FSS DPSYAJ10 Developmental psychology
Name in Czech: Developmental psychology
doctoral combined specialized, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS D-PSYAJ_ Psychology

Compulsory courses

Students must successfully all compulsory courses listed in this section. The time schedule of taking individual courses is to be discussed with the student's consultant.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0001Theory and Methodology of Science I. Čermákzk 0/0/010 1-
FSS:PSYd0003Developmental psychology L. Lacinovák 0/0/015 1-
FSS:PSYd0008Conference presentation I P. Macekz 0/0/013 5-
FSS:PSYd0010Journal or monograph chapter publication P. Macekk 0/0/015 5-
FSS:PSYd0011Journal article or book chapter P. Macekk 0/0/025 7-
FSS:PSYd0015Presentation of the dissertation project P. Macekz 0/0/015 2-
FSS:PSYd0013Dissertation thesis I P. Macekk 0/0/020 5-
FSS:PSYd0016Dissertation thesis II P. Macekk 0/0/020 7-
FSS:PSYd0024Dissertation thesis - theoretical part B P. Macekk 0/0/020 6-
FSS:PSYd0025Dissertation thesis - research part B P. Macekk 0/0/020 8-
FSS:PSYd0027Data analysis – qualitative research T. Řiháčekk 0/0/020 4-
FSS:PSYd0028Data Analysis – Quantitative Research S. Ježekz 0/0/015 3-
FSS:PSYd0029Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 --
FSS:PSYd0030Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 --
FSS:PSYd0031Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 --
FSS:PSYd0032Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 --
216 credits

Common seminar

Students actively participate in common seminars discussing doctoral projects. The PSYd0007 is taken at least two times to earn the required 4 ECTS credits.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0007Common seminar P. Macekz 0/0/02 --
2 credits

Foreign-stay courses

Every student must complete a stay at a foreign academic institution. This requirement is formally fulfilled by taking one of the 20-credit courses in this section. For more details, please see the course syllabi.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:FSSd0900Research Abroad T. Řiháčekk 0/0/020 --
FSS:FSSd0910Study Visit V. Hloušekz 0/0/04 --
FSS:FSSd0990Placement Abroad T. Řiháčekk 0/0/020 --
44 credits

Elective courses

Courses in this section a related to dissertation writing. They are not compulsory.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0009Conference presentation II P. Macekz 0/0/015 --
FSS:PSYd0021Dissertation preparation P. Macekz 0/0/020 --
35 credits