Change of melting hinge of the frame


Plastic frame sometimes contains melted side connection (hinge). This connection connect frame center with the frame side. Melted side connection should resist powering more than rivet side connection. The most of the defect of the side connection is break of one circle. Further we have to replace all side connection.

Replacement of the melted side connection
Picture 13.1: Replacement of the melted side connection (Benes et al. 2010).


  • Replace melted side connection on both sides of the frame


Electric or propan-butan soldering machine, tweeze, new side connection, dish with the water.


Replace melted side connection on both sides of the frame

Heat the broken melted side connection. With help of tweeze remove the broken part and replace it with new one. New side connection is heat with the electric soldering machine.


Replace melted side connection on both sides of the frame

Replaced side connection should be stable in the frame. Check the frame side opening angle.


Side connection replacement is quick service. If we want to do it more quickly we can heat the metal side connection right in the flame.

Conclusion, notes, comments

What is the cast of side connection replacement?

What is the insurance period on this replacement?


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