aBFOR041 Ortopedie

Lékařská fakulta
jaro 2021
2/0/0. 30. 3 kr. Ukončení: zk.
doc. MUDr. Zbyněk Rozkydal, Ph.D. (přednášející)
doc. MUDr. Tomáš Tomáš, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Leona Dunklerová (pomocník)
doc. MUDr. Pavel Janíček, CSc.
I. ortopedická klinika – Společná pracoviště s Fakultní nemocnicí u sv. Anny v Brně – Lékařská fakulta
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Katedra fyzioterapie a rehabilitace – Pracoviště nelékařských oborů – Lékařská fakulta
Pá 5. 3. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 12. 3. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 19. 3. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 26. 3. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 9. 4. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 16. 4. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 23. 4. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 30. 4. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 7. 5. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 14. 5. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 21. 5. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 28. 5. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 4. 6. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410, Pá 11. 6. 7:00–8:40 KOM 410
aBFZA011p Základy anatomie -před. && aBFAP0222p Anatomie pohyb. syst. II-před.
Basic knowledges of anatomy and physiology of locomotor apparatus
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
Learning outcomes of the course unit the aim of the subject is to teach students to define all basic types of diseases in orthopedics, to describe the main symptoms of the disease, to analyze the steps leading to the diagnosis and to be able to suggest appropriate treatment of the condition.
Výstupy z učení
At the end of the course the student should be able:
- to define all basic types of diseases in orthopaedics,
- to describe main symptoms of the conditions,
- to analyze steps leading to establishing of the the diagnosis
- to suggest appropriate management of the condition.
  • The course is given in the form of lectures with PC presentations. It involves all main topics in ortopaedics. Topics:
  • Degenerative diseases (osteoarthrosis, pathological anatomy, clinical symptoms and findings, radiological examination). Conservative and operative treatment.
  • Malalignment of extremities (coxa valga, coxa vara, anteverta, genua vara, valga). Static deformities of foot (flat foot, talipes calcaneus, equinovarus, excavatus). Deformity of upper extremity (cubitus varus, valgus, Madelung deformity, etc).
  • Artificial joints. Hip arthroplasty (materials, bone cement, types, procedures, physioterapy after the operation, complications). Knee arthroplasty. Artrhoplasty in other joints.
  • Musculoskeletal tumors. Methods of examination, biopsy. Staging and grading. Benign and malignant tumors. Operative treatment, chemotherapy, radiotherapy. Treatment of bone metastase.
  • Bone and joint infections. Acute osteomyelitis (symptoms, examination, treatment). Chronic osteomyelitis. Acute arthritis (symptoms, examination, treatment). Chronic arthritis. TB osteomyelitis and arthritis, actinomycosis).
  • Deformities of the spine. Scoliosis (types, Cobb measurement, methods of examination), conservative and operative treatment. Kyphosis (types, treatment). Lordosis (types, treatment). Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis (symptoms, types, management).
  • Low back pain (types, sciatica, spinal stenosis, failed back surgery syndrom etc.). Ancylosing spondylitis. Pain in cervical spine.
  • Congenital diseases (types, symptoms, management). Developmental dislocation of the hip joint (types, symptoms, management, consequences). Club foot deformity, torticollis muscularis etc.. - Static deformities in the childhood. Epiphyseal disorders. Avascular necrosis (Perthes disease, tibia vara Blount, Kőhler disease etc.). Slipped upper femoral epiphysis.
  • Arthroscopy (diagnostic, operative). Arthroscopy of the knee point (meniscal tear, chondral lesions, ligament injury, reconstruction of ligaments tec.) Arthroscopy of the shoulder.(indications, subacromial decompression, managent of shoulder instability, management of rotator cuff lesions). Arthroscopy of other joints.
  • Entesopathies (tennis elbow, ulnar epicondylitis, de Quervain disease, trigger fingers, painful shoulder (types, impingement syndrom, frozen shoulder etc.). Overuse syndrom.
  • Osteopathies. Osteoporosis, (types, postmenopausal, senile, secondary osteoporosis)., Symptoms, methods of examination, densitometry, management). Osteomalacia (symptoms, , management). Other metabolic bone diseases.
  • Amputation and disarticulastion. Procedures in lower and upper extremities. Application of the prosthesis (materials, parts of prosthesis, hydraulic joints etc.). Ortheses of the trunc and of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Rehabilitation in orthopaedics (physioterapy, ergotherapy, physical therapy, magnetotherapy etc.).
  • Rozkydal, Z., Chaloupka, R.: Vyšetřovací metody v ortopedii. ISBN 80-210-2655-3
  • Janíček, P.: Ortopedie,ISBN 978-80-210-4429-6
Výukové metody
Teaching methods: lecture with PC presentations.
Metody hodnocení
Oral examination at the end of the course
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Výuka probíhá v posluchárně KFDR. Účast je povinná.
Další komentáře
Studijní materiály
Předmět je vyučován každoročně.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích jaro 2017, jaro 2018, jaro 2019, jaro 2020, jaro 2022, jaro 2023.