PSX_007 Research in psychology

Filozofická fakulta
jaro 2016
1/1/0. 5 kr. Ukončení: zk.
doc. PhDr. Martin Jelínek, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Helena Klimusová, Ph.D. (přednášející)
prof. PhDr. Tomáš Urbánek, Ph.D. (přednášející)
PhDr. Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D.
Psychologický ústav – Filozofická fakulta
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Psychologický ústav – Filozofická fakulta
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.

Jiné omezení: Předmět je určen pouze zahraničním studentům psychologie.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
Main objectives. Students should understand individual theoretical methodological issues and methods. One should be able to utilize it within own research practice.
  • Introduction to understanding science. Different ways of acquiring knowledge. Common sense. Problem of demarcation. Theory and experience. Functions of science. Causality. Finality. Causality as reality or construct of mind. Mistakes in reasoning the causal relations between phenomenas. Open and semi-open system in psychology. Understanding causal relations within whole system. Methodology. Method, methodics and technic. Essential methods in psychology. Extrospection and introspection. Object and subject of psychological searching. Positivism and phenomenology. Hermeneutics. Pragmatics. Nomothetic and idiographic paradigm. Logics in research. Induction and deduction, abduction. Concept and meaning. Therms. Definition. Subject and object of research. Psychic phenomena. Research in other humanities. Problem. Known and unknown. Problem in science as an knowledge about unknown. Problem as a question. Different kinds of questions. Theory as solving the problem. Structure of scientific theories. Hypothesis. Verification. Qualitative and quantitative aspect of research. The gap or two sides of the same river. Qualitative approach in research. Quality and quantity. Functions of qualitative part of research - description, classification, explication. Developing of theories. Qualitative part of research. Scale. Operational definition. Variables and invariants. Research variables. Internal and external validity. Sample and population. Sampling. Designs with two and more groups. Extent of sample. Various research designs. Prospective and retrospective design. Experimental and correlative design. Explorative and confirmative research. Project of research. The course is taught annually.
  • Weathington, B.L., Cunningham, C.J.L., & Pittenger, D.P. (2010). Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Výukové metody
discussion, presentation, home-work
Metody hodnocení
The subject is completed with an oral exam.
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Poslední úpravy: Humpolíček, 24.10.2014
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Předmět je vyučován každoročně.
Výuka probíhá blokově.
Výuka probíhá formou konzultací s příslušným vyučujícím.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích jaro 2012, podzim 2012, jaro 2013, podzim 2013, jaro 2014, podzim 2014, jaro 2015, podzim 2015, podzim 2016, jaro 2017, podzim 2017, jaro 2018, podzim 2018, jaro 2019, jaro 2020.