 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 94 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 90 %
PřF:C4221 Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory • 89 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 80 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 80 %
PřF:BI6180C Plant biology - practice • 78 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 69 %
PřF:F2120 Physics • 49 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 24 %
PřF:C4222 Basic calculations in laboratory • 11 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C9531 Structure of biomacromolecules • 95 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 93 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 93 %
PřF:C9530 Structure of biomacromolecules • 93 %
PřF:C1660 Basic Analytical Chemistry • 91 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 86 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 84 %
PřF:C7185 Neurobiology • 58 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 35 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 30 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 30 %
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 28 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 26 %
LF:MBFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 21 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 19 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 16 %
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 16 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 14 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 12 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 12 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 12 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 12 %
4th term
PřF:C4185 Seminar to bachalor thesis • 98 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 95 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 95 %
PřF:C4200 Biochemistry II - seminar • 95 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 95 %
PřF:C7860 Plant Biochemistry • 95 %
PřF:C7879 Experimental data processing • 95 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 50 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 29 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 26 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 21 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 19 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI4030C Molecular biology - practice • 98 %
PřF:BI5710 Microbiology • 96 %
PřF:C5014 Bachelor thesis from biochemistry • 96 %
PřF:C6221 Clinical Biochemistry • 96 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 88 %
PřF:BI5710C Microbiology - practice • 80 %
PřF:C6230 Clinical Biochemistry - laboratory course • 44 %
PřF:C7185 Neurobiology • 32 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 26 %
PřF:C7015 Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
LF:BMLO0111 Minima z klinických laboratorních oborů • 18 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 18 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 16 %
LF:BLFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 14 %
6th term
PřF:C6185 Seminar to bachalor thesis • 92 %
PřF:C6200 Biochemical Methods • 92 %
PřF:C8155 Cell signaling • 92 %
PřF:C6014 Bachelor thesis from biochemistry II • 90 %
PřF:CZBB State exam of the bachelor study programme Biochemistry • 87 %
PřF:C7860 Plant Biochemistry • 29 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 12 %

Bioinformatics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2133 Introduction to chemoinformatics • 100 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 100 %
PřF:M1035 Mathematics for biochemists • 100 %
FI:PB001 Introduction to Information Technologies • 94 %
PřF:C4222 Basic calculations in laboratory • 81 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 69 %
PřF:F2120 Physics • 56 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 38 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 38 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 25 %
PřF:C7170 Structure and function of the cell • 25 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 19 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 13 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 13 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:C1471 Applied mathematics for biochemists • 100 %
PřF:C1472 Applied mathematics for biochemists - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2142 Design of algorithms in life sciences • 100 %
PřF:C2150 Information processing and visualization in chemistry and biochemistry • 100 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4221 Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 80 %
PřF:C2143 Design of algorithms in life sciences - seminary • 50 %
PřF:F2120 Physics • 40 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 20 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 20 %
FSpS:P9907 Physical Education – Functional training • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3210 Structural bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C9530 Structure of biomacromolecules • 100 %
PřF:C9531 Structure of biomacromolecules • 100 %
PřF:C1660 Basic Analytical Chemistry • 80 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 80 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 80 %
PřF:C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing • 60 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 40 %
PřF:C5003 Independent project from chemoinformatics and bioinformatics • 40 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:BI1140 Biology of social insect • 20 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 20 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 20 %
PřF:C9555 A Survival Guide to Simulations • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A102 German for Beginners 2 • 20 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 20 %
CST:CORE020 The Digital World: Technology, Potentials and Risks • 20 %
4th term
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:C2135 Bioinformatics for practice • 100 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4185 Seminar to bachalor thesis • 100 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C7879 Experimental data processing • 100 %
PřF:C2160 C Programming for Chemists • 80 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 40 %
FSpS:P9056 Physical Education – Discgolf • 40 %
PrF:CORE112 Taxation and Tax Law in Practice • 20 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 20 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 20 %
PřF:C9088 RNA & DNA sequence analysis • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
FI:IB031 Introduction to Machine Learning • 20 %
PdF:CORE039 Strolling through Europen Children and Teeage Literature • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A103 German for Beginners 3 • 20 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 20 %
FSpS:P984 Physical Education – Hardening • 20 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C2145 Structural bioinformatics in praxis • 100 %
PřF:C3220 Advanced C Programming for Chemists • 100 %
PřF:C5014 Bachelor thesis from biochemistry • 100 %
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 100 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 60 %
PřF:C7800 Introduction to Molecular Modelling - Exercise • 60 %
PřF:E2011 Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science • 40 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 40 %
FI:PB029 Electronic Document Preparation • 40 %
FI:PB168 Introduction to DB and IS • 40 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 20 %
PřF:C2175 Využití programu R pro výpočty a zpracování dat v chemii • 20 %
PřF:MAS01 Applied statistics I • 20 %
PřF:MAS01C Applied statistics I - exercises • 20 %
FI:IB000 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science • 20 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 20 %
FI:PV021 Neural Networks • 20 %
FI:VB005 Panorama of Physics I • 20 %
FSpS:P964 Physical Education – Ballet • 20 %
6th term
PřF:CZBCI Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška z bioinformatiky • 100 %
PřF:C6014 Bachelor thesis from biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C6185 Seminar to bachalor thesis • 100 %
PřF:C9088 RNA & DNA sequence analysis • 100 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C3211 Applied bioinformatics • 40 %
PřF:E1051 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine II • 40 %
FF:VKOR1B2021 Korean 2 • 20 %
PřF:BI7894 Seminar of Research Teams of Loschmidt Laboratories • 20 %
PřF:CORE115 Sustainable development • 20 %
PřF:CORE122 Chemistry and Society • 20 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 20 %
PřF:C6200 Biochemical Methods • 20 %
PřF:C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods • 20 %
PřF:C8856 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods - Excercise • 20 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 20 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 20 %
FSpS:P9052 Physical Education – Jogging • 20 %
FSpS:P998 Physical Education – Sports exemption • 20 %

Human Biology (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1055 Introduction to the study of Human Biology • 94 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 94 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 94 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 94 %
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 94 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 94 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 94 %
PřF:BI4121 Human anatomy I • 94 %
PřF:BI4121C Human anatomy I practical training • 94 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 72 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 72 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 67 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 56 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 44 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 22 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 83 %
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 83 %
PřF:BI5121 Human anatomy II • 67 %
PřF:BI5121C Human anatomy II - practical training • 67 %
PřF:BI7126 Introduction to periodization of history with regards to human populations and their burial habits • 67 %
PřF:BI8920 Advanced Microscopic Methods • 50 %
PřF:BI8920C Fluorescence microscopy - practice • 50 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 33 %
PřF:BI2000C Animal phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 33 %
PřF:BI5120C Physical anthropology practical training • 33 %
PřF:BI8124 Field practice in historical anthropology I • 33 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 17 %
FF:CORE044 Roots of European culture • 17 %
FF:CORE090 Experiments on humans: experimental methods for understanding human behaviour and thinking • 17 %
FF:HV_15A Collegium mixed choir • 17 %
PřF:BI6123 Auxology • 17 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 17 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 17 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 17 %
PřF:GE031 Elements of Paleontology • 17 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 17 %
PřF:JFP02 French for Science 2 • 17 %
FSpS:P937 Physical Education – Nordic walking • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:BI1010 Plant phylogeny and diversity • 67 %
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 67 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 67 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 67 %
PřF:BI3030C Animal physiology - practical course • 67 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 67 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 67 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 67 %
PřF:BI5121 Human anatomy II • 67 %
PřF:BI5121C Human anatomy II - practical training • 67 %
PřF:BI5123 Basic anthropological methods I • 67 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 67 %
PřF:BI6121 Basic anthropological methods II • 67 %
PřF:BI6124 Laboratory practice in historical anthropology I • 67 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 67 %
LF:CORE066 Diachronní přístup k logickému zpracování informací • 33 %
FF:CORE006 Approaches to the scientific understanding of language • 33 %
FF:CORE092 The paradigms of the Russian foreign policy • 33 %
FF:PSBB038 Career Kick-off • 33 %
FF:UJS101B History of Ukraine I. • 33 %
FSS:PSYB1280 Psychology of an everyday life • 33 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 33 %
PřF:BI2140 Field practice in zoology • 33 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 33 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 33 %
PřF:BI4121 Human anatomy I • 33 %
PřF:BI4121C Human anatomy I practical training • 33 %
PřF:BI6270 Cytogenetics and cytogenomics • 33 %
PřF:BI7126 Introduction to periodization of history with regards to human populations and their burial habits • 33 %
PřF:CORE074 Biosocial anthropology: the nature of the human species and its variability • 33 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 33 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 33 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 33 %
PdF:RJ1060 Introductory course of Russian language 1 • 33 %
PdF:RJ2BP_RZS1 Russian for Beginners 1 • 33 %
PdF:SOP138 Leisure education • 33 %
FSpS:P949 Physical Education – Tai Chi • 33 %
CST:KC_WBE Wellbeing culture in the student life • 33 %
4th term
FF:CORE079 Logic for Everyone • 100 %
FF:DOBRO_ARTS Volunteering • 100 %
FF:HIB060BN Modern Russian History (1953-2024). From the Death of Stalin up till the End of Putin • 100 %
FF:RSB701 Russian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Russian literary relations • 100 %
FF:UJS102B History of Ukraine II • 100 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 100 %
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 100 %
PřF:BI7126 Introduction to periodization of history with regards to human populations and their burial habits • 100 %
FSpS:CORE059 Mýty a omyly ve statistice • 100 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI3336 Seminar of specialisation Human Biology 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 83 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 83 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 83 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 83 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 67 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 67 %
PřF:BI5402 Dermatoglyphics • 50 %
PřF:BI6170 Genetics II • 33 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 33 %
LF:BLPP011C First Aid - practice • 17 %
LF:BLPP011P First Aid - lecture • 17 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 17 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 17 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:M1030 Mathematics for biologists • 17 %
CST:CORE020 The Digital World: Technology, Potentials and Risks • 17 %
6th term
PřF:BI3002 Bachelor thesis EMB 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI3337 Seminar of specialisation Human Biology 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI3006 Bachelor state exam of experimental and molecular biology - spec. Human biology • 83 %
PřF:BI6123 Auxology • 83 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 83 %
PřF:BI6400C Methods of Molecular Biology - practice • 83 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 33 %
PřF:BI6126 Laboratory sampling for aDNA analysis • 33 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 17 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 17 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 17 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 17 %
PřF:BI5220C Immunology - practical course • 17 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 17 %
PřF:BI6121 Basic anthropological methods II • 17 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 17 %

Biology with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1090C Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 99 %
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 99 %
PřF:BI1090 Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi • 98 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 98 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 96 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 91 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 79 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 46 %
PřF:MUC14 Functions and equations at secondary school • 20 %
PřF:MUC11 Mathematical Analysis 1 • 18 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 15 %
PřF:BI1000 Introduction to study of ecological and evolutionary biology • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI2230 Field course of botany • 98 %
PřF:BI2030C Higher plant phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI2030 Higher plant phylogeny and diversity • 92 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 90 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 68 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 34 %
PřF:BI6450 Basic methods of field botany • 22 %
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 22 %
PřF:MUC31 Linear Algebra • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1030C Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 97 %
PřF:BI3031 Animal Physiology Demonstrations • 97 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 93 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 90 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 57 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 23 %
PřF:BI1000 Introduction to study of ecological and evolutionary biology • 20 %
PřF:MUC13 Mathematical Analysis 3 • 17 %
PřF:MUC22 Analytical geometry 1 • 17 %
PřF:MUC41 Combinatorics • 17 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 13 %
4th term
PřF:BI2090 Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 93 %
PřF:BI2090C Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 93 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 93 %
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 93 %
PřF:BI4360 Field practice in zoology • 93 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 66 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 55 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 21 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 17 %
PřF:MUC23 Analytical Geometry 2 • 17 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 17 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 17 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI8430 School experiments in biology • 100 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 94 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 94 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 88 %
PřF:BI5009BZ Bachelor thesis of biology I ( teachers of biology) • 31 %
PřF:BI6086 Bachelor's State Final Exam in Biology with a view to Education • 25 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 19 %
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 19 %
PřF:MUC33 Number theory • 19 %
PřF:MUC51 Probability and Statistics • 19 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 19 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 13 %
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 13 %
PřF:BI5009EB Bachelor thesis of biology I ( teachers of biology) • 13 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 13 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 13 %
6th term
PřF:BI6086 Bachelor's State Final Exam in Biology with a view to Education • 83 %
PřF:XSSZB Exam in education and psychology basics • 83 %
PřF:BI6016BZ Bachelor thesis of biology II. (teachers of biology) • 33 %
PřF:BI2090 Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 17 %
PřF:BI2090C Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 17 %
PřF:BI4360 Field practice in zoology • 17 %
PřF:MSZZ_BU State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics • 17 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 17 %

Biology with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1090 Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi • 99 %
PřF:BI1090C Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi - practical course • 99 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 97 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 97 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 97 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 90 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 81 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 73 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 73 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 73 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 70 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 46 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 100 %
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 97 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 97 %
PřF:BI2030 Higher plant phylogeny and diversity • 93 %
PřF:BI2030C Higher plant phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 93 %
PřF:BI2230 Field course of botany • 90 %
PřF:F1141 Introduction into Physics, seminar • 90 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 80 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 66 %
PřF:C3430 Physical Chemistry - seminar • 56 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 46 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 36 %
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 31 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 27 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 20 %
PřF:BI6450 Basic methods of field botany • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 100 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 95 %
PřF:BI1030C Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI3031 Animal Physiology Demonstrations • 95 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 90 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 90 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 81 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 67 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 62 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 38 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 24 %
PřF:BI1000 Introduction to study of ecological and evolutionary biology • 14 %
4th term
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI2090 Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 90 %
PřF:BI2090C Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 90 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 90 %
PřF:BI4360 Field practice in zoology • 90 %
PřF:C5230 Analytical Chemistry • 90 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 81 %
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 57 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 57 %
PřF:C5240 Analytical Chemistry - seminar • 48 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 48 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 33 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 24 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 14 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI8430 School experiments in biology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 92 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 83 %
PřF:C5730 Biochemistry - seminar • 83 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 75 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 75 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 67 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 33 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 33 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 25 %
PřF:BI5009EB Bachelor thesis of biology I ( teachers of biology) • 25 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 25 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 17 %
PřF:BI6086 Bachelor's State Final Exam in Biology with a view to Education • 17 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 17 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 17 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 17 %
6th term
PřF:BI6086 Bachelor's State Final Exam in Biology with a view to Education • 80 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 40 %
PřF:BI6016EB Bachelor thesis of biology I (teachers of biology) • 30 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 20 %
PřF:C6560 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 20 %

Biomedical bioinformatics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 100 %
PřF:E1041 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine I • 100 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 97 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 95 %
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 95 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 92 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 90 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 87 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 49 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 36 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 28 %
PřF:E1051 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine II • 23 %
PřF:E3011 Algorithmization and programming • 23 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 21 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 21 %
PřF:C2480 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry • 15 %
2nd term
PřF:E1051 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine II • 92 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 92 %
PřF:E3011 Algorithmization and programming • 92 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 88 %
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II • 88 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 80 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 60 %
PřF:C2480 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry • 48 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 44 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 44 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 16 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 12 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 92 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 92 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 92 %
PřF:BI6170 Genetics II • 85 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 77 %
PřF:BI7090 Molecular biology of eukaryotes • 77 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 77 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 54 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 46 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 31 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 31 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 31 %
PřF:E3101 Mathematical modelling - introduction • 15 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 15 %
PřF:XV004 From Ideas to Business • 15 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 15 %
4th term
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 92 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 92 %
PřF:C2142 Design of algorithms in life sciences • 92 %
PřF:E4013 Team project of Computational Biology and Biomedicine - Biomedical Bioinformatics • 92 %
PřF:E5046 Biostatistics for Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 92 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 83 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 83 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 83 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 42 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 17 %
PřF:BI6270 Cytogenetics and cytogenomics • 17 %
PřF:C2143 Design of algorithms in life sciences - seminary • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:E5012 Bachelor thesis I • 100 %
PřF:E5013 Bachelor Thesis Seminar of the Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:E7492 DNA Sequence Analysis • 100 %
PřF:E7527 Data Analysis in R • 100 %
PřF:E8600 Multivariate Methods • 100 %
PřF:E8600C Multivariate Methods - practices • 100 %
PřF:M5444 Markov chains • 100 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 25 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 25 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 25 %
FF:CORE034 Nature versus culture? Humans and Art in the Anthropocene • 13 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 13 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 13 %
FSpS:P923 Physical Education – Total body training • 13 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 13 %
FSpS:P966 Physical Education – Total body training • 13 %
ESF:BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English • 13 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 13 %
6th term
PřF:BI6270 Cytogenetics and cytogenomics • 100 %
PřF:C2135 Bioinformatics for practice • 100 %
PřF:E6012 Bachelor thesis II • 100 %
PřF:E6013 Bachelor thesis seminar of the Mathematical Biology • 100 %
PřF:E7491 Regression Modelling • 100 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 100 %
PřF:E6090 Bachelor state exam in Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 88 %
PrF:CORE073 Law and Financial Literacy • 13 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 13 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 13 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 13 %

Cell Biology (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1077 Introduction to the Study of Cell Biology • 96 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 96 %
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 96 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 96 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 96 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 93 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 93 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 85 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 37 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 30 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 19 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 19 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 11 %
PřF:BI2020 Scientific Work in Cell Biology • 11 %
PřF:BI2021 Information technology in cell biology • 11 %
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 11 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2020 Scientific Work in Cell Biology • 95 %
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 95 %
PřF:BI2021 Information technology in cell biology • 91 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 91 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 86 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 82 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 82 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 50 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 36 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 32 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 32 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 23 %
PřF:BI8920 Advanced Microscopic Methods • 18 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 18 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 14 %
PřF:BI5120C Physical anthropology practical training • 14 %
PřF:BI8920C Fluorescence microscopy - practice • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 100 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 100 %
PřF:BI7665C Cell and tissue cultures - practical training • 100 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:BI1010 Plant phylogeny and diversity • 92 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 92 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 83 %
PřF:BI3030C Animal physiology - practical course • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 42 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 33 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 25 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 25 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 17 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 17 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 17 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 17 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 17 %
PřF:BI6270 Cytogenetics and cytogenomics • 17 %
PřF:BI6270C Cytogenetics - practice • 17 %
4th term
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 100 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 100 %
PřF:BI6270 Cytogenetics and cytogenomics • 100 %
PřF:BI8920C Fluorescence microscopy - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI8920 Advanced Microscopic Methods • 90 %
PřF:BI4090C General microbiology - practical course • 70 %
PřF:BI6270C Cytogenetics - practice • 60 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 40 %
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 30 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 30 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 20 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 20 %
PřF:BI6620 Microscopical fungi • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI3340 Seminar of specialisation Cell Biology 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 100 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 80 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 80 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 70 %
LF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 20 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 20 %
6th term
PřF:BI1110 Biology of animal cell • 100 %
PřF:BI1190 Biology of Plant Cell • 100 %
PřF:BI3341 Seminar of specialisation Cell Biology 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI6120 Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture • 100 %
PřF:BI6120C Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI6620 Microscopical fungi • 100 %
PřF:BI3002 Bachelor thesis EMB 2 • 80 %
PřF:BI3008 Bachelor state exam of experimental and molecular biology - spec. Cell biology • 80 %
PřF:BI6620C Microscopical fungi - practical course • 20 %

Ecological and Evolutionary Biology (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1000 Introduction to study of ecological and evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:BI1090 Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi • 100 %
PřF:BI1090C Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI1030C Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 99 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 98 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 98 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 93 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 92 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 82 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 32 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2130 Field course of systematic botany • 97 %
PřF:BI2030 Higher plant phylogeny and diversity • 95 %
PřF:BI2030C Higher plant phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI2090C Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI2140 Field practice in zoology • 95 %
PřF:BI2090 Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 93 %
PřF:BI8761 Introduction to Field Invertebrate Zoology • 68 %
PřF:BI6450 Basic methods of field botany • 41 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 40 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 36 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 27 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 16 %
PřF:BI7560 Introduction to R • 15 %
PřF:BI8165 Wetland ecology • 11 %
PřF:BI8169 Wetland ecology - practice • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 86 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 65 %
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 65 %
PřF:BI3030C Animal physiology - practical course • 65 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 62 %
PřF:BI3560 Advanced data processing in Excel • 57 %
PřF:BI2302 Zoological microtechnique . • 54 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 32 %
FF:LJ401 Classical Mythology: Gods • 30 %
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 30 %
PřF:BI1180 Plant morphology • 30 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 30 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 27 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 27 %
PřF:BI1301 Microscopic Methods for the Study of Plant Structure • 24 %
PřF:BI8085 Chiropterology • 24 %
PřF:BI8185 Forest ecology • 24 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 22 %
PřF:M1030 Mathematics for biologists • 19 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 16 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 16 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 14 %
PřF:BI7530 Mycological excursion • 11 %
PřF:BI8763 Identification of terrestrial invertebrates - lab course • 11 %
4th term
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 100 %
PřF:BI7560 Introduction to R • 84 %
PřF:BI2220 Information sources in zoology • 63 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 59 %
PřF:BI8130 Ethology • 59 %
PřF:BI9000 Geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 47 %
PřF:BI0055 Field course in entomology • 41 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 34 %
PřF:BI7451 Biology of aquatic invertebrates • 34 %
PřF:BI2210 Information sources in botany • 31 %
PřF:BI4115 System of angiosperms • 31 %
PřF:BI5210 Plant population ecology • 31 %
PřF:BI6549 Processing basic botanical data • 31 %
PřF:BI6360 Hydrobiology (Limnobiology) • 28 %
PřF:BI6631 Floristic summer school of the Czech Botanical Society • 25 %
PřF:BI6661 Field course of geobotany • 25 %
PřF:BI6330 General parasitology • 22 %
PřF:BI8169 Wetland ecology - practice • 22 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 22 %
PřF:BI6691 Botanical excursion abroad • 19 %
PřF:BI8165 Wetland ecology • 19 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 16 %
PřF:BI4280 Special histology of animals • 16 %
PřF:BI8762 Identification of aquatic invertebrates - practice • 16 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 13 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI5560 Basics of statistics for biologists • 100 %
PřF:BI8705 Scientific work in botany and zoology • 95 %
PřF:BI5831 Bachelor thesis of ecological and evolutionary biology I • 91 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 91 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 82 %
PřF:BI6800 Zoological seminar I • 59 %
PřF:BI3130 Comparative morphology of vertebrates • 45 %
PřF:BI4061 Biogeography for Zoologists • 36 %
PřF:BI4001 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) I • 32 %
PřF:BI5659 Geobotany seminar I • 27 %
PřF:BI5690 Botany seminar I • 27 %
PřF:BI6580 Plant taxonomy • 27 %
PřF:BI8175 Mire ecology • 27 %
PřF:BI9170 Mammalogy • 23 %
PřF:BI7805 Hydrobiological seminary I • 18 %
PřF:BI8179 Mire ecology - practice • 18 %
PřF:BI8770 Practise in identification of Czech vertebrates • 18 %
PřF:BI9520 Phycological excursion • 18 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 14 %
PřF:BI7530 Mycological excursion • 14 %
6th term
PřF:BI6832 Bachelor thesis of ecological and evolutionary biology II • 78 %
PřF:BI6083 Bachelor’s state examination of systematic biology and ecology • 65 %
PřF:BI6801 Zoological seminar II • 57 %
PřF:BI8762 Identification of aquatic invertebrates - practice • 30 %
PřF:BI4002 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) II • 26 %
PřF:BI6651 Botany seminar II • 26 %
PřF:BI6330 General parasitology • 22 %
PřF:BI6660 Geobotany seminar II • 22 %
PřF:BI6640 Bryological practice • 17 %
PřF:BI6691 Botanical excursion abroad • 17 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 13 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 13 %
PřF:BI6681 Protected areas of Brno surroundings 1 • 13 %
PřF:BI6750 Limnological methods • 13 %
PřF:BI7806 Hydrobiological seminary II • 13 %

Environmental chemistry and toxicology (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 96 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 96 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 96 %
PřF:E1030 Basic chemical calculations in environmental science • 96 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 96 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 92 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 92 %
PřF:E1000 Environment & Health I - Global Environmental Challenges and their Solutions • 92 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 88 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 83 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 25 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 25 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 94 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 94 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 94 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 94 %
PřF:E2000 Environment & Health II - Environmental Policies, Strategies and Instruments • 94 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 94 %
PřF:E2030 Environment & Health - Week Field Trip • 94 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 89 %
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 83 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 44 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 28 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 28 %
PřF:E2050 Laboratory course in molecular biology and microbiology • 17 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 11 %
PdF:NJ_A103 German for Beginners 3 • 11 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 11 %

Environmental health (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 92 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 92 %
PřF:E1000 Environment & Health I - Global Environmental Challenges and their Solutions • 92 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 92 %
PřF:E1030 Basic chemical calculations in environmental science • 92 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 92 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 92 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 92 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 83 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 79 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 71 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 25 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 17 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 13 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 95 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 95 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 95 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 95 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 95 %
PřF:E2000 Environment & Health II - Environmental Policies, Strategies and Instruments • 95 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 95 %
PřF:E2030 Environment & Health - Week Field Trip • 95 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 82 %
PřF:E2050 Laboratory course in molecular biology and microbiology • 77 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 73 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 68 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 41 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 18 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
LF:BKFY0121C Physiology I - practice • 100 %
LF:BKFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 100 %
PřF:C1660 Basic Analytical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 100 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 100 %
PřF:E3000N Environment & Health III - Social, economical and political context • 100 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 100 %
PřF:E3040 Public Health Protection • 100 %
PřF:E3041 Public Health Protection - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 88 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 88 %
PřF:C3620 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 88 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 75 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 25 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 25 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 25 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 25 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 25 %
FF:BAX203 Finnish for Beginners III • 13 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 13 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 13 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 13 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 13 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 13 %
PřF:JNP03 German for Science 3 • 13 %
FSpS:P9032 Physical Education – Street Dance • 13 %
FSpS:P9034 Physical Education – Salsa • 13 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 13 %
4th term
LF:BKFY0222C Physiology II - practice • 100 %
LF:BKFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 100 %
PřF:E2050 Laboratory course in molecular biology and microbiology • 100 %
PřF:E4020 Soft-skills IV - Presentation Skills • 100 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 100 %
PřF:E4080 Demography and Social Determinants of Health • 100 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 50 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 25 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 25 %
PřF:E0321 Sustainable development - the biggest challenge today? • 25 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 25 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 25 %
LF:AVLMS01 MUNI Mindful Minds • 13 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 13 %
FF:BAX204 Finnish for Beginners IV • 13 %
FF:CORE099 Civil Society and Human Rights in Eastern Europe • 13 %
PrF:MV411K Environmental Policy • 13 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 13 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 13 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 13 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 13 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 13 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 13 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 13 %
PřF:E4040 Project for Environment & Health I • 13 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 13 %
PdF:PS_0014 Introduction to Psychology of Sexuality • 13 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 13 %
FSpS:P972 Physical Education – Pilates • 13 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 13 %

Epidemiology and modeling (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 100 %
PřF:E1041 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine I • 100 %
PřF:E2011 Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science • 100 %
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 100 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 82 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 82 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 76 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 47 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 29 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 29 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 12 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 12 %
PřF:E1051 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine II • 12 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 12 %
PřF:E3011 Algorithmization and programming • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:E1051 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biomedicine II • 100 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 100 %
PřF:E3011 Algorithmization and programming • 100 %
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II • 93 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 86 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 79 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 71 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 64 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 36 %
PřF:BI6180C Plant biology - practice • 29 %
PdF:CORE071 Practical psychology and communication • 21 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 21 %
FF:CORE056 Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis • 14 %
FSS:CORE030 Media and Society in the 21st Century • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 100 %
PřF:E3101 Mathematical modelling - introduction • 100 %
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 100 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 89 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 78 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 67 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 56 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 44 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 44 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 33 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 22 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 11 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 11 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 11 %
PřF:CORE041 Science – the greatest project of mankind • 11 %
PřF:C3620 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 11 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 11 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 11 %
PdF:TI9008 E-COURSE: News from the world of modern Hi-Tech aids for visually impaired people • 11 %
FSpS:P959 Physical Education – Aerobic-mix • 11 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 11 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 11 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 11 %
4th term
PřF:E4015 Team Project of the Computational Biology - Epidemiology and Modeling • 100 %
PřF:E5046 Biostatistics for Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 90 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 90 %
PřF:E5440 Time series • 90 %
PřF:MAZRD Applied analysis of biomedical and geographical data • 80 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 80 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 50 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 30 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 30 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 20 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI6340 Community ecology and macroecology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:E5012 Bachelor thesis I • 100 %
PřF:E5013 Bachelor Thesis Seminar of the Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:E8600 Multivariate Methods • 100 %
PřF:E8600C Multivariate Methods - practices • 100 %
PřF:E0350 Epidemiology • 67 %
PřF:E0351 Epidemiology - Practicals • 67 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 67 %
PřF:E7527 Data Analysis in R • 50 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 33 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 33 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 33 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 33 %
PřF:BI4340 Human biology • 17 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 17 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 17 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 17 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 17 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 17 %
6th term
PřF:E5447 Database Systems in Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:E6012 Bachelor thesis II • 100 %
PřF:E6013 Bachelor thesis seminar of the Mathematical Biology • 100 %
PřF:E6090 Bachelor state exam in Computational Biology and Biomedicine • 100 %
PřF:E7491 Regression Modelling • 100 %
PřF:MAZRD Applied analysis of biomedical and geographical data • 100 %
FF:AR1B65 The Creation of Family Trees in Practice • 17 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 17 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 17 %
PdF:TI9011 Internships in educational programs for schools at leisure centers • 17 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 17 %

Experimental Plant Biology (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1010C Plant phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1010 Plant phylogeny and diversity • 97 %
PřF:BI1022 Introduction to the study of Experimental Biology of Plants • 97 %
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 97 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 97 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 97 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 97 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 94 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 81 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 69 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 63 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 56 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 31 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 25 %
PřF:BI4926 Scientific Work in Experimental Plant Biology • 25 %
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 25 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 25 %
PřF:BI2160 Field botanical excursion • 22 %
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 22 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 19 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 19 %
2nd term
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 94 %
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 94 %
PřF:BI4926 Scientific Work in Experimental Plant Biology • 94 %
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 94 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 94 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 89 %
PřF:BI2160 Field botanical excursion • 89 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 61 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 33 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 22 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 17 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 11 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 11 %
PřF:CORE121 Water for modern human society • 11 %
FSpS:P945 Physical Education – In-line skating • 11 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 11 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1301 Microscopic Methods for the Study of Plant Structure • 100 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 100 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI7160 Mineral Nutrition of Plants • 100 %
PřF:BI7160C Mineral Nutrition of Plants - practical course • 100 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 100 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 33 %
PřF:BI0077 English for Plant Biologists • 33 %
PřF:BI0077C English for Plant Biologists - practice • 33 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 33 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
FF:HV_15A Collegium mixed choir • 17 %
PrF:CORE113 The Law and the Individual (Both Non-entrepreneur and Entrepreneur) in the Regionally and Universall • 17 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 17 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 17 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 17 %
PřF:BI4321 Field Training in Experimental Plant Biology • 17 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 17 %
PřF:BI6120 Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture • 17 %
PřF:BI6120C Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture - practical course • 17 %
PřF:BI6150 Mycorrhizal symbioses • 17 %
PřF:BI6150C Mycorrhizal symbioses - practice • 17 %
PřF:BI7180 Evolutionary morphology of plants • 17 %
PřF:CORE075 Into the world of biomolecules • 17 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 17 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 17 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 17 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 17 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PdF:CJP010 Guidelines for Writing Bachelor and Master Thesis • 17 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 17 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 17 %
4th term
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 83 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 83 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 83 %
PřF:BI4321 Field Training in Experimental Plant Biology • 83 %
PřF:BI6150 Mycorrhizal symbioses • 83 %
PřF:BI6150C Mycorrhizal symbioses - practice • 83 %
PřF:BI6120 Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture • 33 %
PřF:BI6120C Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture - practical course • 33 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
FaF:CORE049 Medicines in Everyday Life in the 21st Century • 17 %
FF:LGBB01 Writing systems of the World • 17 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 17 %
PřF:BI1301 Microscopic Methods for the Study of Plant Structure • 17 %
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 17 %
PřF:BI3330 Seminar of specialisation Experimental Biology of Plants 1 • 17 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 17 %
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 17 %
PřF:BI4090C General microbiology - practical course • 17 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 17 %
PřF:BI7570 Plant Physiological Ecology • 17 %
PřF:BI7570C Plant Physiological Ecology - practical course • 17 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 17 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:C7860 Plant Biochemistry • 17 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 17 %
FSpS:P9052 Physical Education – Jogging • 17 %
FSpS:P940 Physical Education – Basics of Capoeira • 17 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI3330 Seminar of specialisation Experimental Biology of Plants 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI7570 Plant Physiological Ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI7570C Plant Physiological Ecology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 100 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 100 %
PřF:BI7750 Plant pathology • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 75 %
PřF:BI0077 English for Plant Biologists • 50 %
PřF:BI0077C English for Plant Biologists - practice • 50 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 50 %
PřF:BI9630 Carnivorous plants • 50 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 25 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 25 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 25 %
6th term
PřF:BI1190 Biology of Plant Cell • 100 %
PřF:BI3331 Seminar of specialisation Experimental Biology of Plants 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI6040 Advanced Plant Physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI6040C Plant physiology for advanced students - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI3002 Bachelor thesis EMB 2 • 75 %
PřF:BI3003 Bachelor state exam of experimental and molecular biology - spec. Experimental plant biology • 75 %
PřF:BI6150 Mycorrhizal symbioses • 75 %
PřF:BI6150C Mycorrhizal symbioses - practice • 75 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 50 %
PřF:BI6120 Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture • 25 %
PřF:BI6120C Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture - practical course • 25 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 25 %
PdF:FJ0002 French for Beginners 2 • 25 %
FSpS:P972 Physical Education – Pilates • 25 %

Experimental Animal Biology and Immunology (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 100 %
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1033 Introduction to the study of Experimental Biology of Animals and Immunology • 98 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 98 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 96 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 93 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 91 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 91 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 82 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 82 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 36 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 36 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 16 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2000C Animal phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 95 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 92 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 92 %
PřF:BI8920 Advanced Microscopic Methods • 87 %
PřF:BI8920C Fluorescence microscopy - practice • 67 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 59 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 56 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 54 %
PřF:BI5120C Physical anthropology practical training • 31 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 26 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 21 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 13 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 13 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 13 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1010 Plant phylogeny and diversity • 100 %
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 100 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI3030C Animal physiology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 94 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 94 %
PřF:BI5610 Information technology in biology • 88 %
PřF:BI2302 Zoological microtechnique . • 65 %
PřF:BI5353 Methodology of scientific work in animal biology • 53 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 47 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 35 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 24 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 24 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 18 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 18 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 18 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 18 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 12 %
FSpS:P959 Physical Education – Aerobic-mix • 12 %
4th term
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 100 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI4090C General microbiology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 100 %
PřF:BI5611C Special methods of animal physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI6140 Embryology • 100 %
PřF:BI6140C Embryology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 44 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3332 Seminar of specialisation Experimental Biology of Animals and Immunology 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI5353 Methodology of scientific work in animal biology • 100 %
PřF:BI5599 Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology Methods • 100 %
PřF:BI5599C Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology Methods - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 100 %
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 88 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 88 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 82 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 29 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 18 %
PřF:BI9904 Journal club – animal physiology I • 18 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 12 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 12 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 12 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 12 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 12 %
6th term
PřF:BI1110 Biology of animal cell • 94 %
PřF:BI3333 Seminar of specialisation Experimental Biology of Animals and Immunology 2 • 94 %
PřF:BI3002 Bachelor thesis EMB 2 • 83 %
PřF:BI3004 Bachelor state exam of experimental and molecular biology - spec. Exp. animal biology and immunology • 83 %
PřF:BI5220C Immunology - practical course • 83 %
PřF:BI8200 Microscopic anatomy of vertebrates • 78 %
PřF:BI8200C Microscopic anatomy of vertebrates - practical course • 78 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 17 %
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 11 %

Financial and Insurance Mathematics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 100 %
PřF:M1120 Discrete mathematics • 100 %
PřF:M1130 Mathematical Seminary I • 100 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 85 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 82 %
PřF:M1160 Introduction to Programming I • 76 %
PřF:M1141 Introduction to ICT for mathematicians • 48 %
PřF:JAM01 English for Mathematicians I • 30 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II • 95 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 95 %
PřF:M2150 Algebra I • 86 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 67 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 43 %
PřF:M2142 Computer Algebra Systems • 33 %
ESF:BPF_POJ1 Insurance Industry 1 • 29 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 14 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 100 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 92 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 92 %
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 77 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 38 %
PrF:BVV13ZK Basics of Law for Non-Lawyers • 31 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 31 %
ESF:BDX_AKAP Academic writing • 23 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 15 %
PřF:JAM01 English for Mathematicians I • 15 %
PřF:M3130 Linear Algebra and Geometry III • 15 %
PřF:M5123 Mathematics of Finance • 15 %
PdF:TI0001 Practical Activities in Leisure Activities • 15 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 15 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 15 %
4th term
PřF:M4100 Mathematical Analysis IV • 100 %
PřF:M6110 Mathematics of Insurance • 100 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 92 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 85 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 54 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 38 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 31 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 23 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 15 %
PřF:M2150 Algebra I • 15 %
ESF:MPF_TEPO Portfolio Theory • 15 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 15 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:M5KPM Chapters from actuarial mathematics • 92 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 92 %
PřF:M5123 Mathematics of Finance • 92 %
PřF:M51XX Bachelor Thesis 1 • 83 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 58 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 33 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 33 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 17 %
PřF:M7988 Models of losses in non-life insurance • 17 %
6th term
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 100 %
ESF:MPF_TEPO Portfolio Theory • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_BN State examination Bc, Mathematics • 83 %
PřF:M61XX Bachelor Thesis 2 • 83 %
PřF:M6110 Mathematics of Insurance • 25 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 17 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 17 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 17 %

Physical Geography (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0026C Physical geography - seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z1035 Seminar - Introduction to the Geography study • 100 %
PřF:Z2062C Cartography-seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z3090C Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z3090P Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 94 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 89 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 89 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 86 %
PřF:ZX010X Úvodní programový kurz pro studující B-GEK • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 100 %
PřF:Z2069 Geographical Data Analysis 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 100 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 95 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 95 %
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 89 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 79 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 79 %
PřF:Z0121 Field work on physical geography • 74 %
PřF:Z0122 Field work on human geography • 58 %
PřF:JAZ02 English for Geographers II • 21 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 16 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 11 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 11 %
FSpS:P9042 Physical Education – Slow Flow Yoga • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z0059 Hydrology • 100 %
PřF:Z0086 Pedogeography • 100 %
PřF:Z3104 Geodatabases • 100 %
PřF:Z0076 Meteorology and climatology • 89 %
PřF:Z0109 Seminar of physical geography • 67 %
PřF:Z0025 Ecology and environment • 56 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 33 %
PřF:Z8105 Map resources • 33 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 22 %
PřF:JAZ01 English for Geographers I • 22 %
PřF:ZX511 Fundamentals of Geology • 22 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 22 %
FF:CORE078 Fifty Shades of Truth: between making an image and constructing modern propaganda • 11 %
FF:CORE087 Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China • 11 %
FF:NJII_65 Swedish for beginners II • 11 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 11 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 11 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 11 %
PřF:CORE075 Into the world of biomolecules • 11 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 11 %
PřF:Z0005 Biogeography • 11 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 11 %
PřF:Z0051 Geomorphology • 11 %
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 11 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 11 %
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 11 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 11 %
PřF:Z4066 Landscape ecology • 11 %
PřF:Z8108 Remote sensing • 11 %
PřF:Z8118 Thematic Cartography • 11 %
FSpS:P9027 Physical Education – WingTsun • 11 %
FSpS:P9045 Physical Education – Health Qigong and the Basics of Tai Chi • 11 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 11 %
ESF:CORE082 Smart city and quality of life • 11 %
4th term
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 100 %
PřF:Z4066 Landscape ecology • 100 %
PřF:Z0005 Biogeography • 86 %
PřF:Z0051 Geomorphology • 86 %
PřF:Z0064 Regional case studies • 86 %
PřF:Z0073 Field work physical geography 2 • 86 %
PřF:Z0124 Field work on physical geography 1 • 86 %
PřF:Z8108 Remote sensing • 86 %
PřF:Z6010 Oceanography • 71 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 43 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 29 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 29 %
PřF:ZX666 EDUC: Space & Place • 29 %
FF:NJII_66 Swedish for advanced students I • 14 %
FSS:CORE061 Environmental problems and collapses of ancient civilizations • 14 %
PřF:JAZ02 English for Geographers II • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 14 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 14 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 14 %
PřF:Z6666 Environment of the Czech Republic • 14 %
FSpS:P9034 Physical Education – Salsa • 14 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:Z5004 Academic Skills 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z5151 Environmental risks of biodiversity • 100 %
PřF:Z8118 Thematic Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z0003 Bachelor Thesis 1 • 83 %
PřF:Z7051 Environmental geography • 67 %
FF:CORE028 Communism in the 21st century in Asia • 33 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 33 %
PřF:Z8114 Remote sensing digital image processing • 33 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 17 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 17 %
PřF:Z0025 Ecology and environment • 17 %
PřF:Z8055 Methods in Physical Geography 3 - biogeography, pedogeography • 17 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 17 %
FSpS:P974 Physical Education – Floorball • 17 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 17 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 17 %
CST:CORE019 Advances and Challenges in Modern Biology • 17 %
6th term
PřF:Z0004 Bachelor Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z0004X Bachelor Thesis 2 - final • 100 %
PřF:Z1005F Examen on geography (Bac.) • 100 %
PřF:Z6004 Academic Skills 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z5790 Landscape of South Moravia • 50 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 33 %
PřF:ZX666 EDUC: Space & Place • 33 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 17 %
PřF:Z0003 Bachelor Thesis 1 • 17 %
FSpS:P981 Physical Education – Tennis • 17 %

Physics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F1110 Linear algebra and geometry • 100 %
PřF:F1030 Mechanics • 98 %
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 95 %
PřF:M1100F Mathematical Analysis I • 95 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 88 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 76 %
PřF:F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 • 64 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 40 %
PřF:F1032 Mechanics and molecular physics: problems plus • 36 %
PřF:F0010 Preparatory course (elementary mathematics) • 29 %
PřF:F1400 Computer programming • 17 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 14 %
PřF:F1251 Elements of astronomy 1 • 12 %
PřF:F2050 Electricity and magnetism • 12 %
PřF:F2051 Electricity and magnetism: exercise plus • 12 %
PřF:F2182 Linear and multilinear algebra • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:F2050 Electricity and magnetism • 93 %
PřF:F2182 Linear and multilinear algebra • 93 %
PřF:M2100F Mathematical Analysis II • 86 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 79 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 71 %
PřF:F2051 Electricity and magnetism: exercise plus • 50 %
PřF:F2423 Computing practice 2 • 46 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 36 %
PřF:F1420 Programming in Python • 18 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 18 %
PřF:F2252 Elements of astronomy 2 • 11 %
PřF:F8632 Physical principles of some common apparatus • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M3100F Mathematical Analysis III • 94 %
PřF:F4120 Theoretical mechanics • 81 %
PřF:F3060 Oscillations, waves, optics • 75 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 75 %
PřF:F3062 Oscillations, waves, optics: enhanced • 69 %
PřF:F3423 Basic mathematical methods in physics 3 • 50 %
PřF:F3360 Nuclear reactors and powerstations • 44 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 38 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 38 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 31 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 19 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 19 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 13 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 13 %
PřF:F3180 Gas discharges • 13 %
PřF:F3370 Introduction to nanotechnology • 13 %
PdF:NJ_K311 Cultural Events in German • 13 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 13 %
4th term
PřF:F4050 Introduction to Microphysics • 94 %
PřF:F4090 Electrodynamics and theory of relativity • 94 %
PřF:M4010 Equations of mathematical physics • 94 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 76 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 35 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 29 %
PřF:F4051 Physics in spacetime • 29 %
PřF:F6060 Programming, exam • 29 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 24 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 24 %
FF:CORE028 Communism in the 21st century in Asia • 18 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 18 %
FSS:CORE061 Environmental problems and collapses of ancient civilizations • 12 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 12 %
PřF:F5066 Functions of complex variable • 12 %
PřF:F6290 Interesting theoretical physics • 12 %
PřF:F8130 Advanced dispersion models in thin film optics I • 12 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
FI:IB031 Introduction to Machine Learning • 12 %
PdF:CORE039 Strolling through Europen Children and Teeage Literature • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:F5030 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics • 100 %
PřF:F5151 Physical laboratory 4 • 100 %
PřF:F5170 Introduction to Plasma Physics • 93 %
PřF:F6040 Thermodynamics and statistical physics • 93 %
PřF:F5055 Bachelors' Review 1 • 50 %
PřF:F5251T Bachelor thesis 1 • 50 %
PřF:F5251K Bachelor thesis 1 • 43 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 36 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 36 %
PřF:F5510 Analytical mechanics • 21 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 21 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 21 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 14 %
PřF:JAF03 English for Physicists III • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
FSpS:P936 Physical Education – Balance Exercise • 14 %
6th term
PřF:F6060 Programming, exam • 93 %
PřF:F6390 Solid state physics laboratory • 93 %
PřF:F7122 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics of Molecules and Solids • 93 %
PřF:F6121 Introduction to solid state physics • 86 %
PřF:FSB01 State examination Bc., Physics • 79 %
PřF:F6252T Bachelor thesis 2 • 50 %
PřF:F6055 Bachelors' Review 2 • 36 %
PřF:F6122 Introduction to solid state physics - seminary • 36 %
PřF:F6050 Advanced quantum mechanics • 29 %
PřF:F6252K Bachelor thesis 2 • 29 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 14 %
PřF:F4050 Introduction to Microphysics • 14 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 14 %

