Russian for Social Practice (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
FF:RSB001 Language Practice I • 93 %
FF:RSB008 Practical Phonetics of Russian • 93 %
FF:RSB009 Basics of Russian Grammar I • 93 %
FF:RSB011 An Overview of Russian Literature I • 86 %
FF:RSB013 History of Russia • 86 %
FF:PH0001 Philosophy for Non-Philosophical Disciplines Students • 79 %
FF:RJV182 Russia III (Language, Literature, Culture, History) • 29 %
FF:CJVA1M English for Academic Purposes I. • 14 %
FF:JSB100 Contrastive Study of the Slavonic Languages • 14 %
PdF:RJ1081 Russian online • 14 %
2nd term
FF:RSB002 Language Practice II • 100 %
FF:RSB007 Exercises on Russian Orthography • 100 %
FF:RSB010 Basics of Russian Grammar II • 100 %
FF:RSB014 Modern Russia • 100 %
FF:RSB012 An Overview of Russian Literature II • 92 %
FF:RSB702 Russia IV (Language, Literature, Culture, History) • 38 %
FF:JSB150 Slavonic Areas • 23 %
FF:ARTS013 Slavonic Areas • 15 %
FF:CJVA1B English for Academic Purposes I • 15 %
FF:RLB666 The End of the World • 15 %
FF:RSB025 Tourism Marketing • 15 %
FF:RSB054 Russian Vocabulary • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
FF:PJN108 Elements of Law for Slavists I • 89 %
FF:RSB003 Language Practice III • 89 %
FF:RSB017 Normative Grammar I – Morphology • 89 %
FF:RSB021 Electronic Agenda • 89 %
FF:RSB051 Russian Art and Culture • 89 %
FF:JSB252 Contemporary Balkans • 44 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 33 %
FF:JSBHR210 Croatian for Beginners I • 22 %
FSpS:P938 Physical Education – Elements of sporting massages • 22 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 22 %
FF:ARTS010 History of Mongolia and steppe empires • 11 %
FF:NJII_65 Swedish for beginners II • 11 %
FF:RSB053 Rhetoric • 11 %
FF:RSB705 All Novels by Vladimir Nabokov • 11 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 11 %
PdF:FJ1028 French Course online • 11 %
PdF:ITVPAE Conditional physical Training - dance fitnes, aerobics • 11 %
PdF:OV777 Philosophy for evryone • 11 %
PdF:RJ2BP_RZS2 Russian for Beginners 2 • 11 %
PdF:YPS05 Communication and collaboration with legal guardian and other childcare institutions • 11 %
FSpS:CORE058 BIOHACKING - upgrade životního stylu • 11 %
FSpS:P9034 Physical Education – Salsa • 11 %
FSpS:P929 Physical Education – SM system • 11 %
4th term
FF:PJN109 Elements of Law for Slavists II • 100 %
FF:RSB004 Language Practice IV • 100 %
FF:RSB018 Normative Grammar II – Syntax • 100 %
FF:RSB025 Tourism Marketing • 88 %
FF:RSB028 Professional Practice • 88 %
FF:RSB054 Russian Vocabulary • 50 %
FF:ARTS009 Czech 101 • 25 %
FF:ARTS013 Slavonic Areas • 13 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 13 %
FF:CORE056 Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis • 13 %
FF:JSBHR220 Croatian for Beginners II • 13 %
FF:JSB150 Slavonic Areas • 13 %
FF:RJV010 Technical Issues of Preparing and Writing of a Dissertation • 13 %
FF:RSB708 Eastern Europe (Language, Literature, Culture, History) II • 13 %
PrF:CORE112 Taxation and Tax Law in Practice • 13 %
FSpS:P923 Physical Education – Total body training • 13 %
FSpS:P959 Physical Education – Aerobic-mix • 13 %
ESF:CORE047 Basics of successful business • 13 %
CST:LSP_TA_R LAP and LSP teacher assistant - Russian • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
FF:RSB015 Speaking and Writing in Russian I • 100 %
FF:RSB019 Basics of Translating • 100 %
FF:RSB023 Russian in the Sphere of Business and Enterprise I • 100 %
FF:RSB027 Translation of Non-Literary Texts • 100 %
FF:RSB005 Language Practice V • 75 %
FF:RSB026 Basics of Interpreting • 75 %
FF:RSB028 Professional Practice • 25 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 13 %
FF:PJ_SLAV04 Cultural Tourism and the Slavonic Area • 13 %
FF:RJV010 Technical Issues of Preparing and Writing of a Dissertation • 13 %
FF:ROM1BSJ01 Practical Spanish I • 13 %
FF:RSB003 Language Practice III • 13 %
FF:RSB016 Speaking and Writing in Russian II • 13 %
FF:RSB021 Electronic Agenda • 13 %
FF:RSB022 Administration and Business Correspondence in Russian • 13 %
FF:RSB032 Language Practice (complementary course B) • 13 %
FF:RSB100 Bachelor’s Diploma Thesis Seminar • 13 %
FSpS:P937 Physical Education – Nordic walking • 13 %
FSpS:P995 Physical Education – Spinning • 13 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 13 %
6th term
FF:RSB006 Language Practice VI • 100 %
FF:RSB016 Speaking and Writing in Russian II • 100 %
FF:RSB022 Administration and Business Correspondence in Russian • 100 %
FF:RSB024 Russian in the Sphere of Business and Enterprise II • 100 %
FF:RSB200 Bachelor’s Thesis • 100 %
FF:RSB100 Bachelor’s Diploma Thesis Seminar • 83 %
FF:RSB320 State Bachelors Examination • 83 %
FSpS:P958 Physical Education – Systema • 17 %

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