ESF NAHEA01 Applied Health Economics
Name in Czech: Applied Health Economics
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: ESF N-AHEA Applied Health Economics

Diplomová práce (min 20kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPV_AHTHDiploma Thesis Assignment J. Soukopováz 0/2/03 2P
ESF:MPV_AHS1Diploma Seminar 1 J. Soukopováz 2/0/012 3P
ESF:MPV_AHS2Diploma Seminar 2 J. Soukopováz 0/2/012 4P
27 credits

Povinné předměty (P a PV více než 90kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PřF:E0420Data Analysis in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences I J. Klánovázk 1/2/02+2 1-
PřF:E2040Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health M. Bobákzk 2/0/02+2 1P
PřF:E2041Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health - practice M. Bobákz 0/2/02 1P
FaF:EAPS1_11Products, Services and Technologies in Healthcare J. Kolářzk 2/0/06 2P
LF:MEES0811Evidence Synthesis - lecture A. Pokornázk 2/0/0 15.3 2-
ESF:MPV_AHEBAHE bootcamp J. Hlávka- 0/0/0- 1-
ESF:MPV_ITHEIntroduction to Health Economics J. Soukopováz 0/2/06 1Z
ESF:MPE_MOIRModelling in R D. Němecz 0/2/04 1-
ESF:MPV_EXCRExcursion J. Hlávkazk 2/0/0- 2-
ESF:MPE_BADABiostatistics and Data Analysis Š. Mikulazk 2/0/06 2P
ESF:MPV_HFARHealthcare Finance and Reimbursement I. Malýz 0/2/05 4-
ESF:MPV_HPPEHealth Policy Planning and Evaluation J. Soukopovázk 2/0/04 3P
ESF:MPV_INRPInternship/Research Project J. Soukopováz 0/2/09 4-
PrF:MV_RHIRegulation of Healthcare Industry F. Křepelkazk 2/0/04 3-
LF:MZVZ0111pIntroduction to Public Health - lecture A. Pokornázk 1/0/0 15.3 1P
LF:MZVZ0111sIntroduction to Public Health - seminar A. Pokornáz 0/2/0 30.3 1P
63 credits

Selective courses

Students select from the list of compulsory elective courses so that they always complete courses with at least 18 ECTS.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPV_EAIHEnterpreneurship and Innovation in Healthcare M. Višňanskýk 2/0/02 1-
ESF:MPV_HEIAHealth Economic Impact Analysis J. Soukopováz 0/2/04 2-
ESF:MPV_ICSHInternational Case Studies in Healthcare M. Višňanskýz 0/2/04 4-
ESF:MPV_IMAFInstitutional Management and Finance I. Malýz 0/2/04 3-
PrF:MPV_PRHealth law - Patients' rights M. Koščíkzk 2/0/04 2-
ESF:MPV_SRMHSurvey Research Methods in Healthcare D. Tóthováz 0/2/04 3-
FSS:SOCn9000Health Inequalities, Measurement and Policies I. Šmídovázk 2/1/08 3-
30 credits