Physics – nanotechnology (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 95 %
PřF:F1711 Mathematics 1 • 95 %
PřF:F3370 Introduction to nanotechnology • 95 %
PřF:F1030 Mechanics • 85 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 85 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 80 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 75 %
PřF:F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 • 70 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 60 %
PřF:F1032 Mechanics and molecular physics: problems plus • 50 %
PřF:F1400 Computer programming • 30 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 25 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 15 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 15 %
2nd term
PřF:F4160 Vacuum physics • 100 %
PřF:F2050 Electricity and magnetism • 93 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 93 %
PřF:F2712 Mathematics 2 • 93 %
PřF:F2051 Electricity and magnetism: exercise plus • 53 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 53 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 53 %
PřF:F8632 Physical principles of some common apparatus • 40 %
PřF:F2423 Computing practice 2 • 27 %
PřF:F1420 Programming in Python • 20 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F3060 Oscillations, waves, optics • 88 %
PřF:F3062 Oscillations, waves, optics: enhanced • 88 %
PřF:F3180 Gas discharges • 88 %
PřF:F3200 Physics of materials and thin films • 88 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 88 %
PřF:F3712 Mathematics 3 • 88 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 75 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 50 %
PřF:F3250 Modern problems in condensed matter physics • 50 %
PřF:F4120 Theoretical mechanics • 50 %
PřF:F6540 Basics of semiconductor technology • 50 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 38 %
PřF:F3081 Theoretical mechanics • 25 %
FF:JSBSL310 Slovenian for Pre-Intermediate I • 13 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
PřF:F1420 Programming in Python • 13 %
PřF:F2050 Electricity and magnetism • 13 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 13 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 13 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 13 %
PřF:JAF02 English for Physicists II • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 13 %
FSpS:P929 Physical Education – SM system • 13 %
FSpS:P966 Physical Education – Total body training • 13 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 13 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 13 %
4th term
PřF:C1800 Chemistry for Physicists • 100 %
PřF:F4050 Introduction to Microphysics • 100 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 100 %
PřF:F5090 Electronics • 100 %
PřF:F6270 Electronic laboratory • 100 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 71 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 43 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 29 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 29 %
PřF:F8632 Physical principles of some common apparatus • 29 %
FF:JSBSL320 Slovenian for Pre-Intermediate II • 14 %
PřF:F6290 Interesting theoretical physics • 14 %
PřF:JAERA English for International Mobility and Erasmus • 14 %
PřF:JAF04 English for Physicists IV • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:M4010 Equations of mathematical physics • 14 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 14 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 14 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:F3390 Micro- and nano- structures preparation • 100 %
PřF:F5030 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics • 100 %
PřF:F5170 Introduction to Plasma Physics • 100 %
PřF:F5601E Bachelor Thesis 1 • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:F5055 Bachelors' Review 1 • 50 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 38 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 38 %
PřF:F6040 Thermodynamics and statistical physics • 38 %
PřF:F6540 Basics of semiconductor technology • 38 %
PřF:F5220 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 • 25 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 25 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 13 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 13 %
PřF:CORE041 Science – the greatest project of mankind • 13 %
PřF:F3180 Gas discharges • 13 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 13 %
FI:CORE012 Information Society • 13 %
FI:CORE013 Software Development: from an idea to working solution • 13 %
FSpS:P949 Physical Education – Tai Chi • 13 %
FSpS:P972 Physical Education – Pilates • 13 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 13 %
FSpS:P986 Physical Education – Karate • 13 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 13 %
6th term
PřF:F6121 Introduction to solid state physics • 100 %
PřF:F6250E Bachelor Thesis 2 • 86 %
PřF:FSB08 State examination Bc., Nanotechnology • 71 %
PřF:F6082 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics • 71 %
PřF:F6122 Introduction to solid state physics - seminary • 57 %
PřF:F6055 Bachelors' Review 2 • 43 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 29 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 14 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 14 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 14 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 14 %
PřF:F5900 Physics in business • 14 %
PřF:F8632 Physical principles of some common apparatus • 14 %
FSpS:P9031 Physical Education – Jogalates • 14 %

Physics with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 100 %
PřF:F1030 Mechanics • 88 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 85 %
PřF:MUC11 Mathematical Analysis 1 • 79 %
PřF:MUC14 Functions and equations at secondary school • 79 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 70 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 64 %
PřF:F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 • 52 %
PřF:F1032 Mechanics and molecular physics: problems plus • 45 %
PřF:F1711 Mathematics 1 • 30 %
PřF:F1080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 27 %
PřF:F1150 Weekend course for physics teaching students • 27 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 24 %
PřF:F1620 Self-made Mechanics • 18 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 18 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 15 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 12 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 12 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 100 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 91 %
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 74 %
PřF:MUC31 Linear Algebra • 74 %
PřF:F2050 Electricity and magnetism • 70 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 57 %
PřF:F2051 Electricity and magnetism: exercise plus • 43 %
PřF:F2080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 35 %
PřF:F2712 Mathematics 2 • 26 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 26 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 22 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 17 %
PřF:F2071 Electricity and magnetism • 17 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 13 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:C3430 Physical Chemistry - seminar • 13 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
FSpS:P9041 Physical Education – Yoga • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F3081 Theoretical mechanics • 90 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 90 %
PřF:MUC13 Mathematical Analysis 3 • 80 %
PřF:MUC22 Analytical geometry 1 • 80 %
PřF:MUC41 Combinatorics • 80 %
PřF:F3101 Oscillations, waves, optics • 70 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 60 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 50 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 50 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 40 %
PřF:F1150 Weekend course for physics teaching students • 30 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 20 %
PřF:F3060 Oscillations, waves, optics • 20 %
PřF:F3062 Oscillations, waves, optics: enhanced • 20 %
4th term
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 91 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 82 %
PřF:F4082 Electrodynamics and relativity theory • 73 %
PřF:MUC15 Mathematical Analysis 4 • 73 %
PřF:MUC23 Analytical Geometry 2 • 73 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 73 %
PřF:F4100 Introduction to Microphysics • 64 %
PřF:F4055 Experimental foundations and basic concepts of quantum mechanics • 55 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 55 %
PřF:F4050 Introduction to Microphysics • 27 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 27 %
PřF:F4090 Electrodynamics and theory of relativity • 18 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 18 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:F5055 Bachelors' Review 1 • 100 %
PřF:F5082 Basic Quantum Mechanics • 100 %
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 100 %
PřF:MUC33 Number theory • 100 %
PřF:MUC51 Probability and Statistics • 100 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 50 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 50 %
6th term
PřF:FSB03 State examination Bc, Teaching • 100 %
PřF:F6055 Bachelors' Review 2 • 100 %
PřF:F6082 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_BU State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics • 100 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:XSSZB Exam in education and psychology basics • 100 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 50 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 50 %

Physics with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 100 %
PřF:F1711 Mathematics 1 • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 67 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 67 %
FF:CORE087 Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China • 33 %
PřF:F1030 Mechanics • 33 %
PřF:F2070 Electricity and magnetism • 33 %
PřF:F2071 Electricity and magnetism • 33 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 33 %
PřF:F2712 Mathematics 2 • 33 %
PřF:F7670 Žákovské pokusy • 33 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 33 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:F2070 Electricity and magnetism • 100 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 100 %
PřF:F2712 Mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 100 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 100 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 100 %
FSpS:P987 Physical Education – Self-defence • 100 %
6th term
PřF:F4082 Electrodynamics and relativity theory • 100 %

Geographical Cartography and Geoinformatics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0026C Physical geography - seminar • 98 %
PřF:Z2062C Cartography-seminar • 98 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 98 %
PřF:Z3090C Human Geography • 98 %
PřF:Z3090P Human Geography • 98 %
PřF:Z1035 Seminar - Introduction to the Geography study • 96 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 92 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 86 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 84 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 75 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 71 %
PřF:ZX010X Úvodní programový kurz pro studující B-GEK • 27 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 24 %
PřF:JAZ01 English for Geographers I • 22 %
2nd term
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 91 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 91 %
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 88 %
PřF:Z2069 Geographical Data Analysis 2 • 88 %
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 88 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 84 %
PřF:Z0122 Field work on human geography • 78 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 69 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 63 %
PřF:Z0121 Field work on physical geography • 38 %
PřF:JAZ02 English for Geographers II • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z3104 Geodatabases • 100 %
PřF:Z8105 Map resources • 100 %
PřF:Z8118 Thematic Cartography • 94 %
PřF:MZ201 Mathematics for Cartography • 89 %
PřF:Z0047 Economic geography • 72 %
PřF:Z0043 Population geography and geodemography • 61 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 50 %
FF:CORE087 Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China • 33 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 33 %
PřF:Z0059 Hydrology • 28 %
PřF:JAZ01 English for Geographers I • 22 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 11 %
PřF:Z0044 Urban geography • 11 %
PřF:Z0109 Seminar of physical geography • 11 %
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 11 %
PřF:Z8106 Mathematical cartography • 11 %
PřF:Z8108 Remote sensing • 11 %
PřF:Z8511 GIS project • 11 %
FSpS:P974 Physical Education – Floorball • 11 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 11 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 11 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 11 %
4th term
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 100 %
PřF:Z8106 Mathematical cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z8108 Remote sensing • 100 %
PřF:Z8109 Introduction to Geodesy and GPS • 100 %
PřF:Z8111 Field work on mapping • 100 %
PřF:Z8129 Thematic Cartography and GPS - fieldwork • 100 %
PřF:Z0044 Urban geography • 94 %
PřF:Z8511 GIS project • 94 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 59 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 47 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 41 %
PřF:Z0046 Geography of Slovakia • 29 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 18 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
PřF:ZX666 EDUC: Space & Place • 12 %
FSpS:P9034 Physical Education – Salsa • 12 %
FSpS:P976 Physical Education – Futsal • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:Z8154 Programming in geoinformatics • 100 %
PřF:Z5004 Academic Skills 1 • 83 %
PřF:Z8114 Remote sensing digital image processing • 83 %
PřF:Z8150 Bachelor Thesis 1 (cartography) • 83 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 33 %
PřF:MAS01 Applied statistics I • 33 %
PřF:MAS01C Applied statistics I - exercises • 33 %
PřF:Z0059 Hydrology • 33 %
PřF:Z0109 Seminar of physical geography • 33 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 33 %
FF:ROM1BSJ03 Practical Spanish III • 17 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 17 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 17 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:Z0047 Economic geography • 17 %
PřF:Z0107 Introduction to Political Geography • 17 %
FI:CORE013 Software Development: from an idea to working solution • 17 %
FSpS:P964 Physical Education – Ballet • 17 %
FSpS:P971 Physical Education – Re-conditioning exercises • 17 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 17 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 17 %
6th term
PřF:Z8113 Modelling in cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z1005K Examen on geography (Bac.) • 83 %
PřF:Z6004 Academic Skills 2 • 83 %
PřF:Z8160 Bachelor Thesis 2 (cartography) • 83 %
PřF:Z8160X Bachelor Thesis 2 (cartography) • 83 %
PřF:Z5402 Geography of rural, peripheral and border regions • 33 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 17 %
FF:ROM1BSJ04 Practical Spanish IV • 17 %
FSS:CORE026 Experiencing the World - Psychology of Cognition, Emotion and Motivation • 17 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 17 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:ZX666 EDUC: Space & Place • 17 %
PřF:Z0044 Urban geography • 17 %
PřF:Z0108 Seminar of economic geography • 17 %
PřF:Z6666 Environment of the Czech Republic • 17 %
PřF:Z8106 Mathematical cartography • 17 %
PřF:Z8108 Remote sensing • 17 %
PřF:Z8109 Introduction to Geodesy and GPS • 17 %
PřF:Z8111 Field work on mapping • 17 %
PřF:Z8129 Thematic Cartography and GPS - fieldwork • 17 %
PřF:Z8511 GIS project • 17 %
FSpS:P994 Physical Education – Canoeing • 17 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 17 %

Geography and Cartography with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0026C Physical geography - seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z1035 Seminar - Introduction to the Geography study • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 89 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 83 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 83 %
PřF:ZX020X Úvodní programový kurz pro studující B-UCZ • 44 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 17 %
PřF:JAZ01 English for Geographers I • 11 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:Z0123 Field work on physical geography • 100 %
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 100 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 100 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 93 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 47 %
PřF:JAZ02 English for Geographers II • 40 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 27 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 20 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 13 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 13 %
PřF:XS021 Inspiratorium for teachers 2 • 13 %
FSpS:P9025 Physical Education – Fitness Strength Training Methods • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z2062C Cartography-seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z3090C Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z3090P Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 91 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 64 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 55 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 36 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 27 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 27 %
FF:CORE087 Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China • 18 %
PřF:Z0043 Population geography and geodemography • 18 %
PřF:Z0076 Meteorology and climatology • 18 %
PřF:Z0109 Seminar of physical geography • 18 %
4th term
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 90 %
PřF:Z0142 Field work on human geography • 90 %
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 90 %
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 90 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 90 %
PřF:Z0044 Urban geography • 70 %
PřF:Z0041 Geography of transportation • 50 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 30 %
PřF:Z0100 Regional geography of the World - America • 30 %
PřF:Z0040 Geography of Europe • 20 %
PdF:SZ6065 Individual Teaching Practice - Classroom • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 100 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z5210 Bachelor Thesis 1(teaching of geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z7149 Geoinformatics - practice • 100 %
PřF:Z0101 Regional geography of Asia • 67 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 67 %
FF:CORE087 Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China • 33 %
FF:PJ_03 Polish for Beginners • 33 %
FSS:CORE035 Death as a topic of social sciences • 33 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 33 %
PřF:CORE080 Fyzika v živé přírodě • 33 %
PřF:Z0042 Geography of Tourism • 33 %
PřF:Z0047 Economic geography • 33 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 33 %
PdF:TI0001 Practical Activities in Leisure Activities • 33 %
PdF:TI9001 Techniques and materials in the work of a special educator • 33 %
PdF:TI9010 Production of aids for special educators • 33 %
FSpS:P962 Physical Education – Cycling • 33 %
6th term
PřF:XSSZB Exam in education and psychology basics • 75 %
PřF:Z5220 Bachelor Thesis 2 (teaching of geography) • 75 %
PřF:Z5220X Bachelor Thesis 2 (teaching of geography) • 75 %
PřF:Z6000 Examen on geography (Bac.) • 75 %
PřF:Z0100 Regional geography of the World - America • 50 %
PřF:Z6688 Academic Skills • 50 %
FF:HIB035B Saints and their Cult in the Middle Ages • 25 %
FF:RSB053 Rhetoric • 25 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 25 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 25 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 25 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 25 %
PřF:Z0040 Geography of Europe • 25 %
PřF:Z0101 Regional geography of Asia • 25 %
PřF:Z6010 Oceanography • 25 %
PřF:Z7149 Geoinformatics - practice • 25 %
PdF:STUD0001 Inkluzivní (speciální) pedagogika (SZZ) • 25 %
CST:KCZJ01 Czech Sign Language conversation • 25 %
CST:SPCZJ01 Czech Sign Language I • 25 %

Geography and Cartography with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0026C Physical geography - seminar • 97 %
PřF:Z1035 Seminar - Introduction to the Geography study • 94 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 93 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 90 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 83 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 75 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 36 %
PřF:MUC11 Mathematical Analysis 1 • 26 %
PřF:MUC14 Functions and equations at secondary school • 26 %
PřF:ZX020X Úvodní programový kurz pro studující B-UCZ • 25 %
2nd term
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 100 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 100 %
PřF:Z0123 Field work on physical geography • 98 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 90 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 58 %
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 21 %
PřF:MUC31 Linear Algebra • 21 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z3090C Human Geography • 97 %
PřF:Z3090P Human Geography • 97 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 90 %
PřF:Z2062C Cartography-seminar • 90 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 90 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 69 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 45 %
PřF:Z0109 Seminar of physical geography • 31 %
PřF:MUC13 Mathematical Analysis 3 • 21 %
PřF:MUC22 Analytical geometry 1 • 21 %
PřF:MUC41 Combinatorics • 21 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 14 %
4th term
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 100 %
PřF:Z0142 Field work on human geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 100 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 100 %
PřF:Z0100 Regional geography of the World - America • 65 %
PřF:Z0041 Geography of transportation • 54 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 46 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 46 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 38 %
PřF:Z0005 Biogeography • 35 %
PřF:MUC23 Analytical Geometry 2 • 27 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 27 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 27 %
PřF:MUC15 Mathematical Analysis 4 • 23 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 23 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:Z7149 Geoinformatics - practice • 100 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 89 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 89 %
PřF:Z0099 Regional geography of the World - Africa, Australia and Oceania • 83 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
PřF:Z5210 Bachelor Thesis 1(teaching of geography) • 61 %
PřF:Z0042 Geography of Tourism • 28 %
PřF:MUC51 Probability and Statistics • 22 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 22 %
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 17 %
PřF:MUC33 Number theory • 17 %
PřF:Z0109 Seminar of physical geography • 17 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 11 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 11 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 11 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 11 %
PřF:Z0047 Economic geography • 11 %
PřF:Z0101 Regional geography of Asia • 11 %
PřF:Z6000 Examen on geography (Bac.) • 11 %
6th term
PřF:Z0040 Geography of Europe • 81 %
PřF:Z6000 Examen on geography (Bac.) • 81 %
PřF:Z5220 Bachelor Thesis 2 (teaching of geography) • 56 %
PřF:Z5220X Bachelor Thesis 2 (teaching of geography) • 56 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 25 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 19 %
PřF:MSZZ_BU State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics • 19 %
PřF:XSSZB Exam in education and psychology basics • 19 %
PřF:Z0044 Urban geography • 19 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 13 %
PřF:Z0041 Geography of transportation • 13 %

Geoinformatics and Regional Development (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0026C Physical geography - seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z2062C Cartography-seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z3090C Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z3090P Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 93 %
PřF:Z1035 Seminar - Introduction to the Geography study • 93 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 93 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 93 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 79 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 79 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 71 %
PřF:ZX010X Úvodní programový kurz pro studující B-GEK • 29 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 100 %
PřF:Z0122 Field work on human geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 100 %
PřF:Z2069 Geographical Data Analysis 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 100 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 100 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 100 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 89 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 56 %
PřF:JAZ02 English for Geographers II • 33 %
PřF:Z0121 Field work on physical geography • 33 %
FaF:CORE049 Medicines in Everyday Life in the 21st Century • 11 %
PrF:CORE073 Law and Financial Literacy • 11 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:JSP02 Spanish fer Specific Purposes - Science 2 • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 11 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 11 %
FSpS:P9039 Physical Education – Yin Yoga • 11 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 11 %
FSpS:P971 Physical Education – Re-conditioning exercises • 11 %
FSpS:P976 Physical Education – Futsal • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 100 %
PřF:Z0043 Population geography and geodemography • 100 %
PřF:Z0047 Economic geography • 100 %
PřF:Z3104 Geodatabases • 100 %
PřF:Z8105 Map resources • 100 %
PřF:Z8118 Thematic Cartography • 100 %
4th term
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 100 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 100 %
PřF:JAZ02 English for Geographers II • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
PřF:Z0041 Geography of transportation • 100 %
PřF:Z0044 Urban geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0081 Spatial social and economic information • 100 %
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0158 Field work on economic geography • 100 %
PřF:Z6110 Practical training 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z8108 Remote sensing • 100 %
PřF:Z8111 Field work on mapping • 100 %
PřF:Z8511 GIS project • 100 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:Z0003 Bachelor Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z0104 Regional policy and development • 100 %
PřF:Z0107 Introduction to Political Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z5004 Academic Skills 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z5011 Participatory Methods and Techniques in Regional Development • 100 %
PřF:Z6120 Practical training 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z8114 Remote sensing digital image processing • 100 %
PrF:BVV13ZK Basics of Law for Non-Lawyers • 50 %
PřF:Z8118 Thematic Cartography • 50 %
PřF:Z8154 Programming in geoinformatics • 50 %
FSpS:P937 Physical Education – Nordic walking • 50 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 50 %
6th term
PřF:Z0004 Bachelor Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z0004X Bachelor Thesis 2 - final • 100 %
PřF:Z5402 Geography of rural, peripheral and border regions • 100 %
PřF:Z6004 Academic Skills 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z0041 Geography of transportation • 50 %
PřF:Z1005R Examen on geography (Bac.) • 50 %

Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0026C Physical geography - seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z1035 Seminar - Introduction to the Geography study • 100 %
PřF:Z2062C Cartography-seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z3090C Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z3090P Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 83 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 83 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 67 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 50 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 33 %
PřF:ZX010X Úvodní programový kurz pro studující B-GEK • 33 %
FF:HV_07 Acoustics of Music • 17 %
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 17 %
PřF:Z0122 Field work on human geography • 17 %
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 17 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 17 %
PřF:Z2069 Geographical Data Analysis 2 • 17 %
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 17 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 17 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 17 %
FI:PV004 UNIX • 17 %
PdF:MSBK_HC1 Music activities 1 • 17 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 75 %
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 75 %
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 75 %
PřF:Z2069 Geographical Data Analysis 2 • 75 %
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 75 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 75 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 75 %
PřF:Z0121 Field work on physical geography • 50 %
PřF:Z0122 Field work on human geography • 50 %
FF:CORE056 Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis • 25 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 25 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 25 %
FSpS:P919 Physical Education – Health Education • 25 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 25 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 25 %

Geology (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G1011 Introductory geological concentration • 94 %
PřF:G1021 Physical geology • 94 %
PřF:G1081 Palaeontology • 94 %
PřF:G1061 Mineralogy • 92 %
PřF:G1101 Principles of Geophysics • 90 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 88 %
PřF:JAG01 English for Geologists I • 67 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 46 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 44 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 19 %
PřF:G4101 Structural geology and geotectonics • 15 %
PřF:G5081 Geochemistry I • 15 %
PřF:G3021 Petrography • 13 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 94 %
PřF:G3061 Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I • 92 %
PřF:G4101 Structural geology and geotectonics • 92 %
PřF:G1141 Optical Microscopy in Geology • 89 %
PřF:G5081 Geochemistry I • 89 %
PřF:G3021 Petrography • 86 %
PřF:JAG02 English for Geologists II • 72 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 28 %
PřF:G7411 Meteorites, tectites and impact structures • 28 %
PřF:G8711 Geological disasters and hazards • 22 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 14 %
PřF:G7741 Field course from mineralogy and geology of eastern part of the Bohemian-Moravian highland • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G2101 Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:G5061 Economic geology I • 100 %
PřF:G3081 Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 90 %
PřF:G4121 Quaternary geology • 90 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 85 %
PřF:G2121 Engeneering Geology • 85 %
PřF:G8271 Geological field trip to Brno vicinity • 80 %
PřF:GA801 Chemical principles of geological processes • 50 %
PřF:G6101 Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 45 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 25 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 20 %
PřF:G9781 Principles of speleology • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 20 %
PřF:GI231 Methods of prospection for mineral deposits - practical exercises • 15 %
PřF:G8231 Practical Sedimentology in Field • 15 %
PřF:G9501 Minerogenetic processes • 15 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 15 %
4th term
PřF:G5021 Regional geology of the CR • 100 %
PřF:G6141 Environmental Geology • 95 %
PřF:G0231 Choice of the bachelor thesis • 84 %
PřF:G4221 Geoscience Documentation of Territory • 84 %
PřF:G8711 Geological disasters and hazards • 74 %
PřF:G7411 Meteorites, tectites and impact structures • 68 %
PřF:G2141 Minerals and Rock Microscopy • 53 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 47 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 32 %
PřF:GA591 Supergene Mineralogy • 26 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 21 %
PřF:G8591 XRD Difraction • 21 %
PřF:G8861 Accessory Minerals • 21 %
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 16 %
PřF:G3021 Petrography • 16 %
PřF:G7671 Geological Research of underground construction • 16 %
PřF:G9421 Groundwater protection • 16 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 11 %
PřF:GI221 3D modelling in Leapfrog Geo software • 11 %
PřF:G1141 Optical Microscopy in Geology • 11 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 11 %
PřF:G2081 Advanced Palaeontology (II) • 11 %
PřF:G3061 Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I • 11 %
PřF:G5531 Practical preparation of geological sections • 11 %
PřF:G6301 Hydraulics • 11 %
PřF:G8141 Pedology • 11 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 11 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 11 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 100 %
PřF:G5011 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:G5051 Bachelor Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 90 %
PřF:G4141 Academic Skills for Geologists • 90 %
PřF:G5041 Bachelor Thesis - recherche • 80 %
PřF:G5221 Geology of a region in GIS • 70 %
PřF:G3101 Basics of geological data treatment • 50 %
PřF:G8221 Practical Tectonics in Field • 40 %
PřF:GA171 Practical gemology • 30 %
PřF:G7321 Plate Tectonics and Orogeny • 30 %
PřF:G7641 Geology of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin • 30 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 30 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 20 %
PřF:G2121 Engeneering Geology • 20 %
PřF:G4121 Quaternary geology • 20 %
PřF:G5061 Economic geology I • 20 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 20 %
PřF:G9401 Regional hydrogeology • 20 %
FSpS:P968 Physical Education – • 20 %
6th term
PřF:G6011 Bachelor Thesis Seminar II • 82 %
PřF:G6051 Bachelor Thesis II • 73 %
PřF:GS301 Bachelor thesis defense • 64 %
PřF:GS311 Geology - state examination • 64 %
PřF:F3160 Introduction to the Solar System • 27 %
PřF:G5041 Bachelor Thesis - recherche • 27 %
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 27 %
PřF:G8781 Global Ecosystems and Biotic Crises During the History of the Earth • 27 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 18 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 18 %
PřF:GA801 Chemical principles of geological processes • 18 %
PřF:GA921 Environmental Geochemistry • 18 %
PřF:GE091 Mineralogy and Geochemistry for Chemists • 18 %
PřF:G4141 Academic Skills for Geologists • 18 %
PřF:G5221 Geology of a region in GIS • 18 %
PřF:G6101 Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 18 %
PřF:G7501 Physical geochemistry • 18 %
PřF:G9351 Tensors in Geology • 18 %

Principles of geology (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G1011 Introductory geological concentration • 100 %
PřF:G1021 Physical geology • 100 %
PřF:G1061 Mineralogy • 100 %
PřF:G1081 Palaeontology • 100 %
PřF:G1101 Principles of Geophysics • 100 %
PřF:G9781 Principles of speleology • 100 %
FI:PV110 Basics of Film Narratives • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:G1141 Optical Microscopy in Geology • 100 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 100 %
PřF:G3021 Petrography • 100 %
PřF:G3061 Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I • 100 %
PřF:G4101 Structural geology and geotectonics • 100 %
PřF:G5081 Geochemistry I • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 100 %
PřF:G0231 Choice of the bachelor thesis • 100 %
PřF:G2101 Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:G3081 Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 100 %
PřF:G4021 Igneous petrology • 100 %
PřF:G4061 Advanced Historical Geology • 100 %
PřF:G5011 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:G8271 Geological field trip to Brno vicinity • 100 %
PřF:JR002 Examination in Advanced Russian for Specific Purposes - Science (B2) • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:G4221 Geoscience Documentation of Territory • 100 %
PřF:G5021 Regional geology of the CR • 100 %

Chemistry (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F1240 Physics for chemists I • 98 %
PřF:F1241 Physics for chemists I, seminar • 98 %
PřF:M1010 Mathematics I • 98 %
PřF:M1020 Mathematics I - seminar • 98 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 97 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 95 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 86 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 85 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 80 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 61 %
PřF:C1050 Basic calculations in chemistry • 59 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 27 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 18 %
2nd term
PřF:M2010 Mathematics II • 98 %
PřF:M2020 Mathematics II - seminar • 98 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 97 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 97 %
PřF:F2091 Physics for chemists II, seminar • 97 %
PřF:F2090 Physics for chemists II • 95 %
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 93 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 93 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 85 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 85 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 34 %
PřF:F2210 Laboratory physics for non physics students • 32 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 19 %
PřF:CORE122 Chemistry and Society • 17 %
PřF:C6005 Project and theses • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3100 Analytical Chemistry I • 96 %
PřF:C3110 Analytical Chemistry I - seminar • 96 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 96 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 96 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 92 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 88 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 85 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 73 %
PřF:C2133 Introduction to chemoinformatics • 38 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 31 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 27 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 19 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 19 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 19 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 15 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 12 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 12 %
4th term
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C6005 Project and theses • 96 %
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 92 %
PřF:C3705 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory • 92 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 92 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 88 %
PřF:C6160 Analytical chemistry II - seminar • 88 %
PřF:C8700 Technology of chemical productions • 80 %
PřF:C3706 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory - practical work • 68 %
PřF:C4200 Biochemistry II - seminar • 32 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 24 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 20 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 20 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 16 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 16 %
PřF:CORE122 Chemistry and Society • 12 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 12 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 12 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C4120 Macromolecular Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C5040 Nuclear Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C5160 Physical chemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C5190 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry II - laboratory course • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 85 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 54 %
PřF:C2133 Introduction to chemoinformatics • 50 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 35 %
PřF:E1220 Environmental Pollutants • 31 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 27 %
PřF:C9500 Applied Chemistry • 27 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 19 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 15 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 15 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 15 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 15 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 15 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 12 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 12 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 12 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 12 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 12 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
6th term
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 85 %
PřF:CZBCH Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška z chemie • 81 %
PřF:C4220 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 58 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 54 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 38 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 31 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 31 %
PřF:C4200 Biochemistry II - seminar • 15 %
PřF:C8950 NMR Structural Analysis • 15 %
PřF:C8953 NMR Structural Analysis - seminar • 15 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 12 %
PřF:C8700 Technology of chemical productions • 12 %

Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation – Restoration (one-field) (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1051 Elementals of drawing • 95 %
PřF:C1052 Principles of modeling and work with mass • 95 %
PřF:C1300K Basic calculations in chemistry • 95 %
PřF:C3800 Materials for conservation and restoration • 95 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 91 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 91 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 91 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 91 %
PdF:VVB003 Art History 1 • 91 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 86 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 82 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 68 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 45 %
PřF:C2800 Chemistry and conservation methods for objects made from inorganic materials I • 27 %
PřF:C2860 Theory of environment and preventive conservation • 27 %
PřF:C1135 Computer technologies for conservators and restaurators • 23 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 23 %
PřF:C6150 Photographical chemistry and techniques • 23 %
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 23 %
PřF:F1141 Introduction into Physics, seminar • 23 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 18 %
PřF:C6151 Photographical chemistry and techniques-course • 18 %
PdF:VVB005 Art History 2 • 18 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:C1100K Laboratory techniques • 92 %
PřF:C1135 Computer technologies for conservators and restaurators • 92 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 92 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 92 %
PřF:C2800 Chemistry and conservation methods for objects made from inorganic materials I • 92 %
PřF:C2860 Theory of environment and preventive conservation • 92 %
PřF:C6150 Photographical chemistry and techniques • 92 %
PřF:C6151 Photographical chemistry and techniques-course • 92 %
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 92 %
PřF:F1141 Introduction into Physics, seminar • 92 %
PdF:VVB005 Art History 2 • 92 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 54 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 23 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 23 %
PřF:G6661 Gems and their deposits • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1635 Analytical chemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C1660 Basic Analytical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C2850 Chemistry and conservation methods for objects made from inorganic material I- practical course • 100 %
PřF:C2857 Technology and materials for conservation-restoration of furniture • 100 %
PřF:C5980 Conservation of subjects made from organic materials I • 100 %
PřF:C9500 Applied Chemistry • 100 %
PdF:VVB008 Art History 3 • 100 %
FF:MUB_001 Introduction to Museology and Museography • 86 %
PřF:C2858 Degradation and surface treatment of materials • 86 %
FF:MUB_014 Museum Security • 71 %
FF:MUB_B007 Monument care I. • 29 %
PřF:CORE076 Mapová gramotnost • 29 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 29 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 29 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 29 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 29 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 14 %
FF:CORE050 Historical tourism across medicine and natural sciences • 14 %
FF:SUS_222 Czech opera of the 19th century through the eyes of English and American musicology • 14 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 14 %
PřF:CORE067 Roboethics: from RUR to Artificial Intelligence • 14 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 14 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 14 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 14 %
PřF:C2858C Deterioration and surface treatment of materials • 14 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 14 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 14 %
PřF:C5984 Conservation of subjects made from organic materials II • 14 %
PřF:C5985A Conservation of subjects made from organic materials I/A - course • 14 %
PřF:C5985B Conservation of subjects made from organic materials I/B - course • 14 %
PřF:C5986 Study excursion • 14 %
PřF:C6910 Conservation of subjects made from inorganic materials I • 14 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 14 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 14 %
PdF:VVB011 Art History 4 • 14 %
FSpS:P925 Physical Education – Outdoor Sports • 14 %
4th term
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C5984 Conservation of subjects made from organic materials II • 100 %
PřF:C6910 Conservation of subjects made from inorganic materials I • 100 %
PdF:VVB011 Art History 4 • 100 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 83 %
PřF:C5985A Conservation of subjects made from organic materials I/A - course • 83 %
PřF:C5985B Conservation of subjects made from organic materials I/B - course • 83 %
PřF:C5986 Study excursion • 83 %
PřF:C2858C Deterioration and surface treatment of materials • 67 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 50 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 33 %
FF:CORE007 The Fall of an Empire or the Rise of Europe? • 17 %
FF:CORE051 Interkulturalita a vícejazyčnost českých zemí • 17 %
PrF:CORE073 Law and Financial Literacy • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
FSpS:P937 Physical Education – Nordic walking • 17 %
FSpS:P988 Physical Education – Swimming • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
FF:MUB_014 Museum Security • 100 %
PřF:C2856 Technology and materials for conservation and restoration of ceramics • 100 %
PřF:C2862 Numismatics - materials and technology • 100 %
PřF:C2863 Identification, analysis and conservation of numismatic material • 100 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 100 %
PřF:C6920 Conservation of subjects made from inorganic materials I - course • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GE091 Mineralogy and Geochemistry for Chemists • 100 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 50 %
FF:MUB_021 Practice in Museum • 50 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 50 %
PřF:CORE041 Science – the greatest project of mankind • 50 %
PřF:C3800 Materials for conservation and restoration • 50 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 50 %
PdF:CORE009 Contemporary Art and Society • 50 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 50 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 50 %
6th term
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PdF:VVB011 Art History 4 • 100 %
PřF:CZBCKR State bachelor examination from Chemistry of conservation-restoration • 50 %
PřF:C1855 Bachelor's Practical Training in Conservation-Restoration • 50 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 50 %
PřF:C3805 Synthetic polymers • 50 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 50 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 50 %
PřF:C5986 Study excursion • 50 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 50 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 50 %

Chemistry with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 92 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 85 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 78 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 74 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 68 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 68 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 46 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 35 %
PřF:MUC11 Mathematical Analysis 1 • 13 %
PřF:MUC14 Functions and equations at secondary school • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 99 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 94 %
PřF:F1141 Introduction into Physics, seminar • 91 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 84 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 81 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 71 %
PřF:C3430 Physical Chemistry - seminar • 58 %
PřF:C2705 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 57 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 49 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 29 %
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 29 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 26 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 22 %
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 13 %
PřF:MUC31 Linear Algebra • 13 %
PřF:BI6450 Basic methods of field botany • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory • 92 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 88 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 83 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 63 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 63 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 33 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 29 %
PřF:BI1000 Introduction to study of ecological and evolutionary biology • 13 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 13 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
PřF:F7670 Žákovské pokusy • 13 %
PřF:MUC13 Mathematical Analysis 3 • 13 %
PřF:MUC22 Analytical geometry 1 • 13 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 13 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 13 %
4th term
PřF:C5230 Analytical Chemistry • 96 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 79 %
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 63 %
PřF:C5240 Analytical Chemistry - seminar • 58 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 58 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 46 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 33 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 21 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 17 %
PřF:MUC15 Mathematical Analysis 4 • 13 %
PřF:MUC23 Analytical Geometry 2 • 13 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 13 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 13 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 13 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 88 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 76 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 76 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 71 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 65 %
PřF:C5730 Biochemistry - seminar • 65 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 29 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 29 %
PřF:C5700 Biochemistry • 24 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 24 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 18 %
PřF:BI5009EB Bachelor thesis of biology I ( teachers of biology) • 18 %
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 18 %
PřF:MUC33 Number theory • 18 %
PřF:MUC51 Probability and Statistics • 18 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 12 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 12 %
PřF:C5040 Nuclear Chemistry • 12 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 12 %
6th term
PřF:CZBCZV Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška z chemie se zaměřením na vzdělávání • 82 %
PřF:XSSZB Exam in education and psychology basics • 82 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 47 %
PřF:C6560 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 18 %
PřF:MSZZ_BU State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics • 18 %
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 12 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 12 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 12 %
PřF:MUC42 Seminar on combinatorics • 12 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 12 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 12 %

Chemistry with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 100 %
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 100 %
PřF:F1711 Mathematics 1 • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 80 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 80 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 80 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 80 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 60 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 40 %
PřF:F1030 Mechanics • 40 %
PřF:F1032 Mechanics and molecular physics: problems plus • 40 %
PřF:F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 • 40 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 40 %
PřF:F1080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 20 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 20 %
PřF:F1620 Self-made Mechanics • 20 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 100 %
PřF:F2712 Mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 100 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 80 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 60 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 60 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 60 %
PřF:C3430 Physical Chemistry - seminar • 60 %
PřF:F2050 Electricity and magnetism • 60 %
PřF:C2705 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 40 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 40 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 40 %
PřF:F2051 Electricity and magnetism: exercise plus • 40 %
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 20 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 20 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 20 %
PřF:C5230 Analytical Chemistry • 20 %
PřF:C5240 Analytical Chemistry - seminar • 20 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 20 %
PřF:F2423 Computing practice 2 • 20 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 20 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 20 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3100 Analytical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3110 Analytical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:F3081 Theoretical mechanics • 100 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 100 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 100 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 100 %
4th term
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C3705 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C6005 Project and theses • 100 %
PřF:C6160 Analytical chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:F4055 Experimental foundations and basic concepts of quantum mechanics • 100 %
PřF:F4082 Electrodynamics and relativity theory • 100 %
PřF:F4100 Introduction to Microphysics • 100 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 100 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 100 %

Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
LF:BKZA011P Bases of Anatomy - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLPP011C First Aid - practice • 100 %
LF:BLPP011P First Aid - lecture • 100 %
PřF:BI1088 Introduction to the study of Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics • 100 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 97 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 97 %
PřF:M1030 Mathematics for biologists • 94 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 89 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 47 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 36 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 28 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2120 Cytology, histology, embryology • 100 %
PřF:BI2120C Cytology, histology, embryology practical training • 100 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 97 %
PřF:F6342 Basics of medical biophysics • 97 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 87 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 84 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 68 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 45 %
PřF:BI8920 Advanced Microscopic Methods • 35 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 35 %
PdF:CORE071 Practical psychology and communication • 26 %
PřF:BI8920C Fluorescence microscopy - practice • 23 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 23 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
LF:BOFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 100 %
PřF:BI0951 The Basics of Bioethics for Biologists • 100 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 100 %
PřF:BI0311C Clinical Haematology - practice • 93 %
PřF:BI6170 Genetics II • 93 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 93 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 93 %
PřF:BI0311 Clinical Haematology • 87 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 47 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 20 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 13 %
PřF:BI7430 Molecular biotechnology • 13 %
PřF:BI7430C Molecular biotechnology - practical course • 13 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 13 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 13 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 13 %
4th term
PřF:BI2401 Methods of elaboration of bachelor thesis from genetics and molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:BI3390 Medical Mycology • 100 %
PřF:BI3390C Medical Mycology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 100 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI4090C General microbiology - practical course • 100 %
LF:BLHL061P Hygienic rules in laboratories • 93 %
LF:BOFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 93 %
PřF:BI6710 Taxonomy of pathogenic bacteria • 93 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 93 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 87 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 20 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 13 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 13 %
CST:SPCZJ01 Czech Sign Language I • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 94 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 94 %
PřF:BI7170C Medical microbiology - practical course • 94 %
PřF:BI9995 Basic Pharmacology - Lecture • 94 %
PřF:C6219 Clinical Biochemistry • 94 %
PřF:BI5490 Bachelor Thesis LGMD I • 88 %
PřF:BI7170 Medical microbiology • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 82 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 29 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 18 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 12 %
PřF:BI0311 Clinical Haematology • 12 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 12 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 12 %
FSpS:P927 Physical Education – Cardio Training • 12 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 12 %
6th term
PřF:BI5220C Immunology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI6270 Cytogenetics and cytogenomics • 100 %
PřF:BI6270C Cytogenetics - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:BI6400C Methods of Molecular Biology - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI9310 Real-time polymerase chain reaction • 100 %
PřF:C6222 Clinical Biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:BI0422 Morphological and Functional Pathology • 93 %
PřF:BI6088 Bachelor state exam of Clinical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics • 87 %
PřF:BI6491 Bachelor Thesis LGMD II • 87 %
PřF:BI9310C Real-time polymerase chain reaction – practice • 20 %

Water Resources Management (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E0320 Sustainable development - the biggest challenge today? • 100 %
PřF:G1011 Introductory geological concentration • 100 %
PřF:G1021 Physical geology • 100 %
PřF:G2101 Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:Z0059 Hydrology • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 86 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 71 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 43 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 29 %
PřF:G3161 Global water resources risks • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 100 %
PřF:G7671 Geological Research of underground construction • 100 %
PřF:G9421 Groundwater protection • 100 %
PřF:ZX401 Climate change • 100 %
PřF:Z6666 Environment of the Czech Republic • 100 %
PřF:G6141 Environmental Geology • 67 %
PřF:Z0060 Applied Hydrology and Water Management in Landscape • 67 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 33 %
PřF:G4211 Excursion to water resources localities • 33 %
PřF:G5081 Geochemistry I • 33 %
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 33 %
ESF:MPV_EZTI Environmental and transport economics • 33 %
FSpS:P965 Physical Education – Bodystyling • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G3081 Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 100 %
PřF:G3101 Basics of geological data treatment • 100 %
PřF:G3161 Global water resources risks • 100 %
PřF:G3171 Balneology • 100 %
PřF:G3191 Water resources - case studies I • 100 %
PřF:G8261 Field course of hydrogeology and geochemistry • 100 %
PřF:G8271 Geological field trip to Brno vicinity • 100 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 67 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 67 %
FF:CJBB119 Correct Writing for students of disciplines other than Czech • 33 %
FF:DSBCB15 Ancient Roman Family • 33 %
PřF:E0380 Selected Tools for Environmental Protection - EIA and LCA • 33 %
PřF:JAG01 English for Geologists I • 33 %
PřF:JAG03 English for Geologists III • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
FSpS:P923 Physical Education – Total body training • 33 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 33 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 33 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 33 %
4th term
PřF:G0231 Choice of the bachelor thesis • 100 %
PřF:G4191 Water resources - case studies II • 100 %
PřF:G4221 Geoscience Documentation of Territory • 100 %
PřF:G6301 Hydraulics • 100 %
PřF:GA671 Hydrogeologic ivestigation • 67 %
PřF:GTC03 Chemistry and technology of water • 67 %
PřF:G3021 Petrography • 67 %
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 67 %
PřF:JAG02 English for Geologists II • 67 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 67 %
ESF:MPV_EZTI Environmental and transport economics • 67 %
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 33 %
FSpS:P9049 Physical Education – Petanque • 33 %

Mathematics (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MIN101 Mathematics I • 90 %
PřF:M1130 Mathematical Seminary I • 90 %
ESF:BPF_ZAFI Basic Finance • 76 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 71 %
ESF:BDX_AKAP Academic writing • 43 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 38 %
PřF:JAM01 English for Mathematicians I • 24 %
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 19 %
PřF:MIN201 Mathematics II • 14 %
PřF:MIN202 Numerical calculations • 14 %
PřF:M1160 Introduction to Programming I • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:MIN201 Mathematics II • 100 %
PřF:MIN202 Numerical calculations • 100 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 100 %
PřF:M1VM01 Algorithmization and numerical computations • 94 %
ESF:BPE_ZATH Introduction to Game Theory • 31 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 25 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 19 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MIN301 Mathematics III • 100 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 80 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 60 %
FSS:CORE026 Experiencing the World - Psychology of Cognition, Emotion and Motivation • 40 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 40 %
PdF:CORE070 Globální problémy lidstva • 40 %
ESF:BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 • 40 %
PřF:CORE029 Critical thinking • 20 %
PřF:M3130 Linear Algebra and Geometry III • 20 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 20 %
PdF:CORE009 Contemporary Art and Society • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A102 German for Beginners 2 • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 20 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 20 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 20 %
4th term
PřF:MIN401 Mathematics IV • 100 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 80 %
PřF:M0160 Optimization • 40 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 40 %
ESF:BPE_ZATH Introduction to Game Theory • 40 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 20 %
PrF:CORE112 Taxation and Tax Law in Practice • 20 %
FSS:BSSB1201 Football, Violence and Security Policy • 20 %
PřF:M2130 Mathematical Seminary II • 20 %
PřF:M4VM04 Numerical calculations of discrete mathematics • 20 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 20 %
PdF:NJ_D721 Online German: Grammar (Level B1) • 20 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 20 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:M51XX Bachelor Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 60 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 40 %
ESF:BDX_AKAP Academic writing • 40 %
ESF:MPE_BAAN Bayesian analysis • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
PřF:M5180 Numerical Methods II • 20 %
PdF:CORE009 Contemporary Art and Society • 20 %
FSpS:P929 Physical Education – SM system • 20 %
ESF:BPE_MOEK Monetary Economics • 20 %
ESF:MPE_MIE2 Microeconomics 2 • 20 %
6th term
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_BN State examination Bc, Mathematics • 80 %
PřF:M61XX Bachelor Thesis 2 • 80 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 20 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 20 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 20 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 20 %
ESF:BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 • 20 %
ESF:MPE_EKON Econometrics • 20 %

Mathematics (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MIN101 Mathematics I • 100 %
PřF:M1130 Mathematical Seminary I • 91 %
ESF:BDX_AKAP Academic writing • 91 %
ESF:BPF_ZAFI Basic Finance • 91 %
ESF:BPM_VTMA Mathematics Entrance Test • 18 %
2nd term
PřF:MIN201 Mathematics II • 100 %
PřF:MIN202 Numerical calculations • 100 %
PřF:M1VM01 Algorithmization and numerical computations • 100 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 88 %
FSpS:P976 Physical Education – Futsal • 25 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 13 %
PřF:BI7879 General Anthropology II: Sociocultural Anthropology • 13 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 13 %
PřF:XS450 Communication training • 13 %
FI:IB114 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms II • 13 %
FI:PB112 Foundations of Object Oriented Programming in Java • 13 %
FI:PB156 Computer Networks • 13 %
FI:PV004 UNIX • 13 %
PdF:DE3B04 Church Orders and monastery in the Middle Ages • 13 %
PdF:DE3B05 Love, pleasure, relationships in the changes of centuries • 13 %
FSpS:P9026 Physical Education – Kombatan • 13 %
FSpS:P914 Physical Education – Nontraditional sport games • 13 %
FSpS:P947 Physical Education – Hiking • 13 %
FSpS:P967 Physical Education – Fitnessyoga • 13 %
ESF:BPR_DEMO Demography • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MIN301 Mathematics III • 100 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 60 %
ESF:BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 • 60 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 20 %
PdF:NJ_D712 Online German: Grammar (Level A2) • 20 %
ESF:BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English • 20 %
4th term
PřF:MIN401 Mathematics IV • 100 %
ESF:BPE_LABE Labour Economics • 100 %
ESF:BPE_ZATH Introduction to Game Theory • 100 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 75 %
FF:NJ_002 Practical Courses of German • 50 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 50 %
PdF:NJ_D721 Online German: Grammar (Level B1) • 25 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 25 %
ESF:MPM_SQLA Big Data with SQL • 25 %
ESF:XPX_ZASP Study stay abroad • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:MIN401 Mathematics IV • 100 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 100 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 100 %
FSpS:P998 Physical Education – Sports exemption • 100 %
ESF:BPE_ZATH Introduction to Game Theory • 100 %
6th term
PřF:MSZZ_BN State examination Bc, Mathematics • 100 %
ESF:XPX_SPRE Sports representation of the faculty • 100 %

