Medical Laboratory Technologist (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
LF:BLFY0121P Physiology I - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLIT0121C Instrument Technology I - practice • 100 %
LF:BLIT0121P Instrument Technology I - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLLC0111C Medical Chemistry - practice • 100 %
LF:BLLC0111S Medical Chemistry - seminar • 100 %
LF:BLMB011C Molecular and Cellular Biology - practice • 100 %
LF:BLMB011P Molecular and Cellular Biology - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLPP011C First Aid - practice • 100 %
LF:BLPP011P First Aid - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLZA011P Basics of Anatomy • 100 %
LF:ZC011 Handling chemical substances • 100 %
LF:BLLF011 Medical Physics - lectures • 98 %
LF:BLLC0111P Medical Chemistry - lecture • 93 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 13 %
2nd term
LF:BLBC0211C Biochemistry - practice • 100 %
LF:BLBC0211S Biochemistry - seminar • 100 %
LF:BLFY0222P Physiology II - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLHV0211C Histopatological methods - practice • 100 %
LF:BLIT0222C Instrument Technology II - practice • 100 %
LF:BLIT0222P Instrument Technology II - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLMT0211C Toxicological Techniques - practice • 100 %
LF:BLMT0211P Toxicological Techniques - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLTM0211C Techniques of Molecular Biology and Genetics - practice • 100 %
LF:BLTM0211P Techniques of Molecular Biology and Genetics - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLZI0211 Computer Science - practice • 100 %
LF:BLHE0211 Histology - lecture • 97 %
LF:BLBC0211P Biochemistry - lecture • 89 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 29 %
FSpS:P927 Physical Education – Cardio Training • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
LF:BLAN0321 English Language I - practice • 100 %
LF:BLHM0321C Histopathological Techniques I • 100 %
LF:BLKB0321C Clinical Biochemistry I - practice • 100 %
LF:BLKB0321P Clinical Biochemistry I - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLKH0311C Clinical Haematology - practice • 100 %
LF:BLKH0311P Clinical Haematology - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLLM0321C Medical Microbiology I - practice • 100 %
LF:BLLM0321P Medical Microbiology I - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLMP0321 Morphological and Functional Pathology I • 100 %
LF:BLTS0311C Immunohaematology and Blood Banking - practice • 100 %
LF:BLTS0311P Immunohaematology and Blood Banking - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLKG0311 Clinical Genetics • 97 %
LF:BLZF0311C Fundamentals of Pharmacology - practice • 94 %
LF:BLZF0311P Fundamentals of Pharmacology - lecture • 94 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 26 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 13 %
FSpS:P972 Physical Education – Pilates • 13 %
4th term
LF:BLAN0422 English Language II  • 100 %
LF:BLHM0422C Histopathological techniques II • 100 %
LF:BLIM0411C Clinical Immunology - practice • 100 %
LF:BLIM0411P Clinical immunology - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLIM0411S Clinical Immunology - seminar • 100 %
LF:BLKB0422C Clinical Biochemistry II - practice • 100 %
LF:BLKB0422P Clinical Biochemistry II - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLKB0422S Clinical Biochemistry II - seminary • 100 %
LF:BLLM0422C Medical Microbiology II - practice • 100 %
LF:BLLM0422P Medical Microbiology II - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLMP0422 Morphological and Functional Pathology II • 100 %
LF:BMUP031 Computer network user • 33 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 27 %
3rd year
5th term
LF:BLBS051C Biostatistics - practice • 100 %
LF:BLBS051P Biostatistics - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLET051P Health Care Ethics - lecture • 100 %
LF:BLHM051X Histopathological Techniques - practice • 100 %
LF:BLIM051X Clinical Immunology - practice • 100 %
LF:BLKH051X Clinical Haematology - practice • 100 %
LF:BLPS051C Psychology - practice • 100 %
LF:BLTS051X Immunohaematology and Blood Banking - practice • 100 %
LF:BLBP0521 Bachelor's thesis I • 97 %
LF:BLKG051X Clinical Genetics - practice • 97 %
LF:BLKB051X Clinical Biochemistry - practice • 94 %
LF:BLLM051X Medical Microbiology - practice • 94 %
PřF:C5145 Quality management in bioanalytical laboratory • 94 %
LF:BLLK051C Liquorology - practice • 86 %
LF:BLLK051P Liquorology - lecture • 86 %
LF:BMOF011 MS Office applications • 69 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 34 %
LF:BMUP031 Computer network user • 29 %
LF:VLLL021 Searching medical literature and basics of scientific writing • 29 %
6th term
LF:BLEP061P Management, economy and law • 97 %
LF:BLHL061P Hygienic rules in laboratories • 97 %
LF:BLOZ061 Public health protection • 97 %
LF:BLOZ061C Public health protection - practice • 97 %
PřF:E2220 Environmental Analytical Chemistry • 97 %
LF:BLBP0622 Bachelor's thesis II • 92 %
PřF:E2221 Environmental Analytical Chemistry - Practicals • 58 %
PřF:E2222 Environmental Analytical Chemistry - Practicals LF • 39 %
LF:BZKP021C Clinical Propaedeutics - practice • 31 %
LF:MIMO041C Personal Development Management - practice • 31 %
LF:MIMO041P Personal Development Management - lecture • 31 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 28 %
LF:BZKP021P Clinical Propaedeutics - lecture • 25 %
LF:BMUP031 Computer network user • 17 %
LF:VLLL021 Searching medical literature and basics of scientific writing • 14 %

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