PřF rigo Teaching of Mathematics for Secondary Schools
Name in Czech: Učitelství matematiky pro střední školy
Advanced Master's state examination, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PřF N-UCM Teaching of Mathematics for Secondary Schools

Parts of the final state examination and its content

The thesis can be submitted in one of the following areas:
elementary mathematics (in the sense of "superstructure" over school
history of mathematics,
didactics of mathematics.
The candidate will take an examination in the history of mathematics and in one of the following subjects (of his/her choice):
mathematical analysis
numerical methods
set theory
number theory
probability and statistics
combinatorics and graph theory
In the examination, the candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the relevant discipline beyond the knowledge required for the state final examination.

More information here:

Recommended progress through the study plan


The study plan does not contain any courses.