Mathematics focused on teaching (Bachelor's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MUC14 Functions and equations at secondary school • 100 %
PřF:MUC11 Mathematical Analysis 1 • 93 %
PřF:MUC02 Repetitorium of secondary school mathematics • 90 %
PřF:MUC03 Fundamentals of Mathematics • 80 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 79 %
PřF:MUC01 Summer school • 69 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 69 %
PřF:JAM01 English for Mathematicians I • 44 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 13 %
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:MUC21 Construction geometry • 94 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 90 %
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 88 %
PřF:MUC31 Linear Algebra • 83 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 83 %
PřF:MUC73 Tutoring for students 1 • 50 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 23 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MUC13 Mathematical Analysis 3 • 89 %
PřF:MUC22 Analytical geometry 1 • 89 %
PřF:MUC41 Combinatorics • 79 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 68 %
PřF:MUC74 Tutoring for students 2 • 46 %
PřF:M1712 Parallel projections • 43 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 43 %
PřF:MUC72 Popularization of mathematics • 39 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 36 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:MUC03 Fundamentals of Mathematics • 14 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 14 %
FF:CJJ06 Modern Czech Syntax • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 11 %
4th term
PřF:MUC23 Analytical Geometry 2 • 92 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 92 %
PřF:MUC15 Mathematical Analysis 4 • 76 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 76 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 72 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 56 %
PřF:MUC73 Tutoring for students 1 • 44 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 28 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 16 %
FF:CJBA51 Historical Grammar of Czech - lecture • 12 %
FF:CJJ09 Modern Czech Semantics and Lexicology • 12 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:MUC51 Probability and Statistics • 100 %
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 88 %
PřF:MUC33 Number theory • 88 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 88 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 88 %
PřF:MUC_BP1 Bachelor Thesis 1 • 81 %
PřF:MUC72 Popularization of mathematics • 50 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 44 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 31 %
PřF:M1712 Parallel projections • 13 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 13 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 13 %
6th term
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 93 %
PřF:MUC04 Seminar for Bc Thesis • 86 %
PřF:MSZZ_BU State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics • 79 %
PřF:MUC_BP2 Bachelor Thesis 2 • 71 %
PřF:XSSZB Exam in education and psychology basics • 71 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 43 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 21 %
PřF:MUC42 Seminar on combinatorics • 21 %
FF:AJL11615 Czenglish B • 14 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 14 %
PřF:XS450 Communication training • 14 %

Mathematics focused on teaching (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MUC14 Functions and equations at secondary school • 96 %
PřF:MUC02 Repetitorium of secondary school mathematics • 95 %
PřF:MUC11 Mathematical Analysis 1 • 93 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 91 %
PřF:MUC03 Fundamentals of Mathematics • 89 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 81 %
PřF:MUC01 Summer school • 53 %
PřF:F1030 Mechanics • 46 %
PřF:F1610 Introduction to experimental physics • 46 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 33 %
PřF:F1421 Basic mathematical methods in physics 1 • 26 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 23 %
PřF:F1032 Mechanics and molecular physics: problems plus • 23 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 19 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 19 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 19 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 18 %
PřF:F1080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 14 %
PřF:F1422 Computing practice 1 • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:MUC12 Mathematical Analysis 2 • 98 %
PřF:MUC21 Construction geometry • 98 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 98 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 98 %
PřF:MUC31 Linear Algebra • 95 %
PřF:MUC73 Tutoring for students 1 • 65 %
PřF:F2180 Physical laboratory 1 • 40 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 40 %
PřF:F2050 Electricity and magnetism • 33 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 30 %
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 23 %
PřF:F1141 Introduction into Physics, seminar • 23 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 20 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 20 %
PřF:F2051 Electricity and magnetism: exercise plus • 20 %
PřF:C3430 Physical Chemistry - seminar • 18 %
PřF:F2080 Demonstration experiments for the basic course of physics • 18 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 18 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MUC13 Mathematical Analysis 3 • 94 %
PřF:MUC22 Analytical geometry 1 • 94 %
PřF:MUC41 Combinatorics • 88 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 59 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 59 %
PřF:MUC72 Popularization of mathematics • 53 %
PřF:MUC74 Tutoring for students 2 • 53 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 47 %
PřF:F3081 Theoretical mechanics • 41 %
PřF:MUC01 Summer school • 41 %
PřF:M1712 Parallel projections • 41 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 24 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 18 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 18 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 18 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 12 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 12 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 12 %
PřF:F3060 Oscillations, waves, optics • 12 %
PřF:F3062 Oscillations, waves, optics: enhanced • 12 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 12 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 12 %
4th term
PřF:MUC23 Analytical Geometry 2 • 80 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 80 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 70 %
PřF:MUC15 Mathematical Analysis 4 • 65 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 50 %
PřF:F2422 Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2 • 40 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 40 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 40 %
PřF:F4082 Electrodynamics and relativity theory • 30 %
PřF:F4055 Experimental foundations and basic concepts of quantum mechanics • 25 %
PřF:F4100 Introduction to Microphysics • 25 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 25 %
PřF:C5230 Analytical Chemistry • 15 %
PřF:C5240 Analytical Chemistry - seminar • 15 %
PřF:F4050 Introduction to Microphysics • 15 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 15 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 100 %
PřF:MUC33 Number theory • 100 %
PřF:MUC51 Probability and Statistics • 100 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 88 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 75 %
PřF:MUC_BP1 Bachelor Thesis 1 • 50 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 25 %
PřF:F5055 Bachelors' Review 1 • 25 %
PřF:F5082 Basic Quantum Mechanics • 25 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:MUC72 Popularization of mathematics • 25 %
PřF:M1712 Parallel projections • 25 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 25 %
PřF:BI8630 Identification course of vascular plants • 13 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 13 %
PřF:C5040 Nuclear Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 13 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 13 %
6th term
PřF:MSZZ_BU State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics • 100 %
PřF:MUC24 Seminar on high-school mathematics 2 • 75 %
PřF:MUC_BP2 Bachelor Thesis 2 • 50 %
PřF:MUC04 Seminar for Bc Thesis • 50 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 38 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 25 %
PřF:FSB03 State examination Bc, Teaching • 25 %
PřF:F6055 Bachelors' Review 2 • 25 %
PřF:F6082 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics • 25 %
PřF:MUC42 Seminar on combinatorics • 25 %
PřF:C6560 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 13 %
PřF:C7640 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 13 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 13 %
PřF:MUC32 Algebra • 13 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 13 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 13 %
PřF:XSSZB Exam in education and psychology basics • 13 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 13 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 13 %
PřF:XS450 Communication training • 13 %
PdF:SZ6003 Developmental Psychology (Exercise) • 13 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 13 %
FSpS:P9035 Physical Education – Swing • 13 %

Microbiology (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1010 Plant phylogeny and diversity • 100 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 100 %
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1044 Introduction to the study of Microbiology • 97 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 94 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 91 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 91 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 91 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 88 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 79 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 30 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 21 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 100 %
PřF:BI8920 Advanced Microscopic Methods • 100 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:BI4080 The work with scientific information in Microbiology • 96 %
PřF:BI8920C Fluorescence microscopy - practice • 93 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 85 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 67 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 63 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 59 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 33 %
PřF:BI2000C Animal phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 19 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 19 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 15 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 15 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 11 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 100 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 90 %
PřF:BI3030C Animal physiology - practical course • 90 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 90 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 80 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 80 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 80 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 50 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 40 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 30 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 30 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 30 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
4th term
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 100 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 100 %
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI4091C Practise from general microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 100 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 44 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 44 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 33 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 22 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 22 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 22 %
FF:HV_15A Collegium mixed choir • 11 %
FF:VKOR1B Korean 2 • 11 %
PřF:BI7033 Seminář laboratoří Oddělení mikrobiologie • 11 %
PřF:BI7410 Protein Engineering • 11 %
PřF:CORE122 Chemistry and Society • 11 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 11 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 11 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 11 %
FI:VV040 Theater Play • 11 %
PdF:CORE071 Practical psychology and communication • 11 %
PdF:CORE072 Science and Society • 11 %
FSpS:P979 Physical Education – Badminton • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI3334 Seminar of specialisation Microbiology 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 100 %
PřF:BI6700 Taxonomy of prokaryotes • 100 %
PřF:BI6700C Taxonomy of prok.-lab.course • 100 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 86 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 29 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 29 %
PřF:BI7033 Seminář laboratoří Oddělení mikrobiologie • 29 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 29 %
CST:CORE019 Advances and Challenges in Modern Biology • 29 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 14 %
PřF:BI4999EN Structural Biology and Bioinformatics • 14 %
PřF:BI7872 Biology of parasitic protista • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
6th term
PřF:BI3002 Bachelor thesis EMB 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI3005 Bachelor state exam of experimental and molecular biology - spec. Microbiology • 88 %
PřF:BI3335 Seminar of specialisation Microbiology 2 • 88 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 88 %
PřF:BI6620 Microscopical fungi • 88 %
PřF:BI6620C Microscopical fungi - practical course • 88 %
PřF:BI6400C Methods of Molecular Biology - practice • 38 %
PřF:BI6721 Special Methods of Microorganisms Analysis • 25 %
FF:HV_741B Theory and history of popular music II. • 13 %
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 13 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 13 %
PřF:BI6700 Taxonomy of prokaryotes • 13 %

Modelling and computations (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 100 %
PřF:M1120 Discrete mathematics • 100 %
PřF:M1130 Mathematical Seminary I • 100 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 94 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 81 %
PřF:M1160 Introduction to Programming I • 63 %
PřF:JAM01 English for Mathematicians I • 25 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 25 %
2nd term
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II • 100 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 100 %
PřF:M1VM01 Algorithmization and numerical computations • 94 %
PřF:M2150 Algebra I • 94 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 81 %
FI:IV109 Modeling and Simulation • 63 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 31 %
PřF:JAM02 English for Mathematicians II • 19 %
FF:CORE079 Logic for Everyone • 13 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 13 %
PřF:M0160 Optimization • 13 %
PřF:M2130 Mathematical Seminary II • 13 %
PdF:TI9015 Elandio: a system of shared education • 13 %
FSpS:P988 Physical Education – Swimming • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 100 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 100 %
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 80 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 80 %
FF:CORE087 Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 40 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 40 %
LF:CORE066 Diachronní přístup k logickému zpracování informací • 20 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 20 %
FF:CORE023 Czech for 21st Century • 20 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 20 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 20 %
PřF:M3130 Linear Algebra and Geometry III • 20 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 20 %
FI:CORE012 Information Society • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 20 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 20 %
FSpS:P940 Physical Education – Basics of Capoeira • 20 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 20 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 20 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 20 %
4th term
PřF:M4100 Mathematical Analysis IV • 100 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 100 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 80 %
PřF:M6201 Non-linear dynamics • 60 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 40 %
PdF:FC8027 Individual practice - leisure activities 2 • 40 %
FF:CORE079 Logic for Everyone • 20 %
FF:CORE090 Experiments on humans: experimental methods for understanding human behaviour and thinking • 20 %
FF:DSMB24 History of Ancient Warfare - Eastern Peoples • 20 %
FF:KSCB092 Fascism and its specifics in Europe and Asia • 20 %
FF:PSBB074 Mental Illness - Children and Adolescents • 20 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 20 %
PřF:M1VM01 Algorithmization and numerical computations • 20 %
PřF:M4VM04 Numerical calculations of discrete mathematics • 20 %
PřF:M4155 Set Theory • 20 %
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:M51XX Bachelor Thesis 1 • 86 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 86 %
PřF:M5180 Numerical Methods II • 86 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 86 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 43 %
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 29 %
PřF:M5170 Mathematical Programming • 29 %
FF:CORE028 Communism in the 21st century in Asia • 14 %
FF:CORE031 Musicology as a human centered discipline: culture, science, technology • 14 %
FF:CORE043 The Fundamentals of Design Thinking • 14 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 14 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 14 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 14 %
PřF:M3150 Algebra II • 14 %
PřF:M5140 Graph Theory • 14 %
PřF:M5444 Markov chains • 14 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 14 %
PřF:M6140 Topology • 14 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 14 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 14 %
FSpS:P976 Physical Education – Futsal • 14 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 14 %
6th term
PřF:MSZZ_BN State examination Bc, Mathematics • 86 %
PřF:M61XX Bachelor Thesis 2 • 86 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 71 %
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 57 %
PřF:M0160 Optimization • 29 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 29 %
PřF:M7190 Game Theory • 29 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 14 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 14 %
PřF:M1VM01 Algorithmization and numerical computations • 14 %
PřF:M4VM04 Numerical calculations of discrete mathematics • 14 %
PřF:M4100 Mathematical Analysis IV • 14 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 14 %
PřF:M51XX Bachelor Thesis 1 • 14 %
PřF:M6150 Functional Analysis I • 14 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 14 %
FI:IV109 Modeling and Simulation • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 14 %
PdF:TI9016 Practice in leisure centers 2 • 14 %

Molecular Biology and Genetics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 97 %
PřF:BI1066 Introduction to the study of Molecular Biology and Genetics • 96 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 96 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 96 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 93 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 93 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 93 %
PřF:C4223 Basic calculations in laboratory • 90 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 83 %
PřF:C1605 General and Inorganic Chemistry - seminar • 83 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 79 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 26 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 26 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 24 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 23 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:BI5120 Anthropology • 100 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:BI6290 Human paleogenetics • 98 %
PřF:BI2000 Animal phylogeny and diversity • 95 %
PřF:BI8920 Advanced Microscopic Methods • 95 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 82 %
PřF:BI8920C Fluorescence microscopy - practice • 81 %
PřF:C2701 Basic Organic Chemistry-seminar • 73 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 68 %
PřF:BI5120C Physical anthropology practical training • 29 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 27 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 23 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 100 %
PřF:BI3030C Animal physiology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1010 Plant phylogeny and diversity • 97 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 97 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 97 %
PřF:BI6170 Genetics II • 94 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 91 %
PřF:C3600 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 91 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 46 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 23 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 17 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 14 %
PřF:BI1066 Introduction to the study of Molecular Biology and Genetics • 11 %
PřF:C1601 General and Inorganic Chemistry • 11 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 11 %
4th term
PřF:BI4090 General microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 97 %
PřF:BI2401 Methods of elaboration of bachelor thesis from genetics and molecular biology • 94 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 94 %
PřF:BI4090C General microbiology - practical course • 94 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 94 %
PřF:BI6270 Cytogenetics and cytogenomics • 94 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 91 %
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 85 %
PřF:BI6270C Cytogenetics - practice • 70 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 18 %
PřF:BI7410 Protein Engineering • 12 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 12 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3001 Bachelor thesis EMB 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI3338 Seminar of specialisation Molecular Biology and Genetics 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 97 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 97 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 90 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 80 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 50 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 17 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 13 %
6th term
PřF:BI3339 Seminar of specialisation Molecular Biology and Genetics 2 • 94 %
PřF:BI5180 Quantitative genetics • 94 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 94 %
PřF:BI6400C Methods of Molecular Biology - practice • 94 %
PřF:BI3002 Bachelor thesis EMB 2 • 91 %
PřF:BI3007 Bachelor state exam of experimental and molecular biology - spec. Molecular biology and genetics • 81 %
PřF:BI7891 Laboratory seminar of Dpt. gen. mol. biol. • 13 %

Mathematics (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M1120 Discrete mathematics • 96 %
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 94 %
PřF:M1130 Mathematical Seminary I • 94 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 90 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 73 %
PřF:M1160 Introduction to Programming I • 63 %
PřF:M1141 Introduction to ICT for mathematicians • 27 %
PřF:JAM01 English for Mathematicians I • 23 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 21 %
PřF:M2130 Mathematical Seminary II • 13 %
PřF:M2150 Algebra I • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 97 %
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II • 94 %
PřF:M2150 Algebra I • 94 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 90 %
PřF:M2130 Mathematical Seminary II • 87 %
PřF:M2160 Introduction to Programming II • 29 %
PřF:F2100 Classical, relativistic, quantum and statistical physics • 13 %
PřF:M2142 Computer Algebra Systems • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 100 %
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 91 %
PřF:M3150 Algebra II • 91 %
PřF:M3130 Linear Algebra and Geometry III • 73 %
PřF:M5140 Graph Theory • 27 %
FF:CORE005 Guide to Contemporary Philosophy • 18 %
PřF:CORE029 Critical thinking • 18 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 18 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 18 %
PřF:M1160 Introduction to Programming I • 18 %
FI:CORE013 Software Development: from an idea to working solution • 18 %
FI:MA007 Mathematical Logic • 18 %
PdF:CORE009 Contemporary Art and Society • 18 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 18 %
4th term
PřF:M4100 Mathematical Analysis IV • 88 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 88 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 75 %
PřF:M4190 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces • 75 %
PřF:M4155 Set Theory • 50 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 25 %
FF:CORE056 Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis • 25 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 25 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 25 %
PřF:M2130 Mathematical Seminary II • 25 %
FF:CORE079 Logic for Everyone • 13 %
FF:CORE097 Homer's epics as bestsellers of global literature • 13 %
FF:JPNN20 Japanese II • 13 %
FF:JPNN21 Japanese writing II • 13 %
FF:LGJ702 Practical course of Sanskrit II • 13 %
PrF:CORE073 Law and Financial Literacy • 13 %
PřF:MUC91 History of Mathematics 1 • 13 %
PřF:M0160 Optimization • 13 %
PřF:M61XX Bachelor Thesis 2 • 13 %
PřF:M6150 Functional Analysis I • 13 %
PřF:M6170 Complex Analysis • 13 %
PřF:M7190 Game Theory • 13 %
PřF:XV003 Popularization of Science • 13 %
FI:MA009 Algebra II • 13 %
FSpS:P983 Physical Education – Table tennis • 13 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:M5160 Ordinary Differential Equations I • 86 %
PřF:M6140 Topology • 86 %
PřF:M51XX Bachelor Thesis 1 • 71 %
FI:MA007 Mathematical Logic • 43 %
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 29 %
PřF:M5140 Graph Theory • 29 %
FF:CORE023 Czech for 21st Century • 14 %
FF:CORE028 Communism in the 21st century in Asia • 14 %
FF:LGJ703 Practical course of Sanskrit III • 14 %
FSS:CORE026 Experiencing the World - Psychology of Cognition, Emotion and Motivation • 14 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 14 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:MMOTH Model theory • 14 %
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 14 %
PřF:M3130 Linear Algebra and Geometry III • 14 %
PřF:M3150 Algebra II • 14 %
PřF:M4100 Mathematical Analysis IV • 14 %
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 14 %
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 14 %
PřF:M4155 Set Theory • 14 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 14 %
PřF:M4190 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces • 14 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 14 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 14 %
PřF:M7150 Category Theory • 14 %
PdF:CORE010 Music in Postmodern Society • 14 %
FSpS:P940 Physical Education – Basics of Capoeira • 14 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 14 %
6th term
PřF:MSZZ_BN State examination Bc, Mathematics • 71 %
PřF:M61XX Bachelor Thesis 2 • 71 %
PřF:M6150 Functional Analysis I • 71 %
PřF:M6170 Complex Analysis • 57 %
FF:CORE044 Roots of European culture • 14 %
FF:CORE056 Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis • 14 %
FF:LGJ704 Practical course of Sanskrit IV • 14 %
PřF:CORE122 Chemistry and Society • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:MMOTH Model theory • 14 %
PřF:M0160 Optimization • 14 %
PřF:M5160 Ordinary Differential Equations I • 14 %
PřF:M7150 Category Theory • 14 %
PřF:M7300 Global analysis • 14 %
PřF:M7350 Algebra III • 14 %
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 14 %
PřF:XV003 Popularization of Science • 14 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 14 %
FSpS:P902 Physical Education – Yoga • 14 %
CST:CORE040 Universal design - inclusion of alterity - accessibility • 14 %

Social Geography (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0026C Physical geography - seminar • 97 %
PřF:Z1035 Seminar - Introduction to the Geography study • 97 %
PřF:Z2062C Cartography-seminar • 97 %
PřF:Z2062P Cartography • 97 %
PřF:Z3090C Human Geography • 97 %
PřF:Z3090P Human Geography • 97 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 97 %
PřF:Z1069 Geographical Data Analysis 1 • 94 %
PřF:Z0135C Introduction to the Earth-planet study-seminar • 88 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 88 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 82 %
PřF:ZX010X Úvodní programový kurz pro studující B-GEK • 24 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 18 %
2nd term
PřF:Z0120 Geographical thought • 85 %
PřF:Z0122 Field work on human geography • 85 %
PřF:Z0262 Geoinformatics • 85 %
PřF:Z2069 Geographical Data Analysis 2 • 85 %
PřF:Z2111 Physical Geography Research Methods • 85 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 85 %
PřF:Z2211 Social Geography Research Methods • 85 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 62 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 54 %
PřF:JAZ02 English for Geographers II • 31 %
PřF:Z0121 Field work on physical geography • 31 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z0043 Population geography and geodemography • 100 %
PřF:Z0047 Economic geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0107 Introduction to Political Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z3104 Geodatabases • 100 %
PřF:Z8105 Map resources • 100 %
PřF:Z0025 Ecology and environment • 60 %
FF:ARTS006 The Fall of an Empire or the Rise of Europe? • 20 %
FF:ARTS010 History of Mongolia and steppe empires • 20 %
FF:CORE087 Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China • 20 %
FF:DSBCB29 Vikings on the Sea and on the Mainland • 20 %
FF:JSB252 Contemporary Balkans • 20 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 20 %
FF:RLBCA010 Current Religious Situation in the Czech Republic • 20 %
FF:SKANSI_35 Swedish songs • 20 %
FF:VKOR3 The Christianity in Korea and Vietnam • 20 %
FSS:CORE035 Death as a topic of social sciences • 20 %
FSS:EVSB2026 European Union - basic facts and milestones • 20 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 20 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 20 %
PřF:JAZ01 English for Geographers I • 20 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 20 %
PřF:Z0026P Physical geography • 20 %
PřF:Z0135P Introduction to the Earth-planet study • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 20 %
FSpS:P995 Physical Education – Spinning • 20 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 20 %
4th term
PřF:Z0041 Geography of transportation • 100 %
PřF:Z0044 Urban geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0064 Regional case studies • 100 %
PřF:Z0081 Spatial social and economic information • 100 %
PřF:Z0147 Principles of regional geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0158 Field work on economic geography • 100 %
PřF:Z6010 Oceanography • 100 %
PřF:Z8108 Remote sensing • 83 %
PřF:Z0108 Seminar of economic geography • 67 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 67 %
PřF:Z4011 Qualitative methods of social geographic research • 67 %
PřF:Z5402 Geography of rural, peripheral and border regions • 50 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:ZX666 EDUC: Space & Place • 33 %
PřF:Z0046 Geography of Slovakia • 33 %
FaF:CORE048 Drug Design is not about a Fashionable Drug Box • 17 %
FF:AJL07002 Introduction to American Studies: Topics in Culture • 17 %
FF:AJL28067 Comprehending Canada • 17 %
FF:AR1A317 Modern Diplomatics I • 17 %
FF:HIB066N Chapters from the history of State Security in Czechoslovakia (StB) in 1945-1990 • 17 %
FF:HV_627 Film music III • 17 %
FF:JPNB43 Japanese Culture in Film • 17 %
FF:KSCB092 Fascism and its specifics in Europe and Asia • 17 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 17 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 17 %
PřF:Z2166 Introduction to ecology and nature protection • 17 %
FI:CORE012 Information Society • 17 %
PdF:PS_0014 Introduction to Psychology of Sexuality • 17 %
PdF:TI9008 E-COURSE: News from the world of modern Hi-Tech aids for visually impaired people • 17 %
FSpS:P9048 Physical Education – Japanese fencing • 17 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 17 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 17 %
CST:CJV_R_REAL Ruské reálie on-line • 17 %
CST:NPO_AVO Academic Vocabulary Online • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:Z0003 Bachelor Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z0042 Geography of Tourism • 100 %
PřF:Z5004 Academic Skills 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z5011 Participatory Methods and Techniques in Regional Development • 100 %
PřF:Z8118 Thematic Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z0025 Ecology and environment • 75 %
PrF:CORE017 Legal Thinking • 50 %
FF:VKOR1 Korean 1 • 25 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 25 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 25 %
FSpS:P923 Physical Education – Total body training • 25 %
FSpS:P972 Physical Education – Pilates • 25 %
6th term
PřF:Z0004 Bachelor Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z0004X Bachelor Thesis 2 - final • 100 %
PřF:Z1005H Examen on geography (Bac.) • 100 %
PřF:Z5402 Geography of rural, peripheral and border regions • 100 %
PřF:Z6004 Academic Skills 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z5790 Landscape of South Moravia • 50 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 50 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 50 %
PřF:Z4066 Landscape ecology • 25 %
PřF:Z6666 Environment of the Czech Republic • 25 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 25 %

Statistics and data analysis (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M1100 Mathematical Analysis I • 100 %
PřF:M1120 Discrete mathematics • 100 %
PřF:M1130 Mathematical Seminary I • 97 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 74 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 68 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 47 %
PřF:M1160 Introduction to Programming I • 39 %
PřF:JAM01 English for Mathematicians I • 37 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 16 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:M2100 Mathematical Analysis II • 100 %
PřF:M2120 Mathematics of Finance I • 96 %
PřF:M2150 Algebra I • 96 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 70 %
PřF:JAM02 English for Mathematicians II • 22 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 19 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 15 %
PřF:M1VM01 Algorithmization and numerical computations • 11 %
PřF:M2130 Mathematical Seminary II • 11 %
FI:IV109 Modeling and Simulation • 11 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M3121 Probability and Statistics I • 100 %
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 100 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 90 %
PřF:M3100 Mathematical Analysis III • 80 %
PřF:M1110 Linear Algebra and Geometry I • 30 %
PřF:M5140 Graph Theory • 20 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 20 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 20 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 20 %
4th term
PřF:M4122 Probability and Statistics II • 82 %
PřF:M4180 Numerical Methods I • 82 %
PřF:M4100 Mathematical Analysis IV • 64 %
FSS:CORE063 Preparing people, science and society for 2060: the intorduction to gerontological literacy • 27 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 27 %
CST:CORE040 Universal design - inclusion of alterity - accessibility • 27 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 18 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 18 %
PřF:JAM02 English for Mathematicians II • 18 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 18 %
PřF:M0160 Optimization • 18 %
PřF:M2110 Linear Algebra and Geometry II • 18 %
FSpS:CORE059 Mýty a omyly ve statistice • 18 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:M51XX Bachelor Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:M5180 Numerical Methods II • 100 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 92 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 62 %
PřF:M8230 Discrete deterministic models • 46 %
PřF:M5140 Graph Theory • 23 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 23 %
PdF:CJP055 Theater practice • 23 %
FF:CORE023 Czech for 21st Century • 15 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 15 %
PřF:M1141 Introduction to ICT for mathematicians • 15 %
6th term
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_BN State examination Bc, Mathematics • 92 %
PřF:M61XX Bachelor Thesis 2 • 92 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 92 %
PřF:M6130 Computational statistics • 85 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 15 %

Environment and Health (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:E1000 Environment & Health I - Global Environmental Challenges and their Solutions • 100 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 96 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 96 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 96 %
PřF:E1020 Soft-skills I - Computer Literacy • 96 %
PřF:E1030 Basic chemical calculations in environmental science • 96 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 86 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 86 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 79 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 68 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 46 %
PřF:E2030 Environment & Health - Week Field Trip • 21 %
PřF:E2000 Environment & Health II - Environmental Policies, Strategies and Instruments • 18 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 14 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 14 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 14 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 11 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 11 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 11 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 11 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 11 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 90 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 90 %
PřF:E2000 Environment & Health II - Environmental Policies, Strategies and Instruments • 90 %
PřF:E2020 Soft-skills II - Information Literacy • 90 %
PřF:E2030 Environment & Health - Week Field Trip • 90 %
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 80 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 80 %
PřF:C1600 Laboratory in Chemistry • 70 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 60 %
PřF:BI6180C Plant biology - practice • 60 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 50 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 50 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 40 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 40 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 30 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1635 Analytical chemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C3620 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
LF:BKFY0121C Physiology I - practice • 90 %
LF:BKFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 90 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 90 %
PřF:C3100 Analytical Chemistry I • 90 %
PřF:C3110 Analytical Chemistry I - seminar • 90 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 90 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 80 %
PřF:E3000N Environment & Health III - Social, economical and political context • 60 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:E3000 Environment and health III - Health Aspects • 40 %
LF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 20 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 20 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 20 %
4th term
LF:BKFY0222C Physiology II - practice • 88 %
LF:BKFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 88 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 88 %
PřF:E4020 Soft-skills IV - Presentation Skills • 88 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 88 %
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 75 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 63 %
PřF:C6160 Analytical chemistry II - seminar • 50 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 38 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 38 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 38 %
PřF:E4000 Environment & Health IV - Social, economical and political context • 38 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 38 %
FSS:ENSB1125 Environmental Ethics I • 25 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 25 %
PřF:BI6790 Animal Biology • 25 %
PřF:E4040 Project for Environment & Health I • 25 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 25 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 13 %
FF:RSB053 Rhetoric • 13 %
FSS:CORE061 Environmental problems and collapses of ancient civilizations • 13 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI2160 Field botanical excursion • 13 %
PřF:BI2230 Field course of botany • 13 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 13 %
PřF:BI6180 Plant biology • 13 %
PřF:BI6180C Plant biology - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 13 %
PřF:BI6790C Animal biology - practical course • 13 %
PřF:E0100 Stay in Environmental Praxis • 13 %
PřF:E0220 Mass Spectrometry • 13 %
PřF:JALS02 English for Life Sciences 2 • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
PdF:CJP056 Theater practice 2 • 13 %
PdF:CJP429 Literary depiction and history of perfume in European culture • 13 %
PdF:CORE039 Strolling through Europen Children and Teeage Literature • 13 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 13 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 13 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 13 %
FSpS:P929 Physical Education – SM system • 13 %
FSpS:P971 Physical Education – Re-conditioning exercises • 13 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 100 %
PřF:E5000 Seminar for Environment & Health bc-I • 100 %
PřF:E5010 Bachelor thesis for Environment & Health I • 100 %
PřF:E5040 Environmental Compartments and their Pollution • 100 %
PřF:E5041 Environmental Compartments and their Pollution - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:E5080 General Ecotoxicology • 100 %
PřF:E5081 General Ecotoxicology - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 89 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 89 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
LF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 22 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 22 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 22 %
PřF:E0210 Chromatographic Methods • 22 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 22 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 22 %
FF:CORE005 Guide to Contemporary Philosophy • 11 %
FF:CORE056 Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis • 11 %
PrF:CORE038 The Law and Practice of International Organizations • 11 %
PrF:MVE010K The Law and Practice of International Organizations • 11 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 11 %
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 11 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 11 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 11 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 11 %
PřF:C3620 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 11 %
PřF:C7185 Neurobiology • 11 %
PřF:E3020 Soft-skills III - Scientific Thinking • 11 %
PřF:E6000 Seminar for Environment & Health bc-II • 11 %
PřF:E6010 Bachelor thesis for Environment & Health II • 11 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 11 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 11 %
FSpS:P927 Physical Education – Cardio Training • 11 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 11 %
FSpS:P965 Physical Education – Bodystyling • 11 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 11 %
FSpS:P996 Physical Education – Winter Sports Course • 11 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 11 %
6th term
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 89 %
PřF:E6000 Seminar for Environment & Health bc-II • 89 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 89 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 89 %
PřF:E6010 Bachelor thesis for Environment & Health II • 67 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 56 %
PřF:E8888 Final Bachelor Exam in Environment & Health • 56 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 11 %
LF:CORE107 Šarlatánství v medicíně • 11 %
PrF:CORE073 Law and Financial Literacy • 11 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 11 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 11 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 11 %
PřF:C6150 Photographical chemistry and techniques • 11 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:C8980 Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification • 11 %
PřF:E0220 Mass Spectrometry • 11 %
PřF:XV003 Popularization of Science • 11 %
FSpS:P981 Physical Education – Tennis • 11 %

Analytical biochemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C6215 Advanced biochemistry and its methods • 100 %
PřF:C7010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C7872 Applied biostatistics • 100 %
PřF:C9320 Methods of biochemical research • 100 %
PřF:C9300 Diploma Work I (BC) • 95 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 84 %
PřF:C7880 New Trends in Bioanalytical Chemistry • 58 %
PřF:C3003 Internet of things for analytical biochemistry • 32 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 21 %
PřF:JAC03 English for Chemists III • 21 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 16 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 11 %
PřF:BI7034 Introduction to metabolic engineering and synthetic biology of microorganisms • 11 %
PřF:C6961 Practical training • 11 %
PřF:C7150 Regulation of metabolism • 11 %
PřF:C7188 Introduction to molecular medicine • 11 %
PřF:C7895 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:C4840 Methods for labelling and immobilization of biomolecules • 94 %
PřF:C6206 Special biochemical methods • 94 %
PřF:C7175 DNA diagnostics • 94 %
PřF:C8010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry II • 94 %
PřF:C8210 Diploma Work II (BC) • 94 %
PřF:C6222 Clinical Biochemistry II • 72 %
PřF:BI5220C Immunology - practical course • 33 %
PřF:BI6400C Methods of Molecular Biology - practice • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:C8116 Immunochemical techniques • 17 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 11 %
PřF:C7878 Biotechnological processes • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C9002 Diploma seminar from biochemistry III • 91 %
PřF:C9220 Seminar I • 91 %
PřF:C9310 Diploma Work III (BC) • 91 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 82 %
PřF:C7176 DNA diagnostics • 64 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 64 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 36 %
PřF:C3003 Internet of things for analytical biochemistry • 27 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 18 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 18 %
PřF:BI5599 Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology Methods • 18 %
PřF:BI9250 Special Immunological Methods • 18 %
PřF:C6961 Practical training • 18 %
4th term
PřF:CA010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry IV • 91 %
PřF:CA220 Seminar II • 82 %
PřF:CA340 Diploma Thesis IV (BC) • 82 %
PřF:CZMAB State exam of the master study programme Analytical Biochemistry • 82 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 18 %

Analytical Chemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C5060 Methods of Chemical Research • 100 %
PřF:C5355 Analytical Chemistry III - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C7000 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C7001 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:C7050 Electroanalytical Methods • 100 %
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 96 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 96 %
PřF:C5350 Analytical Chemistry III • 96 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 96 %
PřF:C7021 Separation Methods A • 79 %
PřF:C5241 Organic Analysis • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
PřF:JAC03 English for Chemists III • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:C6170 Materials Analysis - laboratory • 96 %
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 96 %
PřF:C7031 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry • 96 %
PřF:C7041 Molecular Spectrometry • 96 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 96 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 96 %
PřF:C3700 Quality in analytical laboratory • 92 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 88 %
PřF:C6960 Practical training • 88 %
PřF:C7858 Elektromigrační metody • 46 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 42 %
PřF:C8022 Separation Methods B • 33 %
PřF:C6140 Optimization and Evaluation of Analytical Methods • 29 %
PřF:C2105 Computer in analytical laboratory • 25 %
PřF:C6245 Analytical chemistry of organic compounds - laboratory course • 17 %
PřF:C9075 Advanced liquid chromatography • 17 %
PřF:JAC04 English for Chemists IV • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C9000 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 94 %
PřF:C9001 Diploma Thesis III • 88 %
PřF:C7955 Molecular luminescence • 76 %
PřF:C7080 Lasers in Analytical chemistry • 71 %
PřF:C7060 Trace Analysis • 59 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 41 %
PřF:C7895 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules • 35 %
PřF:C5241 Organic Analysis • 24 %
PřF:C7073 Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules • 24 %
PřF:C7950 Speciation analysis • 24 %
PřF:JAC03 English for Chemists III • 12 %
4th term
PřF:CA000 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:CA001 Diploma Thesis IV • 94 %
PřF:CZMAC Státní závěrečná magisterská zkouška z analytické chemie • 88 %
PřF:C8022 Separation Methods B • 29 %
PřF:C9075 Advanced liquid chromatography • 18 %
PřF:C6140 Optimization and Evaluation of Analytical Methods • 12 %

Anthropology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
LF:VLET0311P Selected lessons of embryology and teratology • 100 %
PřF:BI7861 Anthropology of sexuality I • 100 %
PřF:BI9291 Human Ecology in Quaternary Period • 100 %
PřF:BI7352 Forensic anthropology • 94 %
PřF:BI7352C Forensic anthropology practical training • 94 %
PřF:BI8612 Human and Comparative osteology • 94 %
PřF:BI8612C Comparative osteology - practical training • 94 %
PřF:BI8773 Practicals in shape analysis I • 94 %
PřF:BI7771 Diploma Thesis I • 89 %
PřF:BI7711 Seminar VII • 78 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 22 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:BI4290 Primatology • 100 %
PřF:BI6998 Trichology • 100 %
PřF:BI8610 Palaeoanthropology • 100 %
PřF:BI8691 Human Individual Development • 100 %
PřF:BI3307 Digital imaging data acquisition and processing in anthropology • 94 %
PřF:BI8260 Variability and adaptability of human population • 94 %
PřF:BI8772 Diploma Thesis II • 94 %
PřF:BI8712 Seminar VIII • 61 %
PřF:BI8145 Dental anthropology • 33 %
PřF:BI8145C Dental anthropology - practical training • 33 %
PřF:BI4041 Paleopathology • 28 %
PřF:BI1020 Teaching assistance in anthropological courses • 17 %
PřF:BI6290 Human paleogenetics • 17 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:BI7771 Diploma Thesis I • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:BI8611 Palaeoethnology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:ZA0043 Population geography • 100 %
PřF:BI7851 Anthropology of Ethnicity • 93 %
PřF:BI9200 Diploma Thesis III • 86 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 79 %
LF:VLDE051 History of Medicine • 57 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 57 %
PřF:E0350 Epidemiology • 57 %
PřF:E0351 Epidemiology - Practicals • 57 %
PřF:BI9713 Seminar IX • 50 %
LF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 14 %
PřF:BI1020 Teaching assistance in anthropological courses • 14 %
PřF:BI2727 Isotope analysis in bioarchaeology • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 14 %
4th term
PřF:BI8910 On-site training II • 100 %
PřF:BI8130 Ethology • 87 %
PřF:BI9100 Ergonomics and Applied Anthropology • 87 %
PřF:BI0189 Master state exam of anthropology • 73 %
PřF:BI9773 Diploma Thesis IV • 73 %
PřF:BI6290 Human paleogenetics • 67 %
PřF:BI8690 Burial ritus • 67 %
PřF:BI0010 Seminar X • 53 %
PřF:BI4041 Paleopathology • 13 %
PřF:BI8772 Diploma Thesis II • 13 %
PřF:BI9200 Diploma Thesis III • 13 %

Applied and environmental geology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 100 %
PřF:G0221 assignment of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G0241 Choice of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G7021 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:JAG03 English for Geologists III • 100 %
PřF:G5981 Hydrogeological modeling • 67 %
PřF:G7081 Regional Geology of the World • 67 %
PřF:G7791 Seminar for publication • 67 %
PřF:G8201 Documentation of field prospecting • 67 %
PřF:G9811 Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:GA401 Sedimentary petrology (II) • 33 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 33 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 33 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 33 %
PřF:G4021 Igneous petrology • 33 %
PřF:G5091 Advanced Structural Geology • 33 %
PřF:G5511 Petrel and seismic stratigraphy • 33 %
PřF:G7301 Methods of stratigraphy • 33 %
PřF:G7401 Methods of Hydrogeology • 33 %
PřF:G7551 Microanalyses for Ma.Study • 33 %
PřF:G8231 Practical Sedimentology in Field • 33 %
PřF:G9301 Sedimentary basins and oil geology • 33 %
PřF:G9841 Microscopy for diploma students • 33 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:G8021 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 100 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 67 %
PřF:JAG04 English for Geologists IV • 67 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 67 %
PřF:GA321 Practical hydrogeology • 33 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 33 %
PřF:GA921 Environmental Geochemistry • 33 %
PřF:G2061 Advanced Mineralogy (II) • 33 %
PřF:G5031 Bc. thesis presented on conference • 33 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 33 %
PřF:G6031 Publication of Bachelor thesis • 33 %
PřF:G7031 Prezentace výsledků diplomové práce na konferenci • 33 %
PřF:G7501 Physical geochemistry • 33 %
PřF:G7791 Seminar for publication • 33 %
PřF:G8141 Pedology • 33 %
PřF:G8241 Field course of paleontology • 33 %
PřF:G8581 Hydrogeochemistry • 33 %
PřF:G8761 Recalculation of chemical data for geologist • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G9021 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 75 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 75 %
PřF:G5981 Hydrogeological modeling • 75 %
PřF:G7081 Regional Geology of the World • 75 %
PřF:G9301 Sedimentary basins and oil geology • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 25 %
PřF:GA171 Practical gemology • 25 %
PřF:GT0F5 Foundation engineering • 25 %
PřF:G4061 Advanced Historical Geology • 25 %
PřF:G4241 Professional study practice • 25 %
PřF:G5531 Practical preparation of geological sections • 25 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 25 %
PřF:G6231 Professional study practice • 25 %
PřF:G7401 Methods of Hydrogeology • 25 %
PřF:G7551 Microanalyses for Ma.Study • 25 %
PřF:G7641 Geology of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin • 25 %
PřF:G7651 Instrumental methods in petrology • 25 %
PřF:G8101 Mineral resources in the world • 25 %
PřF:G8201 Documentation of field prospecting • 25 %
PřF:G8221 Practical Tectonics in Field • 25 %
PřF:G9811 Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 25 %
4th term
PřF:GA021 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:GA041 Diploma Thesis IV • 75 %
PřF:GA321 Practical hydrogeology • 75 %
PřF:GS011 Geological principles • 75 %
PřF:GS051 Hydrogeology • 75 %
PřF:GS201 Diploma thesis defense • 75 %
PřF:GS021 Environmental geology • 50 %
PřF:GA231 Holocén • 25 %
PřF:GA251 Advanced Engeneering Geology • 25 %
PřF:GA921 Environmental Geochemistry • 25 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 25 %
PřF:GB911 Advanced tectonic seminary • 25 %
PřF:GS041 Historical geology • 25 %
PřF:GS071 Magmatic and metamorphic geology • 25 %
PřF:GS121 Tektonics • 25 %
PřF:GS151 Geotechnics • 25 %
PřF:G5031 Bc. thesis presented on conference • 25 %
PřF:G7031 Prezentace výsledků diplomové práce na konferenci • 25 %
PřF:G7231 Professional study practice • 25 %
PřF:G7631 Tectonophysics • 25 %
PřF:G7891 Magnetic anisotropy • 25 %
PřF:G8081 Sedimentology • 25 %
PřF:G8581 Hydrogeochemistry • 25 %
PřF:JNP02 German for scientists II • 25 %
PřF:JN001 German for scientists - exam • 25 %

Applied geography and geoinformatics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0017K Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 - Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z7000 Applied Physical Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z7001 Diploma Thesis 1 (geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z7900 Landscape Evaluation • 100 %
PřF:Z8172 Semiotics in cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z8188 Introduction to Web Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z7777 Environmental law • 50 %
PřF:Z7887 Environmental History • 50 %
PřF:Z8086 Contemporary changes of the pedosphere • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
PřF:Z0152 Field survey on human geography • 100 %
PřF:Z7017H Seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z7891 Everyday mobility • 100 %
PřF:Z7894 Geoinformation Technologies for Social Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z8001 Diploma Thesis 2 (geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z8181 Cartography - seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z8222 Time Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z8818 Applied Geoinformatics • 100 %
PdF:NJ_D740 Online German A2/B2: german sentence • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z0027 Geographical analysis of labour market • 100 %
PřF:Z0136 Territorial planning and town planning • 100 %
PřF:Z7262 GIS in public administration • 100 %
PřF:Z9002 Diploma Thesis 3 (geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z0138 Socio-economic changes of regions in the Czech Republic • 75 %
PřF:Z9876 Cross-border Issues • 75 %
PřF:Z0018H Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 - Human Geography • 50 %
PřF:Z0018K Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 - Cartography • 50 %
FF:DSBCB46 The Role of the Dog and the Elephant in Antiquity • 25 %
FSS:EVSB2026 European Union - basic facts and milestones • 25 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 25 %
PřF:Z4107 Selected Themes of Town and Regional Planning • 25 %
PřF:Z7890 Methods and Techniques in Regional and Social Geography • 25 %
PřF:Z8210 Introduction to spatial data infrastructures in Europe • 25 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 25 %
4th term
PřF:Z7894 Geoinformation Technologies for Social Geography • 75 %
PřF:Z9017H Seminar 2 • 75 %
PřF:Z1002 Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) • 50 %
PřF:Z1002X Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) • 50 %
PřF:Z4044 Urban geography • 50 %
PřF:Z8196 Cartography - seminar 2 • 50 %
PřF:Z9015AG Examen on geography (Mgr.) • 50 %
PřF:Z8311 3D visualisation and modelling in cartography • 25 %
FI:VB042 Intellectual Property • 25 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 25 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 25 %

Astrophysics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F7600 Physics of stellar atmospheres • 100 %
PřF:F7740T Diploma work 1 • 100 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 75 %
PřF:FA221 Open problems of physics of stellar atmospheres and winds • 50 %
PřF:F7567 Structure and kinematics of galaxies • 50 %
PřF:F8670 Physics of cool stars • 50 %
PřF:F9220 Modern experimental methods C • 50 %
PřF:F9888 High Energy Astrophysics • 50 %
PřF:FB040 Astrophysical Hydrodynamics • 25 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 25 %
PřF:F4191 Astronomical excercises • 25 %
PřF:F5540 Variable stars • 25 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 25 %
PřF:F7514 Exoplanets • 25 %
PřF:F7581 Practical astrophysics - basics • 25 %
PřF:F7888 Cosmotea • 25 %
PřF:F9331 Physics revisited 1 • 25 %
2nd term
PřF:FA222 Star Clusters • 100 %
PřF:F7070 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics • 100 %
PřF:F6150 Advanced numerical methods • 67 %
PřF:F6550 Structure and evolution of Universe • 67 %
PřF:F8740T Diploma Thesis 2 • 67 %
PřF:F3190 Astronomical excercises • 33 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 33 %
PřF:F7601 Physics of hot stars • 33 %
PřF:F8567 Dynamics and evolution of galaxies • 33 %
PřF:F8601 Modelling of stellar atmospheres • 33 %
PřF:F9145 Astronomical excercises • 33 %
PřF:JAF04 English for Physicists IV • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F9740T Diploma work 3 • 100 %
PřF:F7567 Structure and kinematics of galaxies • 67 %
PřF:F9331 Physics revisited 1 • 67 %
PřF:F9888 High Energy Astrophysics • 67 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 67 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 67 %
PřF:F5611 Introduction to Machine learning for astronomers in Python • 33 %
PřF:F7390 Collision processes in plasma • 33 %
PřF:F7591 Problems in theoretical physics • 33 %
PřF:F7888 Cosmotea • 33 %
PřF:F8670 Physics of cool stars • 33 %
PřF:F9220 Modern experimental methods C • 33 %
PřF:F9451 Diploma Thesis Seminar • 33 %
PřF:JAF03 English for Physicists III • 33 %
4th term
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 100 %
PřF:FA740T Diploma Thesis 4 • 67 %
PřF:FSM01 State examination Ms, Physics • 67 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 67 %
PřF:F7601 Physics of hot stars • 67 %
FF:ROM1BSJ04 Practical Spanish IV • 33 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 33 %
PřF:FA050 Scientific projects • 33 %
PřF:FA462 Diploma Thesis Seminar • 33 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 33 %
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 33 %
PřF:F8567 Dynamics and evolution of galaxies • 33 %
PřF:F8601 Modelling of stellar atmospheres • 33 %
PřF:F8888 Cosmotea • 33 %

