Secondary School Teacher Training in Special Education (master's combined major)

1st year
1st term
PdF:SP4040 Resilience Sources in Education • 83 %
PdF:SP4041 Teaching of Pupils with SEN I - communication impairments and specific learning disabilities • 83 %
PdF:SZ6049 Educational Psychology (Exercise) • 83 %
PdF:SZ6050 Teaching Practice 1 • 83 %
PdF:SZ6051 School Education • 83 %
PdF:SZ6056 Practice Reflection • 83 %
PdF:SZ6095 Teaching Practice 1 • 83 %
PdF:VZM12 Methodology - Health Education 1 • 83 %
PdF:VZM21 First aid at school • 83 %
PdF:JVK012 English for Teachers II • 33 %
2nd term
PdF:SP2007 Research Methods in Special Education 2 • 100 %
PdF:SP2999 Internationalisation of the Field of Special Education • 100 %
PdF:SP4042 Teaching of Pupils with SEN II – behavioral disorders and intellectual disabilities • 100 %
PdF:SP4091 Inclusive didactics I - functional literacy • 100 %
PdF:SP6005 Teaching Practice 2 • 100 %
PdF:SZ6092 Alternative and Inovative Education • 100 %
PdF:VZM13 Personality Development • 100 %
PdF:VZM22 Social-pathological phenomenons • 100 %
PdF:VZM43 Internationalization in Health education • 100 %
PdF:SZ1049A Introduction to Health Education • 75 %
PdF:SP_DPP Diploma Thesis - Project • 50 %
PdF:SP0009 Psychological foundations of inclusive educational space • 50 %
PdF:ICJK21 Guidelines for Writing Bachelor and Master Thesis • 25 %
PdF:IVK002 Gender Sensitive Educational Policy and Practice • 25 %
PdF:SP0006U Social and pedagogical support of inclusive education • 25 %
PdF:SP0009U Psychological foundations of inclusive educational space • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PdF:SP4043 Teaching of Pupils with SEN III - pupil with hearning, physical and visual impairment • 100 %
PdF:SP4092 Inclusive didactics II - literacy of math and digital technologies • 100 %
PdF:SP6006 Teaching Practice 3 • 100 %
PdF:SZ6052 Educational and Psychology Assessment in Teaching Practice (Exercise) • 100 %
PdF:SP_DP Diploma Thesis • 50 %
PdF:SPEXCE Special Needs Education in interdiciplinary perspective • 50 %
4th term
PdF:SP4046 Support Measures for Pupils with Special Educational Needs • 100 %
PdF:SP4093 Support and guidance in pre-vocational and vocational education • 100 %
PdF:SP_DPD Diploma Thesis - Completion • 50 %

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