Social Education (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
PdF:SOK132 Social Policy and Social Pathology • 100 %
PdF:SOK150 Inclusive and global education • 100 %
PdF:SOK152 Techniques of Psychological and Interactive Training • 100 %
PdF:SOK750 Mediation and probation • 100 %
PdF:SOK753 Research and Projects in Multicultural Education • 100 %
PdF:TI9006A E-COURSE: Recycling – Everything You Can Make Out of Waste • 100 %
4th term
PdF:FC5031 Public Administration • 50 %
PdF:RJ1066 History of Russia 1 • 50 %
PdF:SO_BPP Bachelor Thesis - Project • 50 %
PdF:SOK128 Developmental Psychology (Exercise) • 50 %
PdF:SOK130 Methodology of pedagogical research • 50 %
PdF:SOK131 Social and Cross-cultural psychology • 50 %
PdF:SOK132 Social Policy and Social Pathology • 50 %
PdF:SOK139 Changes in Modern Society • 50 %
PdF:SOK160 Review of Social Education • 50 %
PdF:SOK486 Streetwork in Social Work • 50 %
PdF:SOK731 Social and Legal Protection of Children • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
PdF:SOK150 Inclusive and global education • 91 %
PdF:SOK152 Techniques of Psychological and Interactive Training • 91 %
PdF:SOK750 Mediation and probation • 91 %
PdF:SO_BP Bachelor Thesis • 86 %
PdF:SOK752 Practice in Social work • 82 %
PdF:SOK753 Research and Projects in Multicultural Education • 45 %
PdF:SO_BPP Bachelor Thesis - Project • 18 %
PdF:SOK132 Social Policy and Social Pathology • 14 %
PdF:SO533 Gender and sexuality in schools • 14 %
6th term
PdF:SOK162 Research practice • 76 %
PdF:SOK160 Review of Social Education • 72 %
PdF:SO_BPD Bachelor Thesis - Completion • 60 %
PdF:SO_BP Bachelor Thesis • 20 %
PdF:SOK752 Practice in Social work • 20 %
PdF:SOK150 Inclusive and global education • 12 %
PdF:SOK152 Techniques of Psychological and Interactive Training • 12 %
PdF:SOK750 Mediation and probation • 12 %
PdF:SOK753 Research and Projects in Multicultural Education • 12 %

The information was preprocessed: 20/7/2024 11:26

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