Studying Norwegian in Brno - it is a life style! Nordic - a step in the right direction.

Degree programme objectives

This study programme is philological and cross-disciplinary, especially toward area studies. The main frame is the practical knowledge of Norwegian language, in connection with linguistic disciplines (morphology, lexicology) and practical application. The conception of the study programme is to encompass the overview and address the details within Norwegian culture, literature, history, and contemporary development. Czech-Norwegian relations in different fields are an important part of the curricula. The most important aspect is the inclusion of Scandinavian, European, and bilateral dimensions. The highest value of this study programme is in the integration of education and individual growth, communication and experience.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Dodatečné přijímací řízení do bakalářských studijních programů: nástup ke studiu podzim 2024
Submission deadline until midnight 17. 8. 2024

  • Acceptance round information

    Dodatečné přijímací řízení do bakalářských studijních programů: nástup ke studiu podzim 2024 (přihlášky od 17. 7. 2024 do 17. 8. 2024 vč.)

  • Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme

    The criteria for admission for studies are the results of the written Field of Study Examination. The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University disregards the results of SCIO National Comparative Examinations.

    You can file your e-applications for studies from 17 July to 17 August.
    Field of study examinations will be held on 26 August.
    The date and time of the examination will be stated in the electronic invitation for the examination, which will be uploaded to your e-application. The faculty will not be sending paper invitations. Applicants applying for the major study plan and minor study plan in a combined study must comply with the conditions for admission into both plans.

    Learning Potential Test (TSP)

    For admission for studies in this degree programme, you do not need to take the TSP.

    Field of Study Examination

    Norwegian Language, Literature and Culture is accredited at the MU Faculty of Arts as a single-subject philological study programme with a cultural focus. The structure of the programme gives scope for the study of language, literature, culture and society in Norway (or in other Scandinavian countries).
    The Field of Study Examination is designed to determine whether the candidate has the motivation to study and the aptitude for communication and language, and a basic understanding of literature, history and current social background is required.
    Knowledge of Norwegian is not required, but a basic knowledge of the language is an advantage.

    There are two parts of the Field of Study Examination:
    1. The first part is home preparation, where the focus is on demonstrating personal motivation, reading Scandinavian literature in Czech translations. For more information see below.
    2. The second part is an attendance test demonstrating the ability to apply knowledge acquired at secondary school, the use of individual preparation and the presentation of individual interests. We assume a general overview of European literature and culture at the level of the secondary school leaving exam.
    1. Home preparation: Please bring the following materials directly to the Field of Study Examination on the specified date:
      • A list of 7-10 titles of Norwegian or Scandinavian literature from your own reading (fiction, poetry, technical, popular science titles). Please pay attention to the composition of the readings (ideally different genres) and to the correct inclusion of bibliographic data according to the standard (e.g. CSN ISO 690). Include a short description of the main character or the main problem of the text (up to 20 points). In Czech or Slovak languages. Print at home, sign, hand in on the spot.
      • In English or German, write a motivation letter "My language learning and exploring foreign countries as a psychological experience - Am I at a crossroads?" Please keep it to 300-350 words: English up to 7 points, German up to 15 points. Due to the profile of our department, we award a bonus for communicative proficiency in German. Please note: The cover letter must be written in your own hand, prepared at home, signed and handed in on the spot.
      Part 1 (home preparation) is assessed by up to 30% of the total score.

    2. The Field of Study test represents 70% of the overall assessment and includes questions in the form of completion, free text and multiple choice. The test contents:
    • A basic overview of the history and current background of Norway and other Scandinavian countries
    • Geographical and political map of Scandinavia
    • The most important personalities and works of Scandinavian, especially Norwegian literature and culture (in Czech, Slovak translations)
    • Adequate practical and theoretical knowledge of Czech grammar, spelling, composition, as well as linguistic terminology at the level of the grammar school curriculum, i.e. including Latin names/designations

    Admission without the entrance examination

    For admission for studies in this degree programme, you cannot be exempted from taking the entrance examination.
  • Recommended reading for the examinations under this field

    The structure of the preparation is a matter of personal choice of each candidate; here we give only examples of useful resources as a guide:

    • Jindřich Dejmek: Norsko (Nakladatelství Libri 2015)
    • Martin Humpál et al.: Moderní skandinávské literatury 1870 – 2000 (Karolinum 2013)
    • Jarmila Bednaříková: Stěhování národů a sever Evropy (Vyšehrad 2017)
    • Dagmar Hartlová et al.: Slovník severských spisovatelů (Nakladatelství Libri 2004)
    • Helena Kadečková: Dějiny Norska (Nakladatelství Lidové noviny 2005)
  • Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme

    • Total number of points in the Field of Study Examination: 100
    • Limit for successfully passing the Field of Study Examination: 55


  • Objectives

    This study programme is philological and cross-disciplinary, especially toward area studies. The main frame is the practical knowledge of Norwegian language, in connection with linguistic disciplines (morphology, lexicology) and practical application. The conception of the study programme is to encompass the overview and address the details within Norwegian culture, literature, history, and contemporary development. Czech-Norwegian relations in different fields are an important part of the curricula. The most important aspect is the inclusion of Scandinavian, European, and bilateral dimensions. The highest value of this study programme is in the integration of education and individual growth, communication and experience.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • use dignified written and oral expression in Norwegian
    • use basic knowledge of social, political, and cultural situations in Norway in historical and contemporary analytical perspectives
    • enter professions which demand independent and critical thinking, together with excellent diction in mother tongue and fluency in Norwegian
    • apply a good knowledge of Norwegian history and contemporary development trends
    • generate and advocate professional decisions and bear full responsibility for them in the context Norway-Czech Republic
  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates with this degree are qualified as expert in editing of texts in mother tongue and in the studied language (Norwegian), with critical thinking and a rich portfolio in attainments on the field of Scandinavian coutries, their history, literature and contemporary actual development.

    Graduates with this degree are qualified for employment at language schools. They are also qualified for communicatiom and language-oriented jobs in institutions of the European Union or in other governmental and international institutions, in publishing houses and various branches of the media, in archives, libraries, museums, theatres, as language experts and alternatively in diplomacy. An important field are jobs in the tourisme branch, as guide, translator, PR manager in travel agencies.

    The absolvents can enter professions where a critical thinking and good language orientation in Czech and Norwegian language is demanded.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training is obtained indirectly, through study stays abroad, through workshops arranged with Norwegian teachers, and in the form of occasional translating and interpreting (in groups or individually), often free enclosed to the study programme frame.

  • Goals of Theses

    The aim of bachelor thesis is to privide the academic ability of critic thinking. Students can work with already published texts and data accessible for secondary analysis. They should demonstrate the ability to work critically with specialized texts, process the concepts and theories discovered there, and find relevant answers to the given question. A standard scope of a Bachelor's thesis ranges approximately 54,000 (30 sites) characters including footnotes, cover sheet, content, index, list of literature, and annotations. If the text is written in Norwegian or English, it is possible to subtract up to 10% of the scope, priority is the quality standard of the text.

    Final state exam consists of a written part, oral part, thesis defense. It covers all aspect of the study program, including Norwegian language aquisition on the level B1/B2 according to Common European Framework (CEFR).

  • Access to Further Studies

    After completing the Bachelor’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies (after satisfying the admission requirements) in the Master’s degree study programme in Norwegian or in similar disciplines offered at the Faculties of Arts in Czech Republic and/or abroad.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by