Bioanalytical Laboratory Diagnostics in Medicine - Bioanalyst (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
LF:MBKB071C Clinical Biochemistry II - practices • 100 %
LF:MBKM071C Clinical microbiology II - practices • 100 %
LF:MBLG071C Medical genetics - practices • 100 %
LF:MBLG071P Medical genetics - lectures • 100 %
LF:MBPX0731 Practices I • 100 %
PřF:C9302 Diploma Thesis - Bioanalyst I • 100 %
LF:MBKH071S Clinical Haematology - lecture • 88 %
LF:MBKM071P Clinical microbiology II - lectures • 88 %
LF:MBKB071P Clinical biochemistry II - lectures • 75 %
LF:BLFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 63 %
LF:BLZA011P Basics of Anatomy • 63 %
PřF:C7880 New Trends in Bioanalytical Chemistry • 63 %
LF:BLET051P Health Care Ethics - lecture • 25 %
LF:MBFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
LF:MBET0111P Health Care Ethics - lecture • 13 %
LF:MBPP0111C First Aid - practice • 13 %
LF:MBPP0111P First Aid - lecture • 13 %
LF:MBZA0111P Basics of Anatomy • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
2nd term
LF:MBKH081C Clinical hematologyII - practices • 100 %
LF:MBKH081P Clinical hematology II - lectures • 100 %
LF:MBKI081C Clinical Imunology II - practices • 100 %
LF:MBKI081P Clinical imunology II - lectures • 100 %
LF:MBPX0822 Specialization practice II • 100 %
LF:MBTS081C Transfusion services - practices • 100 %
LF:MBTS081P Transfusion services - lectures • 100 %
PřF:C8212 Diploma Thesis - Bioanalyst II • 100 %
LF:BLFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 63 %
LF:BLOZ061 Public health protection • 63 %
LF:BLEP061P Management, economy and law • 50 %
LF:MBEP0211P Management, economy and law • 38 %
LF:MBFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 38 %
LF:MBOZ0211P Public health protection • 38 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
LF:MBPX0933 Practices III • 100 %
PřF:C9220 Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C9312 Diploma Thesis - Bioanalyst III • 100 %
LF:MBPA091C Pathology - practicees • 89 %
LF:MBPA091P Pathology - lectures • 89 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 89 %
LF:BLPP011P First Aid - lecture • 78 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 67 %
LF:MBPP0111C First Aid - practice • 56 %
LF:MBKB071P Clinical biochemistry II - lectures • 33 %
LF:MBKM071P Clinical microbiology II - lectures • 33 %
PřF:C7880 New Trends in Bioanalytical Chemistry • 33 %
LF:BLPP011C First Aid - practice • 22 %
PřF:CA220 Seminar II • 22 %
PřF:CA342 Diploma Thesis - Bioanalyst IV • 22 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 22 %
LF:BLET051P Health Care Ethics - lecture • 11 %
LF:BLFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 11 %
LF:MBET0111P Health Care Ethics - lecture • 11 %
LF:MBKH081P Clinical hematology II - lectures • 11 %
LF:MBKI081P Clinical imunology II - lectures • 11 %
LF:MBTS081P Transfusion services - lectures • 11 %
FF:ROM1BSJ03 Practical Spanish III • 11 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 11 %
PřF:C7176 DNA diagnostics • 11 %
PřF:C7187 Experimental oncology • 11 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 11 %
4th term
PřF:CA220 Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:CA342 Diploma Thesis - Bioanalyst IV • 86 %
PřF:CZMBA Master State exam • 86 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 43 %
LF:BLEP061P Management, economy and law • 14 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 14 %
PdF:HV51 The Choir of Masaryk University • 14 %
PdF:NJ_D740 Online German A2/B2: german sentence • 14 %

Bioanalytical Laboratory Diagnostics in Medicine - Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7020 Practical training in a cytogenetic/molecular genetic laboratory I • 100 %
PřF:BI7090 Molecular biology of eukaryotes • 100 %
PřF:BI7118 Diploma Thesis LGMD - part 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI7322 Seminar • 100 %
PřF:BI7120 Molecular biology of prokaryotes • 95 %
PřF:BI7140 Molecular biology of viruses • 95 %
PřF:C7188 Introduction to molecular medicine • 95 %
PřF:BI7312 Practical course of molecular biology of eukaryotes • 38 %
PřF:C7187 Experimental oncology • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:BI5130 Introduction to human aDNA studies • 19 %
PřF:BI7311 Molecular Biology of Procaryotes - Laboratory Course • 19 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 19 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 19 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 14 %
PřF:BI7420 Modern methods for genome analysis • 14 %
2nd term
LF:BMAM041 Analysis and Data Management for Healthcare Specialisation • 100 %
PřF:BI7021 Practical training in a cytogenetic/molecular genetic laboratory II • 100 %
PřF:BI7250 Medical genetics and genetic counseling • 100 %
PřF:BI7250C Medical genetics and genetical consulting - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI7290 Human Genetics and Genomics Seminar • 100 %
PřF:BI8090 Gene engineering • 100 %
PřF:BI8118 Diploma Thesis LGMD - part 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI8323 Seminar LGMD II • 100 %
PřF:BI9910 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Tumor • 100 %
PřF:BI8440 Basics of Clinical Oncology • 40 %
PřF:BI0124 Forensic genetics • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:BI8360 Molecular diagnostics of microorganisms • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI7022 Practical training in a cytogenetic/molecular genetic laboratory III • 100 %
PřF:BI9118 Diploma Thesis LGMD - part 3 • 100 %
PřF:BI9324 Seminar LGMD III • 100 %
PřF:BI9325 Human Molecular Genetics • 100 %
PřF:BI9915 Special seminar from tumor biology • 100 %
PřF:BI9350 Immunogenetics and immunogenomics • 94 %
PřF:C7490 Molecular diagnostics of inherited diseases • 94 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 94 %
PřF:E5510 Biomarkers Detection from Omics Experiments • 88 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 12 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 12 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 12 %
4th term
PřF:BI0118 Diploma Thesis LGMD - part 4 • 100 %
PřF:BI0325 Seminar LGMD IV • 100 %
PřF:BI7023 Practical training in a cytogenetic/molecular genetic laboratory IV • 100 %
PřF:BI0193 Master state exam of Clinical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics • 94 %
PřF:BI8360 Molecular diagnostics of microorganisms • 82 %
PřF:BI8440 Basics of Clinical Oncology • 71 %

Biophysics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:C7015 Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids • 100 %
PřF:C7016 Nucleic acids chemistry - lab. practice • 100 %
PřF:C7920 Structure and functions of proteins • 100 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 100 %
PřF:F5700 Soft skills in life sciences • 100 %
PřF:F6530 Spectroscopy techniques • 100 %
PřF:F7760K Diploma thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:F9190 Modern laser applications • 100 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C3430 Physical Chemistry - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C9085 Protein-RNA interactions • 100 %
PřF:FA602 Biophysical aspects of structural biology • 100 %
PřF:F7270 Mathematical methods for numerical data analysis • 100 %
PřF:F8270 Radiation Biophysics • 100 %
PřF:F8760K Diploma Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:F9600 Spectroscopy of biopolymers • 100 %
PřF:JAD02 Advanced English for PhD studies (C1) • 100 %
PřF:JAF02 English for Physicists II • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
FF:DSBCB26 Health, Lifestyle and Medicine in Antiquity • 50 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 50 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 50 %
PřF:F5700 Soft skills in life sciences • 50 %
PřF:F9190 Modern laser applications • 50 %
PřF:F9603 From diagnosis towards pharmaceutics • 50 %
PřF:F9760K Diploma thesis 3 • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 50 %
PdF:RJ2BP_RZS3 Russian for the Beginners 3 • 50 %
4th term
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 100 %
PrF:CORE073 Law and Financial Literacy • 50 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 50 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 50 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 50 %
PřF:FA760K Diploma Thesis 4 • 50 %
PřF:FSM02 State examination Ms, Biophysics • 50 %
PřF:F7790 Seminar in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:F8760K Diploma Thesis 2 • 50 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 50 %
PdF:RJ2BP_RZS4 Russian for the Beginners 4 • 50 %

Biophysical Chemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 100 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 100 %
PřF:C5060 Methods of Chemical Research • 100 %
PřF:C5845 Advanced Biophysical Chemistry - Theoretical Methods • 100 %
PřF:C7000 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C7001 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 100 %
PřF:C9320 Methods of biochemical research • 100 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 100 %
PřF:C5846 Advanced Biophysical Chemistry - experimental methods • 100 %
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 100 %
PřF:C6960 Practical training • 100 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:C8950 NMR Structural Analysis • 100 %
PřF:C8953 NMR Structural Analysis - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C8980 Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification • 100 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:FA602 Biophysical aspects of structural biology • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %

Biochemistry (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:CA340 Diploma Thesis IV (BC) • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %

Biochemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C6215 Advanced biochemistry and its methods • 97 %
PřF:C9320 Methods of biochemical research • 97 %
PřF:C7010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry I • 94 %
PřF:C8160 Enzymology • 90 %
PřF:C9300 Diploma Work I (BC) • 90 %
PřF:C8170 Enzymology - seminar • 87 %
PřF:C7150 Regulation of metabolism • 48 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 48 %
PřF:C7187 Experimental oncology • 29 %
PřF:C8111 Bioengineering • 23 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 19 %
PřF:C7875 Gene technology • 19 %
PřF:JAC03 English for Chemists III • 19 %
PřF:C7188 Introduction to molecular medicine • 16 %
PřF:C7872 Applied biostatistics • 16 %
2nd term
PřF:C6206 Special biochemical methods • 94 %
PřF:C8010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry II • 94 %
PřF:C8140 Bioenergetics • 94 %
PřF:C8150 Bioenergetics - seminar • 94 %
PřF:C8210 Diploma Work II (BC) • 94 %
PřF:C7175 DNA diagnostics • 87 %
PřF:C6211 Biotechnology • 84 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 42 %
PřF:C7878 Biotechnological processes • 32 %
PřF:C4840 Methods for labelling and immobilization of biomolecules • 26 %
PřF:C6222 Clinical Biochemistry II • 19 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 16 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C9002 Diploma seminar from biochemistry III • 100 %
PřF:C9220 Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C9310 Diploma Work III (BC) • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 90 %
PřF:C7195 Advance laboratory course of biochemistry • 84 %
PřF:C7188 Introduction to molecular medicine • 35 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 35 %
PřF:C7176 DNA diagnostics • 26 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 13 %
PřF:C7150 Regulation of metabolism • 13 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 13 %
4th term
PřF:CA010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry IV • 100 %
PřF:CA340 Diploma Thesis IV (BC) • 100 %
PřF:CA220 Seminar II • 93 %
PřF:CZMB State exam of the master study programme Biochemistry • 80 %

Bioinformatics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C6215 Advanced biochemistry and its methods • 89 %
PřF:C7010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry I • 89 %
PřF:C2136 Advanced chemoinformatics • 78 %
PřF:C2137 Advanced chemoinformatics - seminar • 78 %
PřF:C9300 Diploma Work I (BC) • 78 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
PřF:E2011 Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science • 56 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 44 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 44 %
PřF:C7925 Nucleic acids structure and dynamics • 44 %
PřF:CG010 Proteomics • 22 %
PřF:CG020 Genomics • 22 %
PřF:CORE041 Science – the greatest project of mankind • 22 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 22 %
PrF:NP104ZK Public Finance and Fiscal Law • 11 %
FSS:EVSB2026 European Union - basic facts and milestones • 11 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 11 %
PřF:BI1030C Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 11 %
PřF:BI4070 Image Analysis and Microphotography in Biology • 11 %
PřF:BI4999EN Structural Biology and Bioinformatics • 11 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 11 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 11 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 11 %
PřF:BI9690EN Synthetic Biology • 11 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 11 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 11 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 11 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 11 %
PřF:C7800 Introduction to Molecular Modelling - Exercise • 11 %
PřF:C7875 Gene technology • 11 %
PřF:C7920 Structure and functions of proteins • 11 %
PřF:C8160 Enzymology • 11 %
PřF:C9555 A Survival Guide to Simulations • 11 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 11 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
FI:MB152 Differential and Integral Calculus • 11 %
FI:PV005 Computer Network Services • 11 %
FI:PV021 Neural Networks • 11 %
CST:TERPSY01 Relaxation techniques for students with special needs • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:C2138 Advanced bioinformatics • 89 %
PřF:C2139 Advanced bioinformatics - seminary • 89 %
PřF:C8010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry II • 89 %
PřF:C8210 Diploma Work II (BC) • 78 %
PřF:C3211 Applied bioinformatics • 67 %
PřF:E7491 Regression Modelling • 56 %
PřF:C8863 Free Energy Calculations • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:C7175 DNA diagnostics • 22 %
PřF:C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods • 22 %
PřF:C8856 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods - Excercise • 22 %
FI:IB114 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms II • 22 %
FI:PB162 Java • 22 %
PřF:BI2090 Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 11 %
PřF:BI4290 Primatology • 11 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 11 %
PřF:BI7560 Introduction to R • 11 %
PřF:BI7894 Seminar of Research Teams of Loschmidt Laboratories • 11 %
PřF:BI8130 Ethology • 11 %
PřF:C2142 Design of algorithms in life sciences • 11 %
PřF:C2143 Design of algorithms in life sciences - seminary • 11 %
PřF:C2160 C Programming for Chemists • 11 %
PřF:C9085 Protein-RNA interactions • 11 %
PřF:C9088 RNA & DNA sequence analysis • 11 %
PřF:ILLU01 Illustration in science – attractive and comprehensive graphic visualization in research and educati • 11 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 11 %
FI:PA228 Machine Learning in Image Processing • 11 %
FI:PB051 Computational methods in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology • 11 %
FI:PB156 Computer Networks • 11 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:C9002 Diploma seminar from biochemistry III • 100 %
PřF:C9310 Diploma Work III (BC) • 100 %
PřF:E2011 Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science • 100 %
PřF:CG010 Proteomics • 67 %
PřF:CG020 Genomics • 67 %
FI:PV288 Python • 67 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 33 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 33 %
PřF:C2136 Advanced chemoinformatics • 33 %
PřF:C2137 Advanced chemoinformatics - seminar • 33 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 33 %
PřF:C7800 Introduction to Molecular Modelling - Exercise • 33 %
PřF:XS451A Communication skills train. 2 • 33 %
FI:VB039 Presentations in English I • 33 %
4th term
PřF:CA010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry IV • 100 %
PřF:CA340 Diploma Thesis IV (BC) • 100 %
PřF:CZMCI State final exam of the master's degree study in Bioinformatics • 67 %
PřF:C3211 Applied bioinformatics • 67 %
PřF:BI7820 Population genetics • 33 %
PřF:BI7820C Population genetics practice • 33 %
PřF:C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods • 33 %
PřF:XS450A Communication skills training • 33 %

Human Biology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI5201 Human osteology • 88 %
PřF:BI7090 Molecular biology of eukaryotes • 88 %
PřF:BI7122 Diploma thesis Human biology I • 88 %
PřF:BI7127 Seminar of Human Biology I MSc. • 88 %
PřF:BI5130 Introduction to human aDNA studies • 75 %
PřF:BI7123 Clinical anthropology • 63 %
PřF:BI7130 Nonhuman DNA in Human Biology • 63 %
PřF:BI7312 Practical course of molecular biology of eukaryotes • 50 %
PřF:BI6124 Laboratory practice in historical anthropology I • 38 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 38 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 38 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 25 %
PřF:BI7360 Further methodological approaches in historical anthropology • 25 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
LF:CORE066 Diachronní přístup k logickému zpracování informací • 13 %
FF:DSMA05 Everyday Life in Ancient Greece • 13 %
FF:KR013 Classical Greek I • 13 %
FF:KR021 The Beginnings of Greek Philosohy: Presocratics and Sophists • 13 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 13 %
FF:LJ307 Dramatization of Latin texts • 13 %
FF:LJ603 Latin for the Non-Latinists III • 13 %
FF:RLBCB112 Hebrew I • 13 %
PřF:BI9121 Dietary anthropology • 13 %
PřF:BI9350 Immunogenetics and immunogenomics • 13 %
PřF:CG010 Proteomics • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI6290 Human paleogenetics • 88 %
PřF:BI6810 Seminar Human Biology II MSc. • 88 %
PřF:BI7820 Population genetics • 88 %
PřF:BI7820C Population genetics practice • 88 %
PřF:BI8122 Diploma thesis Human Biology II • 88 %
PřF:BI7250 Medical genetics and genetic counseling • 75 %
PřF:BI8270 Variability of human population • 75 %
PřF:BI6126 Laboratory sampling for aDNA analysis • 63 %
PřF:BI7132 Workshop extending methods of aDNA analysis • 63 %
PřF:BI2223 Anthropology and modern trends in biology • 25 %
PřF:BI6129 Palaeogenomics and Palaeoproteomics • 25 %
PřF:BI8128 Exkursion HUBI • 25 %
PřF:BI8145 Dental anthropology • 25 %
PřF:BI8145C Dental anthropology - practical training • 25 %
PřF:BI9910 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Tumor • 25 %
FF:DSBCB46 The Role of the Dog and the Elephant in Antiquity • 13 %
FSS:CORE061 Environmental problems and collapses of ancient civilizations • 13 %
PřF:BI0124 Forensic genetics • 13 %
PřF:BI4020 Molecular biology • 13 %
PřF:BI4020C Molecular biology - laboratory practice • 13 %
PřF:BI5130 Introduction to human aDNA studies • 13 %
PřF:BI6123 Auxology • 13 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 13 %
PřF:BI7128 Seminar of Human Biology III MSc. • 13 %
PřF:BI7360 Further methodological approaches in historical anthropology • 13 %
PřF:BI7410 Protein Engineering • 13 %
PřF:BI8011 Microbial zoonoses and sapronoses • 13 %
PřF:BI8090 Gene engineering • 13 %
PřF:BI8123 Field practice in historical anthropology III • 13 %
PřF:BI8129 Practice in ancient DNA laboratories • 13 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 13 %
PřF:BI8610C Palaeoanthropology • 13 %
PřF:BI9121 Dietary anthropology • 13 %
PřF:BI9122 Diploma thesis Human Biology III • 13 %
PřF:BI9127 Data evaluation in Human Biology • 13 %
PřF:BI9325 Human Molecular Genetics • 13 %
PřF:CG090 Methods in proteomics • 13 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
PřF:C8302 Proteomics - practice • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI7128 Seminar of Human Biology III MSc. • 80 %
PřF:BI9122 Diploma thesis Human Biology III • 80 %
PřF:BI9127 Data evaluation in Human Biology • 80 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 60 %
PřF:BI7123 Clinical anthropology • 40 %
PřF:BI7130 Nonhuman DNA in Human Biology • 40 %
PřF:BI7360 Further methodological approaches in historical anthropology • 40 %
PřF:BI9325 Human Molecular Genetics • 40 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 40 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 40 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 20 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 20 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 20 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:BI0122 Diploma thesis Human Biology IV • 20 %
PřF:BI0124 Forensic genetics • 20 %
PřF:BI0580 Developmetal Genetics • 20 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 20 %
PřF:BI5110 Anthropological archaeology (middleages) • 20 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 20 %
PřF:BI6812 Seminar Human Biology IV MSc. • 20 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 20 %
PřF:BI8620 Human evolution • 20 %
PřF:BI9121 Dietary anthropology • 20 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 20 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 20 %
PdF:BIK048 Arranging and Adapting School Space 1 • 20 %
PdF:FJ0002 French for Beginners 2 • 20 %
PdF:SZ6072 E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 20 %
PdF:TI9005 E-COURSE: Polymer processing from A to Z • 20 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 20 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 20 %
4th term
PřF:BI6812 Seminar Human Biology IV MSc. • 80 %
PřF:BI8620 Human evolution • 60 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 40 %
PřF:BI0122 Diploma thesis Human Biology IV • 40 %
PřF:BI0124 Forensic genetics • 40 %
PřF:BI0195 Master state exam from Human biology • 40 %
PřF:BI6370 Human parasitology • 20 %
PřF:BI6460 Anthropology of modern history • 20 %
PřF:BI7126 Introduction to periodization of history with regards to human populations and their burial habits • 20 %
PřF:BI7132 Workshop extending methods of aDNA analysis • 20 %
PřF:BI8128 Exkursion HUBI • 20 %
PřF:BI8145 Dental anthropology • 20 %
PřF:BI8145C Dental anthropology - practical training • 20 %
PřF:BI8610C Palaeoanthropology • 20 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 20 %
PdF:TI9006A E-COURSE: Recycling – Everything You Can Make Out of Waste • 20 %

Biomedical bioinformatics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7188 Introduction to molecular medicine • 100 %
PřF:E8678 Applied survival analysis • 100 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 100 %
PřF:E0034 Analysis and classification of data • 93 %
PřF:E4014 Project of the Computational Biology - Biomedical Bioinformatics • 93 %
PřF:E7013 Diploma thesis I • 93 %
PřF:E7014 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 93 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 27 %
PřF:BI9325 Human Molecular Genetics • 27 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 27 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 27 %
PřF:C7187 Experimental oncology • 20 %
PřF:BI7070 Physiology of Cell Systems • 13 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:C2138 Advanced bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:C2139 Advanced bioinformatics - seminary • 100 %
PřF:E8014 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 93 %
PřF:E8017 Diploma thesis II • 93 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 87 %
PřF:E7528 Analysis of genomic and proteomic data • 80 %
PřF:BI9910 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Tumor • 73 %
FI:PB162 Java • 67 %
PřF:BI7250 Medical genetics and genetic counseling • 20 %
PřF:E5020 Analysis of Nontarget MS Data • 20 %
PřF:E5447 Database Systems in Biomedicine • 20 %
PřF:E7441 Scientific computing in biology and biomedicine • 20 %
FSpS:CORE059 Mýty a omyly ve statistice • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:E5510 Biomarkers Detection from Omics Experiments • 90 %
PřF:E9013 Diploma thesis III • 90 %
PřF:M7986 Statistical inferences I • 90 %
PřF:E5444 Analysis of sequencing data • 80 %
PřF:E9014 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 80 %
PřF:M7222 Generalized linear models • 80 %
PřF:C7187 Experimental oncology • 40 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 30 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 20 %
PřF:E7490 Advanced non-parametric methods • 20 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 20 %
4th term
PřF:E5020 Analysis of Nontarget MS Data • 100 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 82 %
PřF:E0060 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 55 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 45 %
PřF:E7528 Analysis of genomic and proteomic data • 27 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 27 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 18 %
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 18 %
PřF:M8986B Statistical inference II • 18 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 18 %

Biomolecular chemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C6215 Advanced biochemistry and its methods • 100 %
PřF:C7010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 100 %
PřF:C7800 Introduction to Molecular Modelling - Exercise • 100 %
PřF:C7920 Structure and functions of proteins • 100 %
PřF:C9300 Diploma Work I (BC) • 100 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 86 %
PřF:C7925 Nucleic acids structure and dynamics • 71 %
PřF:C6770 NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules • 43 %
PřF:C6775 NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules • 43 %
PřF:C7270 Structural biology methods • 43 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 29 %
FF:ARTS010 History of Mongolia and steppe empires • 14 %
FSS:CJVS101 Spanish for Social Sciences I • 14 %
PřF:BI4999EN Structural Biology and Bioinformatics • 14 %
PřF:C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing • 14 %
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 14 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 14 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 14 %
PřF:FB820 Structural electron microscopy • 14 %
PřF:JAC03 English for Chemists III • 14 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:C8010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry II • 88 %
PřF:C8210 Diploma Work II (BC) • 88 %
PřF:C8980 Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification • 88 %
PřF:C2135 Bioinformatics for practice • 75 %
PřF:C9085 Protein-RNA interactions • 63 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 38 %
PřF:C7995 Practical NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules • 25 %
PřF:C8863 Free Energy Calculations • 25 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 13 %
PřF:C2160 C Programming for Chemists • 13 %
PřF:C5320 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 13 %
PřF:C5321 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 13 %
PřF:C5850 Introduction to Biophysical Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:C6200 Biochemical Methods • 13 %
PřF:C6900 Biophysical factors of Environment • 13 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 13 %
PřF:C7920 Structure and functions of proteins • 13 %
PřF:C7925 Nucleic acids structure and dynamics • 13 %
PřF:C8800 X-ray Structure Analysis • 13 %
PřF:C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods • 13 %
PřF:C8856 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods - Excercise • 13 %
PřF:C9041 Structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes • 13 %
PřF:C9500 Applied Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:E0220 Mass Spectrometry • 13 %
PřF:JAC04 English for Chemists IV • 13 %
PřF:NCBR002 From Supramolecular Chemistry to Structural Biology by Multiscale Modelling Methods • 13 %
PdF:RJ1081 Russian online • 13 %
CST:CJV_R_REAL Ruské reálie on-line • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C9002 Diploma seminar from biochemistry III • 100 %
PřF:C9310 Diploma Work III (BC) • 100 %
PřF:S2004 Methods for characterization of biomolecular interactions – classical versus modern • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 88 %
PřF:C7270 Structural biology methods • 63 %
PřF:C3210 Structural bioinformatics • 38 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 38 %
PřF:C6770 NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules • 25 %
PřF:C7872 Applied biostatistics • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:S2005 Methods for characterization of biomolecular interactions – classical versus modern, practice • 25 %
PřF:BI7430 Molecular biotechnology • 13 %
PřF:BI7430C Molecular biotechnology - practical course • 13 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 13 %
PřF:C3220 Advanced C Programming for Chemists • 13 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 13 %
PřF:C6775 NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules • 13 %
PřF:C7895 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules • 13 %
PřF:C7925 Nucleic acids structure and dynamics • 13 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:FB820 Structural electron microscopy • 13 %
PdF:FJ0003 French for Beginners 3 • 13 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 13 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 13 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 13 %
4th term
PřF:CA010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry IV • 100 %
PřF:CA340 Diploma Thesis IV (BC) • 88 %
PřF:CZMBM State exam of the master's degree study in Biomolecular Chemistry • 88 %
PřF:C8863 Free Energy Calculations • 38 %
FF:JPNB43 Japanese Culture in Film • 13 %
FF:KSCB170 Asian Foods • 13 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 13 %
PřF:C5320 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 13 %
PřF:C5321 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 13 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 13 %
PdF:FJ0004 French for Beginners 4 • 13 %
PdF:HV55 Choir MUNIvoices • 13 %
PdF:SZ6072A E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 13 %

Biotechnology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7873 Biotechnology seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C7875 Gene technology • 100 %
PřF:C8111 Bioengineering • 100 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 91 %
PřF:C9301 Diploma Thesis of Biotechnology I • 91 %
PřF:C7872 Applied biostatistics • 87 %
PřF:BI7430 Molecular biotechnology • 57 %
PřF:BI7034 Introduction to metabolic engineering and synthetic biology of microorganisms • 39 %
PřF:C7150 Regulation of metabolism • 39 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 30 %
PřF:BI7430C Molecular biotechnology - practical course • 30 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 30 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 22 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:C8114 Biotechnology seminar II • 100 %
PřF:C3002 Nanobiotechnology • 96 %
PřF:C7876 Gene technology-lab.course • 96 %
PřF:C7878 Biotechnological processes • 96 %
PřF:C8112 Enzyme biotechology • 96 %
PřF:C8113 Biotechnology methods • 96 %
PřF:C8211 Diploma Thesis of Biotechnology II • 96 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 22 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 95 %
PřF:C7874 Biotechnology seminar III • 95 %
PřF:C7877 Biotechnology practice • 95 %
PřF:C9220 Seminar I • 95 %
PřF:C9311 Diploma Thesis of Biotechnology III • 95 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 47 %
4th term
PřF:C8115 Biotechnology seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:CA220 Seminar II • 95 %
PřF:CA341 Diploma Thesis of Biotechnology IV • 90 %
PřF:CZMBT State exam of the master study programme Biotechnology • 90 %

Cell Biology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI5599 Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology Methods • 100 %
PřF:BI5599C Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology Methods - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI7001 Cell Architecture • 100 %
PřF:BI7001C Cell Architecture - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:BI7400 Diploma Thesis in Cell Biology 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI7575 Stem Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI7704 Cell Biology Diploma Seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:BI7005 Cell Regulations • 86 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 43 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 43 %
PřF:BI9410C Structural Biology - practice • 43 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 29 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
PřF:BI9903 Developmental Biology of Animals • 14 %
PřF:BI9908 Journal club – developmental biology I • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:BI7500 Diploma Thesis in Cell Biology 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI7705 Cell Biology Diploma Seminar 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI8005 Cell Biology of Protists • 100 %
PřF:BI8870 Mechanisms of cell death • 100 %
PřF:BI9910 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Tumor • 86 %
PřF:C8004 Advanced Plant Cell Biology • 86 %
PřF:BI6336 Biology of germ-cells • 57 %
PřF:BI6336C Biology of germ-cells-practical lesson • 57 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
PřF:BI6140 Embryology • 14 %
PřF:BI9909 Journal club – developmental biology II • 14 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 14 %

Differential equations and their applications (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M5170 Mathematical Programming • 100 %
PřF:M7DPN Diploma Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:M7PNM1 Advanced numerical methods I • 100 %
PřF:M9121 Time Series I • 100 %
PřF:F1400 Computer programming • 50 %
PřF:F1400A Computer programming excersize • 50 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 50 %
PřF:M5160 Ordinary Differential Equations I • 50 %
PřF:M7120 Spectral Analysis I • 50 %
PřF:M8110 Partial Differential Equations • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:MF002 Stochastical analysis • 100 %
PřF:M0150 Difference Equations • 100 %
PřF:M7116 Structured population models • 100 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 100 %
PřF:M8DPN Diploma Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:M8PNM2 Advanced numerical methods II • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M9DPN Diploma Thesis 3 • 100 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 50 %
PřF:M1120 Discrete mathematics • 50 %
PřF:M5140 Graph Theory • 50 %
PřF:M5160 Ordinary Differential Equations I • 50 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 50 %
PřF:M7DATASP Advanced Data Science Practicum • 50 %
PřF:M8110 Partial Differential Equations • 50 %
PřF:M9DM2 Data mining II • 50 %
PřF:M9PNM3 Advanced numerical methods III • 50 %
FI:MA012 Statistics II • 50 %
4th term
PřF:MADPN Diploma Thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_MN Master state exam - Mathematics • 100 %
PřF:M6800 Calculus of Variations • 100 %
PřF:M7160 Ordinary Differential Equations II • 100 %

Plant Ecology (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:BI7652 Botany seminar III • 50 %
PřF:BI7662 Geobotany seminar III • 50 %
PřF:BI7701 Botany diploma thesis I. • 50 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 50 %
PřF:BI9420 Vegetation and habitats of Europe • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %

Epidemiology and modeling (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E0034 Analysis and classification of data • 100 %
PřF:E0440 Linear and Adaptive Data Analysis • 100 %
PřF:E4012 Project of the Computational Biology - Epidemiology and Modeling • 100 %
PřF:E7013 Diploma thesis I • 100 %
PřF:E7014 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:E8678 Applied survival analysis • 100 %
PřF:M5120 Linear Models in Statistics I • 100 %
PřF:M7111 Topics on mathematical modelling • 100 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:E5980 Statistical Evaluation of Biodiversity • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
LF:CORE066 Diachronní přístup k logickému zpracování informací • 13 %
FF:BAX201 Finnish for Beginners I • 13 %
FF:PSBB038 Career Kick-off • 13 %
FSS:CORE026 Experiencing the World - Psychology of Cognition, Emotion and Motivation • 13 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 13 %
PřF:C7188 Introduction to molecular medicine • 13 %
PřF:C7660 Multimedia in the education of chemistry • 13 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 13 %
FI:PB130 Introduction to Digital Image Processing • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI8440 Basics of Clinical Oncology • 100 %
PřF:E8014 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:E8017 Diploma thesis II • 100 %
PřF:E8680 Advanced methods of applied survival analysis • 100 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 100 %
PřF:M81B0 Mathematical models in biology • 100 %
PřF:E0360 Social epidemiology • 63 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 38 %
PřF:BI1110 Biology of animal cell • 25 %
PřF:E4080 Demography and Social Determinants of Health • 25 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 25 %
PřF:M8DM1 Data mining I • 25 %
FaF:CORE048 Drug Design is not about a Fashionable Drug Box • 13 %
FF:BAX202 Finnish for Beginners II • 13 %
PřF:BI6871 Health Risks • 13 %
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 13 %
PdF:BIP049 Arranging and Adapting School Space 2 • 13 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 13 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
LF:BMAM051 Design and analyses of clinical trials • 100 %
PřF:BI7070 Physiology of Cell Systems • 100 %
PřF:E9014 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:M7222 Generalized linear models • 100 %
PřF:M7986 Statistical inferences I • 100 %
PřF:E9013 Diploma thesis III • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 63 %
PřF:M5444 Markov chains • 38 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PdF:TI9011 Internships in educational programs for schools at leisure centers • 25 %
FF:CJVAEA English Autonomously • 13 %
FF:CORE043 The Fundamentals of Design Thinking • 13 %
FF:ENTRE01 Introduction to Entrepreneurship • 13 %
FF:ROM1BPO01 Practical Portuguese I • 13 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 13 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 13 %
PřF:E5980 Statistical Evaluation of Biodiversity • 13 %
PřF:E7490 Advanced non-parametric methods • 13 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 13 %
PřF:M5751 Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX • 13 %
PřF:M9DM2 Data mining II • 13 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 13 %
PdF:BIK048 Arranging and Adapting School Space 1 • 13 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 13 %
4th term
PřF:E0060 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 89 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 89 %
PřF:BI6871 Health Risks • 78 %
PřF:E0061 Diploma Thesis IV • 44 %
PřF:E0180 State exam Computational biology and biomedicine • 33 %
PřF:BI8440 Basics of Clinical Oncology • 22 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 11 %
PrF:BZ406ZK Enviromental Law Basics • 11 %
PřF:E0360 Social epidemiology • 11 %
PřF:E7528 Analysis of genomic and proteomic data • 11 %
PřF:E8014 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 11 %
PřF:E8017 Diploma thesis II • 11 %
PřF:E8680 Advanced methods of applied survival analysis • 11 %
PřF:E9013 Diploma thesis III • 11 %
PřF:M6120 Linear statistical models II • 11 %
PřF:M81B0 Mathematical models in biology • 11 %
PřF:M8986B Statistical inference II • 11 %
PdF:FC8004 Unsustainable development of humanity 2 • 11 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 11 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 11 %

Experimental Plant Biology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7270 Plant Embryology • 91 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 91 %
PřF:BI7433 Plant Experimental Biology Seminar I • 82 %
PřF:BI7461 Diploma thesis I • 82 %
PřF:BI9001C Statistical analysis of biological data - practice • 82 %
PřF:BI7270C Plant Embryology - Practice • 73 %
PřF:BI0077 English for Plant Biologists • 64 %
PřF:BI0077C English for Plant Biologists - practice • 64 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 64 %
PřF:BI8240 Plant genetics • 45 %
FF:ARTS011 Transformations of Christian Europe: Visions, Critical Analysis and Discussions • 18 %
PřF:BI7530 Mycological excursion • 18 %
PřF:BI8030 Production biology • 18 %
PřF:BI8030C Production biology - practical course • 18 %
2nd term
PřF:BI8080 Plant molecular physiology • 88 %
PřF:BI8434 Plant Exp. Biol. Seminar II • 88 %
PřF:BI8462 Diploma thesis II • 88 %
PřF:BI8670 Plant Biotechnology Principle • 88 %
PřF:BI8180 Physiology and cultivation of algae and cyanobacteria • 75 %
PřF:BI8180C Physiology and cultivation of algae and cyanobacteria - practice • 75 %
PřF:BI8080C Plant molecular physiology - practice • 50 %
PřF:BI4322 Field Training in Experimental Plant Biology II • 38 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 38 %
PřF:BI8670C Plant Biotechnology Principles - Practical Course • 38 %
PřF:BI0321 Plant Polar Biology • 25 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 13 %
PrF:MV835K Public Finance • 13 %
PřF:BI0007 Ecophysiology of photosynthesis in higher plants • 13 %
PřF:BI0007C Ecophysiology of photosynthesis in higher plants - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI0078 Adv. English for Plant Biologists • 13 %
PřF:BI0078C Adavanced English for Plant Biologists - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI6130 Plant Stress Physiology • 13 %
PřF:BI6130C Plant Stress Physiology - practice • 13 %
PřF:BI7270C Plant Embryology - Practice • 13 %
PřF:BI7461 Diploma thesis I • 13 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 13 %
PřF:C7860 Plant Biochemistry • 13 %
PřF:C8004 Advanced Plant Cell Biology • 13 %
PřF:JAERA English for International Mobility and Erasmus • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
PdF:FJ0004 French for Beginners 4 • 13 %
PdF:FJ3019 Canadian French • 13 %
PdF:NJ_A102 German for Beginners 2 • 13 %
PdF:SOK228 Leadership and Managementship in NNO • 13 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI5880 Advanced methods in induced chlorophyll fluorescence • 100 %
PřF:BI5880C Advanced methods in induced chlorophyll fluorescence - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI9435 Plant Exp. Biol. Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:BI9441 Diploma thesis III • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:BI8030 Production biology • 75 %
PřF:BI8030C Production biology - practical course • 75 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 50 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 50 %
PřF:BI0077 English for Plant Biologists • 25 %
PřF:BI0077C English for Plant Biologists - practice • 25 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 25 %
PřF:BI9001C Statistical analysis of biological data - practice • 25 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 25 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 25 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 25 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 25 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 25 %
4th term
PřF:BI0007 Ecophysiology of photosynthesis in higher plants • 75 %
PřF:BI0007C Ecophysiology of photosynthesis in higher plants - practice • 75 %
PřF:BI0182 Master state exam of Plant Exp. Biol. • 75 %
PřF:BI0436 Exp. Plant Biol. Seminar IV • 75 %
PřF:BI0442 Diploma thesis IV. • 75 %
PřF:BI6130 Plant Stress Physiology • 75 %
PřF:BI6130C Plant Stress Physiology - practice • 75 %
PřF:BI4322 Field Training in Experimental Plant Biology II • 25 %
PřF:BI8080 Plant molecular physiology • 25 %

Finance and insurance mathematics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M9121 Time Series I • 100 %
PřF:M7DPN Diploma Thesis 1 • 94 %
PřF:M7PNM1 Advanced numerical methods I • 94 %
PřF:MF001 Stochastical processes in financial mathematics • 89 %
PřF:M9DM2 Data mining II • 44 %
ESF:MPF_FIIN Financial Investment • 44 %
PřF:JAM03 English for Mathematicians III • 39 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 22 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:M7777 Applied functional data analysis • 17 %
PřF:M7988 Models of losses in non-life insurance • 17 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 17 %
PřF:MA750 Probability theory • 11 %
PřF:M5170 Mathematical Programming • 11 %
ESF:MPF_ACP1 The Security Analysis • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:M8DPN Diploma Thesis 2 • 89 %
PřF:MF002 Stochastical analysis • 83 %
ESF:MPF_EARP Insurance economics and management • 67 %
ESF:MPF_FIDE Financial Market Derivatives • 61 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 56 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 50 %
PřF:MF004 Mathematical Models in Finance • 44 %
PřF:M8F10 Mathematics and Statistical Methods in Insurance • 44 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:JAM04 English for Mathematicians IV • 28 %
PřF:M7985 Survival analysis • 11 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MF003 Derivatives pricing • 89 %
PřF:M9DPN Diploma Thesis 3 • 84 %
PřF:M7988 Models of losses in non-life insurance • 79 %
PřF:M8110 Partial Differential Equations • 42 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 21 %
PřF:M7777 Applied functional data analysis • 21 %
PřF:MA750 Probability theory • 16 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 16 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 11 %
PřF:JAM03 English for Mathematicians III • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:M7222 Generalized linear models • 11 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 11 %
ESF:BPM_EMTK Economic modeling in spreadsheet • 11 %
ESF:MPF_ACP1 The Security Analysis • 11 %
4th term
PřF:MADPN Diploma Thesis 4 • 84 %
PřF:MSZZ_MN Master state exam - Mathematics • 84 %
PřF:MF006 Seminary on Financial Mathematics • 68 %
PřF:M8F10 Mathematics and Statistical Methods in Insurance • 68 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 26 %
ESF:MPF_EARP Insurance economics and management • 21 %
ESF:MPM_SQLA Big Data with SQL • 21 %
PřF:MF004 Mathematical Models in Finance • 16 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 11 %
PřF:M9DPN Diploma Thesis 3 • 11 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 11 %

Phycology and Mycology (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI6340 Community ecology and macroecology • 100 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI7652 Botany seminar III • 100 %
PřF:BI7662 Geobotany seminar III • 100 %
PřF:BI7701 Botany diploma thesis I. • 100 %
PřF:BI6570 Plant microevolution and speciation • 50 %
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 50 %
PřF:BI7529 Methods of mycological research • 50 %
PřF:BI9050 Advanced course of algal and fungal evolution • 50 %
PřF:BI9510 Biomes of the World • 50 %
PřF:BI9555 Diatomology - identification course • 50 %
PřF:BI9560 Basic diatomology • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:BI7920 Analysis of biological data • 100 %
PřF:BI8653 Botany seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI8663 Geobotany seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI8702 Botany diploma thesis II • 100 %
PřF:BI9529 Methods of field phycology • 100 %
PřF:BI0662 Selected topics in ecology • 50 %
PřF:BI6540 Vegetation and habitats of the Czech Republic • 50 %
PřF:BI6631 Floristic summer school of the Czech Botanical Society • 50 %
PřF:BI6640 Bryological practice • 50 %
PřF:BI7535 Fungal ecology • 50 %
PřF:BI8170 Flora of the Czech Republic • 50 %
PřF:BI8180 Physiology and cultivation of algae and cyanobacteria • 50 %
PřF:BI8180C Physiology and cultivation of algae and cyanobacteria - practice • 50 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 50 %
PřF:BI8370 Readings in Conservation Biology • 50 %
PřF:BI9535 Ecology of algae and cyanobacteria • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI6580 Plant taxonomy • 100 %
PřF:BI7540 Data analysis in community ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI9510 Biomes of the World • 100 %
PřF:BI9791 Botany master thesis III. • 100 %
PřF:BI9980 Protected areas of Central Europe • 100 %
4th term
PřF:BI0655 Botany seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:BI0665 Geobotany seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 100 %
PřF:BI6540 Vegetation and habitats of the Czech Republic • 100 %
PřF:BI6671 Field course of Czech flora • 100 %
PřF:BI6691 Botanical excursion abroad • 100 %
PřF:BI7111 Field excursion on environmental problems • 100 %
PřF:BI8170 Flora of the Czech Republic • 100 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 100 %
PřF:BI9535 Ecology of algae and cyanobacteria • 100 %
PřF:BI9539 Phycological identification course • 100 %

Physical geography (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0017F Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 - Physical Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z7001 Diploma Thesis 1 (geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z7887 Environmental History • 100 %
PřF:Z7900 Landscape Evaluation • 92 %
PřF:Z8338 Quaternary environments • 92 %
PřF:Z7777 Environmental law • 75 %
PřF:Z8076 Methods in Physical Geography 2 - climatology, meteorology, hydrology • 58 %
PřF:Z8055 Methods in Physical Geography 3 - biogeography, pedogeography • 42 %
PřF:Z8308 Fluvial Geomorphology • 42 %
PřF:Z8351 Tectonic geomorphology • 42 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:JAZ03 English for Geographers III • 17 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 17 %
PřF:Z7505 Biogeography • 17 %
PřF:Z8086 Contemporary changes of the pedosphere • 17 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 17 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:Z7017F Seminar 1 • 92 %
PřF:Z0151 Climate variability and climate change • 83 %
PřF:Z8001 Diploma Thesis 2 (geography) • 83 %
PřF:Z8309 Anthropogeomorphology • 83 %
PřF:Z7551 Methods in Physical Geography 1 - geology, geomorphology • 67 %
PřF:Z8818 Applied Geoinformatics • 67 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 58 %
PřF:Z0128 Landscape Ecology - field studies • 50 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 33 %
PřF:Z8778 Flood Risk • 33 %
PřF:Z6035 Utilization of renewable energy sources • 25 %
PřF:JAZ04 English for Geographers IV • 17 %
PřF:Z0046 Geography of Slovakia • 17 %
PřF:Z0060 Applied Hydrology and Water Management in Landscape • 17 %
PřF:Z0084 Protection of atmosphere • 17 %
PřF:Z6101 Introduction to geostatistics • 17 %
PřF:Z8051 Glaciers of the Earth and methods of their research • 17 %
PřF:Z8066 Landscape theory • 17 %
PřF:Z8307 Bioclimatology and agrometeorology • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z0018F Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 - Physical Geography • 83 %
PřF:Z7000 Applied Physical Geography • 83 %
PřF:Z8876 Paleoclimatology • 83 %
PřF:Z9002 Diploma Thesis 3 (geography) • 58 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:Z8308 Fluvial Geomorphology • 33 %
PřF:Z7262 GIS in public administration • 25 %
PřF:Z8055 Methods in Physical Geography 3 - biogeography, pedogeography • 25 %
PřF:G9781 Principles of speleology • 17 %
PřF:Z0017F Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 - Physical Geography • 17 %
PřF:Z7001 Diploma Thesis 1 (geography) • 17 %
PřF:Z7777 Environmental law • 17 %
PřF:Z8001 Diploma Thesis 2 (geography) • 17 %
PřF:Z8025 Spatiotemporal changes of freshwater ecosystems • 17 %
PřF:Z8086 Contemporary changes of the pedosphere • 17 %
PřF:Z8338 Quaternary environments • 17 %
PřF:Z8351 Tectonic geomorphology • 17 %
4th term
PřF:Z9017F Seminar 2 • 83 %
PřF:Z1002 Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) • 42 %
PřF:Z1002X Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) • 42 %
PřF:Z9015FG Examen on geography (Mgr.) • 42 %
PřF:Z0046 Geography of Slovakia • 17 %
PřF:Z0075 Meteorological instruments and measurements • 17 %
PřF:Z0151 Climate variability and climate change • 17 %
PřF:Z6035 Utilization of renewable energy sources • 17 %
PřF:Z6101 Introduction to geostatistics • 17 %
PřF:Z8001 Diploma Thesis 2 (geography) • 17 %
PřF:Z9002 Diploma Thesis 3 (geography) • 17 %

Condensed matter physics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F8800 Condensed matter physics I • 100 %
PřF:F9210 Modern experimental methods B • 100 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 80 %
PřF:F6180 Introduction to nonlinear dynamics • 80 %
PřF:F7571 Experimental methods and special laboratory B 1 • 80 %
PřF:F7740K Diploma thesis 1 • 80 %
PřF:F7030 X-ray structural analysis of thin layers • 60 %
PřF:F6530 Spectroscopy techniques • 40 %
PřF:F6540 Basics of semiconductor technology • 20 %
PřF:F7140 General theory of relativity • 20 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 20 %
FI:PV021 Neural Networks • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:F6150 Advanced numerical methods • 100 %
PřF:F8302 Collective and cooperative phenomena • 100 %
PřF:F9800 Condensed matter physics II • 100 %
PřF:F8740K Diploma Thesis 2 • 80 %
PřF:FB800 Introduction to physics of surfaces • 60 %
PřF:F8110 Hands-on Introduction to Electronic Structure and Correlations • 60 %
PřF:F8572 Experimental methods and special laboratory B 2 • 60 %
PřF:F6720 Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics • 40 %
PřF:F7270 Mathematical methods for numerical data analysis • 40 %
PřF:F7070 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics • 20 %
PřF:F7740K Diploma thesis 1 • 20 %
PřF:F8130 Advanced dispersion models in thin film optics I • 20 %
PřF:F8450 Physics of low temperatures • 20 %
PřF:JNP02 German for scientists II • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:FA800 Condensed matter physics III • 100 %
PřF:F9451 Diploma Thesis Seminar • 100 %
PřF:JAF03 English for Physicists III • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 50 %
PřF:F7030 X-ray structural analysis of thin layers • 50 %
PřF:F7040 Quantum electrodynamics • 50 %
PřF:F7591 Problems in theoretical physics • 50 %
PřF:F8740K Diploma Thesis 2 • 50 %
PřF:F9740K Diploma thesis 3 • 50 %
4th term
PřF:FA462 Diploma Thesis Seminar • 100 %
PřF:F6720 Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics • 100 %
PřF:F8302 Collective and cooperative phenomena • 100 %
PřF:FA740K Diploma thesis 4 • 50 %
PřF:FSM01 State examination Ms, Physics • 50 %
PřF:F6050 Advanced quantum mechanics • 50 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 50 %
PřF:F8572 Experimental methods and special laboratory B 2 • 50 %
PřF:F9740K Diploma thesis 3 • 50 %

