Horizontal bar 5 – Pullover

On the high bar, we perform a pullover from the hanging position, on the low bar, we perform a walking or standing pullover. The gymnast holds the bar with the hands facing forward. The key is to approach the hips to the bar and then move the body so that the waist reaches the bar. Then the legs overweight the trunk, which causes the body rotation around the bar. The back and buttock muscles straighten the body to the support position.

Walking or standing pullover
Pullover from the hanging position
Walking or standing pullover
View of the practitioner.

During the pullover, we overcome the gravitational force with muscular force, which does the mechanical work. Thus, we are supplying the body with potential energy when we raise the centre of gravity upward.

Pullover: Biomechanics
  • Narrow grip.
  • The gymnast does not stand under the bar.
  • Insufficient pull-up in the initial phase.
  • Insufficient shift of the body over the bar, which will not allow to complete the rotation to the final support position.
  • Physical preparation 1

    Perform repeated abdominal crunches as a classic core-strength exercise.

    Pullover: Physical preparation 1
  • Physical preparation 2

    To strengthen the abdominal muscles, we can use ladders, where we raise the lower limbs up to 90° from the vertical, either bent or stretched.

    Pullover: Physical preparation 2
    Pullover: Physical preparation 2
  • Physical preparation 3

    A more difficult variation is raising the legs up overhead.

    Pullover: Physical preparation 3
  • Physical preparation 4

    Strengthened arms are a prerequisite for the execution of the pullover. To develop strength, we can perform ring pull-ups.

    Pullover: Physical preparation 4
  • Physical preparation 5

    Pull-up with leg lift is the combination of the previous exercises.

    Pullover: Physical preparation 4
  • Drill 1

    First we practice the final support position.

    Pullover: Drill 1
  • Drill 2

    From the support position on the bar perform a slow roll forward with assistance, then without assistance.

    Pullover: Drill 2
    Pullover: Drill 2
  • Drill 3

    A more difficult variation is the roll forward with hold in single phases.

    Pullover: Drill 3
  • Drill 4

    To facilitate the pullover, we can first use an inclined plane, which can be gradually lowered.

    Pullover: Drill 4
  • Drill 5

    This is followed by a pullover drill with a single leg take-off from an elevated surface.

    Pullover: Drill 5

One hand supports the gymnast at the low back area, the other under the thighs to help the movement upwards and into the rotation. Then, the hands switch so one hand lifts the torso and the other fixes the lower limbs by holding them above the knees.

Pullover: Spotting