ENS221 Introduction to Human Ecology

Fakulta sociálních studií
jaro 2006
1/1/0. 0. 3 kr. Ukončení: z.
prof. Ulrich Loening (přednášející), Ing. Zbyněk Ulčák, Ph.D. (zástupce)
Ing. Zbyněk Ulčák, Ph.D.
Katedra environmentálních studií – Fakulta sociálních studií
Kontaktní osoba: Dana Pantůčková
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Mateřské obory/plány
předmět má 19 mateřských oborů, zobrazit
  • Human Ecology: the problematique that humanity now faces - Dr Ulrich Loening, Emeritus Director of Centre for Human Ecology. The following are topic areas. A most dramatic period in the life of the planet. Never before have there been so many large animals of a single species, as humans. In this first lecture I review the extraordinary rise of our species and what this could mean for the future. We are also the first and only species that is aware of its situation and is having to consciously control itself. Civilisation runs on Natural Capital. All civilisations have squandered the accumulated wealth of the biosphere and either moved on or died out. We remain hunter-gatherers, but of the means of production instead of the products. The planets ecosystem services continue to provide at least twice the value of the worlds gross national product. Most peoples ethos and daily decisions, like those of governments and bodies for economic globalisation, have both enabled success and ensured continuing ecological degradation. Can we now become stewards and reverse this ultimate contradiction of civilisation? Energy and Order is the Ultimate Currency. All life including human activities exists by the continuous dissipation of energy. Order, structure, culture and knowledge are the products. The stocks and flows of energy in the biosphere maintain equilibrium on Earth. Money measures neither these ultimate resources of nature nor the ultimate aspirations of humankind. Energy is the more down to earth currency; and accounting of resources and renewability must complement economic accounting. The cooling towers of power stations are monuments to the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and monuments to folly.
Metody hodnocení
Rozsah 1 500 slov +- 10 procent. Text NENÍ jen úvaha na dané téma, nutno doložit příklady, pracovat s literaturou! Termín odevzdání do 19.5. do odevzdávárny v ISu. 1. Why cant you throw anything away? 2. Distinguish ecological economics from environmental, with two examples. 3. Write comments on ONE of the following ecological principles (from G Hardin) a) We can never do merely one thing. b) No effects are truly side effects. c) Negative feedback can be a positive boon. 4. Describe examples to illustrate the contrast between: Natural: Competition and Co-operation in ecosystems and Industrial: Conquest by over-riding natural systems
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Výuka prof. Loeninga bude probíhat na FSS MU, Jostova 10 v techto termínech a místnostech vzdy od 14-ti do 16-ti hodin: 24. 3. - 32 27. 3. - 32 28. 3. - 33 29. 3. - 23 30. 3. - 43 31. 3. - 32 3. 4. - 43 4. 4. - 117 5.4. - 117 6.4. - 32 Zbynek Ulcák
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  • Statistika zápisu (nejnovější)
  • Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fss/jaro2006/ENS221