Plasma physics and nanotechnology (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F7390 Collision processes in plasma • 100 %
PřF:F7740E Diploma Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:F7241 Plasma physics 1 • 80 %
PřF:F7100 Diagnostics methods 1 • 60 %
PřF:F7130 Mechanical properties of solids • 60 %
PřF:F7541 Vacuum physics - laboratory • 60 %
PřF:F7544 Experimental methods 1 • 60 %
PřF:JAF03 English for Physicists III • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 40 %
FF:RLBCA008 Islam • 20 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:FB800 Introduction to physics of surfaces • 20 %
PřF:F7450 Optoelectronics • 20 %
PřF:F8242 Plasma physics 2 • 20 %
PřF:F8450 Physics of low temperatures • 20 %
PřF:F8544 Experimental methods 2 • 20 %
PřF:F8720 Plasma physics laboratory • 20 %
PřF:F8740E Diploma Thesis 2 • 20 %
PřF:F9360 History of Physics • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:F8242 Plasma physics 2 • 100 %
PřF:F8720 Plasma physics laboratory • 100 %
PřF:F8740E Diploma Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:FB800 Introduction to physics of surfaces • 75 %
PřF:F8544 Experimental methods 2 • 75 %
PřF:F7270 Mathematical methods for numerical data analysis • 50 %
PřF:F8450 Physics of low temperatures • 50 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 25 %
PřF:C1800 Chemistry for Physicists • 25 %
PřF:F4160 Vacuum physics • 25 %
PřF:F7070 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics • 25 %
PřF:F9180 Diagnostics methods 2 • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F9451 Diploma Thesis Seminar • 100 %
PřF:F9740E Diploma Thesis 3 • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 71 %
PřF:FA462 Diploma Thesis Seminar • 43 %
PřF:F7544 Experimental methods 1 • 43 %
PřF:F9200 Plasma and environmental technologies • 43 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 29 %
PřF:F5698 The Ultimate Python Developer's guide • 29 %
PřF:F6150 Advanced numerical methods • 29 %
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 29 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 29 %
PřF:F7062 COMSOL Multiphysics basics • 29 %
PřF:F7100 Diagnostics methods 1 • 29 %
PřF:F7320 Atomic force microscopy and other methods of scanning probe microscopy • 29 %
PřF:F7700E Professional experience • 29 %
PřF:F8544 Experimental methods 2 • 29 %
PřF:F9100 Nanomaterials for green energy • 29 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 14 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:FA740E Diploma Thesis 4 • 14 %
PřF:FB242 Gas discharges: physical mechanisms and applications • 14 %
PřF:FB800 Introduction to physics of surfaces • 14 %
PřF:FSM01 State examination Ms, Physics • 14 %
PřF:F6720 Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics • 14 %
PřF:F7241 Plasma physics 1 • 14 %
PřF:F7541 Vacuum physics - laboratory • 14 %
PřF:F7591 Problems in theoretical physics • 14 %
PřF:F9331 Physics revisited 1 • 14 %
PřF:JAF03 English for Physicists III • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %
FI:VB005 Panorama of Physics I • 14 %
FI:VV024 Interpretation of Texts • 14 %
FI:VV031 Basics of Fine Art I • 14 %
PdF:HV51 The Choir of Masaryk University • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 14 %
ESF:BDX_AKAP Academic writing • 14 %
4th term
PřF:FA462 Diploma Thesis Seminar • 100 %
PřF:FA740E Diploma Thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 100 %
PřF:FSM01 State examination Ms, Physics • 75 %
PřF:F7062 COMSOL Multiphysics basics • 50 %
PřF:F7700E Professional experience • 50 %
PřF:FB800 Introduction to physics of surfaces • 25 %
PřF:F7710E Professional experience • 25 %
PřF:F8544 Experimental methods 2 • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %

Physical Chemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 100 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 100 %
PřF:C5060 Methods of Chemical Research • 100 %
PřF:C5300 Statistical Thermodynamics • 100 %
PřF:C7000 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C7001 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:C5340 Nonequilibrium systems • 80 %
PřF:C7050 Electroanalytical Methods • 80 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 80 %
PřF:C7280 Electrode Kinetics • 60 %
PřF:C8785 Fotofyzikální spektroskopické metody • 40 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 20 %
PřF:C7410 Structure and Reactivity • 20 %
PřF:C7415 Structure and Reactivity - seminar • 20 %
PřF:C8780 Photochemistry: From Concepts to Practice • 20 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:C6960 Practical training • 100 %
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 80 %
PřF:C6310 Molecular And Crystal Symmetry • 80 %
PřF:C6320 Chemical Kinetics • 80 %
PřF:C6330 Chemical Kinetics - seminar • 80 %
PřF:C6740 Electrical Properties of Dielectrics • 80 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 80 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 80 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 80 %
PřF:C5320 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 60 %
PřF:C5321 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 60 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 60 %
PřF:C6790 Mass Spectrometry • 20 %
PřF:JAC04 English for Chemists IV • 20 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C9000 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 80 %
PřF:C9001 Diploma Thesis III • 80 %
PřF:C9550 Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy • 80 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 80 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 20 %
PřF:C2175 Využití programu R pro výpočty a zpracování dat v chemii • 20 %
PřF:C5303 Advanced modelling of solids • 20 %
PřF:C5340 Nonequilibrium systems • 20 %
PřF:C8080 Analytical Electron Microscopy • 20 %
PřF:C8780 Photochemistry: From Concepts to Practice • 20 %
PřF:C8783 Ice-Photochemical Group Meeting • 20 %
PřF:C8785 Fotofyzikální spektroskopické metody • 20 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 20 %
PřF:JAC03 English for Chemists III • 20 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 20 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 20 %
4th term
PřF:CA000 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 80 %
PřF:CA001 Diploma Thesis IV • 80 %
PřF:CZMFC Státní závěrečná magisterská zkouška z fyzikální chemie • 80 %
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 20 %
PřF:C6320 Chemical Kinetics • 20 %
PřF:C6330 Chemical Kinetics - seminar • 20 %
PřF:C6740 Electrical Properties of Dielectrics • 20 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 20 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 20 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 20 %
PřF:C8783 Ice-Photochemical Group Meeting • 20 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %

Physiology (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7070 Physiology of Cell Systems • 100 %
PřF:BI7603 Animal Experimental Biology Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:BI7841 Diploma thesis animal exp. biol. I • 100 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 100 %
PřF:BI9001C Statistical analysis of biological data - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI9393 Analytical cytometry • 100 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 86 %
PřF:BI4070 Image Analysis and Microphotography in Biology • 57 %
PřF:BI4099 Comparative Vertebrate Physiology • 57 %
PřF:BI9393C Analytical cytometry - practical course • 57 %
PřF:BI7630 Comparative physiology of invertebrates • 43 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 36 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 29 %
PřF:BI9904 Journal club – animal physiology I • 21 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 21 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:BI8604 Animal Physiology Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:BI8842 Diploma thesis from animal physiology II • 100 %
PřF:BI3080 Sensory Neurophysiology • 93 %
PřF:BI6111 Behavioral methods in physiology • 93 %
PřF:BI6111C Behavioral methods in physiology - practical course • 93 %
PřF:BI8110 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis • 93 %
PřF:BI8870 Mechanisms of cell death • 93 %
PřF:BI6871 Health Risks • 71 %
PřF:BI8870C Mechanisms of cell death - practical lesson • 64 %
PřF:BI6728 Blood Physiology • 43 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 43 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 29 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 14 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI9220 Diploma thesis animal physiology III • 100 %
PřF:BI9605 Animal Physiology Seminar III. • 88 %
PřF:BI1120 Physiology and pathophysiology of tissue and organs • 75 %
PřF:BI4099 Comparative Vertebrate Physiology • 75 %
PřF:BI7420 Modern methods for genome analysis • 63 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 63 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 38 %
PřF:BI9904 Journal club – animal physiology I • 38 %
PřF:C7490 Molecular diagnostics of inherited diseases • 38 %
PřF:BI1140 Biology of social insect • 25 %
PřF:BI7630 Comparative physiology of invertebrates • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
LF:CORE016 Public health and public health care • 13 %
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 13 %
PřF:BI1100 Mechanisms of hormonal regulation • 13 %
PřF:BI6726 Physiology of pharmaceuticals and toxic compounds • 13 %
PřF:BI8120 Applied Cell Biology • 13 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 13 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 13 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 13 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 13 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 13 %
PřF:E3230 Human Pathophysiology • 13 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 13 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 13 %
4th term
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI1100 Mechanisms of hormonal regulation • 86 %
PřF:BI6726 Physiology of pharmaceuticals and toxic compounds • 86 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 71 %
PřF:BI0844 Diploma thesis from animal physiology IV • 71 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 43 %
PřF:BI6728 Blood Physiology • 29 %
PřF:BI0183 State Exam Experimental Biology of Animals and Immunology • 14 %
PřF:BI3010 Electron microscopy • 14 %
PřF:BI8110 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis • 14 %
PřF:BI8120 Applied Cell Biology • 14 %
PřF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %

Genomics and Proteomics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CG010 Proteomics • 100 %
PřF:CG020 Genomics • 100 %
PřF:C6215 Advanced biochemistry and its methods • 94 %
PřF:C7010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry I • 94 %
PřF:C9300 Diploma Work I (BC) • 94 %
PřF:C7301 Genomics - practice • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 35 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 29 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 29 %
PřF:C7250 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry • 29 %
PřF:C7350 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry - practice • 29 %
PřF:C7490 Molecular diagnostics of inherited diseases • 29 %
PřF:C7872 Applied biostatistics • 29 %
PřF:C9320 Methods of biochemical research • 24 %
PřF:C4865 Discover science 1 - scientific knowledge and thinking • 18 %
PřF:C7073 Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules • 12 %
PřF:C7186 Molecular psychiatry • 12 %
PřF:C7195 Advance laboratory course of biochemistry • 12 %
PřF:C7895 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules • 12 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 12 %
PřF:E5540C Biostatistics - practices • 12 %
PřF:JAC03 English for Chemists III • 12 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:CG030 Structure and function of protein complexes • 94 %
PřF:CG080 Methods in genomics • 94 %
PřF:CG090 Methods in proteomics • 94 %
PřF:C8010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry II • 94 %
PřF:C8210 Diploma Work II (BC) • 94 %
PřF:C9041 Structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes • 94 %
PřF:C8302 Proteomics - practice • 88 %
PřF:C7175 DNA diagnostics • 24 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 24 %
PřF:C4867 Discover the science 2 - science and society • 18 %
PřF:C3900 Molecular mechanisms of cell ageing • 12 %
PřF:C8980 Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification • 12 %
PřF:C9042 Analysis of chromatin structure - practical training • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 90 %
PřF:C9002 Diploma seminar from biochemistry III • 90 %
PřF:C9310 Diploma Work III (BC) • 90 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 70 %
PřF:BI5000C Bioinformatics - practice • 70 %
PřF:C7250 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry • 60 %
PřF:C7350 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry - practice • 60 %
PřF:C7015 Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids • 40 %
PřF:C7872 Applied biostatistics • 30 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 30 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 20 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 20 %
PřF:S2002 Methods in plant cytogenetics and cytogenomics I. - practical course • 20 %
4th term
PřF:CA010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry IV • 100 %
PřF:CA340 Diploma Thesis IV (BC) • 100 %
PřF:CZMGP State exam of the master's degree study in Genomics and Proteomics • 89 %
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 56 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 22 %
PřF:BI8080 Plant molecular physiology • 11 %
PřF:CA220 Seminar II • 11 %
PřF:C6150 Photographical chemistry and techniques • 11 %
PřF:C6151 Photographical chemistry and techniques-course • 11 %
PřF:ILLU01 Illustration in science – attractive and comprehensive graphic visualization in research and educati • 11 %
PřF:JNP02 German for scientists II • 11 %

Geoenvironmental risks and remediations (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 100 %
PřF:G0221 assignment of diploma thesis • 88 %
PřF:G0241 Choice of diploma thesis • 88 %
PřF:G4241 Professional study practice • 88 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 75 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 63 %
PřF:G5981 Hydrogeological modeling • 63 %
PřF:G6971 Remediation methods • 63 %
PřF:G7021 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 63 %
PřF:G7081 Regional Geology of the World • 63 %
PřF:G8261 Field course of hydrogeology and geochemistry • 63 %
PřF:G9811 Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 63 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
PřF:G9771 Selected problems from hydrogeology • 50 %
PřF:JAG03 English for Geologists III • 50 %
PřF:G5951 Contaminants in rock environment • 38 %
PřF:G7401 Methods of Hydrogeology • 38 %
PřF:G9401 Regional hydrogeology • 38 %
PřF:G7371 Principles of geochemical modells • 25 %
FF:CORE092 The paradigms of the Russian foreign policy • 13 %
PřF:GA401 Sedimentary petrology (II) • 13 %
PřF:G3161 Global water resources risks • 13 %
PřF:G3171 Balneology • 13 %
PřF:G5241 Professional study practice • 13 %
PřF:G5511 Petrel and seismic stratigraphy • 13 %
PřF:G7021K Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 13 %
PřF:G8231 Practical Sedimentology in Field • 13 %
PřF:G9921 Pedogeochemistry • 13 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 86 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 86 %
PřF:G8021 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 71 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 71 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 71 %
PřF:GA321 Practical hydrogeology • 57 %
PřF:GA921 Environmental Geochemistry • 57 %
PřF:G5241 Professional study practice • 57 %
PřF:G6241 Professional study practice • 43 %
PřF:G8751 Industrial risks and impact on geosystems • 43 %
PřF:JAG04 English for Geologists IV • 43 %
PřF:GA671 Hydrogeologic ivestigation • 29 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 29 %
PřF:G8581 Hydrogeochemistry • 29 %
PřF:G8711 Geological disasters and hazards • 29 %
FF:HIB060BN Modern Russian History (1953-2024). From the Death of Stalin up till the End of Putin • 14 %
FF:PJ_03 Polish for Beginners • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:GTC03 Chemistry and technology of water • 14 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 14 %
PřF:G4211 Excursion to water resources localities • 14 %
PřF:G4241 Professional study practice • 14 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 14 %
PřF:G5981 Hydrogeological modeling • 14 %
PřF:G6231 Professional study practice • 14 %
PřF:G6971 Remediation methods • 14 %
PřF:G7021 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 14 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 14 %
PřF:G7081 Regional Geology of the World • 14 %
PřF:G7621 Processing of seizmic data • 14 %
PřF:G8191 Petroleum Systems - Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas • 14 %
PřF:G9021 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 14 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 14 %
PřF:G9421 Groundwater protection • 14 %
PřF:G9811 Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 14 %
PřF:JR002 Examination in Advanced Russian for Specific Purposes - Science (B2) • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:G6231 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G9021 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 100 %
PřF:G3191 Water resources - case studies I • 75 %
PřF:G5951 Contaminants in rock environment • 75 %
PřF:G7401 Methods of Hydrogeology • 75 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 75 %
PřF:G6241 Professional study practice • 50 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 25 %
PřF:G5241 Professional study practice • 25 %
PřF:G5981 Hydrogeological modeling • 25 %
PřF:G6971 Remediation methods • 25 %
PřF:G7081 Regional Geology of the World • 25 %
PřF:G7231 Professional study practice • 25 %
PřF:G9811 Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 25 %
4th term
PřF:GA021 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:GA041 Diploma Thesis IV • 100 %
PřF:GS011 Geological principles • 100 %
PřF:GS021 Environmental geology • 100 %
PřF:GS051 Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:GS161 Risks and remediation • 100 %
PřF:GS201 Diploma thesis defense • 100 %
PřF:G7241 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G7231 Professional study practice • 80 %
PřF:GA671 Hydrogeologic ivestigation • 60 %
PřF:G4211 Excursion to water resources localities • 60 %
PřF:G6301 Hydraulics • 60 %
PřF:G8581 Hydrogeochemistry • 60 %
PřF:GA321 Practical hydrogeology • 40 %
PřF:G8751 Industrial risks and impact on geosystems • 40 %
PřF:GA921 Environmental Geochemistry • 20 %
PřF:G5241 Professional study practice • 20 %
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 20 %
PřF:G8711 Geological disasters and hazards • 20 %

Cartography and geoinformatics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0017K Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 - Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z8117 Metainformation in cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z8170 Diploma Thesis 1 - Cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z8172 Semiotics in cartography • 100 %
PřF:Z8188 Introduction to Web Cartography • 93 %
PřF:Z7262 GIS in public administration • 87 %
PřF:Z8101 Photogrammetry • 87 %
PřF:Z8149 Alternative GIS – freely available programs and data • 53 %
PřF:Z8989 Selected problems of Cartographic Vizualization • 53 %
PřF:ZX801 Geotechnology Camp • 40 %
PřF:Z8120 State map series • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:Z8210 Introduction to spatial data infrastructures in Europe • 27 %
PřF:JAZ03 English for Geographers III • 20 %
PřF:Z8121 Global Spatial Data Project • 20 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:Z6101 Introduction to geostatistics • 100 %
PřF:Z8110 History of Cartography I • 100 %
PřF:Z8112 Cartographic visualisation • 100 %
PřF:Z8181 Cartography - seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z8144 Computer Graphics • 87 %
PřF:Z8180 Diploma Thesis2 (Cartography) • 87 %
PřF:Z8103 Cartography - field trip • 73 %
PřF:Z8778 Flood Risk • 53 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 33 %
PřF:Z8311 3D visualisation and modelling in cartography • 33 %
PřF:Z8100 Global Mapping • 27 %
PřF:Z8116 Theoretical cartography • 27 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z0018K Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 - Cartography • 94 %
PřF:Z8155 Analytical cartography • 94 %
PřF:Z8190 Diploma Thesis 3 - Cartography • 76 %
PřF:ZX801 Geotechnology Camp • 65 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 47 %
PřF:Z8120 State map series • 47 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 29 %
PřF:Z8210 Introduction to spatial data infrastructures in Europe • 29 %
PřF:Z8121 Global Spatial Data Project • 24 %
FF:DSBCB46 The Role of the Dog and the Elephant in Antiquity • 18 %
PřF:Z8989 Selected problems of Cartographic Vizualization • 18 %
PřF:ZX101 Professional practice in geography and cartography 2 • 12 %
PřF:Z7262 GIS in public administration • 12 %
PřF:Z8101 Photogrammetry • 12 %
PřF:Z8149 Alternative GIS – freely available programs and data • 12 %
PřF:Z8180 Diploma Thesis2 (Cartography) • 12 %
PřF:Z8188 Introduction to Web Cartography • 12 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 12 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 12 %
4th term
PřF:Z8196 Cartography - seminar 2 • 100 %
PřF:Z8195 Diploma Thesis 4 - Cartography • 44 %
PřF:Z8195X Diploma Thesis 4 - Cartography • 44 %
PřF:Z8311 3D visualisation and modelling in cartography • 44 %
PřF:Z9015KG Examen on geography (Mgr.) • 44 %
PřF:Z8100 Global Mapping • 33 %
PřF:Z8116 Theoretical cartography • 33 %
PřF:Z8190 Diploma Thesis 3 - Cartography • 28 %
PřF:Z8778 Flood Risk • 22 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 22 %
PřF:ZX101 Professional practice in geography and cartography 2 • 17 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 17 %
FF:CJVAEA English Autonomously • 11 %
FF:CORE101 In the mesh of nature and artificial intelligence • 11 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 11 %
PřF:Z8110 History of Cartography I • 11 %
FI:CORE024 Ethics and Information Technology • 11 %
PdF:CJP010 Guidelines for Writing Bachelor and Master Thesis • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 11 %
PdF:TI9001 Techniques and materials in the work of a special educator • 11 %

Geography of Global Environmental Change (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:ZA111 Global change issues - Physical geography • 100 %
PřF:ZA122 Global change issues - human geography • 100 %
PřF:ZA131 Environmental history • 100 %
PřF:ZA213 Response of freshwater ecosystems to climate change • 100 %
FF:CJVAPS Academic Writing in English • 50 %
PřF:E0321 Sustainable development - the biggest challenge today? • 50 %
PřF:ZA112 Global change research methods • 50 %
PřF:ZA132 Mapping of global change • 50 %
PřF:ZA201 Diploma Thesis I • 50 %
PřF:ZA202 Diploma seminar I • 50 %
PřF:ZA211 Climate change • 50 %
PřF:ZA321 Imperialism, postcolonialism, and their effects on nature • 50 %
PřF:ZA322 Global Change Remote Sensing • 50 %
PřF:ZA422 Critical Topics in Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change • 50 %
PdF:JV006 English for Study Abroad • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:ZA201 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:ZA202 Diploma seminar I • 100 %
PřF:ZA211 Climate change • 100 %
PřF:ZA231 Advanced Cartographic visualisation • 100 %
PřF:ZA322 Global Change Remote Sensing • 100 %
PřF:ZA421 Citizen science in geographical research • 100 %
PřF:ZA422 Critical Topics in Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change • 100 %
PřF:ZA217 Ecology of changing environment (field excursion) • 40 %
PřF:ZA233 Copernicus – European Earth Observation on-line • 40 %
PřF:ZA221 Global inequalities and uneven geographical development • 20 %
PdF:SOE115 Developmental Psychology • 20 %
CST:CJV_K_CZES Czech for Exchange Students • 20 %

Geology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G0221 assignment of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G0241 Choice of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G7021 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:G7791 Seminar for publication • 90 %
PřF:G7081 Regional Geology of the World • 60 %
PřF:G8101 Mineral resources in the world • 50 %
PřF:JAG03 English for Geologists III • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:G6981 Projects of exploration and production of mineral resources • 40 %
PřF:G9301 Sedimentary basins and oil geology • 40 %
PřF:G9901 Applied mineralogy • 40 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 30 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 30 %
PřF:G5091 Advanced Structural Geology • 30 %
PřF:G5511 Petrel and seismic stratigraphy • 30 %
PřF:G8201 Documentation of field prospecting • 30 %
PřF:G8231 Practical Sedimentology in Field • 30 %
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 20 %
PřF:GI001 Modern techniques in geology - invited lectures • 20 %
PřF:G3151 Recognition and description of ore-forming processes, minerals and rocks • 20 %
PřF:G3161 Global water resources risks • 20 %
PřF:G4021 Igneous petrology • 20 %
PřF:G5031 Bc. thesis presented on conference • 20 %
PřF:G5961 Isotope geochemistry • 20 %
PřF:G7401 Methods of Hydrogeology • 20 %
PřF:G7681 Natural glass • 20 %
PřF:G7941 Legislation in Engineering geology • 20 %
PřF:G8461 Seismology and seismotectonics • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 100 %
PřF:G8021 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 89 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 67 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 56 %
PrF:MVV13468K Mining Law • 44 %
PřF:G8081 Sedimentology • 33 %
PřF:G8241 Field course of paleontology • 33 %
PřF:G9651 Orientation analysis in geology • 33 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 22 %
PřF:GT0F2 Soil Mechanics • 22 %
PřF:G2061 Advanced Mineralogy (II) • 22 %
PřF:G4211 Excursion to water resources localities • 22 %
PřF:G4321 Fracture analysis • 22 %
PřF:G5531 Practical preparation of geological sections • 22 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 22 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 22 %
PřF:G7621 Processing of seizmic data • 22 %
PřF:G8761 Recalculation of chemical data for geologist • 22 %
PřF:JAG04 English for Geologists IV • 22 %
FF:CJVSEO Speaking skills in Spanish • 11 %
FF:JPNB43 Japanese Culture in Film • 11 %
PřF:GA231 Holocén • 11 %
PřF:GA921 Environmental Geochemistry • 11 %
PřF:GA931 Clay minerals • 11 %
PřF:GI221 3D modelling in Leapfrog Geo software • 11 %
PřF:G2081 Advanced Palaeontology (II) • 11 %
PřF:G6061 Economic geology II • 11 %
PřF:G7381 Rockforming fossils • 11 %
PřF:G7501 Physical geochemistry • 11 %
PřF:G7551 Microanalyses for Ma.Study • 11 %
PřF:G8141 Pedology • 11 %
PřF:G8561 Systematic Mineralogy • 11 %
PřF:G8581 Hydrogeochemistry • 11 %
PřF:G8751 Industrial risks and impact on geosystems • 11 %
PřF:JSP02 Spanish fer Specific Purposes - Science 2 • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G9021 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 89 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 67 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 67 %
PřF:G8601 X-ray diffractometry • 56 %
PřF:G6981 Projects of exploration and production of mineral resources • 44 %
PřF:G7081 Regional Geology of the World • 44 %
PřF:GA401 Sedimentary petrology (II) • 33 %
PřF:GI261 Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology • 33 %
PřF:G7321 Plate Tectonics and Orogeny • 33 %
PřF:G9301 Sedimentary basins and oil geology • 33 %
PřF:C9067 Trace element analysis of geological materials by ICP-MS I • 22 %
PřF:C9069 Laboratorní cvičení s ICP-QMS a LA-ICP-QMS • 22 %
PřF:GI251 Event Stratigraphy • 22 %
PřF:G3171 Balneology • 22 %
PřF:G4021 Igneous petrology • 22 %
PřF:G7221 Micropaleontology • 22 %
PřF:G7651 Instrumental methods in petrology • 22 %
PřF:G7791 Seminar for publication • 22 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 22 %
PřF:G8221 Practical Tectonics in Field • 22 %
PřF:G9721 Petroarcheology • 22 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 22 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 11 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 11 %
PřF:GI001 Modern techniques in geology - invited lectures • 11 %
PřF:G3151 Recognition and description of ore-forming processes, minerals and rocks • 11 %
PřF:G4061 Advanced Historical Geology • 11 %
PřF:G5241 Professional study practice • 11 %
PřF:G5951 Contaminants in rock environment • 11 %
PřF:G6021 Geology of Slovakia • 11 %
PřF:G6031 Publication of Bachelor thesis • 11 %
PřF:G6231 Professional study practice • 11 %
PřF:G7031 Prezentace výsledků diplomové práce na konferenci • 11 %
PřF:G7301 Methods of stratigraphy • 11 %
PřF:G7551 Microanalyses for Ma.Study • 11 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 11 %
PřF:G8101 Mineral resources in the world • 11 %
PřF:G8201 Documentation of field prospecting • 11 %
PřF:G8231 Practical Sedimentology in Field • 11 %
PřF:G8311 Physics of the Earth and Geodynamics • 11 %
PřF:G8371 Magmatic processes • 11 %
PřF:G9381 Palaeocology • 11 %
PřF:G9901 Applied mineralogy • 11 %
4th term
PřF:GA021 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 78 %
PřF:GA041 Diploma Thesis IV • 44 %
PřF:G6061 Economic geology II • 44 %
PřF:GS011 Geological principles • 33 %
PřF:GS201 Diploma thesis defense • 33 %
PřF:G8141 Pedology • 33 %
PřF:GA231 Holocén • 22 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 22 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 22 %
PřF:GS091 Paleontology • 22 %
PřF:GS111 Sedimentary geology • 22 %
PřF:GS121 Tektonics • 22 %
PřF:G5031 Bc. thesis presented on conference • 22 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 22 %
PřF:G7231 Professional study practice • 22 %
PřF:G7381 Rockforming fossils • 22 %
PřF:G7411 Meteorites, tectites and impact structures • 22 %
PřF:G7501 Physical geochemistry • 22 %
PřF:G7631 Tectonophysics • 22 %
PřF:G9801 Metamorphic Petrology • 22 %
FF:JPNB43 Japanese Culture in Film • 11 %
PrF:MVV13468K Mining Law • 11 %
PřF:GA831 Chemical principles of geochemistry • 11 %
PřF:GB911 Advanced tectonic seminary • 11 %
PřF:GS041 Historical geology • 11 %
PřF:GS071 Magmatic and metamorphic geology • 11 %
PřF:GS081 Mineralogy • 11 %
PřF:G2081 Advanced Palaeontology (II) • 11 %
PřF:G4241 Professional study practice • 11 %
PřF:G5241 Professional study practice • 11 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 11 %
PřF:G6231 Professional study practice • 11 %
PřF:G6241 Professional study practice • 11 %
PřF:G7241 Professional study practice • 11 %
PřF:G7551 Microanalyses for Ma.Study • 11 %
PřF:G7931 Geologic legislation • 11 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 11 %
PřF:G8081 Sedimentology • 11 %
PřF:G8561 Systematic Mineralogy • 11 %
PřF:G8761 Recalculation of chemical data for geologist • 11 %
PřF:G9021 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 11 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 11 %
PřF:G9841 Microscopy for diploma students • 11 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 11 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 11 %

Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation – Restoration (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C5190 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry II - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C5241 Organic Analysis • 100 %
PřF:C5982 Organic chemistry in archaeology, protection of collection funds and muzeology • 100 %
PřF:C7000 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C7001 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:C7960 Conservation of subjects made from inorganic materials II - course • 100 %
PřF:C5965 Selected methods and techniques of conservation • 67 %
FF:DSBCB15 Ancient Roman Family • 33 %
FF:RLBCB405 Religion and Violence • 33 %
FF:SUS_140 Brno 1919-1938 • 33 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 33 %
PřF:C2857 Technology and materials for conservation-restoration of furniture • 33 %
PřF:C3804 Natural polymers • 33 %
PřF:C5440 Separation Methods • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:C2855 Praxis from conservation-restoration • 100 %
PřF:C3807 Chemistry of natural polymers - practical course • 100 %
PřF:C5966 Selected methods and techniques of conservation - course • 100 %
PřF:C6251 Lasers in cultural heritage preservation • 100 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:C8910 Conservation of subjects made from organic materials II - course • 100 %
PřF:C9630 Conservation methods in archaeology • 100 %
PřF:C9640 Conservation methods in archaeology - practical course • 100 %
FF:DSMA10 Ancient Numismatics and Epigraphy - The Basics • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C9000 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:C9001 Diploma Thesis III • 100 %
PřF:C5440 Separation Methods • 80 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 80 %
PřF:C8930 Methods of plasmochemical conservation • 80 %
FF:DSBCB46 The Role of the Dog and the Elephant in Antiquity • 60 %
FF:AEB_A11 Documentation Techniques • 20 %
FF:ARTS011 Transformations of Christian Europe: Visions, Critical Analysis and Discussions • 20 %
FF:CORE053 Information literacy course • 20 %
FF:DSBCB44 Alexander the Great • 20 %
FF:DSBCB54 History of the Arab World in Antiquity and Middle Ages • 20 %
FF:KR011 Classical Greek Literature: From Homer to Euripides • 20 %
FF:PV1A321 Sphragistics, Heraldry and Genealogy • 20 %
FF:ROM1BFR01 Practical French I • 20 %
FF:SUS_140 Brno 1919-1938 • 20 %
PřF:C2857 Technology and materials for conservation-restoration of furniture • 20 %
PřF:C3806 Chemistry of synthetic polymers - practical course • 20 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 20 %
PdF:CORE010 Music in Postmodern Society • 20 %
PdF:DEP11C Praktical Seminar in Archeology 1 • 20 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 20 %
PdF:FJ3056 Modern French History • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 20 %
PdF:VV_GDZS Graphic design and Lifestyle • 20 %
4th term
PřF:CA000 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:CA001 Diploma Thesis IV • 100 %
PřF:C3807 Chemistry of natural polymers - practical course • 80 %
PřF:BI8690 Burial ritus • 60 %
PřF:CZMCKR Ctate final master examination from chemistry of conservation-restoration • 60 %
FF:CJVAEA English Autonomously • 20 %
FF:HIAB05 The History ot the Classical World • 20 %
FF:ROM1BFR02 Practical French II • 20 %
PřF:C2867 Chemie a technologie historických barev, laků a fermeží • 20 %
PdF:TI0009 Folk Traditions and Crafts in Practical Activities • 20 %
PdF:TI0012 Computer-aided design, modelling and engineering design • 20 %

Chemistry of Conservation - Restoration (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:C3806 Chemistry of synthetic polymers - practical course • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:C8930 Methods of plasmochemical conservation • 100 %
PřF:C9000 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %

Immunology (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7603 Animal Experimental Biology Seminar I • 94 %
PřF:BI9393 Analytical cytometry • 94 %
PřF:BI7070 Physiology of Cell Systems • 88 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 88 %
PřF:BI7841 Diploma thesis animal exp. biol. I • 88 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 88 %
PřF:BI9001C Statistical analysis of biological data - practice • 88 %
PřF:BI9393C Analytical cytometry - practical course • 76 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 47 %
PřF:BI9911 Journal club – immunology I • 41 %
PřF:BI9901 Free radicals in animal physiology • 35 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 35 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 18 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 12 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 12 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:BI8604 Animal Physiology Seminar II • 89 %
PřF:BI8842 Diploma thesis from animal physiology II • 89 %
PřF:BI8250 Developmental and Comparative Immunology • 83 %
PřF:BI8110 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis • 78 %
PřF:BI8250C Developmental and Comparative Immunology - practical course • 78 %
PřF:BI8870 Mechanisms of cell death • 78 %
PřF:BI6727 Immunopathology • 56 %
PřF:BI6871 Health Risks • 56 %
PřF:BI8870C Mechanisms of cell death - practical lesson • 44 %
PřF:BI9912 Journal club – immunology II • 39 %
PřF:BI6728 Blood Physiology • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:BI6384 Advanced and Applied Immunology • 22 %
PřF:BI6000 Biomaterials and their interaction with cells and tissues • 17 %
PřF:ILLU01 Illustration in science – attractive and comprehensive graphic visualization in research and educati • 17 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 11 %
PřF:BI1100 Mechanisms of hormonal regulation • 11 %
PřF:BI8120 Applied Cell Biology • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1120 Physiology and pathophysiology of tissue and organs • 89 %
PřF:BI9350 Immunogenetics and immunogenomics • 89 %
PřF:BI9605 Animal Physiology Seminar III. • 89 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 89 %
PřF:BI9220 Diploma thesis animal physiology III • 78 %
PřF:BI9250 Special Immunological Methods • 67 %
PřF:BI9250C Special Immunological Methods - practical course • 67 %
PřF:BI9901 Free radicals in animal physiology • 22 %
PřF:C7490 Molecular diagnostics of inherited diseases • 22 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 22 %
PřF:BI7070 Physiology of Cell Systems • 11 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 11 %
PřF:BI8842 Diploma thesis from animal physiology II • 11 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 11 %
PřF:BI9393 Analytical cytometry • 11 %
PřF:BI9911 Journal club – immunology I • 11 %
PřF:C7189 Introduction to molecular medicine • 11 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 11 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 11 %
PřF:E2040 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health • 11 %
PřF:E2041 Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice • 11 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 11 %
4th term
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI6727 Immunopathology • 75 %
PřF:BI6384 Advanced and Applied Immunology • 63 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 38 %
PřF:BI0183 State Exam Experimental Biology of Animals and Immunology • 38 %
PřF:BI0844 Diploma thesis from animal physiology IV • 38 %
PřF:BI9912 Journal club – immunology II • 38 %
PřF:BI1100 Mechanisms of hormonal regulation • 25 %
PřF:BI6384EN Advanced Immunology • 25 %
PřF:BI6728 Blood Physiology • 25 %
PřF:BI1121 Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists • 13 %
PřF:BI1121C Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists - practical course • 13 %
PřF:BI6871 Health Risks • 13 %
PřF:BI7560 Introduction to R • 13 %
PřF:BI8110 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis • 13 %
PřF:BI8870 Mechanisms of cell death • 13 %
PřF:BI8870C Mechanisms of cell death - practical lesson • 13 %
PřF:BI9220 Diploma thesis animal physiology III • 13 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 13 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 13 %

Mathematics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M7DPN Diploma Thesis 1 • 90 %
PřF:M7350 Algebra III • 90 %
PřF:M7300 Global analysis • 60 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 30 %
PřF:M7150 Category Theory • 30 %
PřF:M7180 Functional Analysis II • 30 %
PřF:M8130 Algebraic Topology • 30 %
FF:RLBCA006 Christianity I • 20 %
PřF:M0170 Cryptography • 20 %
PřF:M7120 Spectral Analysis I • 20 %
PřF:M7230 Galois Theory • 20 %
PřF:M7270 Complex analysis II • 20 %
PřF:M8190 Number Theoretic Algorithms • 20 %
FI:IB015 Non-Imperative Programming • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:M8DPN Diploma Thesis 2 • 80 %
PřF:M8350 Algebra IV • 80 %
PřF:M8300 Partial differential equations • 70 %
PřF:M6800 Calculus of Variations • 30 %
PřF:M8140 Algebraic Geometry • 30 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
PřF:M8899 Combinatorics • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M7270 Complex analysis II • 100 %
PřF:M9DPN Diploma Thesis 3 • 100 %
PřF:M7180 Functional Analysis II • 67 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:MADPN Diploma Thesis 4 • 33 %
PřF:MF001 Stochastical processes in financial mathematics • 33 %
PřF:M0170 Cryptography • 33 %
PřF:M0999 A Course in Operator Theory • 33 %
PřF:M7300 Global analysis • 33 %
PřF:M7350 Algebra III • 33 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 33 %
PřF:M8DPN Diploma Thesis 2 • 33 %
PřF:M8350 Algebra IV • 33 %
PřF:M9121 Time Series I • 33 %
4th term
PřF:MADPN Diploma Thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_MN Master state exam - Mathematics • 100 %
PřF:M8140 Algebraic Geometry • 100 %
PřF:M6800 Calculus of Variations • 50 %
PřF:M7160 Ordinary Differential Equations II • 50 %
PřF:M8195 Number theory seminar • 50 %
FI:IA081 Lambda calculus • 50 %
FI:PV063 Database System Applications • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 50 %

Material Chemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 100 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 100 %
PřF:C5060 Methods of Chemical Research • 100 %
PřF:C7000 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C7001 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:C7780 Inorganic Materials Chemistry • 89 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 89 %
PřF:C6730 Phase Equilibria • 56 %
PřF:C8080 Analytical Electron Microscopy • 56 %
PřF:F7130 Mechanical properties of solids • 56 %
PřF:C6335 Nanoparticles • 44 %
PřF:G8601 X-ray diffractometry • 33 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 33 %
PřF:C9907 Colloid and Sol-Gel Nanochemistry • 22 %
PřF:C9981 Heterogeneous catalysis • 22 %
PřF:F7460 Solid state physics for non-physicists • 22 %
PřF:CORE080 Fyzika v živé přírodě • 11 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:C7998 Basics of Experimental NMR Spectroscopy • 11 %
PřF:XV003 Popularization of Science • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C6750 Materials Chemistry of Metals • 100 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 100 %
PřF:C6960 Practical training • 100 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:C8870 Synthesis and analysis of new materials • 100 %
PřF:C8880 Analysis methods of solids • 75 %
PřF:C6790 Mass Spectrometry • 63 %
PřF:C9906 Spectroscopic methods of nanomaterials characterization • 50 %
PřF:C6800 Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy • 38 %
PřF:C8888 Nanochemistry • 38 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 38 %
PřF:C4010 Inorganic Chemistry III • 25 %
PřF:C6170 Materials Analysis - laboratory • 25 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 25 %
PřF:C9981 Heterogeneous catalysis • 25 %
PřF:C6320 Chemical Kinetics • 13 %
PřF:C6330 Chemical Kinetics - seminar • 13 %
PřF:C8400 Quantum chemistry of solids, electronic structure calculations • 13 %
PřF:C8885 Supramolecular Chemistry • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:C9000 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:C9001 Diploma Thesis III • 100 %
PřF:C9907 Colloid and Sol-Gel Nanochemistry • 100 %
PřF:F7460 Solid state physics for non-physicists • 100 %
PřF:G8601 X-ray diffractometry • 100 %
PřF:C6335 Nanoparticles • 75 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 75 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 25 %
PřF:GE091 Mineralogy and Geochemistry for Chemists • 25 %
4th term
PřF:CA000 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:CA001 Diploma Thesis IV • 100 %
PřF:CZMMC Státní závěrečná magisterská zkouška z materiálové chemie • 75 %
PřF:C5310 Structural and Computational Chemistry - seminar • 25 %
PřF:C9981 Heterogeneous catalysis • 25 %
PřF:JAERA English for International Mobility and Erasmus • 25 %

Microbiology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7170C Medical microbiology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI7572 Microbiology Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:BI7623 Microbiological Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:BI8011 Microbial zoonoses and sapronoses • 100 %
PřF:BI7030 Bacterial physiology • 97 %
PřF:BI7030C Bacterial physiology - practical course • 97 %
PřF:BI7120 Molecular biology of prokaryotes • 87 %
PřF:BI7170 Medical microbiology • 87 %
PřF:BI6700 Taxonomy of prokaryotes • 50 %
PřF:BI8011C Microbial zoonoses and sapronoses - practice • 37 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 30 %
PřF:BI6721 Special Methods of Microorganisms Analysis • 13 %
PřF:BI6721C Special Methods of Microorganisms Analysis I. - practical course • 13 %
PřF:BI8624 Microbiological Seminar II • 13 %
PřF:BI8860 Veterinary microbiology • 13 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI6721 Special Methods of Microorganisms Analysis • 100 %
PřF:BI8860 Veterinary microbiology • 100 %
PřF:BI8420 Microbial ecology • 96 %
PřF:BI8572 Microbiology Diploma Thesis II • 96 %
PřF:BI8624 Microbiological Seminar II • 96 %
PřF:BI7030S Bacterial physiology - examination • 76 %
PřF:BI8099 Fundamentals of antimicrobial therapy • 60 %
PřF:BI8950 Biology of waste water treatment • 52 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 44 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 24 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 16 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 12 %
PřF:BI6721C Special Methods of Microorganisms Analysis I. - practical course • 12 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI9572 Microbiology Diploma Thesis III. • 100 %
PřF:BI9625 Microbiological Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 95 %
PřF:C9045 Biology of yeasts • 95 %
PřF:BI7430 Molecular biotechnology • 91 %
PřF:C9142 Biology of yeasts - practice • 68 %
PřF:BI7171 Biotechnological excursions • 45 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 36 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 36 %
PřF:BI7430C Molecular biotechnology - practical course • 23 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 23 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 18 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 14 %
4th term
PřF:BI0573 Microbiology diploma thesis - IV • 100 %
PřF:BI0626 Microbiological Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI0185 Master state exam of Microbiology • 81 %
PřF:BI7030S Bacterial physiology - examination • 24 %
PřF:BI7033 Seminář laboratoří Oddělení mikrobiologie • 19 %
PřF:BI3390 Medical Mycology • 14 %

Modelling and computations (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M7DPN Diploma Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:M7PNM1 Advanced numerical methods I • 100 %
PřF:M9121 Time Series I • 100 %
PřF:M7111 Topics on mathematical modelling • 60 %
PřF:M9BCF Bifurcation theory, chaos and fractals • 60 %
FI:PB154 Database Systems • 60 %
PřF:F5698 The Ultimate Python Developer's guide • 40 %
PřF:M5160 Ordinary Differential Equations I • 20 %
PřF:M5170 Mathematical Programming • 20 %
PřF:M7222 Generalized linear models • 20 %
PřF:M8110 Partial Differential Equations • 20 %
PřF:M9DM2 Data mining II • 20 %
PřF:M9PNM3 Advanced numerical methods III • 20 %
PřF:XV003 Popularization of Science • 20 %
FI:IA168 Algorithmic game theory • 20 %
FI:PB016 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence • 20 %
FI:PV021 Neural Networks • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:MF002 Stochastical analysis • 100 %
PřF:M8DPN Diploma Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 80 %
PřF:M7116 Structured population models • 60 %
PřF:M8PNM2 Advanced numerical methods II • 60 %
PřF:M6444 Stochastic models of Markov type • 40 %
PřF:M6868 Continuous deterministic models II • 40 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 40 %
PřF:MF004 Mathematical Models in Finance • 20 %
PřF:M7160 Ordinary Differential Equations II • 20 %
PřF:M7985 Survival analysis • 20 %
PřF:M81B0 Mathematical models in biology • 20 %
FI:IB031 Introduction to Machine Learning • 20 %
FI:PB162 Java • 20 %
ESF:MPE_EKON Econometrics • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:JAM03 English for Mathematicians III • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
PřF:M7DATASP Advanced Data Science Practicum • 100 %
PřF:M9DPN Diploma Thesis 3 • 100 %
PřF:M9PNM3 Advanced numerical methods III • 100 %
PřF:M9DM2 Data mining II • 67 %
FI:MA012 Statistics II • 67 %
PřF:M5160 Ordinary Differential Equations I • 33 %
ESF:MPE_AVED Analysis and Visualization of Economic Data • 33 %
ESF:MPM_VSM Multivariate Statistical Analysis • 33 %
4th term
PřF:MADPN Diploma Thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:M6868 Continuous deterministic models II • 100 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 100 %
PřF:MF004 Mathematical Models in Finance • 67 %
PřF:MSZZ_MN Master state exam - Mathematics • 67 %
PřF:M81B0 Mathematical models in biology • 67 %
PřF:M6444 Stochastic models of Markov type • 33 %

Molecular and Cell Biology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI4095EN Microbiology • 63 %
PřF:BI5220EN Immunology • 63 %
PřF:BI7018EN Diploma Thesis in Molecular and Cell Biology I • 63 %
PřF:BI7321EN Molecular and Cell Biology Seminar I • 63 %
PřF:BI8322EN Molecular and Cell Biology Seminar II • 63 %
PřF:S1001 Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids • 63 %
PřF:BI4025EN Molecular Biology • 50 %
PřF:BI4030CEN Laboratory Course in Molecular Biology • 50 %
PřF:BI6140CEN Embryology - Practical Course • 50 %
PřF:BI7031CEN Microbiology – Practical Course • 50 %
PřF:BI8018EN Diploma Thesis in Molecular and Cell Biology II • 50 %
PřF:S1002 Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids – practical course • 50 %
PřF:BI1700EN Cell Biology • 38 %
PřF:BI3030CEN Animal Physiology – Practical Course • 38 %
PřF:BI3030EN Animal Physiology • 38 %
PřF:BI4060EN Plant Physiology • 38 %
PřF:BI4999EN Structural Biology and Bioinformatics • 38 %
PřF:BI6140EN Embryology • 38 %
PřF:BI2080EN Histology & Organology • 25 %
PřF:BI9250CEN Special Methods of Immunology – Practical Course • 25 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 13 %
PřF:BI0323 Experimental Plant Biology (Project) • 13 %
PřF:BI1100EN Hormones – Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms • 13 %
PřF:BI2080CEN Histology & Organology – Practical Course • 13 %
PřF:BI8870EN Mechanisms of Cell Death • 13 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 13 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 13 %
FSpS:P902 Physical Education – Yoga • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI4060EN Plant Physiology • 82 %
PřF:BI8018EN Diploma Thesis in Molecular and Cell Biology II • 82 %
PřF:BI8322EN Molecular and Cell Biology Seminar II • 82 %
PřF:BI1700EN Cell Biology • 73 %
PřF:BI4025EN Molecular Biology • 73 %
PřF:BI4030CEN Laboratory Course in Molecular Biology • 73 %
PřF:BI6140EN Embryology • 73 %
PřF:BI7031CEN Microbiology – Practical Course • 64 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 45 %
PřF:BI6140CEN Embryology - Practical Course • 45 %
PřF:BI0323 Experimental Plant Biology (Project) • 27 %
PřF:BI1100EN Hormones – Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms • 18 %
PřF:BI3030EN Animal Physiology • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI4999EN Structural Biology and Bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:BI7291EN Human Genetics • 100 %
PřF:BI9015EN Diploma Thesis in Molecular and Cell Biology III • 100 %
PřF:BI9323EN Molecular and Cell Biology Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:BI9393EN Analytical Cytometry • 100 %
PřF:BI9690EN Synthetic Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI9903EN Developmental Biology Of Animals • 100 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:BI9393CEN Analytical Cytometry – Practical Course • 50 %
4th term
PřF:BI0086EN Diploma Thesis in Molecular and Cell Biology IV • 100 %
PřF:BI0196 Final State Exam in Molecular and Cell Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI0324EN Molecular and Cell Biology Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI8870EN Mechanisms of Cell Death • 100 %
PřF:BI9910EN Molecular and Cell Biology of Tumors • 100 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 67 %
LF:DSBS Bioinformatics Seminar • 33 %
PřF:BI0323 Experimental Plant Biology (Project) • 33 %
PřF:BI1100EN Hormones – Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms • 33 %
PřF:BI1700EN Cell Biology • 33 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 33 %
PdF:SZ6072A E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 33 %

