Czech Language and Literature (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
FF:CJL01 Introduction into Czech Literature • 100 %
FF:CJLB300 Czech Literature of the 19th Century I • 99 %
FF:CJJ01 Proseminar on the study of language • 98 %
FF:CJJ03 Introduction into the Study of Czech Language and Linguistics • 98 %
FF:CJJ02 Modern Czech Phonetics and Phonology • 97 %
FF:PH0001 Philosophy for Non-Philosophical Disciplines Students • 61 %
FF:LJ401 Classical Mythology: Gods • 30 %
FF:CJLB100 Introduction into Literary Text Interpretation • 25 %
FF:CJBC03 Children Literature I • 22 %
FF:CJLB302 How to read Czech literature of the 19th Century for Bc. • 16 %
FF:ARTS017 Life after Death in the European Literature and Arts • 14 %
FF:CJBB119 Correct Writing for students of disciplines other than Czech • 14 %
FF:CJBC04 Literature for Children II • 14 %
2nd term
FF:CJLB301 Czech Literature of the 19th Century II • 99 %
FF:CJJ04 Modern Czech Morphology • 96 %
FF:CJJ05 Modern Czech – norm and codification I • 95 %
FF:CJL07 Theory of Literature I • 95 %
FF:CJL03 Czech Literature of the 19th century • 89 %
FF:CJLB302 How to read Czech literature of the 19th Century for Bc. • 41 %
FF:CJBA37 Slovak Language • 34 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 34 %
FF:PH0001 Philosophy for Non-Philosophical Disciplines Students • 26 %
FF:ARTS019 Shakespeare: Art and Virtue • 24 %
FF:CJLB606 Speculative Fiction in the Changes of Time • 22 %
FF:LJ402 Classical Mythology: Heroic myths • 21 %
FF:PLIN020 Editorial Work • 20 %
FF:CJVVST Entrance test • 18 %
FF:CJBB155 Latin for the Students of Bohemistics • 16 %
FF:CJJ52 Linguistic experiments • 13 %
FF:CJJ46 Introduction to semantics • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
FF:CJJ06 Modern Czech Syntax • 97 %
FF:CJLB400 Czech Literature 1895-1945 • 97 %
FF:CJL08 Theory of Literature II • 97 %
FF:CJJ07 Proto-Slavic • 94 %
FF:CJL04 Czech Literature 1895-1945 foc Bachelors • 94 %
FF:CJL06 Theory of Literature • 94 %
FF:CJBB172 Introduction to Czech syntax • 63 %
FF:CJLB401 How to read Czech literature of the 20th century for Bc. • 63 %
FF:CJJ26 Fundamentals of onomastics • 49 %
FF:CJBC04 Literature for Children II • 46 %
FF:CJBB121 Fundamentals of Slavonic studies • 43 %
FF:PLIN020 Editorial Work • 26 %
FF:CJBB78 Modern Czech – norm and codification II • 23 %
FF:CJBC564 Models of Interpretation (work with texts) • 17 %
FF:PLIN025 Latest trends in NLP/AI • 17 %
FF:CJBB178 Introduction into Teaching Czech as a Second/Foreign Language • 11 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 11 %
4th term
FF:CJL05 Czech Literature since 1945 for Bc • 97 %
FF:CJJ08 Historical Grammar of Czech • 94 %
FF:CJLB402 Czech Literature since 1945 for Bc • 94 %
FF:CJBA51 Historical Grammar of Czech - lecture • 91 %
FF:CJLB200 Czech Literature from the Beginnings to the 18th century I • 91 %
FF:CJJ09 Modern Czech Semantics and Lexicology • 88 %
FF:CJLB403 How to read Czech Literature of 2nd half of 20th Century • 64 %
FF:CJLB606 Speculative Fiction in the Changes of Time • 42 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 30 %
FF:CJBA10 Introduction to Czech Dialectology • 18 %
FF:CJBB105 Corpus Linguistics • 18 %
FF:PLIN020 Editorial Work • 18 %
FF:CJBA37 Slovak Language • 15 %
FF:CJBC739 Creative writing for Czech studies students • 15 %
FF:CJBC155 Editorial Work • 12 %
FF:CJLB302 How to read Czech literature of the 19th Century for Bc. • 12 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 12 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 12 %
FSpS:P9911 Physical Education – Outdoor activities distant • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
FF:CJL02 Czech Literature from the Beginnings to the 18th century for Bachelor • 95 %
FF:CJBB80 Stylistics - Lecture • 76 %
FF:CJJ10 Modern Czech Stylistics • 76 %
FF:CJXL01 Academic Writing • 71 %
FF:CJLB201 Czech Literature from the Beginnings to the 18th century II • 57 %
FF:CJBC03 Children Literature I • 48 %
FF:CJLB202 How to read old Czech literature • 43 %
FF:CJBC564 Models of Interpretation (work with texts) • 38 %
FF:CJL06 Theory of Literature • 38 %
FF:CJXJ01 Fundamentals of academic writing • 33 %
FF:CJVA2B English for Academic Purposes II • 24 %
FF:CJBB178 Introduction into Teaching Czech as a Second/Foreign Language • 19 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 19 %
FF:CJJ08 Historical Grammar of Czech • 19 %
FF:CJJ26 Fundamentals of onomastics • 19 %
FF:PLIN030 Proofreading exercises Pt. I • 19 %
FF:CJBA37 Slovak Language • 14 %
FF:CJL08 Theory of Literature II • 14 %
FF:PLIN020 Editorial Work • 14 %
6th term
FF:CJSZZ01B Final exam • 63 %
FF:CJXL02 A Thesis Seminar • 53 %
FF:CJXL03 BA thesis • 37 %
FF:CJBC08 Folk Songs • 32 %
FF:CJXJ02 B.A. thesis in linguistics – seminar • 26 %
FF:CJXJ03 B.A. thesis in linguistics • 26 %
FF:CORE052 Cultural history of beer • 26 %
FF:CJLB206 Popular Print 1500-1800 • 21 %
FF:ARTS004 Homer and European literature • 16 %
FF:CJBB105 Corpus Linguistics • 16 %
FF:CJBC155 Editorial Work • 16 %
FF:CJLB507 Czech postcommunist literature • 16 %
FF:JSB080 E-COURSE: Balkan Grill - Fragments of Balkan Cusine • 16 %
FF:CJBA20 Personal Names in Czech • 11 %
FF:CJBB166 Time and Space in Language • 11 %
FF:CJBC739 Creative writing for Czech studies students • 11 %
FF:CJBD02 Literary Criticism and Aesthetics II • 11 %
FF:ISKB77 Literary biotope • 11 %

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