HLOUŠEK, Vít. Koncept konfliktních linií a problematika evropské integrace (The Concept of Cleavages and the Issue of European Integration). Sociologický časopis. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, 2007, vol. 43, No 2, p. 361-378. ISSN 0038-0288.
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Basic information
Original name Koncept konfliktních linií a problematika evropské integrace
Name (in English) The Concept of Cleavages and the Issue of European Integration
Authors HLOUŠEK, Vít (203 Czech Republic, guarantor).
Edition Sociologický časopis, Praha, Sociologický ústav AV ČR, 2007, 0038-0288.
Other information
Original language Czech
Type of outcome Article in a journal
Field of Study 50601 Political science
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Impact factor Impact factor: 0.169
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14230/07:00022276
Organization unit Faculty of Social Studies
UT WoS 000247662000005
Keywords in English cleavage; European integration; political parties; post-Rokkanian politics
Tags cleavage, European Integration, political parties, post-Rokkanian politics
Tags Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D., učo 22755. Changed: 17/6/2009 10:38.
Článek analyzuje koncept konfliktních linií s ohledem na evropskou integraci a možnost utvoření evropské kontliktní linie.
Abstract (in English)
The paper analyses the concept of cleavages in regard to European integration and possibility of European cleavage creation.
MSM0021622407, plan (intention)Name: Politické strany a reprezentace zájmů v soudobých evropských demokraciích
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Political Parties and The Representation of Interests in Contemporary European Democracies
PrintDisplayed: 3/10/2024 19:36