Molecular Biology and Genetics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7090 Molecular biology of eukaryotes • 98 %
PřF:BI7321 Diploma Seminar Molecular Biology and Genetics I • 98 %
PřF:BI7018 Diploma Thesis Molecular Biology and Genetics I • 96 %
PřF:BI8240 Plant genetics • 96 %
PřF:BI7140 Molecular biology of viruses • 92 %
PřF:BI7120 Molecular biology of prokaryotes • 90 %
PřF:BI7311 Molecular Biology of Procaryotes - Laboratory Course • 75 %
PřF:BI7312 Practical course of molecular biology of eukaryotes • 73 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 25 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 25 %
PřF:BI7420 Modern methods for genome analysis • 23 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 23 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 23 %
PřF:BI5130 Introduction to human aDNA studies • 21 %
2nd term
PřF:BI8280 Animal genetics • 98 %
PřF:BI8322 Diploma Seminar Molecular Biology and Genetics II • 91 %
PřF:BI7250 Medical genetics and genetic counseling • 89 %
PřF:BI8018 Diploma Thesis Molecular Biology and Genetics II • 89 %
PřF:BI8090 Gene engineering • 89 %
PřF:BI9910 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Tumor • 72 %
PřF:BI8313 Genetic Engineering - Laboratory Course • 51 %
PřF:BI8312 Practical Course in Molecular Biology of Viruses • 32 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 30 %
PřF:BI8120 Applied Cell Biology • 28 %
PřF:BI8440 Basics of Clinical Oncology • 28 %
PřF:BI7820 Population genetics • 17 %
PřF:BI9310 Real-time polymerase chain reaction • 17 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 17 %
PřF:BI0124 Forensic genetics • 15 %
PřF:BI7820C Population genetics practice • 15 %
LF:CORE021 Bioethics II: Borderline Options • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI9015 Diploma Thesis Molecular Biology and Genetics III • 91 %
PřF:BI9323 Diploma Seminar Molecular Biology and Genetics III • 91 %
PřF:BI0580 Developmetal Genetics • 89 %
PřF:BI9325 Human Molecular Genetics • 87 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 83 %
PřF:BI9915 Special seminar from tumor biology • 24 %
PřF:BI9350 Immunogenetics and immunogenomics • 22 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 22 %
PřF:BI9260 Cellular and molecular neurobiology • 20 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 13 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 11 %
4th term
PřF:BI0324 Diploma Seminar MBG IV • 96 %
PřF:BI0086 Diploma Thesis Molecular Biology and Genetics IV • 87 %
PřF:BI7820 Population genetics • 76 %
PřF:BI0181 Master state exam from Molecular Biology and Genetics • 67 %
PřF:BI7820C Population genetics practice • 36 %
PřF:BI8120 Applied Cell Biology • 31 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 22 %
PřF:BI7891 Laboratory seminar of Dpt. gen. mol. biol. • 20 %
PřF:BI9310 Real-time polymerase chain reaction • 11 %

Nature Conservation - Botany (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI6340 Community ecology and macroecology • 100 %
PřF:BI7652 Botany seminar III • 100 %
PřF:BI7662 Geobotany seminar III • 100 %
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 100 %
PřF:BI7731 Nature conservation diploma thesis I • 100 %
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 67 %
PřF:BI7720 Biomonitoring and public procurements • 67 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 67 %
FF:JPN114 Introduction to Japanese Studies • 33 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI8175 Mire ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI8179 Mire ecology - practice • 33 %
PřF:BI8630 Identification course of vascular plants • 33 %
PřF:BI8880 Protected areas of the Czech Republic • 33 %
PřF:BI9420 Vegetation and habitats of Europe • 33 %
PřF:JALS01 English for Life Sciences 1 • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:BI6661 Field course of geobotany • 100 %
PřF:BI8653 Botany seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI8663 Geobotany seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI8732 Nature conservation diploma thesis II • 100 %
PřF:BI6540 Vegetation and habitats of the Czech Republic • 67 %
PřF:BI8160 Special field practice in zoology • 67 %
PřF:BI9000 Geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 67 %
FSS:SANB1004 Ethnographic Methods and Field Research: Seminar • 33 %
PřF:BI0662 Selected topics in ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI6549 Processing basic botanical data • 33 %
PřF:BI6671 Field course of Czech flora • 33 %
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 33 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI7540 Data analysis in community ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI8185 Forest ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI8880 Protected areas of the Czech Republic • 33 %
PřF:BI9654 Botany seminar V • 33 %
PřF:BI9664 Geobotany seminar V • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI9733 Nature conservation diploma thesis III • 80 %
PřF:BI9730 Practical stay in nature conservation • 60 %
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 40 %
PřF:BI7530 Mycological excursion • 40 %
PřF:BI7720 Biomonitoring and public procurements • 40 %
PřF:BI8175 Mire ecology • 40 %
PřF:BI8179 Mire ecology - practice • 40 %
PřF:BI8185 Forest ecology • 40 %
PřF:BI8880 Protected areas of the Czech Republic • 40 %
PřF:BI9654 Botany seminar V • 40 %
PřF:BI9664 Geobotany seminar V • 40 %
PřF:BI0655 Botany seminar VI • 20 %
PřF:BI0665 Geobotany seminar VI • 20 %
PřF:BI5560 Basics of statistics for biologists • 20 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 20 %
PřF:BI6631 Floristic summer school of the Czech Botanical Society • 20 %
PřF:BI6663 Geobotany project 2 • 20 %
PřF:BI6671 Field course of Czech flora • 20 %
PřF:BI7111 Field excursion on environmental problems • 20 %
PřF:BI7550 Practical Analysis of Biological Data – Seminar • 20 %
PřF:BI8160 Special field practice in zoology • 20 %
PřF:BI8165 Wetland ecology • 20 %
PřF:BI8169 Wetland ecology - practice • 20 %
PřF:BI8170 Flora of the Czech Republic • 20 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 20 %
PřF:BI8630 Identification course of vascular plants • 20 %
PřF:BI9000 Geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 20 %
PřF:BI9420 Vegetation and habitats of Europe • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 20 %
4th term
PřF:BI0655 Botany seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:BI0665 Geobotany seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:BI7111 Field excursion on environmental problems • 100 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 100 %
PřF:BI6691 Botanical excursion abroad • 67 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 33 %
PřF:BI6640 Bryological practice • 33 %
PřF:BI6671 Field course of Czech flora • 33 %
PřF:BI8170 Flora of the Czech Republic • 33 %

Nature Conservation - Zoology (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI6340 Community ecology and macroecology • 100 %
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 100 %
PřF:BI7731 Nature conservation diploma thesis I • 100 %
PřF:BI7802 Zoological seminar III • 100 %
PřF:BI7112 Conservation of amimal species • 83 %
PřF:BI7870 Advanced evolution of invertebrates • 67 %
PřF:BI7720 Biomonitoring and public procurements • 50 %
PřF:BI8880 Protected areas of the Czech Republic • 50 %
PřF:BI4003 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) III • 33 %
PřF:BI5023 Invertebrate seminar III • 33 %
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 33 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI7807 Hydrobiological seminary III • 33 %
FF:DSBCB46 The Role of the Dog and the Elephant in Antiquity • 17 %
FF:JPNN30 Japanese III • 17 %
PřF:BI7530 Mycological excursion • 17 %
PřF:BI7960 Vertebrate fauna of the Czech Republic • 17 %
PřF:BI9140 Herpetology • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:BI8732 Nature conservation diploma thesis II • 100 %
PřF:BI8803 Zoological seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI7900 Genetic methods in zoology • 83 %
PřF:BI8160 Special field practice in zoology • 83 %
PřF:BI0055 Field course in entomology • 67 %
PřF:BI7111 Field excursion on environmental problems • 50 %
PřF:BI9000 Geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:BI4004 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) IV • 33 %
PřF:BI5024 Invertebrate seminary IV • 33 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 33 %
PřF:BI7808 Hydrobiological seminary IV • 33 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 33 %
PřF:BI8762 Identification of aquatic invertebrates - practice • 33 %
FF:JPNN40 Japanese IV • 17 %
PřF:BI0260 Taxonomy, phylogenetics and zoological nomenclature • 17 %
PřF:BI7007 Bioindication and surface water ecological status assessment • 17 %
PřF:BI7539 Overview of macromycetes • 17 %
PřF:BI7920 Analysis of biological data • 17 %
PřF:BI8009 Ecosystem of tropical rainforest • 17 %
PřF:BI9730 Practical stay in nature conservation • 17 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 17 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 100 %
PřF:BI7720 Biomonitoring and public procurements • 100 %
PřF:BI8770 Practise in identification of Czech vertebrates • 100 %
PřF:BI5025 Invertebrate seminar V • 67 %
PřF:BI7960 Vertebrate fauna of the Czech Republic • 67 %
PřF:BI9733 Nature conservation diploma thesis III • 67 %
PřF:BI9804 Zoological seminar V • 67 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 33 %
FF:JPN114 Introduction to Japanese Studies • 33 %
FF:PSBB066 Mental Illness in Movies • 33 %
PrF:BVV13ZK Basics of Law for Non-Lawyers • 33 %
PřF:BI8763 Identification of terrestrial invertebrates - lab course • 33 %
PřF:BI8880 Protected areas of the Czech Republic • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 33 %
4th term
PřF:BI0805 Zoological seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 100 %
PřF:BI0055 Field course in entomology • 67 %
PřF:BI5026 Invertebrate seminary VI • 67 %
PřF:BI7111 Field excursion on environmental problems • 67 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 33 %
PřF:BI7800 Hydrobiological seminary VI • 33 %
PřF:BI7900 Genetic methods in zoology • 33 %
PdF:CORE071 Practical psychology and communication • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 33 %

Organic Chemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 67 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 67 %
PřF:C5060 Methods of Chemical Research • 67 %
PřF:C5500 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds • 67 %
PřF:C5510 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds-seminar • 67 %
PřF:C6180 Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry • 67 %
PřF:C7000 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 67 %
PřF:C7410 Structure and Reactivity • 67 %
PřF:C7415 Structure and Reactivity - seminar • 67 %
FaF:F1FB1_15 Medicinal Chemistry I • 33 %
PřF:C4450 Organic Chemistry III - synthesis • 33 %
PřF:C4455 Organic Chemistry III - synthesis - seminar • 33 %
PřF:C6245 Analytical chemistry of organic compounds - laboratory course • 33 %
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 33 %
PřF:C6790 Mass Spectrometry • 33 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 33 %
PřF:C6960 Practical training • 33 %
PřF:C7001 Diploma Thesis I • 33 %
PřF:C7001F Diploma Thesis I • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 33 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 33 %
PřF:C8885 Supramolecular Chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:C4450 Organic Chemistry III - synthesis • 67 %
PřF:C4455 Organic Chemistry III - synthesis - seminar • 67 %
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 67 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 67 %
PřF:C6960 Practical training • 67 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 67 %
PřF:C8500 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions • 67 %
PřF:C8510 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions - seminar • 67 %
PřF:C2170 Statistical Methods in Chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C6245 Analytical chemistry of organic compounds - laboratory course • 33 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 33 %
PřF:C8001F Diploma Thesis II • 33 %
PřF:C8885 Supramolecular Chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C8950 NMR Structural Analysis • 33 %
PřF:C8953 NMR Structural Analysis - seminar • 33 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C4465 Advanced Organic Synthesis • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 100 %
PřF:C7800 Introduction to Molecular Modelling - Exercise • 100 %
PřF:C8780 Photochemistry: From Concepts to Practice • 100 %
PřF:C9000 Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:C9001 Diploma Thesis III • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
FSpS:V2058 Football - representation of MU • 100 %
4th term
PřF:CA000 Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:CA001 Diploma Thesis IV • 100 %
PřF:CZMOC Státní závěrečná magisterská zkouška z organické chemie • 100 %

Radiological Physics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
LF:MRPP0111C First Aid • 100 %
LF:MRPP0111P First Aid • 100 %
LF:MRZA0111P Základy anatomie - přednáška • 100 %
PřF:FRF010 Dosimetry of ionising radiation • 100 %
PřF:FRF020 Protection from ionising radiation • 100 %
PřF:FR004 Neionizující záření v zobrazovacích metodách - přednáška • 100 %
PřF:F6800 Introduction to nuclear physics and radiation • 100 %
PřF:F6801 Detection and measurement of radiation • 100 %
PřF:F6802 Detection and measurement of radiation - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:F7560 Simulation using Monte Carlo method • 100 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 100 %
LF:MRBC0111P Biochemistry - lecture • 75 %
PřF:JAF01 English for Physicists I • 25 %
2nd term
LF:MRIS0211P Computer science and quality management in health care • 100 %
LF:MRPA0221P Pathology, anatomy and physiology II • 100 %
PřF:FRFD02 Diploma thesis II • 100 %
PřF:FRF030 Radiotherapy I • 100 %
PřF:FRF110 Instrumentation for RF • 100 %
PřF:FRF120 X-ray diagnostics • 100 %
PřF:FRF140 Praxe z radiologické fyziky (radiodiagnostika) • 100 %
PřF:F5320 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
PřF:JAF04 English for Physicists IV • 50 %
PřF:F4210 Physical laboratory 3 • 25 %

Social geography and regional development (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:Z0017H Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 - Human Geography • 95 %
PřF:Z7890 Methods and Techniques in Regional and Social Geography • 95 %
PřF:Z0138 Socio-economic changes of regions in the Czech Republic • 90 %
PřF:Z7001 Diploma Thesis 1 (geography) • 90 %
PřF:Z7111 Qualitative data analysis • 90 %
PřF:Z9876 Cross-border Issues • 90 %
PřF:Z0104 Regional policy and development • 81 %
PřF:Z0027 Geographical analysis of labour market • 71 %
PřF:Z0105 Rural geography • 71 %
PřF:Z0096 Social geographical regionalisation • 52 %
PřF:Z4107 Selected Themes of Town and Regional Planning • 38 %
PřF:Z7262 GIS in public administration • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 24 %
PřF:Z7894 Geoinformation Technologies for Social Geography • 24 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:Z4044 Urban geography • 100 %
PřF:Z5100 Critical Geography of Globalization and Localization • 100 %
PřF:Z7017H Seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z8222 Time Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z8818 Applied Geoinformatics • 100 %
PřF:Z7895 Cross-border cooperation programs and projects • 94 %
PřF:Z8001 Diploma Thesis 2 (geography) • 94 %
PřF:Z7105 Regional policy • 89 %
PřF:Z7043 The socio-geographical contexts of demographic changes • 61 %
PřF:Z0152 Field survey on human geography • 50 %
PřF:Z0096 Social geographical regionalisation • 39 %
PřF:Z5037 Geographical seminar on public administration • 33 %
PřF:ZX666 EDUC: Space & Place • 22 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 17 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z0018H Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 - Human Geography • 100 %
PřF:Z9002 Diploma Thesis 3 (geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z0136 Territorial planning and town planning • 92 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 46 %
PřF:Z4107 Selected Themes of Town and Regional Planning • 46 %
FSS:EVSB2026 European Union - basic facts and milestones • 38 %
PřF:ZX100 Professional practice in geography and cartography • 38 %
PřF:Z0105 Rural geography • 38 %
FF:DSBCB46 The Role of the Dog and the Elephant in Antiquity • 23 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 15 %
PřF:CORE036 Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe • 15 %
4th term
PřF:Z7891 Everyday mobility • 93 %
PřF:Z9017H Seminar 2 • 93 %
PřF:Z1002 Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) • 64 %
PřF:Z1002X Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) • 64 %
PřF:Z9015SGRR Examen on geography (Mgr.) • 64 %
PřF:Z7043 The socio-geographical contexts of demographic changes • 21 %
PřF:Z7894 Geoinformation Technologies for Social Geography • 21 %
FF:RLB666 The End of the World • 14 %

Statistics and data analysis (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:M9121 Time Series I • 96 %
PřF:M7222 Generalized linear models • 92 %
PřF:M7986 Statistical inferences I • 92 %
PřF:M7DPN Diploma Thesis 1 • 84 %
PřF:M7PNM1 Advanced numerical methods I • 84 %
PřF:M9DM2 Data mining II • 68 %
PřF:JAM03 English for Mathematicians III • 36 %
PřF:M7777 Applied functional data analysis • 20 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 16 %
PřF:M5170 Mathematical Programming • 16 %
2nd term
PřF:M8986 Statistical inference II • 88 %
PřF:M8751 Advanced Regression Models I • 85 %
PřF:M8DPN Diploma Thesis 2 • 81 %
PřF:M7985 Survival analysis • 73 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 62 %
PřF:M6444 Stochastic models of Markov type • 54 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 54 %
PřF:M8113 Theory and Practice of Kernel Smoothing • 42 %
PřF:JAM04 English for Mathematicians IV • 38 %
PřF:M8BDA Bayesian Data Analysis with R and BUGS • 23 %
PřF:MF002 Stochastical analysis • 19 %
PřF:MAZRD Applied analysis of biomedical and geographical data • 15 %
PdF:NJ_D740 Online German A2/B2: german sentence • 15 %
PřF:M7DPN Diploma Thesis 1 • 12 %
FI:IB031 Introduction to Machine Learning • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MA850 Statistical Inference for Multivariate Data • 75 %
PřF:M9901 Theory and practice of spline smoothing • 75 %
PřF:M9DPN Diploma Thesis 3 • 67 %
PřF:M8752 Advanced regression models II • 58 %
PřF:M9750 Robust and nonparametric statistical methods • 50 %
PřF:MA750 Probability theory • 25 %
PřF:M8DPN Diploma Thesis 2 • 25 %
PřF:M7DATASP Advanced Data Science Practicum • 17 %
PřF:M9121 Time Series I • 17 %
4th term
PřF:M8113 Theory and Practice of Kernel Smoothing • 100 %
PřF:MF002 Stochastical analysis • 89 %
PřF:MADPN Diploma Thesis 4 • 67 %
PřF:MSZZ_MN Master state exam - Mathematics • 44 %
PřF:M9DPN Diploma Thesis 3 • 33 %
PřF:M0122 Time Series II • 22 %
PřF:M8BDA Bayesian Data Analysis with R and BUGS • 22 %
PřF:M8DBR Database systems and R for data science • 22 %
PřF:JAM04 English for Mathematicians IV • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PřF:M7985 Survival analysis • 11 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 11 %
ESF:MPE_APIS Applied identification strategies • 11 %

Structural Chemistry (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C5020 Chemical Structure • 100 %
PřF:C5030 Chemical Structure-sem. • 100 %
PřF:C5060 Methods of Chemical Research • 100 %
PřF:C7000 Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C7001 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 100 %
PřF:C7800 Introduction to Molecular Modelling - Exercise • 100 %
PřF:C9530 Structure of biomacromolecules • 100 %
PřF:C9531 Structure of biomacromolecules • 100 %
PřF:C9540 Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C9920 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C6310 Molecular And Crystal Symmetry • 100 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 100 %
PřF:C6960 Practical training • 100 %
PřF:C8000 Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:C8001 Diploma Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:C8800 X-ray Structure Analysis • 100 %
PřF:C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods • 100 %
PřF:C8856 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods - Excercise • 100 %
PřF:C8950 NMR Structural Analysis • 100 %
PřF:C8953 NMR Structural Analysis - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C9930 Methods of Quantum Chemistry • 100 %

Theoretical physics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F7740T Diploma work 1 • 100 %
PřF:F9220 Modern experimental methods C • 100 %
PřF:F5330 Basic numerical methods • 75 %
PřF:F7140 General theory of relativity • 75 %
PřF:F7591 Problems in theoretical physics • 75 %
FI:IA066 Introduction to Quantum Computing • 75 %
PřF:F6180 Introduction to nonlinear dynamics • 50 %
PřF:F7040 Quantum electrodynamics • 50 %
PřF:F8800 Condensed matter physics I • 50 %
PřF:F3080 Introduction into Physics of Stars • 25 %
PřF:F7390 Collision processes in plasma • 25 %
PřF:F7450 Optoelectronics • 25 %
PřF:F7550 Lie groups, Lie algebras and gauge fields • 25 %
PřF:F7700K Professional experience • 25 %
PřF:F8670 Physics of cool stars • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:M6140 Topology • 25 %
2nd term
PřF:F7070 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics • 100 %
PřF:F8592 Advanced problems in theoretical physics • 100 %
PřF:F8740T Diploma Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:F6050 Advanced quantum mechanics • 75 %
PřF:F8290 Cosmology • 75 %
PřF:F6150 Advanced numerical methods • 50 %
PřF:F6420 Differential and integral calculus on differential manifolds and its applications in physics • 50 %
PřF:F7780 Nonlinear waves and solitons • 50 %
PřF:F8302 Collective and cooperative phenomena • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PřF:FC210 Advanced Quantum Field Theory • 25 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 25 %
PřF:F6550 Structure and evolution of Universe • 25 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 25 %
PřF:G7411 Meteorites, tectites and impact structures • 25 %
PřF:M6150 Functional Analysis I • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F7040 Quantum electrodynamics • 100 %
PřF:F7550 Lie groups, Lie algebras and gauge fields • 100 %
PřF:F7591 Problems in theoretical physics • 100 %
PřF:F8740T Diploma Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:F9878 Student physics lectures • 100 %
FI:IB015 Non-Imperative Programming • 100 %
FI:PV021 Neural Networks • 100 %
FI:PV275 Introduction to Quantum Computer Programming • 100 %
4th term
PřF:F4051 Physics in spacetime • 100 %
PřF:F4260 Calculus of variations and its applications • 100 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 100 %
PřF:F9740T Diploma work 3 • 100 %
PřF:M6150 Functional Analysis I • 100 %
FI:PB071 Principles of low-level programming • 100 %

Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology (master's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI4340 Human biology • 97 %
PřF:BI7221 Biology didactics • 97 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 97 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 93 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 83 %
PřF:Z0101 Regional geography of Asia • 48 %
PřF:XS950 Beginning teacher • 45 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 41 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 34 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 34 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 34 %
PřF:BI7110BZ Diploma thesis tutorial I (teachers of biology) • 31 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 31 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 24 %
PřF:ZX402 Global Problems and Issues • 24 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 21 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 17 %
PřF:BI9010 Teaching Biology 1 • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:MUC25 Seminar on high-school mathematics 3 • 14 %
PřF:MUC61 Logic foundations of mathematics • 14 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 14 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 97 %
PřF:BI8380 Didactic field course of botany and zoology • 93 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 93 %
PřF:BI9010 Teaching Biology 1 • 80 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 73 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 47 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 40 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:BI8111BZ Diploma thesis tutorial II (teachers of biology) • 30 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 30 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 27 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 23 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 17 %
PřF:XS450 Communication training • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:BI5221 Biology didactics seminar • 94 %
PřF:BI9012 Teaching Biology 2 • 71 %
PřF:BI0191 Master's State final exam in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology • 35 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 35 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 29 %
PřF:BI9112EB Diploma thesis tutorial III (teachers of biology) • 24 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 24 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 18 %
PřF:MUC82 Didactics of Mathematics 2 • 18 %
PřF:MUC85 Practical didactics of mathematics 1 • 18 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 18 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 18 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 18 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 12 %
PřF:BI9112BZ Diploma thesis tutorial III (teachers of biology) • 12 %
PřF:MUC07 Diploma Seminar 1 • 12 %
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 12 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 12 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 12 %
4th term
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 92 %
PřF:BI0191 Master's State final exam in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology • 83 %
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 83 %
PřF:BI0113EB Diploma thesis tutorial IV (teachers of biology) • 33 %
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 25 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 25 %
FF:JSB080 E-COURSE: Balkan Grill - Fragments of Balkan Cusine • 17 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 17 %
PdF:TI0009 Folk Traditions and Crafts in Practical Activities • 17 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 17 %
PdF:TI9008 E-COURSE: News from the world of modern Hi-Tech aids for visually impaired people • 17 %
PdF:TI9010 Production of aids for special educators • 17 %

Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology (master's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7221 Biology didactics • 100 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 88 %
PřF:BI4340 Human biology • 88 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 88 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 82 %
PřF:C5865 Chemistry at high school • 76 %
PřF:BI7110BZ Diploma thesis tutorial I (teachers of biology) • 35 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 35 %
PřF:C7660 Multimedia in the education of chemistry • 29 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 29 %
PřF:BI7110EB Diploma thesis tutorial I (teachers of biology) • 18 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 18 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 12 %
PřF:BI9010 Teaching Biology 1 • 12 %
PřF:BI9012 Teaching Biology 2 • 12 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 12 %
PřF:XS092 School management • 12 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 12 %
PřF:XS950 Beginning teacher • 12 %
2nd term
PřF:BI4010 Essential molecular biology • 88 %
PřF:BI8380 Didactic field course of botany and zoology • 88 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 88 %
PřF:BI9010 Teaching Biology 1 • 82 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 82 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 76 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 59 %
PřF:C5868 Teaching materials in Chemistry • 53 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 47 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 47 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 41 %
PřF:BI8111BZ Diploma thesis tutorial II (teachers of biology) • 35 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 35 %
PřF:BI4010C Essential molecular biology - seminar • 29 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 24 %
PřF:XS021 Inspiratorium for teachers 2 • 24 %
PřF:BI8111EB Diploma thesis tutorial II (teachers of biology) • 18 %
PřF:XS460 Experience based learning (outdoor course) • 12 %
PdF:SZ6016 Methods of Respecting Education Training • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI5221 Biology didactics seminar • 100 %
PřF:BI8150 Evolutionary biology • 100 %
PřF:BI9012 Teaching Biology 2 • 88 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 88 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 75 %
PřF:BI9112EB Diploma thesis tutorial III (teachers of biology) • 50 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 50 %
PřF:BI9112BZ Diploma thesis tutorial III (teachers of biology) • 38 %
PřF:C5865 Chemistry at high school • 25 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 25 %
FF:PG_PREZ_MU Presentation workshop • 13 %
PřF:BI0191 Master's State final exam in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology • 13 %
PřF:BI1050 Biological techniques • 13 %
PřF:BI5560 Basics of statistics for biologists • 13 %
PřF:BI5659 Geobotany seminar I • 13 %
PřF:BI5690 Botany seminar I • 13 %
PřF:BI7603 Animal Experimental Biology Seminar I • 13 %
PřF:BI7674 Biosystematic seminary III • 13 %
PřF:BI7807 Hydrobiological seminary III • 13 %
PřF:BI7960 Vertebrate fauna of the Czech Republic • 13 %
PřF:BI9605 Animal Physiology Seminar III. • 13 %
PřF:C5866 Compendium of Chemistry • 13 %
PřF:C8995 Teamwork, communication and management • 13 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 13 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 13 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 13 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 13 %
PřF:XS950 Beginning teacher • 13 %
4th term
PřF:BI0191 Master's State final exam in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology • 86 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 86 %
PřF:BI0113BZ Diploma thesis tutorial IV (teachers of biology) • 43 %
PřF:BI0113EB Diploma thesis tutorial IV (teachers of biology) • 43 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 29 %
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 29 %
PřF:BI6651 Botany seminar II • 14 %
PřF:BI6660 Geobotany seminar II • 14 %
PřF:BI7800 Hydrobiological seminary VI • 14 %
PřF:BI8604 Animal Physiology Seminar II • 14 %
PřF:BI8675 Biosystematic seminary IV • 14 %
PřF:BI9012 Teaching Biology 2 • 14 %
PřF:CZMUC Státní závěrečna magisterská zkouška z učitelství chemie pro střední školy • 14 %
PřF:C7660 Multimedia in the education of chemistry • 14 %
PřF:JASCI Communicating Science • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 14 %
PřF:XS021 Inspiratorium for teachers 2 • 14 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 14 %
PřF:XS450 Communication training • 14 %
PřF:XS450A Communication skills training • 14 %
PřF:XS460 Experience based learning (outdoor course) • 14 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 14 %
PřF:ZX401 Climate change • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 14 %

Teaching of Technical Drawing for Secondary Schools (master's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 100 %
PřF:MDG01 Methods of Descriptive Geometry I • 100 %
PřF:MUC71 Information technology in high-school mathematics • 100 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 100 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
PřF:MDG02 Methods of Descriptive Geometry 2 • 100 %
PřF:MDG13 Pedag. praxis from descriptive geometry 1 • 100 %
PřF:MUC42 Seminar on combinatorics • 100 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 100 %
PřF:MDG03 Methods of Descriptive Geometry 3 • 100 %
PřF:MDG11 Didactics of Descriptive Geometry • 100 %
PřF:MDG14 Pedagogical praxis from descriptive geometry 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC07 Diploma Seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:MUC25 Seminar on high-school mathematics 3 • 100 %
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 100 %
PřF:MUC82 Didactics of Mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC85 Practical didactics of mathematics 1 • 100 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 100 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 100 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 100 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 100 %
PdF:HV53 Collegium Musicum • 100 %
4th term
PřF:MDG04 Applications of Descriptive Geometry • 100 %
PřF:MDG12 Seminar of Didactics of Descriptive Geometry • 100 %
PřF:MDG21 History of Geometry • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_MDG State examination Ms, Descriptive geometry • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_MUM State examination Ms, Teacher of Mathematics • 100 %
PřF:MUC06 Mathematical repetitorium 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 100 %
PřF:MUC92 Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 100 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 100 %
PdF:HV54 Cimbalom ensemble of PdF MU • 100 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 100 %
PdF:TI1007 Computer Graphics Applications • 100 %

Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Physics (vedlejší) (master's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F7641 Didactics of physics 1 • 100 %
PřF:F7661 School experiments laboratory 1 • 100 %
PřF:F8210 Structure and properties of matter • 100 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 100 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 100 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 100 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:XS950 Beginning teacher • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 100 %
PřF:F8642 Didactics of physics 2 • 100 %
PřF:F9001 Teaching Physics 1 • 100 %
PřF:F9090 Astrophysics • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 100 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 100 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 100 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 100 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:F1150 Weekend course for physics teaching students • 100 %
PřF:F9022 Teaching Physics 2 • 100 %
PřF:F9331 Physics revisited 1 • 100 %
PřF:F9360 History of Physics • 100 %
PřF:F9431 Secondary school physics in exercises 1 • 100 %
PřF:XS092 School management • 100 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 100 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 100 %
PdF:CJP060 Authorial reading and discussion with contemporary Czech writers • 100 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 100 %
PdF:SZ6074 Cognitive Psychology for Teachers • 100 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 100 %
4th term
PřF:FA432 Secondary school physics in exercises 2 • 100 %
PřF:FSM03 State examination Ms, Teaching • 100 %
PřF:F8662 School Experiments Laboratory 2 • 100 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 100 %

Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography (master's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 100 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 100 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z0099 Regional geography of the World - Africa, Australia and Oceania • 100 %
PřF:Z7011 Geograhical curriculum • 100 %
PřF:Z7020 Diploma Thesis 1(teachers of geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z7150 ICT in Geographical Education • 100 %
PřF:XS950 Beginning teacher • 67 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 67 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 33 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 33 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z0012 Management of geography teaching • 100 %
PřF:Z0019 Diploma Thesis 2 (teachers of geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z0028 Regional case studies • 100 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 100 %
PřF:Z9001 Teaching Geography 1 • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 67 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 67 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 33 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 33 %
PřF:ZX401 Climate change • 33 %
PřF:Z0040 Geography of Europe • 33 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 33 %
PdF:SZ6072 E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 33 %
PdF:TI9005 E-COURSE: Polymer processing from A to Z • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:Z0020 Diploma Thesis 3 (teachers of geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z0149 Exercises in teaching of geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0150 Geographical seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z9012 Teaching Geography 2 • 100 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 33 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 33 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 33 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 33 %
PdF:SZ6072 E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 33 %
PdF:TI9005 E-COURSE: Polymer processing from A to Z • 33 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 33 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 33 %
4th term
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 100 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 100 %
PřF:Z1003 Diploma Thesis4 (teaching of geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z1003X Diploma Thesis4 (teaching of geography) • 100 %
PřF:Z9015UZ Examen on geography (Mgr.) • 100 %
PřF:Z0100 Regional geography of the World - America • 67 %

Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography (master's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 100 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 100 %
PřF:Z7011 Geograhical curriculum • 100 %
PřF:Z7150 ICT in Geographical Education • 100 %
PřF:Z0101 Regional geography of Asia • 59 %
PřF:Z7020 Diploma Thesis 1(teachers of geography) • 52 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 48 %
PřF:XS950 Beginning teacher • 48 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 44 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 37 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 37 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 37 %
PřF:Z0099 Regional geography of the World - Africa, Australia and Oceania • 33 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 22 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 22 %
PřF:ZX402 Global Problems and Issues • 22 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 19 %
PřF:C7660 Multimedia in the education of chemistry • 11 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:XS092 School management • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:Z9001 Teaching Geography 1 • 96 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 93 %
PřF:Z0012 Management of geography teaching • 93 %
PřF:Z0028 Regional case studies • 93 %
PřF:Z2012 Geography of the Czech Republic • 89 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 82 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 46 %
PřF:Z0019 Diploma Thesis 2 (teachers of geography) • 46 %
PřF:Z0100 Regional geography of the World - America • 43 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 36 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 21 %
PřF:Z0040 Geography of Europe • 21 %
PřF:XS450 Communication training • 14 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:Z0149 Exercises in teaching of geography • 100 %
PřF:Z0150 Geographical seminar • 100 %
PřF:Z9012 Teaching Geography 2 • 100 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 43 %
PřF:Z0020 Diploma Thesis 3 (teachers of geography) • 43 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 36 %
PřF:BI0191 Master's State final exam in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology • 29 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 29 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 21 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 21 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 21 %
FF:KSCB090 Vietnam War • 14 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 14 %
PřF:Z9015UZ Examen on geography (Mgr.) • 14 %
4th term
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 92 %
PřF:Z9015UZ Examen on geography (Mgr.) • 58 %
PřF:Z1003 Diploma Thesis4 (teaching of geography) • 42 %
PřF:Z1003X Diploma Thesis4 (teaching of geography) • 42 %
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 33 %
PřF:XS460 Experience based learning (outdoor course) • 33 %
PřF:Z0020 Diploma Thesis 3 (teachers of geography) • 25 %
PřF:Z0100 Regional geography of the World - America • 25 %
PdF:TI9007 E-COURSE: Food preparation - tips and suggestions not only for school • 25 %
FF:JSB080 E-COURSE: Balkan Grill - Fragments of Balkan Cusine • 17 %
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 17 %
PřF:M0001 Mathematics around Us • 17 %
PřF:Z0040 Geography of Europe • 17 %
PdF:BIP049 Arranging and Adapting School Space 2 • 17 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 17 %
PdF:TI0009 Folk Traditions and Crafts in Practical Activities • 17 %
PdF:TI9006 E-COURSE: We recycle - waste products • 17 %
PdF:TI9008 E-COURSE: News from the world of modern Hi-Tech aids for visually impaired people • 17 %
PdF:TI9010 Production of aids for special educators • 17 %
PdF:XBIP03 Natural materials in preschool 2 • 17 %

Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Chemistry (master's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7655 High school chemistry lab • 100 %
PřF:C8720 Education in Chemistry - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C8705 Repetitorium of high school chemistry 1 • 95 %
PřF:C8715 Education in Chemistry • 95 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 95 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 90 %
PřF:C9500 Applied Chemistry • 81 %
PřF:C5865 Chemistry at high school • 71 %
PřF:C7590 Diploma Thesis I • 48 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 38 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 38 %
PřF:C7660 Multimedia in the education of chemistry • 29 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 29 %
PřF:BI7110BZ Diploma thesis tutorial I (teachers of biology) • 24 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 19 %
PřF:XS092 School management • 19 %
PřF:BI7110EB Diploma thesis tutorial I (teachers of biology) • 14 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 14 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:C7650 Demonstration experiments 1 • 95 %
PřF:C8706 Repetitorium of high school chemistry 2 • 95 %
PřF:C9011 Teaching Chemistry 1 • 95 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 95 %
PřF:C6950 Plant trip • 90 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 90 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 86 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 52 %
PřF:C5868 Teaching materials in Chemistry • 48 %
PřF:C8890 Diploma Thesis II • 48 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 48 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 48 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 38 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 38 %
PřF:BI8111BZ Diploma thesis tutorial II (teachers of biology) • 24 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 19 %
PřF:XS021 Inspiratorium for teachers 2 • 19 %
PřF:BI8111EB Diploma thesis tutorial II (teachers of biology) • 14 %
PřF:XS490 Environmental education course • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7651 Demonstration experiments 2 • 100 %
PřF:C9012 Teaching Chemistry 2 • 100 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 91 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 45 %
PřF:BI9112EB Diploma thesis tutorial III (teachers of biology) • 36 %
PřF:CZMUC Státní závěrečna magisterská zkouška z učitelství chemie pro střední školy • 27 %
PřF:C5865 Chemistry at high school • 27 %
PřF:C9270 Diploma Thesis III • 27 %
PřF:C9500 Applied Chemistry • 27 %
PřF:BI9112BZ Diploma thesis tutorial III (teachers of biology) • 18 %
PřF:MUC82 Didactics of Mathematics 2 • 18 %
PřF:MUC85 Practical didactics of mathematics 1 • 18 %
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 18 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 18 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 18 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 18 %
4th term
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 91 %
PřF:CZMUC Státní závěrečna magisterská zkouška z učitelství chemie pro střední školy • 73 %
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 73 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 27 %
PřF:BI0113EB Diploma thesis tutorial IV (teachers of biology) • 27 %
PřF:CA400 Diploma Thesis IV • 27 %
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 18 %
PřF:C5868 Teaching materials in Chemistry • 18 %

Teaching of Mathematics for Secondary Schools (master's full-time major)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MUC_DP1 Diploma Thesis 1 • 88 %
PřF:MUC71 Information technology in high-school mathematics • 88 %
PřF:MUC25 Seminar on high-school mathematics 3 • 75 %
PřF:MUC61 Logic foundations of mathematics • 75 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 75 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 75 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 63 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 50 %
PřF:MUC85 Practical didactics of mathematics 1 • 38 %
PřF:XS950 Beginning teacher • 38 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 25 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 25 %
PřF:XS170 Technology for didactics • 25 %
FF:UCJJ02 Complex language analyses in school practice • 13 %
PřF:MDG01 Methods of Descriptive Geometry I • 13 %
PřF:MUC27 Mathematical Analysis applications seminar • 13 %
PřF:MUC82 Didactics of Mathematics 2 • 13 %
PřF:MUC86 Pedagogical praxis from mathematics • 13 %
PřF:XS092 School management • 13 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 13 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 13 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 13 %
PřF:Z0101 Regional geography of Asia • 13 %
FI:PA159 Net-Centric Computing I • 13 %
FI:PB006 Principles of Programming Languages and OOP • 13 %
FI:PB154 Database Systems • 13 %
PdF:ITIP02 Information Technology 2 • 13 %
PdF:IVP021 A Guide for Beginning Teachers • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:MUC42 Seminar on combinatorics • 100 %
PřF:MUC62 Set Theory • 100 %
PřF:MUC81 Didactics of Mathematics 1 • 100 %
PřF:MUC86 Pedagogical praxis from mathematics • 100 %
PřF:MUC91 History of Mathematics 1 • 100 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 100 %
PřF:MUC_DP2 Diploma Thesis 2 • 86 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 86 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 43 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 43 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 29 %
PřF:MUC88 Practical didactics of mathematics 2 • 29 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 29 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 14 %
PřF:MDG02 Methods of Descriptive Geometry 2 • 14 %
PřF:MUC92 Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics 2 • 14 %
PřF:M2143 Teaching materials with LaTeX • 14 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 14 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 14 %
PdF:SP0006 Social and pedagogical support of inclusive education • 14 %
PdF:TI9016 Practice in leisure centers 2 • 14 %
PdF:VV_DPP Diploma Thesis - Project • 14 %
PdF:VV6002 Teaching Practice 2 • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MUC82 Didactics of Mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC84 Internal practice • 100 %
PřF:MUC87 Pedagogical praxis from mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC05 Mathematical repetitorium 1 • 83 %
PřF:MUC07 Diploma Seminar 1 • 67 %
PřF:MUC85 Practical didactics of mathematics 1 • 67 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 67 %
PřF:MUC_DP3 Diploma Thesis 3 • 50 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 50 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 33 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 33 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 33 %
PřF:XS451 Communication training 2 • 33 %
FF:PG_PREZ_MU Presentation workshop • 17 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 17 %
PřF:MDG14 Pedagogical praxis from descriptive geometry 2 • 17 %
PřF:MUC25 Seminar on high-school mathematics 3 • 17 %
PřF:MUC26 Theory of conic sections and quadrics • 17 %
PřF:MUC34 Algebra applications seminar • 17 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 17 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 17 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 17 %
PdF:HV_DP Diploma Thesis • 17 %
PdF:HV53 Collegium Musicum • 17 %
PdF:VV6003 Teaching Practice 3 • 17 %
4th term
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 100 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_MUM State examination Ms, Teacher of Mathematics • 83 %
PřF:MUC06 Mathematical repetitorium 2 • 83 %
PřF:MUC92 Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics 2 • 83 %
PřF:MUC08 Diploma Seminar 2 • 67 %
PřF:MUC_DP4 Diploma Thesis 4 • 50 %
PřF:XS470 Communication in conflict situations Communic. in conflict sit. • 33 %
PřF:MDG04 Applications of Descriptive Geometry • 17 %
PřF:MDG12 Seminar of Didactics of Descriptive Geometry • 17 %
PřF:MDG21 History of Geometry • 17 %
PřF:MSZZ_MDG State examination Ms, Descriptive geometry • 17 %
PřF:MUC_DP3 Diploma Thesis 3 • 17 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 17 %
PřF:XS095 Pedagogical practice - seminar • 17 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 17 %
PřF:XS450A Communication skills training • 17 %
PdF:HV54 Cimbalom ensemble of PdF MU • 17 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 17 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 17 %
PdF:VV_DP Diploma Thesis • 17 %
PdF:VV_DPD Diploma Thesis - Completion • 17 %

Teaching of Mathematics for Secondary Schools (master's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MUC25 Seminar on high-school mathematics 3 • 100 %
PřF:MUC61 Logic foundations of mathematics • 100 %
PřF:MUC71 Information technology in high-school mathematics • 83 %
PřF:XS330 Reflective seminar 1 • 83 %
PřF:MUC_DP1 Diploma Thesis 1 • 67 %
PřF:XS080 Special pedagogy • 67 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:XS150 Educational Psychology • 33 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 33 %
FF:KR001 Greek Grammar I • 17 %
FF:LJ209 Reading Medieval Latin texts • 17 %
FF:LJ307 Dramatization of Latin texts • 17 %
PřF:BI3060C Basic genetics - practice • 17 %
PřF:C5866 Compendium of Chemistry • 17 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 17 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 17 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:JF002 Examination in Advanced French for Specific Purposes - Science • 17 %
PřF:XS092 School management • 17 %
PřF:XS160 Feedback and evaluation • 17 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 17 %
PřF:ZX402 Global Problems and Issues • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:MUC62 Set Theory • 100 %
PřF:MUC81 Didactics of Mathematics 1 • 100 %
PřF:MUC91 History of Mathematics 1 • 100 %
PřF:XS430 Reflective seminar 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC42 Seminar on combinatorics • 83 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 83 %
PřF:MUC86 Pedagogical praxis from mathematics • 83 %
PřF:XS230 Reflective seminar • 67 %
PdF:SZ6004 Theory and Methodology of Education • 67 %
PřF:MUC_DP2 Diploma Thesis 2 • 50 %
PřF:XS130 Personality psychology • 50 %
PřF:E4070 Fundamentals in Toxicology • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:MUC92 Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics 2 • 33 %
FF:KR002 Greek Grammar II • 17 %
PřF:C5868 Teaching materials in Chemistry • 17 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 17 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 17 %
PřF:F2130 Physics in alive nature • 17 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 17 %
PřF:MDG21 History of Geometry • 17 %
PřF:MUC88 Practical didactics of mathematics 2 • 17 %
PřF:M2143 Teaching materials with LaTeX • 17 %
PřF:XS021 Inspiratorium for teachers 2 • 17 %
PřF:XS450 Communication training • 17 %
PřF:XS460 Experience based learning (outdoor course) • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:MUC05 Mathematical repetitorium 1 • 100 %
PřF:MUC82 Didactics of Mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC84 Internal practice • 100 %
PřF:MUC85 Practical didactics of mathematics 1 • 100 %
PřF:MUC_DP3 Diploma Thesis 3 • 60 %
PřF:MUC07 Diploma Seminar 1 • 60 %
PřF:MUC87 Pedagogical praxis from mathematics 2 • 60 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 40 %
PřF:MSZZ_MUM State examination Ms, Teacher of Mathematics • 40 %
PdF:TI9012 Practice in leisure centers • 40 %
PřF:BI0191 Master's State final exam in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology • 20 %
PřF:BI9605 Animal Physiology Seminar III. • 20 %
PřF:XS093 Educational activity with gifted learners • 20 %
PřF:XS152 Pedagogical communication • 20 %
PřF:XS350 Group dynamic workshop • 20 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 20 %
4th term
PřF:MUC06 Mathematical repetitorium 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC08 Diploma Seminar 2 • 100 %
PřF:MUC92 Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics 2 • 100 %
PřF:MSZZ_MUM State examination Ms, Teacher of Mathematics • 67 %
PřF:MUC_DP4 Diploma Thesis 4 • 67 %
PřF:XS900 Continuous pedagogical practice • 67 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 67 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 33 %
PřF:MUC83 Modern trends in teaching high-school mathematics • 33 %
PřF:XSSZM Exam in education and psychology basics • 33 %
PdF:FC8011 Financial literacy 2 • 33 %
PdF:IVP020 Průvodce začínajícího učitele • 33 %

