Biology with a view to Education (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
PřF:BI2080C Histology and organology - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1090 Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi • 99 %
PřF:BI1090C Phylogeny and diversity of algae and fungi - practical course • 99 %
PřF:BI1700 Cell Biology • 97 %
PřF:BI1700C Cell Biology - practical course • 97 %
PřF:BI2080 Histology and organology • 97 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 90 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 89 %
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 81 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 73 %
PřF:C1460 Introduction to Mathematics • 73 %
PřF:C1480 Introduction to Mathematics - seminar • 73 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 70 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 46 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 33 %
2nd term
PřF:BI2060 Basic microbiology • 100 %
PřF:F1140 Introduction into Physics • 97 %
PřF:XS140 Foundations of Psychology • 97 %
PřF:BI2030 Higher plant phylogeny and diversity • 93 %
PřF:BI2030C Higher plant phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 93 %
PřF:BI2230 Field course of botany • 90 %
PřF:F1141 Introduction into Physics, seminar • 90 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 80 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 66 %
PřF:C3430 Physical Chemistry - seminar • 56 %
PřF:C2700 Basic Organic Chemistry • 46 %
PřF:BI2060C Basic microbiology - practice • 36 %
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 31 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 27 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 20 %
PřF:BI6450 Basic methods of field botany • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:BI1060 Plant cytology and anatomy • 100 %
PřF:BI1060C Plant cytology and anatomy - practical course • 100 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 95 %
PřF:BI1030C Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI3031 Animal Physiology Demonstrations • 95 %
PřF:BI3030 Animal physiology • 90 %
PřF:XS050 School pedagogy • 90 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 81 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 67 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 62 %
PřF:XS020 Inspiratorium for teachers • 38 %
PřF:JAT03 English for Teachers of Science I • 24 %
PřF:BI1000 Introduction to study of ecological and evolutionary biology • 14 %
4th term
PřF:BI4060C Plant physiology - practical course • 95 %
PřF:BI2090 Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 90 %
PřF:BI2090C Vertebrate phylogeny and diversity - practical course • 90 %
PřF:BI4060 Plant physiology • 90 %
PřF:BI4360 Field practice in zoology • 90 %
PřF:C5230 Analytical Chemistry • 90 %
PřF:XS060 General didactics • 81 %
PřF:C2200 Chemical synthesis - laboratory • 57 %
PřF:JA002 Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 57 %
PřF:C5240 Analytical Chemistry - seminar • 48 %
PřF:JAT04 English for Teachers of Science II • 48 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 33 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 24 %
PřF:C3420 Physical Chemistry • 14 %
FSpS:P991 Physical Education – Fitness • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:BI5080 Basics of ecology • 100 %
PřF:BI8430 School experiments in biology • 100 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 92 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 83 %
PřF:C5730 Biochemistry - seminar • 83 %
PřF:XS090 Initial teacher training • 75 %
PřF:XS220 Reflective seminar • 75 %
PřF:C3580 Biochemistry • 67 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 33 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 33 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 25 %
PřF:BI5009EB Bachelor thesis of biology I ( teachers of biology) • 25 %
PřF:XS100 Teacher and school administration • 25 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 17 %
PřF:BI1030 Invertebrate phylogeny and diversity • 17 %
PřF:BI6086 Bachelor's State Final Exam in Biology with a view to Education • 17 %
PřF:BI8710 Nature Conservation • 17 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 17 %
PřF:XK010 Information literacy • 17 %
6th term
PřF:BI6086 Bachelor's State Final Exam in Biology with a view to Education • 80 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 40 %
PřF:BI6016EB Bachelor thesis of biology I ( teachers of biology) • 30 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 20 %
PřF:C6560 Biochemistry - laboratory course • 20 %

The information was preprocessed: 14/9/2024 11:33

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