Obrázek kurzu

Course: Analyzing next-generation sequencing results with R programming language. The results of next-generation sequencing (NGS) experiments are, in many cases, huge tables with multivariate information such as differentially expressed gene lists or annotated tables of genomic variants. It would be highly beneficial for scientists to process such tables to extract valuable scientific knowledge. In the proposed online course, we will teach participants how to use the R programming language to post-process big tables resulting from NGS, validate the findings with statistical tests, and visualize the results. The course's target audience is molecular biologists in all stages of their careers who want to get more independent with their data analysis. The course will combine the presentations in the form of commented bioinformatics analyses and interactive practical exercises in R.

Target group: molecular biologists in all stages of their careers
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Analyzing next-generation sequencing results with R programing language.

https://is.muni.cz/ekurzy/CEIT_BIT_1 Zkopírovat odkaz do schránky

7 lekcí
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Přihlašování probíhá od 14. 2. 2022


Mgr. Vojtěch Bystrý, Ph.D.

Osnova e-kurzu

  • Part I: R programing language basics and NGS data types

  • I. Introduction

  • II. R programing language basics

  • III. NGS data types

  • Part II: Processing of NGS data in R using data.tables

  • I. Processing of DE analysis results from RNA-seq

  • II. Processing of genomic variants table

  • Part III: Plot basic graphs from NGS results in R

  • I. Graphs from DE analysis results from RNA-seq

  • II. Graphs multi-omics combined data

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