Developmental Biology (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI7070 Physiology of Cell Systems • 100 %
PřF:BI7603 Animal Experimental Biology Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:BI7841 Diploma thesis animal exp. biol. I • 100 %
PřF:BI9393 Analytical cytometry • 100 %
PřF:BI7665 Cell and Tissue Cultures • 94 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 81 %
PřF:BI9001C Statistical analysis of biological data - practice • 81 %
PřF:BI9903 Developmental Biology of Animals • 81 %
PřF:BI4070 Image Analysis and Microphotography in Biology • 50 %
PřF:BI7575 Stem Cell Biology • 50 %
PřF:BI9393C Analytical cytometry - practical course • 44 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 19 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 19 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 19 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 13 %
2nd term
PřF:BI1130 Methods in developmental biology • 100 %
PřF:BI8110 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis • 100 %
PřF:BI8604 Animal Physiology Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:BI8790 Molecular embryology • 100 %
PřF:BI8842 Diploma thesis from animal physiology II • 100 %
PřF:BI8870 Mechanisms of cell death • 100 %
PřF:BI1130C Methods in developmental biology - practical course • 93 %
PřF:BI7665C Cell and tissue cultures - practical training • 87 %
PřF:C3900 Molecular mechanisms of cell ageing • 87 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 67 %
PřF:BI6871 Health Risks • 53 %
PřF:BI9909 Journal club – developmental biology II • 40 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 40 %
PřF:BI8870C Mechanisms of cell death - practical lesson • 27 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1120 Physiology and pathophysiology of tissue and organs • 100 %
PřF:BI9220 Diploma thesis animal physiology III • 100 %
PřF:BI9605 Animal Physiology Seminar III. • 100 %
PřF:C7490 Molecular diagnostics of inherited diseases • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:BI0580 Developmetal Genetics • 43 %
PřF:BI4070 Image Analysis and Microphotography in Biology • 43 %
PřF:BI7005 Cell Regulations • 43 %
PřF:BI7575 Stem Cell Biology • 43 %
PřF:BI9908 Journal club – developmental biology I • 43 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 29 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 29 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 29 %
PřF:BI5599C Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology Methods - practice • 14 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 14 %
PřF:BI9001C Statistical analysis of biological data - practice • 14 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 14 %
PdF:BIK048 Arranging and Adapting School Space 1 • 14 %
4th term
PřF:BI0606 Animal Physiology Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI6336 Biology of germ-cells • 100 %
PřF:BI6336C Biology of germ-cells-practical lesson • 100 %
PřF:BI0844 Diploma thesis from animal physiology IV • 71 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 57 %
PřF:BI9909 Journal club – developmental biology II • 57 %
PřF:BI0183 State Exam Experimental Biology of Animals and Immunology • 43 %
PřF:BI1100 Mechanisms of hormonal regulation • 29 %
PřF:BI1121 Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists • 14 %
PřF:BI1121C Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists - practical course • 14 %
PřF:BI1130C Methods in developmental biology - practical course • 14 %
PřF:BI4280 Special histology of animals • 14 %
PřF:BI6400 Methods of molecular biology • 14 %
PřF:BI6871 Health Risks • 14 %
PřF:BI8120 Applied Cell Biology • 14 %
PřF:BI8790 Molecular embryology • 14 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
CST:LSP_TA_E Language teaching assistant - English • 14 %

Zoology (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI6340 Community ecology and macroecology • 93 %
PřF:BI7802 Zoological seminar III • 93 %
PřF:BI7831 Zoological diploma thesis I. • 83 %
PřF:BI7004 Evolutionary Ecology • 55 %
PřF:BI7112 Conservation of amimal species • 52 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 45 %
PřF:BI8060 Behavioral ecology • 45 %
PřF:BI4003 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) III • 31 %
PřF:BI6475 Parasitological seminar III • 24 %
PřF:BI7807 Hydrobiological seminary III • 24 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 24 %
PřF:BI7450 Parasitology • 21 %
PřF:BI7870 Advanced evolution of invertebrates • 21 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 21 %
FF:DSBCB46 The Role of the Dog and the Elephant in Antiquity • 14 %
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 14 %
PřF:BI8880 Protected areas of the Czech Republic • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:BI8803 Zoological seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:BI7900 Genetic methods in zoology • 96 %
PřF:BI8832 Zoological diploma thesis II • 96 %
PřF:BI0260 Taxonomy, phylogenetics and zoological nomenclature • 54 %
PřF:BI7150 Mechanisms of Microevolution • 42 %
PřF:BI7920 Analysis of biological data • 42 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 35 %
PřF:BI4004 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) IV • 31 %
PřF:BI7808 Hydrobiological seminary IV • 31 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 27 %
PřF:BI6476 Parasitological seminar IV • 23 %
PřF:BI7111 Field excursion on environmental problems • 23 %
PřF:BI8370 Readings in Conservation Biology • 23 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 19 %
PřF:BI8160 Special field practice in zoology • 19 %
PřF:BI9160 Ichthyology • 19 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 19 %
PřF:BI8040 Water pollution and ecology of technical interventions • 15 %
PřF:BI0055 Field course in entomology • 12 %
PřF:BI0270 Ornithology • 12 %
PřF:BI5024 Invertebrate seminary IV • 12 %
PřF:BI5613 Evolution and ecology of parasites • 12 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI0999 Molecular ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI7680 Animal Population Ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI9833 Zoological diploma thesis III. • 95 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 95 %
PřF:BI9804 Zoological seminar V • 89 %
PřF:BI9180 Advanced evolution of vertebrates • 42 %
PřF:BI4005 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) V • 37 %
PřF:BI7870 Advanced evolution of invertebrates • 37 %
PřF:BI6477 Parasitological seminar V • 21 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 21 %
PřF:BI5025 Invertebrate seminar V • 16 %
PřF:BI7113 Management of endangered ecosystems • 16 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 16 %
PřF:BI7530 Mycological excursion • 16 %
PřF:BI7540 Data analysis in community ecology • 16 %
PřF:BI7809 Hydrobiological seminary V • 16 %
PřF:BI8185 Forest ecology • 16 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 16 %
PřF:BI7112 Conservation of amimal species • 11 %
PřF:BI7874 Biology of parasitic helminths • 11 %
PřF:BI7874C Biology of parasitic helminths - practice • 11 %
PřF:BI8060 Behavioral ecology • 11 %
PřF:BI9170 Mammalogy • 11 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 11 %
4th term
PřF:BI0805 Zoological seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:BI0834 Zoological diploma thesis IV • 74 %
PřF:BI0187 Master state exam of Zoology • 68 %
PřF:BI4006 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) VI • 42 %
PřF:BI6478 Parasitological seminar VI • 21 %
PřF:BI7800 Hydrobiological seminary VI • 21 %
PřF:BI8160 Special field practice in zoology • 21 %
PřF:BI0055 Field course in entomology • 16 %
PřF:BI5026 Invertebrate seminary VI • 16 %
PřF:BI8780 Insect systematics and phylogeny • 16 %
PřF:BI7111 Field excursion on environmental problems • 11 %

Environment and Health (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E1200 Seminar for Environment & Health msc-I • 100 %
PřF:E1210 Diploma thesis for Environment & Health I • 100 %
PřF:E1220 Environmental Pollutants • 100 %
PřF:E1230 Fundamentals in Environmental Processes Research • 100 %
PřF:E1240 Experimental and Applied Toxicology and Ecotoxicology • 100 %
PřF:E1241 Experimental and Applied Toxicology and Ecotoxicology - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:E1250 Environmental Case Studies • 100 %
PřF:E7541 Data analysis on PC • 90 %
PřF:E0210 Chromatographic Methods • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 30 %
PřF:E0270 Technology and Tools of Environmental Protection I • 30 %
PřF:E0380 Selected Tools for Environmental Protection - EIA and LCA • 30 %
PřF:E0100 Stay in Environmental Praxis • 20 %
PřF:E0230 Applied and Mechanistic in vitro Toxicology • 20 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 20 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:E2200 Seminar for Environment & Health msc-II • 100 %
PřF:E2210 Diploma thesis for Environment & Health II • 100 %
PřF:E2220 Environmental Analytical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:E2221 Environmental Analytical Chemistry - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:E2240 Effects of Stressors in Ecosystems • 100 %
PřF:E2241 Effects of Stressors in Ecosystems - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:E2250 Risk Analysis • 100 %
PřF:E2251 Risk Analysis - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:E8601 Advanced Statistical Methods • 100 %
PřF:E0100 Stay in Environmental Praxis • 56 %
PřF:E0220 Mass Spectrometry • 33 %
PřF:E0250 Environmental Protection Policy and Strategy against Chemical Pollution • 33 %
PřF:E0280 Technology and Tools of Environmental Protection II • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:E0290 Interpretation of Biomarkers in Epidemiologic and Clinic Studies • 22 %
PřF:JALS04 English for Life Sciences 4 • 11 %
ESF:XPH_MUS2 Interuniversity Student Competition • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:E3200 Seminar for Environment & Health msc-III • 100 %
PřF:E3210 Diploma thesis for Environment and Health III • 100 %
PřF:E3230 Human Pathophysiology • 78 %
PřF:E0240 Biomarkers and Toxicity Mechanisms • 56 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 56 %
PřF:E5510 Biomarkers Detection from Omics Experiments • 44 %
PřF:E0230 Applied and Mechanistic in vitro Toxicology • 22 %
PřF:E0350 Epidemiology • 22 %
PřF:E0351 Epidemiology - Practicals • 22 %
FF:PSBB038 Career Kick-off • 11 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 11 %
PřF:E0100 Stay in Environmental Praxis • 11 %
PřF:E0270 Technology and Tools of Environmental Protection I • 11 %
PřF:E0380 Selected Tools for Environmental Protection - EIA and LCA • 11 %
PřF:E3000 Environment and health III - Health Aspects • 11 %
PřF:E5040 Environmental Compartments and their Pollution • 11 %
PřF:E7490 Advanced non-parametric methods • 11 %
PřF:JALS03 English for Life Sciences 3 • 11 %
PřF:XV004 From Ideas to Business • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 11 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 11 %
4th term
PřF:E4200 Seminar for Environment & Health msc-IV • 100 %
PřF:E4210 Diploma thesis for Environment & Health IV • 100 %
PřF:E4220 Modelling and Interpretation of Environmental Data • 100 %
PřF:E4221 Modelling and Interpretation of Environmental Data - Practicals • 100 %
PřF:E9999 Final Master Exam in Environment & Health • 100 %
PřF:E2250 Risk Analysis • 33 %
PřF:E2251 Risk Analysis - Practicals • 33 %
PřF:E0280 Technology and Tools of Environmental Protection II • 22 %
PřF:E0250 Environmental Protection Policy and Strategy against Chemical Pollution • 11 %
PřF:E2050 Laboratory course in molecular biology and microbiology • 11 %
PřF:E2241 Effects of Stressors in Ecosystems - Practicals • 11 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 11 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 11 %

Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MD141 Seminar from algebra • 67 %
PřF:MD133 Differential topology • 33 %
PřF:M0170 Cryptography • 33 %
PřF:M7170 Reading seminar from category theory • 33 %
PřF:M7350 Algebra III • 33 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 33 %
PřF:M8170 Coding • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:MD133 Differential topology • 33 %
PřF:MD143 Seminar from ordered structures • 17 %
PřF:MMOTH Model theory • 17 %
PřF:M5170 Mathematical Programming • 17 %
PřF:M7270 Complex analysis II • 17 %
PřF:M7350 Algebra III • 17 %
PřF:M8350 Algebra IV • 17 %
CST:CZ4A_BEG2 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Begginers 2 • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MHICA Higher categories • 40 %
PřF:M8195 Number theory seminar • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 20 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
4th term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %
PřF:JNP01 German for Science 1 • 17 %
PřF:MD133 Differential topology • 17 %
PřF:MMOTH Model theory • 17 %
PřF:M7170 Reading seminar from category theory • 17 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:MD141 Seminar from algebra • 33 %
PřF:M7170 Reading seminar from category theory • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:JNP02 German for scientists II • 17 %
PřF:MC333 Supersymmetry and supergeometry • 17 %
PřF:MHICA Higher categories • 17 %
PřF:M0999 A Course in Operator Theory • 17 %
PřF:M8350 Algebra IV • 17 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 17 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 17 %
6th term
PřF:JNP03 German for Science 3 • 17 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 67 %
PřF:JNP04 German for scientists IV • 33 %
PřF:MD141 Seminar from algebra • 33 %
PřF:MD143 Seminar from ordered structures • 33 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %
FI:IA081 Lambda calculus • 33 %

Analytical Chemistry (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CD101 Field seminar I • 100 %
PřF:C8102 Special methods - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 62 %
PřF:C5150 Trends in Analytical Chemistry • 54 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 46 %
PřF:C9075 Advanced liquid chromatography • 46 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 46 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 38 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 31 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 23 %
PřF:C7072 Bioanalytics II - Analytical methods in clinical praxis • 23 %
PřF:C7073 Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules • 23 %
PřF:C7858 Elektromigrační metody • 23 %
PřF:C7895 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules • 23 %
PřF:CG090 Methods in proteomics • 15 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 15 %
PřF:C7080 Lasers in Analytical chemistry • 15 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 15 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 15 %
PřF:ILLU01 Illustration in science – attractive and comprehensive graphic visualization in research and educati • 15 %
2nd term
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 50 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 28 %
PřF:C5150 Trends in Analytical Chemistry • 22 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 22 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 22 %
PřF:C7080 Lasers in Analytical chemistry • 17 %
PřF:C7858 Elektromigrační metody • 17 %
PřF:C7955 Molecular luminescence • 17 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 11 %
PřF:C7073 Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules • 11 %
PřF:C9075 Advanced liquid chromatography • 11 %
PřF:C9520 History of Chemistry • 11 %
PřF:E0210 Chromatographic Methods • 11 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 11 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 11 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 45 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 36 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 36 %
PřF:ILLU01 Illustration in science – attractive and comprehensive graphic visualization in research and educati • 18 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 18 %
4th term
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 45 %
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 36 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 36 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 36 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 44 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 44 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 44 %
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 11 %
PřF:C2175 Využití programu R pro výpočty a zpracování dat v chemii • 11 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:E0220 Mass Spectrometry • 11 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 11 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 11 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 11 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 11 %
6th term
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 20 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CD801 Field seminar VIII • 67 %
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 17 %
8th term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 25 %

Analytical Geochemist (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CD101 Field seminar I • 100 %
PřF:GE111 Earth evolution for anlytical geochemists • 100 %
PřF:GE121 Geochemistry on the Earth’s surface for analytical geochemists • 100 %
PřF:GE131 Chemical methods in geology • 100 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 50 %
PřF:G5961 Isotope geochemistry • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 50 %
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 50 %
PřF:C2160 C Programming for Chemists • 50 %
PřF:GE141 Rock-forming minerals for analytical geochemists • 50 %
PřF:GE151 Fundamentals of petrography for analytical geochemists • 50 %
PřF:GE241 Electron microscopy and microanalysis for geosciences • 50 %
PřF:GE251 Exercises of Electron microscopy and microanalysis for geosciences • 50 %
PdF:FJ0001 French for Beginners 1 • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 50 %
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 50 %
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:C9055 Analysis of geological materials by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry • 50 %
PřF:C9067 Trace element analysis of geological materials by ICP-MS I • 50 %
PřF:C9069 Laboratorní cvičení s ICP-QMS a LA-ICP-QMS • 50 %
PřF:GE141 Rock-forming minerals for analytical geochemists • 50 %
PřF:GE151 Fundamentals of petrography for analytical geochemists • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
PdF:FJ0002 French for Beginners 2 • 50 %
4th term
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 50 %
PřF:GE121 Geochemistry on the Earth’s surface for analytical geochemists • 50 %
PřF:GE131 Chemical methods in geology • 50 %
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 25 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 25 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PrF:CORE017 Legal Thinking • 50 %
PřF:C2858 Degradation and surface treatment of materials • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CD801 Field seminar VIII • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 100 %
PřF:C2867 Chemie a technologie historických barev, laků a fermeží • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %

Plant Physiology and Anatomy (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI0007 Ecophysiology of photosynthesis in higher plants • 100 %
PřF:BI0007C Ecophysiology of photosynthesis in higher plants - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:BI0077 English for Plant Biologists • 100 %
PřF:BI0077C English for Plant Biologists - practice • 100 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 100 %
PřF:BI7434 Plant Physiology Seminar for Ph.D. students • 100 %
PřF:BI8030EN Production Plant Biology • 100 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 100 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI0078 Adv. English for Plant Biologists • 100 %
PřF:BI0078C Adavanced English for Plant Biologists - practice • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %

Inorganic Chemistry (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CD101 Field seminar I • 100 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 100 %
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:C8863 Free Energy Calculations • 100 %
PřF:C9540 Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C9906 Spectroscopic methods of nanomaterials characterization • 100 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %
4th term
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:C5320 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 100 %
PřF:C5321 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 100 %
PřF:C7750 Advanced Coordination Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C9981 Heterogeneous catalysis • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 100 %

Anthropology (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1415 Doctorand seminar I • 100 %
PřF:BI1416 Doctorand seminar II • 100 %
PřF:BI4041 Paleopathology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:BI1417 Doctorand seminar III • 33 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1418 Doctorand seminar IV • 100 %
CST:CJV_K_SW2 Swahili for Beginners 2 • 50 %
4th term
PřF:BI1417 Doctorand seminar III • 50 %
PřF:BI1419 Doctorand seminar V • 50 %
PřF:BI7542 Data analysis in community ecology • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:E5444 Analysis of sequencing data • 50 %
PřF:E8600 Multivariate Methods • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
FF:ETBB143 Contemporary Indigenous Communities and Their Response to Social, Cultural, Economic and Environment • 50 %
PřF:BI1420 Doctorand seminar VI • 50 %
PřF:BI4041 Paleopathology • 50 %
PřF:BI5225 Current discussions in Social Anthropology • 50 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 50 %

Applied and environmental geology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:GD551 PhD thesis 5 • 100 %
PřF:GD611 Presentation at international conference • 100 %
PřF:GD641 Active participation at international conference • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:GD561 PhD thesis 6 • 100 %
PřF:GD611 Presentation at international conference • 50 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:GA031 Publication in reviewed journal • 25 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 25 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 25 %
PřF:GD551 PhD thesis 5 • 25 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 25 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 25 %
6th term
PřF:GD571 PhD thesis 7 • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 25 %
PřF:GD251 Progress in economic geology - research • 25 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:GD581 PhD thesis 8 • 100 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 67 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 33 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 33 %
8th term
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 33 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 33 %
PřF:GD591 PhD thesis • 33 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 33 %

Astrophysics (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:FB340 Stáž • 67 %
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 33 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 33 %
PřF:FC152 Individual study • 33 %
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 33 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 33 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 33 %
PřF:F7888 Cosmotea • 33 %
PřF:F8888 Cosmotea • 33 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 40 %
PřF:FB270 Selected chapters from astrophysics • 20 %
PřF:FB300 Teaching assistance • 20 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 20 %
PřF:FB320 Příprava publikace • 20 %
PřF:F7888 Cosmotea • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:FC152 Individual study • 50 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 50 %
PřF:FA050 Scientific projects • 25 %
PřF:FC300 Teaching assistance • 25 %
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 25 %
PřF:FC320 Příprava publikace • 25 %
PřF:FC340 Stáž • 25 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 25 %
PřF:F8888 Cosmotea • 25 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
4th term
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 60 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 40 %
PřF:FB320 Příprava publikace • 40 %
PřF:FB300 Teaching assistance • 20 %
PřF:F7888 Cosmotea • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:FC152 Individual study • 100 %
PřF:F5550 Astronomical seminar • 75 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 75 %
PřF:FC300 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 50 %
PřF:FC320 Příprava publikace • 50 %
PřF:F8888 Cosmotea • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 25 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 25 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 25 %
6th term
PřF:FA221 Open problems of physics of stellar atmospheres and winds • 20 %
PřF:FB270 Selected chapters from astrophysics • 20 %
PřF:FB300 Teaching assistance • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:FA050 Scientific projects • 50 %
PřF:FA222 Star Clusters • 50 %
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 50 %
8th term
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 50 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 50 %
PřF:F3501 Scientific workflow in astrophysics • 50 %
PřF:F7888 Cosmotea • 50 %

Bioanalytical chemistry (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 50 %
PřF:CDB101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:CDB102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:C7073 Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules • 50 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 25 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:CDB104 Literature research • 25 %
PřF:CDB106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
PřF:C3002 Nanobiotechnology • 25 %
PřF:C7072 Bioanalytics II - Analytical methods in clinical praxis • 25 %
PřF:C7250 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry • 25 %
PřF:C7350 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry - practice • 25 %
PřF:C8116 Immunochemical techniques • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %
2nd term
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 40 %
PřF:CDB102 Teaching assistance • 40 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 40 %
FaF:CORE048 Drug Design is not about a Fashionable Drug Box • 20 %
PřF:BI7430 Molecular biotechnology • 20 %
PřF:CDB106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
PřF:C6211 Biotechnology • 20 %
PřF:C7895 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules • 20 %
PřF:C7942 Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules • 20 %
PřF:C8155 Cell signaling • 20 %
PřF:C8175 Molekulární podstata patofyziologických procesů • 20 %
PřF:S2004 Methods for characterization of biomolecular interactions – classical versus modern • 20 %
PřF:S2005 Methods for characterization of biomolecular interactions – classical versus modern, practice • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 67 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 67 %
PřF:BI7560 Introduction to R • 33 %
PřF:CDB101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:C8155 Cell signaling • 33 %
4th term
PřF:CDB102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
FaF:CORE048 Drug Design is not about a Fashionable Drug Box • 17 %
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 17 %
PřF:CORE041 Science – the greatest project of mankind • 17 %
PřF:C7021 Separation Methods A • 17 %
PřF:C7188 Introduction to molecular medicine • 17 %
PřF:C7250 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry • 17 %
PřF:C7350 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry - practice • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:C8116 Immunochemical techniques • 17 %
PřF:C8175 Molekulární podstata patofyziologických procesů • 17 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 17 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 25 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PdF:FC8004 Unsustainable development of humanity 2 • 25 %
6th term
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 75 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
PřF:CDB105 Scientific publication writing • 25 %
PřF:C8155 Cell signaling • 25 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 25 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 100 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 67 %

Biophysics (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 50 %
PřF:BI8350 Evolutionary genomics • 50 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 50 %
PřF:FB041 Seminar on plasma deposition and material characterization • 50 %
PřF:FB820 Structural electron microscopy • 50 %
PřF:FB840 Integrative Structural Biology • 50 %
PřF:FC250 Plasma and Dry Nano/Microtechnologies • 50 %
PřF:F7790 Seminar in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 50 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:E5540 Biostatistics - basic course • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F7790 Seminar in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %

Biochemistry (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 57 %
PřF:CDB104 Literature research • 57 %
PřF:CDB102 Teaching assistance • 43 %
PřF:CG090 Methods in proteomics • 43 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 43 %
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 29 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 29 %
PřF:CG010 Proteomics • 29 %
PřF:C7187 Experimental oncology • 29 %
PřF:C7250 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry • 29 %
PřF:C7350 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry - practice • 29 %
LF:DSMBZ01 Advances in Molecular Biology and Genetics • 14 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 14 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 14 %
PřF:BI7893 Seminar of Loschmidt Laboratories • 14 %
PřF:BI7894 Seminar of Research Teams of Loschmidt Laboratories • 14 %
PřF:BI9690EN Synthetic Biology • 14 %
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 14 %
PřF:C2175 Využití programu R pro výpočty a zpracování dat v chemii • 14 %
PřF:C5145 Quality management in bioanalytical laboratory • 14 %
PřF:C7150 Regulation of metabolism • 14 %
PřF:C7195 Advance laboratory course of biochemistry • 14 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 14 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 14 %
PřF:C7875 Gene technology • 14 %
PřF:C7955 Molecular luminescence • 14 %
PřF:C8116 Immunochemical techniques • 14 %
PřF:C9088 RNA & DNA sequence analysis • 14 %
PřF:E7528 Analysis of genomic and proteomic data • 14 %
PřF:S2004 Methods for characterization of biomolecular interactions – classical versus modern • 14 %
PřF:S2005 Methods for characterization of biomolecular interactions – classical versus modern, practice • 14 %
PřF:XV003 Popularization of Science • 14 %
PdF:HV51 The Choir of Masaryk University • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:CDB102 Teaching assistance • 36 %
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 27 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 27 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 25 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 13 %
PřF:CG030 Structure and function of protein complexes • 13 %
PřF:JAD02 Advanced English for PhD studies (C1) • 13 %
4th term
PřF:CDB102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
PřF:C4865 Discover science 1 - scientific knowledge and thinking • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 40 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 30 %
6th term
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 45 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 36 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 18 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CDB02 Field seminar II • 100 %
PřF:CDB100 Ph.D. Thesis • 71 %
PřF:CDB01 Field seminar I • 14 %
PřF:CDB101 Literature study • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 14 %
8th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PdF:NJ_A102 German for Beginners 2 • 14 %

Biomolecular chemistry and bioinformatics (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CC060 NCBR seminar • 45 %
PřF:CB100 TAC meeting • 36 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 36 %
PřF:CB060 NCBR seminar • 27 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 27 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 18 %
PřF:C2132 Introduction to bioinformatics - seminar • 18 %
PřF:C7250 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry • 18 %
PřF:C7350 Protein characterisation using mass spectrometry - practice • 18 %
PřF:C9095 RNA metabolism • 18 %
PřF:S1001 Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids • 18 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 18 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 18 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 18 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 18 %
2nd term
PřF:CC030 Teaching assistance - spring • 27 %
PřF:CC060 NCBR seminar • 27 %
PřF:C3211 Applied bioinformatics • 18 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 18 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CC060 NCBR seminar • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:JAD01 Advanced English for PhD studies (C1) • 14 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 14 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 14 %
4th term
PřF:BI1121 Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists • 20 %
PřF:BI1121C Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists - practical course • 20 %
PřF:CB030 Teaching assistance - autumn • 20 %
PřF:CB060 NCBR seminar • 20 %
PřF:CC030 Teaching assistance - spring • 20 %
PřF:C3211 Applied bioinformatics • 20 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:S5030 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 20 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 20 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:CB030 Teaching assistance - autumn • 33 %
PřF:CB060 NCBR seminar • 33 %
PřF:BI4999EN Structural Biology and Bioinformatics • 17 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 17 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 17 %
PřF:CC030 Teaching assistance - spring • 17 %
PřF:CC060 NCBR seminar • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:S5035 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 17 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 17 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
6th term
PřF:CB030 Teaching assistance - autumn • 29 %
PřF:CB060 NCBR seminar • 29 %
PřF:CC060 NCBR seminar • 29 %
PřF:CC030 Teaching assistance - spring • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:C9870 ientific data presentation I • 14 %
PřF:JAD02 Advanced English for PhD studies (C1) • 14 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 14 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 14 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 14 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %
PřF:XS571 Communication in conflict situations 2 • 14 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CC060 NCBR seminar • 50 %
PřF:CB030 Teaching assistance - autumn • 33 %
PřF:CB060 NCBR seminar • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 17 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:C8116 Immunochemical techniques • 17 %
8th term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:CC060 NCBR seminar • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %

Botany (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 57 %
PřF:BI9656 Botany seminar for postgraduate students • 43 %
PřF:BI9666 Plant Ecology Lab Meeting • 43 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 43 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 43 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 43 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 29 %
PřF:BI5659 Geobotany seminar I • 29 %
PřF:BI6660 Geobotany seminar II • 29 %
PřF:BI6662 Geobotany project 1 • 29 %
PřF:BI6663 Geobotany project 2 • 29 %
PřF:BI6691 Botanical excursion abroad • 29 %
PřF:BI7550 Practical Analysis of Biological Data – Seminar • 29 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 29 %
PřF:BI4070 Image Analysis and Microphotography in Biology • 14 %
PřF:BI5690 Botany seminar I • 14 %
PřF:BI6570 Plant microevolution and speciation • 14 %
PřF:BI6651 Botany seminar II • 14 %
PřF:BI7160 Mineral Nutrition of Plants • 14 %
PřF:BI7160C Mineral Nutrition of Plants - practical course • 14 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 14 %
PřF:BI7540 Data analysis in community ecology • 14 %
PřF:BI8179 Mire ecology - practice • 14 %
PřF:BI8350 Evolutionary genomics • 14 %
PřF:BI9009 Advanced geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 14 %
PřF:BI9420 Vegetation and habitats of Europe • 14 %
PřF:G9921 Pedogeochemistry • 14 %
PřF:JAD01 Advanced English for PhD studies (C1) • 14 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 14 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 14 %
CST:CJV_AP2 Academic Presentation Skills in English - CEITEC • 14 %
CST:CZ4A_BEG1 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Beginners 1 • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:BI0662 Selected topics in ecology • 30 %
PřF:BI5659 Geobotany seminar I • 20 %
PřF:BI7550 Practical Analysis of Biological Data – Seminar • 20 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 43 %
PřF:BI0662 Selected topics in ecology • 29 %
PřF:BI6660 Geobotany seminar II • 29 %
PřF:BI6691 Botanical excursion abroad • 29 %
PřF:BI9656 Botany seminar for postgraduate students • 29 %
PřF:BI9666 Plant Ecology Lab Meeting • 29 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 29 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 29 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:C9041 Structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes • 14 %
PřF:S2002 Methods in plant cytogenetics and cytogenomics I. - practical course • 14 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 14 %
CST:CZ4A_BEG2 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Begginers 2 • 14 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 14 %
4th term
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 38 %
PřF:BI0662 Selected topics in ecology • 25 %
PřF:BI9656 Botany seminar for postgraduate students • 25 %
PřF:BI7542 Data analysis in community ecology • 13 %
PřF:BI9666 Plant Ecology Lab Meeting • 13 %
PřF:BI9678 Biosystematic seminary for postgraduate students • 13 %
PřF:JAD01 Advanced English for PhD studies (C1) • 13 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 13 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 13 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 13 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 13 %
CST:CZ4A_ELEM1 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Elementary 1 • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:BI9656 Botany seminar for postgraduate students • 33 %
PřF:BI9666 Plant Ecology Lab Meeting • 33 %
PřF:BI7545 Mycological identification course • 17 %
PřF:BI9000 Geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 17 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 17 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 17 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 17 %
FSpS:CORE058 BIOHACKING - upgrade životního stylu • 17 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 17 %
CST:CZ4A_ELEM2 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Elementary 2 • 17 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:BI0662 Selected topics in ecology • 25 %
PřF:JAD01 Advanced English for PhD studies (C1) • 25 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 25 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 25 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:BI9656 Botany seminar for postgraduate students • 100 %
PřF:BI9666 Plant Ecology Lab Meeting • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 100 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 100 %
PřF:BI6691 Botanical excursion abroad • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %

Ecology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 40 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 40 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 40 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 40 %
PřF:BI0662 Selected topics in ecology • 20 %
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 20 %
PřF:BI5027 Invertebrate seminar for PhD students • 20 %
PřF:BI6340 Community ecology and macroecology • 20 %
PřF:BI7370 Fundamentals of Ecology • 20 %
PřF:BI7451 Biology of aquatic invertebrates • 20 %
PřF:BI7550 Practical Analysis of Biological Data – Seminar • 20 %
PřF:BI8160 Special field practice in zoology • 20 %
PřF:BI9000 Geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 20 %
PřF:BI9008 Field course in malacozoology • 20 %
PřF:BI9656 Botany seminar for postgraduate students • 20 %
PřF:BI9666 Plant Ecology Lab Meeting • 20 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 20 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 20 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 20 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
CST:CJV_K_AGP2 English Grammar in practice 2 • 20 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 20 %
PřF:BI7550 Practical Analysis of Biological Data – Seminar • 20 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 20 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 20 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 20 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 67 %
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:BI4007 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 33 %
PřF:BI7542 Data analysis in community ecology • 33 %
PřF:BI7900 Genetic methods in zoology • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
4th term
FF:RLBCA002 Buddhism I • 20 %
PřF:BI3112 Science Writing Workshop • 20 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:BI5027 Invertebrate seminar for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:BI8160 Special field practice in zoology • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
4th year
7th term
FSS:CORE026 Experiencing the World - Psychology of Cognition, Emotion and Motivation • 100 %
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 100 %
PřF:BI7801 Hydrobiological seminar for PhD students • 100 %

Environmental chemistry and toxicology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 100 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 100 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 50 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 50 %
6th term
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 100 %

Environmental chemistry and toxicology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E0403 Research project development and funding • 67 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 42 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 25 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 25 %
PřF:E0313 Environmental chemistry • 17 %
PřF:E2250 Risk Analysis • 17 %
PřF:E2251 Risk Analysis - Practicals • 17 %
PřF:E5020 Analysis of Nontarget MS Data • 17 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 17 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 17 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 17 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 31 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 19 %
LF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 13 %
LF:VSAG021 Modern technologies for genome analysis • 13 %
PřF:E0403 Research project development and funding • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 29 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 18 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 18 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 18 %
PřF:E1220 Environmental Pollutants • 12 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 12 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 12 %
4th term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 32 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 16 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 16 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 11 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 11 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 35 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 29 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 18 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 18 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 18 %
PřF:E0403 Research project development and funding • 12 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 12 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 12 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 27 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 27 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 27 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 23 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 18 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 14 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 26 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 21 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 16 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 11 %
8th term
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 17 %

Physical geography (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:ZD001 Teaching assistance 1 • 100 %
PřF:ZD011 Ph.D. Thesis 1 • 86 %
PřF:ZD012 Ph.D. Thesis 2 • 86 %
PřF:ZD150 Fundamentals of scientific work and preparation of scientific publications in Physical Geography • 86 %
PřF:ZD161 Geographical seminar I • 86 %
PřF:ZD171 Geographical seminar I • 86 %
PřF:ZD002 Teaching assistance 2 • 71 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 57 %
PřF:ZD153 Hydrosphere (Hydrology, Limnology and Glaciology) • 57 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 43 %
FF:CJVAEA English Autonomously • 29 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 29 %
PřF:ZD025 Poster at an international conference • 29 %
PřF:ZD152 Atmosphere (Meteorology and Climatology • 29 %
PřF:ZD156 Development of natural systems (Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology) • 29 %
FF:CJVAST English for Study and Internship Abroad • 14 %
PřF:GA751 Hydrogeologic legislation • 14 %
PřF:G8381 Hydrogeology of deposits • 14 %
PřF:G9401 Regional hydrogeology • 14 %
PřF:G9771 Selected problems from hydrogeology • 14 %
PřF:ZD026 Foreign internship • 14 %
PřF:ZX830D Konektivita ve fluviálních systémech - terénní praktikum • 14 %
FI:PV004 UNIX • 14 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:ZD003 Teaching assistance 3 • 57 %
PřF:ZD013 Ph.D. Thesis 3 • 57 %
PřF:ZD151 Geosphere (Geology and Geomorphology) • 43 %
PřF:ZD024 Lecture in the foreign language • 29 %
FF:CJVAST English for Study and Internship Abroad • 14 %
PřF:BI8175 Mire ecology • 14 %
PřF:BI8179 Mire ecology - practice • 14 %
PřF:ZD002 Teaching assistance 2 • 14 %
PřF:ZD152 Atmosphere (Meteorology and Climatology • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:ZD014 Ph.D. Thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:ZD162 Geographical seminar II • 100 %
PřF:ZD172 Geographical seminar II • 100 %
PřF:ZD004 Teaching assistance 4 • 75 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 25 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 25 %
4th term
PřF:BI8185 Forest ecology • 25 %
PřF:ZD015 Ph.D. Thesis 5 • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:ZD016 Ph.D. Thesis 6 • 100 %
PřF:ZD163 Geographical seminar III • 100 %
PřF:ZD173 Geographical seminar III • 100 %

Condensed Matter Physics (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F6720 Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics • 67 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 67 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 67 %
PřF:FB300 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:FB320 Příprava publikace • 33 %
PřF:FC210 Advanced Quantum Field Theory • 33 %
PřF:FC300 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:FK010 Structural analysis methods in condensed matter physics • 33 %
PřF:FK020 Electrodynamics of Solids • 33 %
PřF:F6390 Solid state physics laboratory • 33 %
PřF:F7200 Moderní fyzika a její aplikace • 33 %
PřF:F8110 Hands-on Introduction to Electronic Structure and Correlations • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:FA800 Condensed matter physics III • 40 %
PřF:FK010 Structural analysis methods in condensed matter physics • 40 %
PřF:F1400 Computer programming • 20 %
PřF:F8800 Condensed matter physics I • 20 %
PřF:F9210 Modern experimental methods B • 20 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:FK020 Electrodynamics of Solids • 50 %
PřF:F5698 The Ultimate Python Developer's guide • 25 %
PřF:F6390 Solid state physics laboratory • 25 %
PřF:F6720 Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics • 25 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 25 %
4th term
PřF:FK010 Structural analysis methods in condensed matter physics • 20 %
PřF:F1400 Computer programming • 20 %
PřF:F5698 The Ultimate Python Developer's guide • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 60 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 60 %
PřF:F6720 Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics • 40 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 40 %
PřF:F8110 Hands-on Introduction to Electronic Structure and Correlations • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
PřF:F6720 Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics • 100 %
PřF:F8110 Hands-on Introduction to Electronic Structure and Correlations • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 100 %

Plasma Physics (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:FC154 Individual study 1 • 75 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:FB501 Plasma Diagnostics and Simulations • 42 %
PřF:FB502 Deposition and analysis of thin films • 42 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:FB010 Elementary processes in plasma 2 • 33 %
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 33 %
PřF:FB100 Plasma chemical processes • 25 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 25 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %
PřF:FB153 Individual study 2 • 17 %
PřF:FB240 Physics of high-frequency discharges • 17 %
PřF:FB241 Physics of DC, pulsed and low-frequency discharges • 17 %
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 17 %
PřF:F7030 X-ray structural analysis of thin layers • 17 %
2nd term
PřF:FB153 Individual study 2 • 24 %
PřF:FB242 Gas discharges: physical mechanisms and applications • 18 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 12 %
PřF:FB100 Plasma chemical processes • 12 %
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 40 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 40 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 30 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 30 %
PřF:F7900 Students seminary • 20 %
4th term
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 27 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 38 %
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 38 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 38 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 13 %
PřF:FB242 Gas discharges: physical mechanisms and applications • 13 %
PřF:FC300 Teaching assistance • 13 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 13 %
6th term
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 22 %
PřF:FB320 Příprava publikace • 11 %
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 11 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 11 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 11 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 11 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 17 %
PřF:FC152 Individual study • 17 %
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 17 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 17 %
FI:VV034 Photography - artificial effects • 17 %
8th term
PřF:F6710 Seminar of Department of Plasma Physics and Technology • 40 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 40 %
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 20 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 20 %
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
CST:CZ4A_IMPR Czech for Foreign MU Staff: • 20 %

Physical Chemistry (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CD101 Field seminar I • 60 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 60 %
PřF:C5320 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 40 %
PřF:C5321 Theoretical Concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance • 40 %
PřF:C9981 Heterogeneous catalysis • 40 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 40 %
PřF:C2110 UNIX Operating System and Programming Basics • 20 %
PřF:C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing • 20 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 20 %
PřF:C7790 Introduction to Molecular Modelling • 20 %
PřF:C7800 Introduction to Molecular Modelling - Exercise • 20 %
PřF:C7995 Practical NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules • 20 %
PřF:C8783 Ice-Photochemical Group Meeting • 20 %
PřF:F3250 Modern problems in condensed matter physics • 20 %
PřF:F3390 Micro- and nano- structures preparation • 20 %
PřF:F7130 Mechanical properties of solids • 20 %
PřF:F7460 Solid state physics for non-physicists • 20 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 20 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 83 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 33 %
PřF:C2133 Introduction to chemoinformatics • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:C8080 Analytical Electron Microscopy • 33 %
PřF:FC510 Special topics in nanotechnology science • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 17 %
PřF:C5500 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds • 17 %
PřF:C5510 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds-seminar • 17 %
PřF:C6221 Clinical Biochemistry • 17 %
PřF:C6730 Phase Equilibria • 17 %
PřF:C6750 Materials Chemistry of Metals • 17 %
PřF:C8863 Free Energy Calculations • 17 %
PřF:FB800 Introduction to physics of surfaces • 17 %
PřF:F3250 Modern problems in condensed matter physics • 17 %
PřF:F4500 Python for physicists • 17 %
PřF:F8800 Condensed matter physics I • 17 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 17 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 33 %
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 17 %
PřF:C7050 Electroanalytical Methods • 17 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 17 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 17 %
4th term
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 50 %
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 17 %
PřF:C2131 Introduction to bioinformatics • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 17 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
CST:CZ4A_BEG2 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Begginers 2 • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 60 %
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 40 %
PřF:C9550 Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy • 20 %
PřF:IC165 Supramolecular Chemistry in Water • 20 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 20 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 20 %
6th term
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 29 %
PřF:CD801 Field seminar VIII • 29 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 29 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:C9550 Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy • 14 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 14 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 14 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 14 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %
CST:IGA_PS_D Project Skills Development in English • 14 %
CST:IGA_PS_INT Project Preparation in English - intensive course • 14 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 25 %
PřF:CD801 Field seminar VIII • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 25 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 25 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
CST:CJV_K_N1 German for Absolute Beginners I (commercial course) • 25 %
8th term
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:C8783 Ice-Photochemical Group Meeting • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %

Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biology (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1150 Softskills course for PhD students of PIDBA • 73 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 73 %
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 64 %
PřF:BI1160 Advanced Methods for PhD Students of PIDBA • 45 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 45 %
PřF:BI1121 Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists • 36 %
PřF:BI1121C Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists - practical course • 36 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 36 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 36 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 36 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 27 %
PřF:BI9909 Journal club – developmental biology II • 27 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 27 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 27 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 18 %
PřF:BI9903 Developmental Biology of Animals • 18 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 18 %
2nd term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 23 %
PřF:BI1160 Advanced Methods for PhD Students of PIDBA • 15 %
PřF:BI1165 English talk of PIDBA PhD students • 15 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 22 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 22 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 11 %
PřF:BI1121 Data analysis in R for experimental and molecular biologists • 11 %
PřF:BI1150 Softskills course for PhD students of PIDBA • 11 %
PřF:BI1160 Advanced Methods for PhD Students of PIDBA • 11 %
PřF:BI8110 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis • 11 %
PřF:BI9903 Developmental Biology of Animals • 11 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 11 %
PřF:BI9908 Journal club – developmental biology I • 11 %
PřF:BI9912 Journal club – immunology II • 11 %
PřF:C3900 Molecular mechanisms of cell ageing • 11 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:E5020 Analysis of Nontarget MS Data • 11 %
PřF:S4010 Science Communication Course: Present Your Research Results with Confidence • 11 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 11 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 11 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 11 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 11 %
4th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 36 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 36 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 27 %
PřF:BI9904 Journal club – animal physiology I • 27 %
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 18 %
PřF:BI9909 Journal club – developmental biology II • 18 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 18 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 18 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 50 %
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 25 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 25 %
PřF:BI1150 Softskills course for PhD students of PIDBA • 17 %
PřF:BI1165 English talk of PIDBA PhD students • 17 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 17 %
PřF:BI9912 Journal club – immunology II • 17 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 17 %
6th term
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 46 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 46 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 38 %
PřF:BI1165 English talk of PIDBA PhD students • 15 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 15 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 67 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 56 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 56 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 44 %
PřF:BI9905 Journal club – animal physiology II • 33 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 33 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 33 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 22 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 22 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 22 %
PřF:BI9904 Journal club – animal physiology I • 11 %
PřF:BI9908 Journal club – developmental biology I • 11 %
PřF:BI9909 Journal club – developmental biology II • 11 %
PřF:BI9911 Journal club – immunology I • 11 %
PřF:BI9912 Journal club – immunology II • 11 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:S4002 Law, ethics and philosophy of science • 11 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 11 %
8th term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 22 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 22 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 22 %
PřF:BI0011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar • 11 %
PřF:BI1155 Practical training for PhD students of PIDBA • 11 %
PřF:BI1160 Advanced Methods for PhD Students of PIDBA • 11 %
PřF:BI9909 Journal club – developmental biology II • 11 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 11 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 11 %

Genomics and Proteomics (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CG010 Proteomics • 29 %
PřF:CG020 Genomics • 29 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 29 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 29 %
PřF:C9041 Structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes • 24 %
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 24 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 19 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 19 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 19 %
PřF:S4002 Law, ethics and philosophy of science • 14 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 22 %
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 22 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 22 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 22 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
PřF:CG010 Proteomics • 13 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CG030 Structure and function of protein complexes • 29 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 29 %
PřF:CG090 Methods in proteomics • 18 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 18 %
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 18 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 18 %
PřF:CG080 Methods in genomics • 12 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 12 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 12 %
4th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 15 %
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 15 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 15 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 15 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 27 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 27 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 39 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 28 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 28 %
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 17 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 17 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 11 %
PřF:S2009 Mendel Centre Seminars in the Bio-omics • 11 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 11 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:C9950 Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics • 57 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 57 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 36 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 21 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %

Geochemistry and hydrogeology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 100 %
PřF:GD511 PhD thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 100 %
PřF:G6301 Hydraulics • 100 %
PřF:G9421 Groundwater protection • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 100 %
PřF:GD541 PhD thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:G3101 Basics of geological data treatment • 100 %
PřF:G6971 Remediation methods • 100 %
4th term
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD551 PhD thesis 5 • 100 %
PřF:GD611 Presentation at international conference • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GD561 PhD thesis 6 • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:G3161 Global water resources risks • 100 %
PřF:G3171 Balneology • 100 %
PřF:G3191 Water resources - case studies I • 100 %
6th term
PřF:CORE121 Water for modern human society • 100 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 100 %
PřF:GD571 PhD thesis 7 • 100 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 100 %
PřF:G4191 Water resources - case studies II • 100 %
PřF:G4211 Excursion to water resources localities • 100 %

Dynamic geology, tectonics and physics of the Earth (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
FF:KSCX01 Modern Chinese for non-major students I • 100 %
FF:KSCX02 Modern Chinese II • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 100 %
PřF:GB911 Advanced tectonic seminary • 100 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 100 %
PřF:GD261 Advanced tectonics • 100 %
PřF:GD511 PhD thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:GD521 PhD thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:G4211 Excursion to water resources localities • 100 %
PřF:G5801 Field practice using geocaching • 100 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 50 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 50 %
PřF:GD531 PhD thesis 3 • 50 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %

Stratigraphic geology, paleontology and sedimentology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:GD521 PhD thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:BI8300 Quaternary environments • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 33 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 33 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 33 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 33 %
PřF:GD231 Actual state and perspectives of palaeontology • 33 %
PřF:GD301 New knowledge from paleoekology • 33 %
PřF:GD311 Advanced sedimentary geology • 33 %
PřF:GD511 PhD thesis 1 • 33 %
PřF:GI251 Event Stratigraphy • 33 %
PřF:GI261 Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology • 33 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 33 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 33 %
PřF:G5531 Practical preparation of geological sections • 33 %
PřF:G7651 Instrumental methods in petrology • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 33 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:GD531 PhD thesis 3 • 67 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 33 %
CST:CZ4A_BEG2 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Begginers 2 • 33 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:GD541 PhD thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 50 %
PřF:GD611 Presentation at international conference • 50 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
PdF:NJ_A102 German for Beginners 2 • 50 %
CST:CZ4A_ELEM1 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Elementary 1 • 50 %
4th term
PřF:GD551 PhD thesis 5 • 100 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 67 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 67 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 33 %
PřF:GD211 Microscopy for Ph.D. theses • 33 %
PřF:GD231 Actual state and perspectives of palaeontology • 33 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 33 %
PdF:NJ_A103 German for Beginners 3 • 33 %
CST:CZ4A_ELEM2 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Elementary 2 • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:GD561 PhD thesis 6 • 33 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GD571 PhD thesis 7 • 100 %
PřF:GD621 Professional article • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 100 %
PřF:GD581 PhD thesis 8 • 100 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 100 %

