
Study plan is inactive.

PdF NPR205 Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Natural Science (graduation major) (inactive)
Name in Czech: Učitelství přírodopisu pro základní školy (na dostudování hlavní)
master's full-time major, completion only, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF N-PR2 Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Natural Science

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The content of the state final exam is as follows:
    Natural history and didactics of natural history
    The second field of study including didactics
    Thesis defense
    Pedagogical-psychological basis for subsequent master's studies
    Structure of the state final exam in natural history and didactics of natural history:
    The aim of the state final exam is to verify the level of knowledge of applicants across individual disciplines belong to the educational field of natural history (botany, zoology, anthropology and inanimate nature) and in the field of didactics of natural history. At the same time, applicants must demonstrate the ability to use the above-mentioned knowledge in the didactic transformation of individual topics in the form of basic-type lessons and lessons using organizational forms specific to the field of natural history, such as field teaching, field trips, laboratory work, research-oriented teaching, etc.
    The state final exam in Teaching Natural History has 3 parts:
    1. Didactics of natural history - in this part, students choose a question related to the issue of teaching natural history at primary school - see the didactics of natural history.
    2. Didactic transformation of a natural history topic in a basic lesson - in this part, students choose a topic based on the natural history curriculum in elementary school. Their task is, after sufficiently long preparation, to classify the topic according to valid curricular documents, to formulate educational goals, to propose organization and methods suitable for exposure, fixation and possible application of the subject matter in real situations. Finally, propose diagnostic methods that would verify the effectiveness of the proposed teaching.
    An integral part is the demonstration of expert knowledge related to the topic - see topics for the didactic transformation of the natural history curriculum.
    3. Didactic transformation of the natural history topic in the organizational form of teaching specific to the field of natural history – in this part, students choose a topic from the natural history curriculum and at the same time an alternative organizational form specific to natural history teaching such as laboratory teaching, research teaching, integrated natural science teaching or field teaching. After sufficiently long preparation, the students' task is to classify the topic according to valid curricular documents, to formulate educational goals, the organization of teaching and the methods used in teaching implemented by the prescribed alternative. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen organizational form compared to teaching the same topic in a basic class. An integral part is the demonstration of expert knowledge related to the topic - see topics for the didactic transformation of the natural history curriculum.
    More information on the website of the Department of Biology
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    All theses are stored in the MU archive, access to theses via the IS MUNI information system: www.is.muni.cz

Recommended progress through the study plan

Učitelská propedeutika

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6039Educational Psychology (Exercise) E. Řehulkazk 1/1/04 1-
PdF:SZ6040Teaching Practice 1 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 1-
PdF:SZ6041Seminar on Teaching Practice P. Svojanovskýz 0/1/0 4x za semestr/90 minut.1 1-
PdF:SZ6042School Education H. Horkázk 1/0/02 2-
PdF:SZ6046Educational and Psychology Assessment in Teaching Practice (Exercise) J. Kratochvílovák 1/1/03 3-
12 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6043Theory and Practice of School H. Horkáz 0/1/02 2-
PdF:SZ6044Theory and Practice of Curriculum H. Horkáz 0/1/02 2-
PdF:SZ6045Theory and Practice of Teaching H. Horkáz 0/1/02 2-
6 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6067Quantitative Data Analysis for Thesis K. Vlčkovák 0/03 2-
PdF:SZ6069Alternative and Inovative Education H. Horkáz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6074Cognitive Psychology for Teachers J. Krásak 0/03 2-
PdF:SZ6076Textbooks in the lower secondary school instruction: their selection and use K. Dundálkovák 0/1/03 1-
11 credits

Oborová část

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:Bi6001Seminar on Teaching Practice 2 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0.5/0 3x90 minut při Učitelské praxi 2 a 2x135 minut při Učitelské praxi 3.1*2 2-
PdF:Bi6002Teaching Practice 2 L. Vodováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 2-
PdF:Bi6003Teaching Practice 3 L. Vodováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 3-
PdF:BIp023Didactics of Natural History 1 A. Žákovskáz 1/1/02 1-
PdF:BIp024System of Higher Plants for Teachers N. Čeplováz 0/2/02 1-
PdF:BIp025Fundamentals of Genetics and Cellular Processes M. Jančovák 1/2/04 1-
PdF:BIp026Didactics of Natural History 2 A. Žákovskázk 1/2/04 2-
PdF:BIp028Biological and geological field practice A. Žákovskáz 0/2/0 5 dní + 2 dny cesta.3 2-
PdF:BIp029Cultivation Methods for Teachers K. Ševčíkováz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:BIp030Chordate Zoology For Teachers R. Smolinskýz 1/1/02 3-
PdF:BIp031Inorganic Nature for Teachers J. Štelclz 1/1/02 3-
PdF:BIp032Biological Experiments at Elementary School A. Žákovskáz 0/2/02 3-
PdF:BIp033Integrated Field Exercise A. Žákovskáz 0/2/0 4 dny.2 3-
PdF:BIp034Invertebrate Zoology for Teachers R. Vlkz 1/1/0 Vzhledem k zařazení předmětu do zkráceného období bloková výuka.2 4-
PdF:BIp035Didactics of Natural History 3 B. Rychnovskýz 0/4/02 4-
35 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:BIp036Basics of Gardening and Cultivation K. Ševčíkováz 1/1/02 1-
PdF:BIp037Ethology Principles R. Smolinskýz 0/2/02 3-
PdF:BIp038System and Evolution of Algae and Fungi for Teachers B. Brabcováz 1/1/02 2-
6 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:BIp040Natural Gardens - autumn, winter K. Ševčíkovák 0/0/2 blokově - 5 x 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:BIp041Didactics of Scince at the Non-school institucions I. Frýzováz 0/2/03 --
PdF:BIp039Vertebrates of the Czech Republic - determination R. Smolinskýz 0/2/03 --
PdF:BIp042Natural Gardens - spring, summer K. Ševčíkovák 0/0/0 blokově - 5 x 4 hodiny.3 --
PdF:BIp043Methodology of outdoor learning I. Frýzováz 0/0/2 3 dny terénní cvičení.3 --
15 credits

Master's thesis

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:BI_DPpDiploma Thesis - Project A. Žákovskáz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 2P
PdF:BI_DPDiploma thesis A. Žákovskáz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 3P
PdF:BI_DPdDiploma Thesis - Completion A. Žákovskáz 0/0/1 Odevzdání DP.8 4P
16 credits

Foreign language

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:JVp013English for Teachers - C R. Heroutz 0/2/03 1-
PdF:JVp014English for Teachers - D R. Heroutzk 0/2/04 2-
7 credits