Geometry, Topology and Geometric Analysis (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MD130 Seminář z diferenciální geometrie • 50 %
PřF:MD133 Differential topology • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 100 %
PřF:MC333 Supersymmetry and supergeometry • 50 %
PřF:MD130 Seminář z diferenciální geometrie • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %
6th term
PřF:MD130 Seminář z diferenciální geometrie • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 100 %

Hydrobiology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:E5980 Statistical Evaluation of Biodiversity • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 100 %
PřF:BI8370 Readings in Conservation Biology • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 100 %
PřF:BI7542 Data analysis in community ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI7801 Hydrobiological seminar for PhD students • 100 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 100 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 100 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 100 %
4th term
PřF:E5980 Statistical Evaluation of Biodiversity • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
6th term
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 50 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 100 %
PřF:BI7801 Hydrobiological seminar for PhD students • 100 %
PřF:BI9000 Geographical information systems in botany and zoology • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 50 %

Cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensing (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:ZD001 Teaching assistance 1 • 100 %
PřF:ZD002 Teaching assistance 2 • 100 %
PřF:ZD011 Ph.D. Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:ZD012 Ph.D. Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:ZD023 Scientific publication writing • 100 %
PřF:ZD250 Fundamentals of scientific work and preparation of scientific publications • 100 %
PřF:ZD251 Cartographical seminar I • 100 %
PřF:ZD263 Research projects preparation and management • 100 %
PřF:ZD267 Remote sensing • 100 %
PřF:ZD271 Cartographical seminar I • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:ZD003 Teaching assistance 3 • 100 %
PřF:ZD013 Ph.D. Thesis 3 • 100 %
PřF:ZD250 Fundamentals of scientific work and preparation of scientific publications • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 50 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:ZD004 Teaching assistance 4 • 100 %
PřF:ZD014 Ph.D. Thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:ZD252 Cartographical seminar II • 100 %
PřF:ZD266 GIScience • 100 %
PřF:ZD026 Foreign internship • 50 %
PřF:ZD272 Cartographical seminar II • 50 %
4th term
PřF:ZD015 Ph.D. Thesis 5 • 86 %
PřF:ZD023 Scientific publication writing • 29 %
PrF:CORE017 Legal Thinking • 14 %
PřF:ZD025 Poster at an international conference • 14 %
PřF:ZD264 Theoretical cartography • 14 %
FI:IB113 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:ZD016 Ph.D. Thesis 6 • 100 %
PřF:ZD010 Ph.D. Thesis • 83 %
PřF:ZD253 Cartographical seminar III • 83 %
PřF:ZD273 Cartographical seminar III • 67 %
PřF:ZD023 Scientific publication writing • 17 %
PřF:ZD026 Foreign internship • 17 %
PřF:ZD263 Research projects preparation and management • 17 %
PřF:ZD265 Applied cartography • 17 %
PřF:ZD266 GIScience • 17 %
PřF:ZD271 Cartographical seminar I • 17 %
6th term
PřF:ZD017 Ph.D. Thesis 7 • 67 %
PřF:ZD025 Poster at an international conference • 17 %
PřF:ZD026 Foreign internship • 17 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:ZD018 Ph.D. Thesis 8 • 100 %
PřF:ZD024 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
PřF:ZD025 Poster at an international conference • 25 %
PřF:ZD026 Foreign internship • 25 %
PřF:ZD263 Research projects preparation and management • 25 %
PřF:ZD272 Cartographical seminar II • 25 %

Mathematical Analysis (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 75 %
PřF:M8110 Partial Differential Equations • 50 %
PřF:MD221 Seminar from differential equations • 25 %
PřF:M0160 Optimization • 25 %
PřF:M0998 Reading seminar: Reaction-Diffusion Systems • 25 %
PřF:M0999 A Course in Operator Theory • 25 %
PřF:M6150 Functional Analysis I • 25 %
PřF:M6800 Calculus of Variations • 25 %
PřF:M8300 Partial differential equations • 25 %
PřF:M9PNM3 Advanced numerical methods III • 25 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 25 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
2nd term
FF:NJI_1111B Bookclub • 33 %
PřF:MD221 Seminar from differential equations • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 33 %
PdF:NJ_A105 German for Beginners 5 • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M4130 Mathematical Software • 50 %
FI:VV079 English Online - English Exam Support • 50 %

Computational biology, bioinformatics and modelling (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E0403 Research project development and funding • 80 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 40 %
LF:BMAM051 Design and analyses of clinical trials • 20 %
PřF:BI4999EN Structural Biology and Bioinformatics • 20 %
PřF:BI6161 Microbiological excursions • 20 %
PřF:BI7430 Molecular biotechnology • 20 %
PřF:BI7893 Seminar of Loschmidt Laboratories • 20 %
PřF:BI7894 Seminar of Research Teams of Loschmidt Laboratories • 20 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 20 %
PřF:BI9410C Structural Biology - practice • 20 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 20 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 20 %
PřF:BI9690EN Synthetic Biology • 20 %
PřF:CG910 Proteomics • 20 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 20 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:C8980 Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification • 20 %
PřF:C9530 Structure of biomacromolecules • 20 %
PřF:C9531 Structure of biomacromolecules • 20 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 20 %
PřF:E5020 Analysis of Nontarget MS Data • 20 %
PřF:E7527 Data Analysis in R • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:XV003 Popularization of Science • 20 %
FI:IV109 Modeling and Simulation • 20 %
FI:PV021 Neural Networks • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 25 %
PřF:BI9690EN Synthetic Biology • 13 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 13 %
PřF:XS451A Communication skills train. 2 • 13 %
FI:PV281 Programming in Rust • 13 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 25 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 25 %
PřF:BI7893 Seminar of Loschmidt Laboratories • 13 %
PřF:BI7894 Seminar of Research Teams of Loschmidt Laboratories • 13 %
PřF:E0404 Presentation Skills for Doctoral Students • 13 %
PřF:E5447 Database Systems in Biomedicine • 13 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 13 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 13 %
FI:IV109 Modeling and Simulation • 13 %
4th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 22 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 22 %
PřF:E0403 Research project development and funding • 22 %
FF:ROM1BSJ03 Practical Spanish III • 11 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 11 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 11 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 11 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 11 %
FI:PV275 Introduction to Quantum Computer Programming • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:BI7893 Seminar of Loschmidt Laboratories • 25 %
PřF:BI7894 Seminar of Research Teams of Loschmidt Laboratories • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 13 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 13 %
PřF:E0403 Research project development and funding • 13 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 13 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 44 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 11 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 11 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 11 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 60 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 60 %
FF:AJL02002 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology • 20 %
PřF:BI7893 Seminar of Loschmidt Laboratories • 20 %
PřF:BI7894 Seminar of Research Teams of Loschmidt Laboratories • 20 %
PřF:C8980 Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification • 20 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %

Materials Chemistry (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
FaF:FASC1_12 Supramolecular Pharmacy • 50 %
PřF:CD101 Field seminar I • 50 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 50 %
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:C7780 Inorganic Materials Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:C8080 Analytical Electron Microscopy • 50 %
PřF:C8880 Analysis methods of solids • 50 %
PřF:C8965 Equilibrium states and phase transformations of materials • 50 %
PřF:C9100 Biosensors • 50 %
PřF:C9135 Advanced Physico-Chemical Methods of Study of Materials • 50 %
PřF:C9906 Spectroscopic methods of nanomaterials characterization • 50 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PdF:CORE039 Strolling through Europen Children and Teeage Literature • 50 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 67 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 67 %
FF:CJVAST English for Study and Internship Abroad • 33 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 33 %
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 33 %
PřF:C4010 Inorganic Chemistry III • 33 %
PřF:C5303 Advanced modelling of solids • 33 %
PřF:C6310 Molecular And Crystal Symmetry • 33 %
PřF:C8080 Analytical Electron Microscopy • 33 %
PřF:C9135 Advanced Physico-Chemical Methods of Study of Materials • 33 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 33 %
PřF:C6800 Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy • 33 %
PřF:C8950 NMR Structural Analysis • 33 %
PřF:C8953 NMR Structural Analysis - seminar • 33 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 33 %
4th term
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 50 %
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 50 %
PřF:C4010 Inorganic Chemistry III • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:C8965 Equilibrium states and phase transformations of materials • 50 %
PřF:C9135 Advanced Physico-Chemical Methods of Study of Materials • 50 %
PřF:E4020 Soft-skills IV - Presentation Skills • 50 %
PřF:IC166 Heterogeneous catalysis as a key tool for sustainability • 50 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 100 %

Microbiology (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 75 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 75 %
PřF:BI5420 General virology • 50 %
PřF:BI9410 Structural Biology • 50 %
PřF:BI9410C Structural Biology - practice • 50 %
PřF:BI9690EN Synthetic Biology • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
PřF:BI6721 Special Methods of Microorganisms Analysis • 25 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 25 %
PřF:C6210 Biotechnology • 25 %
PřF:ILLU01 Illustration in science – attractive and comprehensive graphic visualization in research and educati • 25 %
PřF:S4001 International performance • 25 %
2nd term
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 67 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 33 %
PřF:BI5000 Bioinformatics • 33 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 33 %
PřF:C7230 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - a journey from molecules to cells • 33 %
PřF:C7235 Fluorescence methods in life sciences - excercise • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 50 %
PřF:BI7033 Seminář laboratoří Oddělení mikrobiologie • 50 %
PřF:CG080 Methods in genomics • 50 %
PřF:C6210 Biotechnology • 50 %
PřF:ILLU01 Illustration in science – attractive and comprehensive graphic visualization in research and educati • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 50 %
4th term
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 50 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 50 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 33 %
PřF:BI7560 Introduction to R • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 33 %
6th term
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %

Mineralogy, petrology and economic geology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:GD211 Microscopy for Ph.D. theses • 100 %
PřF:GD521 PhD thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:GD221 Actual topics of mineralogy • 50 %
PřF:GD251 Progress in economic geology - research • 50 %
PřF:GD271 Actual questions about the creation of minerals • 50 %
PřF:GD511 PhD thesis 1 • 50 %
PřF:GI001 Modern techniques in geology - invited lectures • 50 %
PřF:G3101 Basics of geological data treatment • 50 %
PřF:G7561 Reflected-light microscopy • 50 %
PřF:G8761 Recalculation of chemical data for geologist • 50 %
PřF:G9341 Nonmetalliferous Raw Materials in Czech Republic • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:GD531 PhD thesis 3 • 100 %
PřF:GD641 Active participation at international conference • 75 %
PřF:GD221 Actual topics of mineralogy • 50 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 25 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 25 %
PřF:GD241 New knowledge in crystallochemistry • 25 %
PřF:GD251 Progress in economic geology - research • 25 %
PřF:GD611 Presentation at international conference • 25 %
PřF:GI001 Modern techniques in geology - invited lectures • 25 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 25 %
PřF:G5531 Practical preparation of geological sections • 25 %
PřF:G8591 XRD Difraction • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:GD541 PhD thesis 4 • 80 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 40 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 40 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 40 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 40 %
FF:AEB_A06A Introduction to prehistoric and early historic studies • 20 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:GB921 Advanced seminary in Petrology • 20 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 20 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 20 %
PřF:G5531 Practical preparation of geological sections • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %
4th term
PřF:GD551 PhD thesis 5 • 60 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 20 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 20 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 20 %
PřF:GD611 Presentation at international conference • 20 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 20 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:GD561 PhD thesis 6 • 67 %
PřF:E4020 Soft-skills IV - Presentation Skills • 33 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 33 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 33 %
PřF:GD621 Professional article • 33 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 33 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:GD571 PhD thesis 7 • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 100 %
PřF:GD581 PhD thesis 8 • 100 %

Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
LF:DSIB01 Introduction to Bioinformatics • 100 %
PřF:BI7291EN Human Genetics • 100 %
PřF:S5014 RNA Summer School • 100 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 100 %
FI:PA215 Game Design I • 100 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
FI:PA216 Game Design II • 100 %
CST:CZ4A_INT1 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Intermediate 1 • 100 %
4th term
FSS:MEBN5033 Statistical Data Analysis in R • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 100 %
PřF:BI7891 Laboratory seminar of Dpt. gen. mol. biol. • 100 %
PřF:BI7892 Labmeeting LMDM for DSP • 100 %

Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 35 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 35 %
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 30 %
PřF:BI3060 Basic genetics • 20 %
PřF:C8980 Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification • 20 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 20 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
PřF:BI4025EN Molecular Biology • 15 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 15 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 15 %
2nd term
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 56 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 32 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 32 %
PřF:BI7090 Molecular biology of eukaryotes • 16 %
PřF:C7490 Molecular diagnostics of inherited diseases • 12 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 12 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 67 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 67 %
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 62 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 48 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 29 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 19 %
4th term
PřF:XD020 Half-way thesis • 33 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 21 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 21 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 40 %
6th term
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 45 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 36 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:BI0101 Doktorský seminář ÚEB II • 67 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 67 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
FF:ROM1BPO02 Practical Portuguese II • 17 %
PřF:BI6129 Palaeogenomics and Palaeoproteomics • 17 %
PřF:BI8350 Evolutionary genomics • 17 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 17 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 17 %
8th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:BI0100 Seminar for PhD. students I • 17 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 17 %

General Mathematics (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MD133 Differential topology • 100 %
FI:PV004 UNIX • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:M8130 Algebraic Topology • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:M0150 Difference Equations • 33 %
PřF:M7960 Dynamical Systems • 33 %
PřF:M8140 Algebraic Geometry • 33 %
4th term
PřF:MUC34 Algebra applications seminar • 33 %
PřF:M5858 Continuous deterministic models I • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:MD301 Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %

Organic Chemistry (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:CD101 Field seminar I • 50 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 50 %
PřF:C4450 Organic Chemistry III - synthesis • 50 %
PřF:C4455 Organic Chemistry III - synthesis - seminar • 50 %
PřF:C7410 Structure and Reactivity • 50 %
PřF:C7415 Structure and Reactivity - seminar • 50 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:C8885 Supramolecular Chemistry • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:CD301 Field seminar III • 75 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:C4455 Organic Chemistry III - synthesis - seminar • 25 %
PřF:C4465 Advanced Organic Synthesis • 25 %
PřF:C7410 Structure and Reactivity • 25 %
PřF:C7415 Structure and Reactivity - seminar • 25 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 25 %
PřF:C8500 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions • 25 %
PřF:C8510 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions - seminar • 25 %
PřF:C8780 Photochemistry: From Concepts to Practice • 25 %
PřF:C9115 Medicinal Chemistry • 25 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 25 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 25 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:CD401 Field seminar IV • 50 %
PřF:C8500 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions • 25 %
PřF:C8510 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions - seminar • 25 %
PřF:C9909 Elements of fine process chemistry • 25 %
4th term
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 100 %
PřF:C5500 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds • 33 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:C4465 Advanced Organic Synthesis • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 57 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 29 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 29 %
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 14 %
PřF:C8782 Photochemical Group Meeting • 14 %
PřF:C8885 Supramolecular Chemistry • 14 %
PřF:XD011 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 14 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 14 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 14 %
6th term
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 43 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 29 %
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 14 %
PřF:CD801 Field seminar VIII • 14 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:C9115 Medicinal Chemistry • 14 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CD801 Field seminar VIII • 60 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 60 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 60 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 40 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 40 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 40 %
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 20 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:C8782 Photochemical Group Meeting • 20 %
8th term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 20 %

Parasitology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 100 %
PřF:BI5220 Immunology • 100 %
PřF:BI6479 Parasitological seminar for PhD students • 100 %
PřF:BI7450 Parasitology • 100 %
PřF:BI7560 Introduction to R • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI7872 Biology of parasitic protista • 100 %
PřF:BI7872C Biology of parasitic protista - practice • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
4th term
PřF:BI7872 Biology of parasitic protista • 29 %
PřF:BI7872C Biology of parasitic protista - practice • 14 %
PřF:BI9001 Statistical analysis of biological data • 14 %
PřF:BI9001C Statistical analysis of biological data - practice • 14 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 14 %
PřF:E5444 Analysis of sequencing data • 14 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 14 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 14 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 50 %
PřF:BI7450 Parasitology • 17 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 17 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 17 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 17 %
6th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 43 %
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 29 %
PřF:BI6479 Parasitological seminar for PhD students • 29 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 29 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 29 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 57 %
PřF:BI6479 Parasitological seminar for PhD students • 57 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 57 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 43 %
FF:HV_15C Collegium orchestra • 14 %
PřF:XD010 Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC • 14 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 14 %
PdF:HV51 The Choir of Masaryk University • 14 %

Probability, Statistics and Mathematical Modelling (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 60 %
FF:PLIN068 Applied Machine Learning • 20 %
FF:PLIN069 Applied Machine Learning Project • 20 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 20 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 20 %
PřF:MA750 Probability theory • 20 %
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 20 %
PřF:M6150 Functional Analysis I • 20 %
PřF:M7DATASP Advanced Data Science Practicum • 20 %
PřF:M7777 Applied functional data analysis • 20 %
PřF:M8751 Advanced Regression Models I • 20 %
PřF:M9DM2 Data mining II • 20 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 20 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 20 %
FI:IA161 Natural Language Processing in Practice • 20 %
FI:IB031 Introduction to Machine Learning • 20 %
FI:IV130 Pros and Cons of Intelligent Systems • 20 %
FI:PA220 Database systems for data analytics • 20 %
FI:PV056 Machine Learning and Data Mining • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 29 %
PřF:E0402 Academic Writing in Practice for Doctoral Students • 14 %
PřF:MA750 Probability theory • 14 %
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 14 %
PřF:M7DATASP Advanced Data Science Practicum • 14 %
PřF:M7777 Applied functional data analysis • 14 %
PřF:M8751 Advanced Regression Models I • 14 %
PřF:M8752 Advanced regression models II • 14 %
PřF:M9PNM3 Advanced numerical methods III • 14 %
PřF:M9211 Bayesian methods • 14 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 14 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 14 %
FI:PB154 Database Systems • 14 %
FI:PV251 Visualization • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 33 %
PřF:M8751 Advanced Regression Models I • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 17 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 17 %
FI:PA039 Supercomputer Architecture and Intensive Computations • 17 %
4th term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 100 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 100 %
6th term
PřF:CORE015 Bioethics I: Ethics of Life • 33 %
PřF:CORE067 Roboethics: from RUR to Artificial Intelligence • 33 %
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 33 %
PřF:M8752 Advanced regression models II • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:M0122 Time Series II • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %

Social Geography and Regional Development (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:ZD001 Teaching assistance 1 • 100 %
PřF:ZD002 Teaching assistance 2 • 100 %
PřF:ZD011 Ph.D. Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:ZD012 Ph.D. Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:ZD361 Geographical seminar I • 100 %
PřF:ZD371 Geographical seminar I • 100 %
PřF:ZD024 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
PřF:ZD350 Fundamentals of scientific work and preparation of scientific publications • 50 %
PřF:ZD352 Demographic and settlement structures • 50 %
PřF:ZD353 Geography of production and consumption • 50 %
PřF:ZD354 Mobility, transport, technology • 50 %
PřF:ZD355 Countryside, periphery, borderland • 50 %
PřF:ZD356 Regional development and regional policy • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:ZD003 Teaching assistance 3 • 75 %
PřF:ZD013 Ph.D. Thesis 3 • 75 %
PřF:ZD372 Geographical seminar II • 75 %
FF:PGDS00EV Research Ethics • 25 %
PřF:ZD024 Lecture in the foreign language • 25 %
PřF:ZD350 Fundamentals of scientific work and preparation of scientific publications • 25 %
PřF:ZD352 Demographic and settlement structures • 25 %
PřF:ZD355 Countryside, periphery, borderland • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:ZD004 Teaching assistance 4 • 100 %
PřF:ZD014 Ph.D. Thesis 4 • 100 %
PřF:ZD362 Geographical seminar III • 75 %
PřF:ZD021 Scientific publication writing • 25 %
PřF:ZD353 Geography of production and consumption • 25 %
PřF:ZD354 Mobility, transport, technology • 25 %
PřF:ZD355 Countryside, periphery, borderland • 25 %
PřF:ZD372 Geographical seminar II • 25 %
4th term
PřF:ZD015 Ph.D. Thesis 5 • 80 %
PřF:ZD373 Geographical seminar III • 60 %
PřF:ZD022 Scientific publication writing (Scopus) • 20 %
PřF:ZD026 Foreign internship • 20 %
PřF:ZD352 Demographic and settlement structures • 20 %
PřF:ZD362 Geographical seminar III • 20 %
PřF:ZX666 EDUC: Space & Place • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A102 German for Beginners 2 • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:ZD016 Ph.D. Thesis 6 • 100 %
PřF:ZD010 Ph.D. Thesis • 75 %
PřF:ZD363 Geographical seminar III • 75 %
PřF:ZD024 Lecture in the foreign language • 50 %
PřF:ZD021 Scientific publication writing • 25 %
PřF:ZD352 Demographic and settlement structures • 25 %
PřF:ZD356 Regional development and regional policy • 25 %
PřF:ZD373 Geographical seminar III • 25 %
6th term
PřF:ZD017 Ph.D. Thesis 7 • 60 %
PřF:XS571 Communication in conflict situations 2 • 20 %
PřF:ZD010 Ph.D. Thesis • 20 %
PřF:ZD025 Poster at an international conference • 20 %
PřF:ZD354 Mobility, transport, technology • 20 %
PřF:ZD363 Geographical seminar III • 20 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:ZD018 Ph.D. Thesis 8 • 67 %
PřF:ZD010 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:ZD363 Geographical seminar III • 33 %
CST:SPCZJ01Z Czech Sign Language I • 33 %
8th term
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 50 %
PřF:ZD019 Ph.D. Thesis 9 • 50 %
PřF:ZD023 Scientific publication writing • 50 %

Theoretical Physics (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 100 %
PřF:FC210 Advanced Quantum Field Theory • 80 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 80 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 20 %
PřF:F1520 Interesting Physics • 20 %
PřF:M7120 Spectral Analysis I • 20 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:FC300 Teaching assistance • 100 %
6th term
PřF:FB151 Individual study • 100 %
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:FC152 Individual study • 100 %
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 100 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 100 %

Life Sciences (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PřF:S5013 TAC meeting • 71 %
PřF:S5012 CEITEC PhD School Conference • 57 %
PřF:S4010 Science Communication Course: Present Your Research Results with Confidence • 36 %
PřF:S5007 Ph.D. Thesis • 36 %
PřF:S5050 Field seminar Life Sciences • 36 %
PřF:S5010 Friday CEITEC PhD seminary • 29 %
PřF:S5014 RNA Summer School • 29 %
PřF:C9085 Protein-RNA interactions • 21 %
PřF:C9088 RNA & DNA sequence analysis • 21 %
PřF:BI9680EN Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering • 14 %
PřF:BI9680ENC Artificial Intelligence in Biology, Chemistry, and Bioengineering - practice • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:C9095 RNA metabolism • 14 %
PřF:FB820 Structural electron microscopy • 14 %
PřF:S5009 Teaching assistance • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %
PřF:XS450A Communication skills training • 14 %
CST:CZ4A_BEG1 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Beginners 1 • 14 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 14 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:S5010 Friday CEITEC PhD seminary • 48 %
PřF:S5006 Lecture for the scientific community • 14 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:S5012 CEITEC PhD School Conference • 29 %
PřF:C9085 Protein-RNA interactions • 21 %
PřF:S4010 Science Communication Course: Present Your Research Results with Confidence • 21 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 14 %
PřF:C9940 3-Dimensional Transmission Electron Microscopy (3DEM) • 14 %
PřF:S5006 Lecture for the scientific community • 14 %
PřF:S5010 Friday CEITEC PhD seminary • 14 %
4th term
PřF:S5013 TAC meeting • 62 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 23 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 15 %
PřF:S5012 CEITEC PhD School Conference • 15 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 15 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:S5012 CEITEC PhD School Conference • 64 %
PřF:S5007 Ph.D. Thesis • 36 %
PřF:S5050 Field seminar Life Sciences • 36 %

Wave and Particle Optics (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:F9190 Modern laser applications • 100 %
PřF:FK020 Electrodynamics of Solids • 50 %
PřF:F7511 Electron optics and Microscopy • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:FB310 Theses preparation • 100 %
PřF:FB300 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:FC310 Příprava disertační práce • 100 %
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 100 %
4th term
PřF:F7511 Electron optics and Microscopy • 50 %
FI:DUCIT Teaching Lab • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
6th term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:F6730 Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 100 %

Zoology (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 60 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 60 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 60 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 60 %
PřF:BI0999 Molecular ecology • 40 %
PřF:BI4007 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) for PhD students • 40 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 40 %
PřF:BI3112 Science Writing Workshop • 20 %
PřF:BI5027 Invertebrate seminar for PhD students • 20 %
PřF:BI6050 Introduction to Biostatistics in English • 20 %
PřF:BI7920 Analysis of biological data • 20 %
PřF:BI8060 Behavioral ecology • 20 %
PřF:BI8085 Chiropterology • 20 %
PřF:BI9140 Herpetology • 20 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:E5444 Analysis of sequencing data • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:BI4007 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 33 %
PřF:BI3112 Science Writing Workshop • 17 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 17 %
PřF:ZX404 Introduction to secrets of maps and GIS - online • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 40 %
PřF:BI7920 Analysis of biological data • 20 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %
4th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 80 %
PřF:BI7920 Analysis of biological data • 20 %
PřF:BI8060 Behavioral ecology • 20 %
PřF:BI9140 Herpetology • 20 %
PřF:CORE003 Sustainable development • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 40 %
PřF:BI4007 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) for PhD students • 40 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 40 %
PřF:BI0270 Ornithology • 20 %
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 20 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 20 %
6th term
PřF:C7777EN Handling chemical substances • 40 %
PřF:BI7550 Practical Analysis of Biological Data – Seminar • 20 %
PřF:E0420 Data Analysis in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences I • 20 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 20 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:BI0807 Zoological seminar for PhD students • 67 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 67 %
PřF:BI4007 Advances in vertebrate research (seminar) for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:BI5027 Invertebrate seminar for PhD students • 33 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 33 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %

Applied and environmental geology (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G1021K Physical geology • 100 %
PřF:G1081K Palaeontology • 100 %
PřF:G1101K Principles of Geophysics • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
PřF:G1061K Mineralogy • 90 %
PřF:G1011K Introductory geological concentration • 80 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 70 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 70 %
PřF:JAG01K English for Geologists I • 30 %
PřF:G1011 Introductory geological concentration • 20 %
2nd term
PřF:G1141K Optical Microscopy in Geology • 100 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 100 %
PřF:G3061K Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I • 100 %
PřF:G4101K Structural geology and geotectonics • 100 %
PřF:G5081K Geochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:G3021K Petrography • 67 %
PřF:JAG02K English for Geologists II • 67 %
PřF:G5301K Mathematical Geology • 33 %
PřF:G9351K Tensors in Geology • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G2101K Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:G2121K Engeneering Geology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 67 %
PřF:G3081K Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 67 %
PřF:G4121K Quaternary geology • 67 %
PřF:G5061K Economic geology I • 67 %
PřF:G6101K Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 67 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 33 %
PřF:GA801 Chemical principles of geological processes • 33 %
PřF:GE091 Mineralogy and Geochemistry for Chemists • 33 %
PřF:G1061K Mineralogy • 33 %
PřF:G8271 Geological field trip to Brno vicinity • 33 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 33 %
4th term
PřF:G5021K Regional geology of the CR • 100 %
PřF:G6141K Environmental Geology • 100 %
PřF:G9421K Groundwater protection • 100 %
PřF:G0231 Choice of the bachelor thesis • 67 %
PřF:G4231 Course of Geological Documentation • 67 %
PřF:G7671K Geological Research of underground construction • 67 %
PřF:G8711K Geological disasters and hazards • 67 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 33 %
PřF:CORE121 Water for modern human society • 33 %
PřF:CORE122 Chemistry and Society • 33 %
PřF:G3021K Petrography • 33 %
PřF:G7931K Geologic legislation • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 33 %

Astrophysics (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PřF:F3100 Oscillations, waves, optics • 100 %
PřF:F3240 Physical laboratory 2 • 100 %
PřF:F5030 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics • 100 %
PřF:F5251T Bachelor thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:F6040 Thermodynamics and statistical physics • 100 %

Physics (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 100 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:F1050 Thermics and molecular physics • 100 %
PřF:F3250 Modern problems in condensed matter physics • 100 %
PřF:F3370 Introduction to nanotechnology • 100 %
PřF:F4120 Theoretical mechanics • 100 %
PřF:M3100F Mathematical Analysis III • 100 %
FI:VB005 Panorama of Physics I • 100 %

Geology (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G1021K Physical geology • 95 %
PřF:G1061K Mineralogy • 95 %
PřF:G1081K Palaeontology • 95 %
PřF:G1101K Principles of Geophysics • 89 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 63 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 58 %
PřF:G1011 Introductory geological concentration • 58 %
PřF:JAG01K English for Geologists I • 53 %
PřF:G1011K Introductory geological concentration • 42 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 11 %
PřF:G1141K Optical Microscopy in Geology • 11 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 11 %
PřF:G3021K Petrography • 11 %
PřF:G3061K Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I • 11 %
PřF:G4101K Structural geology and geotectonics • 11 %
PřF:G5081K Geochemistry I • 11 %
PřF:JAG01 English for Geologists I • 11 %
PřF:JAG02K English for Geologists II • 11 %
2nd term
PřF:G1141K Optical Microscopy in Geology • 100 %
PřF:G3021K Petrography • 100 %
PřF:G3061K Historical and Stratigraphical Geology I • 100 %
PřF:G4101K Structural geology and geotectonics • 100 %
PřF:G5081K Geochemistry I • 100 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 90 %
PřF:JAG02K English for Geologists II • 80 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 60 %
PřF:G8711K Geological disasters and hazards • 40 %
PřF:G7381K Rockforming fossils • 30 %
PřF:GI221 3D modelling in Leapfrog Geo software • 20 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G2101K Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:G2121K Engeneering Geology • 100 %
PřF:G3081K Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 100 %
PřF:G4121K Quaternary geology • 100 %
PřF:G5061K Economic geology I • 100 %
PřF:G8271 Geological field trip to Brno vicinity • 83 %
PřF:G6101K Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 67 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
PřF:G8231 Practical Sedimentology in Field • 50 %
PřF:GA801 Chemical principles of geological processes • 33 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 33 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 17 %
PřF:CORE004 Mathematics as a part of culture • 17 %
PřF:GA571 Gemstones • 17 %
PřF:G3101K Basics of geological data treatment • 17 %
PřF:G4021K Igneous petrology • 17 %
PřF:JAG01K English for Geologists I • 17 %
4th term
PřF:G4231 Course of Geological Documentation • 86 %
PřF:G5021K Regional geology of the CR • 86 %
PřF:G6141K Environmental Geology • 86 %
PřF:G7671K Geological Research of underground construction • 57 %
PřF:G7931K Geologic legislation • 57 %
PřF:G8241 Field course of paleontology • 57 %
PřF:G8711K Geological disasters and hazards • 57 %
PřF:CORE032 Planetary industrial resources • 43 %
PřF:G0231 Choice of the bachelor thesis • 43 %
PřF:G8141K Pedology • 43 %
PřF:G9421K Groundwater protection • 43 %
PřF:ZX555 Copernicus – European Earth Observation and monitoring programme – online • 43 %
PřF:G6661 Gems and their deposits • 29 %
FF:ARTS006 The Fall of an Empire or the Rise of Europe? • 14 %
FF:CORE007 The Fall of an Empire or the Rise of Europe? • 14 %
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 14 %
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 14 %
PřF:G2031 Geological field exercises • 14 %
PřF:G2081K Advanced Palaeontology (II) • 14 %
PřF:G2121K Engeneering Geology • 14 %
PřF:G3081K Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 14 %
PřF:G5301K Mathematical Geology • 14 %
PřF:G7411 Meteorites, tectites and impact structures • 14 %
PřF:G7741 Field course from mineralogy and geology of eastern part of the Bohemian-Moravian highland • 14 %
PřF:G8271 Geological field trip to Brno vicinity • 14 %
PřF:G9801K Metamorphic Petrology • 14 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 14 %
ESF:CORE011 Economic style of thinking • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:G4141K Academic Skills for Geologists • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 83 %
PřF:G0211 assignment of bachelor thesis • 83 %
PřF:G5011K Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 83 %
PřF:G5051 Bachelor Thesis I • 83 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 67 %
PřF:G5041 Bachelor Thesis - recherche • 67 %
PrF:BVV13ZK Basics of Law for Non-Lawyers • 50 %
FF:CORE053 Information literacy course • 33 %
PřF:G0231 Choice of the bachelor thesis • 33 %
PřF:G3101 Basics of geological data treatment • 33 %
PřF:G3101K Basics of geological data treatment • 33 %
PřF:G6101K Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 33 %
FF:BAX201 Finnish for Beginners I • 17 %
PřF:CORE001 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:CORE067 Roboethics: from RUR to Artificial Intelligence • 17 %
PřF:GA801 Chemical principles of geological processes • 17 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 17 %
PřF:GI261 Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology • 17 %
PřF:G2121K Engeneering Geology • 17 %
PřF:G3081K Methods of Geological and Hydrogeological Research • 17 %
PřF:G4021K Igneous petrology • 17 %
PřF:G4061K Advanced Historical Geology • 17 %
PřF:G4121K Quaternary geology • 17 %
PřF:G6661 Gems and their deposits • 17 %
PřF:G7221 Micropaleontology • 17 %
PřF:G8311 Physics of the Earth and Geodynamics • 17 %
6th term
PřF:G6011K Bachelor Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:GS301 Bachelor thesis defense • 57 %
PřF:GS311 Geology - state examination • 57 %
PřF:G6051 Bachelor Thesis II • 57 %
PřF:GA231K Holocén • 43 %
PřF:G5041 Bachelor Thesis - recherche • 43 %
PřF:G9351K Tensors in Geology • 43 %
PřF:G2061K Advanced Mineralogy (II) • 29 %
PřF:G5051 Bachelor Thesis I • 29 %
PřF:G8081K Sedimentology • 29 %
PřF:G8711K Geological disasters and hazards • 29 %
FF:BAX202 Finnish for Beginners II • 14 %
FF:NJ_002 Practical Courses of German • 14 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 14 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 14 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 14 %
PřF:GI221 3D modelling in Leapfrog Geo software • 14 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 14 %
PřF:G3101K Basics of geological data treatment • 14 %
PřF:G4231 Course of Geological Documentation • 14 %
PřF:G5011K Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 14 %
PřF:G6031 Publication of Bachelor thesis • 14 %
PřF:G6101K Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 14 %
PřF:G6301K Hydraulics • 14 %
PřF:G7411 Meteorites, tectites and impact structures • 14 %
PřF:G9501K Minerogenetic processes • 14 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 14 %
PřF:JN001 German for scientists - exam • 14 %
PdF:NJ_D740 Online German A2/B2: german sentence • 14 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 14 %

Applied and environmental geology (master's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G0221 assignment of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G0241 Choice of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:G6971K Remediation methods • 67 %
PřF:G7021K Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 67 %
PřF:G7081K Regional Geology of the World • 67 %
PřF:G7221 Micropaleontology • 67 %
PřF:G7791K Seminar for publication • 67 %
PřF:G8101K Mineral resources in the world • 67 %
PřF:G9301K Sedimentary basins and oil geology • 67 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 67 %
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 33 %
PřF:BI7878 General Anthropology I: Biological Anthropology • 33 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 33 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 33 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 33 %
PřF:GA321K Practical hydrogeology • 33 %
PřF:GA751K Hydrogeologic legislation • 33 %
PřF:GA921K Environmental Geochemistry • 33 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 33 %
PřF:GI001 Modern techniques in geology - invited lectures • 33 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 33 %
PřF:G5981K Hydrogeological modeling • 33 %
PřF:G6231 Professional study practice • 33 %
PřF:G6241 Professional study practice • 33 %
PřF:G7101 Palaeogeography and palaeeobiology of the Late Precambrian and Palaeozoic • 33 %
PřF:G7931K Geologic legislation • 33 %
PřF:G8021K Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 33 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 33 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 33 %
PřF:G8081K Sedimentology • 33 %
PřF:G8201 Documentation of field prospecting • 33 %
PřF:G8751K Industrial risks and impact on geosystems • 33 %
PřF:G9811K Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 33 %
PřF:JAG01K English for Geologists I • 33 %
PřF:JAG02K English for Geologists II • 33 %
CST:SPUA_PVT Support language lessons for students with special needs. • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 50 %
PřF:BI8611 Palaeoethnology • 50 %
PřF:BI9121 Dietary anthropology • 50 %
PřF:BI9291 Human Ecology in Quaternary Period • 50 %
PřF:BI9510 Biomes of the World • 50 %
PřF:BI9980 Protected areas of Central Europe • 50 %
PřF:C1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory • 50 %
PřF:C2184 Introduction to programming in Python • 50 %
PřF:F5698 The Ultimate Python Developer's guide • 50 %
PřF:GA231K Holocén • 50 %
PřF:GA401K Sedimentary petrology (II) • 50 %
PřF:GA921K Environmental Geochemistry • 50 %
PřF:G3161 Global water resources risks • 50 %
PřF:G3191 Water resources - case studies I • 50 %
PřF:G5951K Contaminants in rock environment • 50 %
PřF:G7021K Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 50 %
PřF:G7231 Professional study practice • 50 %
PřF:G7401K Methods of Hydrogeology • 50 %
PřF:G7791K Seminar for publication • 50 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 50 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 50 %
PřF:G8081K Sedimentology • 50 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:GA321K Practical hydrogeology • 50 %
PřF:GT0F2 Soil Mechanics • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
PřF:G5981K Hydrogeological modeling • 50 %
PřF:G6971K Remediation methods • 50 %
PřF:G7021K Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 50 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 50 %
PřF:G7081K Regional Geology of the World • 50 %
PřF:G7521 Petrophysics • 50 %
PřF:G7791K Seminar for publication • 50 %
PřF:G7931K Geologic legislation • 50 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 50 %
PřF:G8101K Mineral resources in the world • 50 %
PřF:G9401 Regional hydrogeology • 50 %
PřF:JAG03 English for Geologists III • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
4th term
PřF:G8581K Hydrogeochemistry • 100 %
PřF:G8711K Geological disasters and hazards • 100 %
PřF:G9021K Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %

Geoenvironmental risks and remediations (master's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G0221 assignment of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G0241 Choice of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G4241 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G5981K Hydrogeological modeling • 100 %
PřF:G6971K Remediation methods • 100 %
PřF:G7021K Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:G7081K Regional Geology of the World • 100 %
PřF:G7791K Seminar for publication • 100 %
PřF:G9401 Regional hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:G9811K Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:GA321K Practical hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:GA751K Hydrogeologic legislation • 100 %
PřF:GA921K Environmental Geochemistry • 100 %
PřF:G5241 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G7931K Geologic legislation • 100 %
PřF:G8021K Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 100 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:G8081K Sedimentology • 100 %
PřF:G8751K Industrial risks and impact on geosystems • 100 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI7710 Nature Conservation and Environmental Legislation • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GA401K Sedimentary petrology (II) • 100 %
PřF:GA801 Chemical principles of geological processes • 100 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
PřF:G5531 Practical preparation of geological sections • 100 %
PřF:G5951K Contaminants in rock environment • 100 %
PřF:G6231 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G6241 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G7401K Methods of Hydrogeology • 100 %
PřF:G8601K X-ray diffractometry • 100 %
PřF:G9021K Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 100 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 100 %
4th term
PřF:GA021K Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 100 %
PřF:GA041 Diploma Thesis IV • 100 %
PřF:G7231 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G7241 Professional study practice • 100 %
PřF:G8581K Hydrogeochemistry • 100 %
PřF:G8711K Geological disasters and hazards • 100 %

Geology (master's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PřF:G0221 assignment of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G0241 Choice of diploma thesis • 100 %
PřF:G7021K Diploma Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
PřF:G7041 Diploma Thesis I • 100 %
PřF:G7791K Seminar for publication • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 67 %
PřF:GA401K Sedimentary petrology (II) • 67 %
PřF:G6101K Methods of laboratory research of minerals and rocks • 67 %
PřF:G6981K Projects of exploration and production of mineral resources • 67 %
PřF:G7651K Instrumental methods in petrology • 67 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 33 %
PřF:G4021K Igneous petrology • 33 %
PřF:G6661 Gems and their deposits • 33 %
PřF:G7081K Regional Geology of the World • 33 %
PřF:G7321K Plate Tectonics and Orogeny • 33 %
PřF:G7501K Physical geochemistry • 33 %
PřF:G7521 Petrophysics • 33 %
PřF:G7891 Magnetic anisotropy • 33 %
PřF:G7931K Geologic legislation • 33 %
PřF:G7941K Legislation in Engineering geology • 33 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 33 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 33 %
PřF:G8081K Sedimentology • 33 %
PřF:G8461 Seismology and seismotectonics • 33 %
PřF:G9381K Palaeocology • 33 %
PřF:G9451 Introduction in osteology of the amphibians and reptiles • 33 %
PřF:G9511 Cave deposits • 33 %
PřF:G9901K Applied mineralogy • 33 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:G8021K Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 100 %
PřF:G8041 Diploma Thesis II • 100 %
PřF:G8141K Pedology • 100 %
PřF:G8191 Petroleum Systems - Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas • 100 %
PřF:GA481 Slope failures • 50 %
PřF:GT0F2 Soil Mechanics • 50 %
PřF:G5811 Field practice using geocaching • 50 %
PřF:G6061K Economic geology II • 50 %
PřF:G7931K Geologic legislation • 50 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:G8021K Diploma Thesis Seminar II • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:GA321K Practical hydrogeology • 50 %
PřF:GA401K Sedimentary petrology (II) • 50 %
PřF:GA751K Hydrogeologic legislation • 50 %
PřF:GA921K Environmental Geochemistry • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
PřF:G4061K Advanced Historical Geology • 50 %
PřF:G5131 Geoarchaeology for geologists • 50 %
PřF:G7401K Methods of Hydrogeology • 50 %
PřF:G7651K Instrumental methods in petrology • 50 %
PřF:G8031 Diploma Thesis - Recherche • 50 %
PřF:G8081K Sedimentology • 50 %
PřF:G8461 Seismology and seismotectonics • 50 %
PřF:G8761K Recalculation of chemical data for geologist • 50 %
PřF:G9041 Diploma Thesis III • 50 %
PřF:G9301K Sedimentary basins and oil geology • 50 %
PřF:G9811K Geochemistry of exogenous processes • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 50 %
4th term
PřF:GA021K Diploma Thesis Seminar IV • 50 %
PřF:GA751K Hydrogeologic legislation • 50 %
PřF:GT0F2 Soil Mechanics • 50 %
PřF:G7301 Methods of stratigraphy • 50 %
PřF:G8141K Pedology • 50 %
PřF:G9021K Diploma Thesis Seminar III • 50 %
PřF:G9801K Metamorphic Petrology • 50 %
PřF:G9921 Pedogeochemistry • 50 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 50 %

Analytical Geochemist (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
FF:PJ_04 Polish for Low Advanced Students • 100 %
PřF:CD101 Field seminar I • 100 %
PřF:CD201 Field seminar II • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:C8102 Special methods - laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C9055 Analysis of geological materials by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry • 100 %
PřF:GE141 Rock-forming minerals for analytical geochemists • 100 %
PřF:GE231 Environmental and geological sampling • 100 %
PřF:G8411 Karsology • 100 %
PřF:G9511 Cave deposits • 100 %
PřF:G9781 Principles of speleology • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 100 %

Anthropology (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI1416 Doctorand seminar II • 100 %
PřF:BI3307 Digital imaging data acquisition and processing in anthropology • 100 %
PřF:BI3434 Processing of research data in anthropology • 100 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 100 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 100 %
FI:CORE024 Ethics and Information Technology • 100 %
FI:IB031 Introduction to Machine Learning • 100 %
FI:PV289 State and Cybesecurity • 100 %
PdF:ONLINE_A English Online • 100 %

Bioanalytical chemistry (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %

Environmental chemistry and toxicology (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 100 %
PřF:E2050 Laboratory course in molecular biology and microbiology • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 50 %

Geochemistry and hydrogeology (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 100 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 100 %
PřF:GD511 PhD thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:GD521 PhD thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %

Dynamic geology, tectonics and physics of the Earth (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GD531 PhD thesis 3 • 100 %
PřF:GD611 Presentation at international conference • 100 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD541 PhD thesis 4 • 100 %
ESF:BKM_USQL Introduction to SQL • 100 %

Computational biology, bioinformatics and modelling (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:E0290 Interpretation of Biomarkers in Epidemiologic and Clinic Studies • 100 %
PřF:E0401 Advances in Environmental Health Sciences • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %

Materials Chemistry (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:CD501 Field seminar V • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PřF:CD601 Field seminar VI • 100 %
PřF:CD701 Field seminar VII • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:E0321 Sustainable development - the biggest challenge today? • 100 %
PřF:XD099 Group meeting • 100 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 100 %
PdF:NJ_D740 Online German A2/B2: german sentence • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PřF:CD801 Field seminar VIII • 100 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD107 Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies • 100 %

Mineralogy, petrology and economic geology (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:GD201 Annual report • 100 %
PřF:GD511 PhD thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 50 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 50 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 50 %
PřF:GD211 Microscopy for Ph.D. theses • 50 %
PřF:GD271 Actual questions about the creation of minerals • 50 %
PřF:GD521 PhD thesis 2 • 50 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 50 %
PřF:G7031 Prezentace výsledků diplomové práce na konferenci • 50 %
PřF:G8771 Selected chapters from Quaternary sedimentology • 50 %
PřF:JASCI Communicating Science • 50 %
2nd term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 50 %
PřF:GA031 Publication in reviewed journal • 50 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 50 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 50 %
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 50 %
PřF:GD531 PhD thesis 3 • 50 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 50 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
PřF:GB001 Geological seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD001 Dissertation thesis topic review and project • 100 %
PřF:GD551 PhD thesis 5 • 100 %
PřF:GV001 Assistance in education • 100 %
PřF:G0101 Occupational health and safety • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:GD101 PhD seminar • 100 %
PřF:GD211 Microscopy for Ph.D. theses • 100 %
PřF:GD631 Publication in foreigh language • 100 %

General Mathematics (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PřF:M7986 Statistical inferences I • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:M8986 Statistical inference II • 100 %
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 100 %

Probability, Statistics and Mathematical Modelling (doctoral combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 33 %
PřF:M7DATASP Advanced Data Science Practicum • 33 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 33 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 33 %
PřF:XD104 Literature research • 33 %
PřF:XD106 Lecture in the foreign language • 33 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:E2011 Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science • 50 %
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 50 %
PřF:XD110 Placement Abroad • 50 %
FI:PA220 Database systems for data analytics • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:MD151 Seminar from applied mathematics • 50 %
PřF:M8751 Advanced Regression Models I • 50 %
PřF:XD100 Ph.D. Thesis • 50 %
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 50 %
PřF:XD102 Teaching assistance • 50 %
FI:PV173 Natural Language Processing Seminar • 50 %

Social Geography and Regional Development (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PřF:XD105 Scientific publication writing • 100 %
PřF:ZD010 Ph.D. Thesis • 100 %
PřF:ZD011 Ph.D. Thesis 1 • 100 %
PřF:ZD012 Ph.D. Thesis 2 • 100 %
PřF:ZD022 Scientific publication writing (Scopus) • 100 %
PřF:ZD023 Scientific publication writing • 100 %
2nd term
PřF:XD101 Literature study • 100 %
PřF:ZD013 Ph.D. Thesis 3 • 100 %

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