PdF BLOGck Speech and Language Therapy
Name in Czech: Logopedie
Bachelor's combined single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF B-LOG Speech and Language Therapy

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    Structure of State Final Examination:

    Compulsory Parts:
    Defense of bachelor thesis
    Pedagogical-psychological basis
    Inclusive and Special Education (written test)
    Speech and Language Therapy
    Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment

    The State exam is thematically focused on the acquisition of basic knowledge of special and inclusive education and pathopsychology for people with special educational needs focus on people with impaired communication abilities, with hearing and dual sensory disabilities. It also focuses on the following competencies of students: be able to use special educational and speech and language therapy tools and procedures for a given group of people, control intervention procedures in working with diagnostic tools theoretically and practically, know simulation techniques at the bachelor's degree level.

    The content of the thematic areas follows the study subjects listed below
    Speech and Language Therapy 1
    Speech and Language Therapy 2
    Speech and Language Therapy 3
    Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment 1
    Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment 2
    Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment 3
    Alternative and Augmentative Communication
    Communication of people with dual sensory disabilities
    Inclusive and Special Education
    Pathopsychology 1

    The bachelor's state final examination in pedagogy and psychology takes place in the form of a written test, which consists of a total of 40 questions. Areas cover the disciplines of bachelor's studies and their specified outcomes: introduction to pedagogy and psychology, theory and methodology of education, pedagogical communication, special and inclusive pedagogy, research in pedagogical practice, basics of pedagogical-psychological diagnostics, developmental psychology and social psychology. The topics are published to students with a more detailed definition and references to the literature on the website: https://is.muni.cz/do/ped/uredni_deska/studijni/Okruhy_bc_SZZ_PedPsy_test_zari2019_3web.pdf.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Proposal of topics for qualification theses:
    Communication ability of a preschool child with impaired speech and language development
    Communication ability of pupils of the primary school for pupils with impaired communication ability
    Inclusive education of pupils with impaired communication abilities
    Special needs of pupils with hearing impairment
    Simulation of communication difficulties in a pupil with a hearing impairment
    The importance of hearing education for children with severe hearing impairment and for their families
    Stimulation of communication skills in children with delayed speech and language development with regard to the content component of the language
    Support for the development of language levels in children with disabilities
    Speech and language therapy intervention in adulthood

    Topics of defended works
    Hearing and speech education for children with hearing impairment in preschool age
    Lingu sounds and their use in speech therapy care for children with hearing impairment <http://is.muni.cz/th/383868/pedf_b/final.pdf>
    Use of reading skills to improve the morphological-syntactic level in pupils with hearing impairment in primary school
    Use of iPad in the AAK system and development of communication skills in aphasia

    The bachelor's theses are stored in the archive of final theses, including reviews on is.muni.cz.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Pedagogicko-psychologická propedeutika (33 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3000Introduction to Medical Disciplines P. Kachlíkk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 1-
PdF:SP3001Sociology for Special Pedagogy L. Slepičkovák 0/1/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 1-
PdF:SP3007Research Methods in Special Education 1 K. Pančochak 2/0/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.3 2Z
PdF:SP3099Inclusive Special Education L. Gajzlerovázk 0/1/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 5P
PdF:SZ6026The Introduction into Education and Psychology J. Bradovázk 0/0/.7 8 hodin.6 1-
PdF:SZ6028Developmental Psychology (Exercise) T. Kohoutekk 0/0/.5 6 hodin.3 1-
PdF:SZ6034Social Psychology (Exercise) J. Krásak 0/0/.5 6 hodin.3 4-
PdF:SZ6038Educational Communication L. Škarkovák 0/0/.5 6 hodin.3 5-
PdF:SZ6097Theory and Methodology of Education J. Německ 0/0/.5 6 hodin.2 2-
27 credits

Foreign language

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:JVk001Entrance Test A2 - English R. Heroutz 0/0/0 Úvodní konzultace na začátku semestru, dále samostudium.1 1-
PdF:JVk013English for Special Educators I R. Heroutzk 0/0/1.3 15 hodin.5 2-
6 credits

Speciálněpedagogický základ (86 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3003Basics of Education of Individuals with Specific Learning Difficulties I. Jůzovázk 0/3/0 3 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 2-
PdF:SP3009Pathopsychology 1 V. Vojtovázk 2/0/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 2P
PdF:SP3030Introduction to Education of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties/Disorders K. Červenkazk 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 2-
PdF:SP3040Basics of Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities B. Bazalovázk 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 1-
PdF:SP3050Social Work L. Slepičkovák 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 4P
PdF:SP3100Augmentative and Alternative Communication V. Vojtovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.5 4P
PdF:SP3107Speech and Language Therapy and Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment V. Vojtovák 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 4-
PdF:SP3111Speech Therapy 1 I. Bytešníkovázk 0/3/0 3 bloky pro kombinované studium.5 1P
PdF:SP3112Speech Therapy 2 I. Bytešníkovázk 0/3/0 3 bloky pro kombinované studium.5 3P
PdF:SP3113Speech Therapy 3 V. Vojtovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 5P
PdF:SP3114CzechPronunciation I. Bytešníkováz 0/1/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 4P
PdF:SP3120Basics of Education of Individuals with Visual Impairments P. Röderovák 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.3 3-
PdF:SP3121Diagnostics in the Field of Visual Impairments P. Röderovázk 0/3/0 3 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 5-
PdF:SP3122Communication and Simulation Techniques in Educations of Individuals with Visual Disabilities M. Vrubelk 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.3 4-
PdF:SP3127Communication for Individuals with Visual and Hearing Impairments - introduction R. Horákovák 0/2/03 4P
PdF:SP3171Hearing Impairments 1 M. Štibrányiovázk 0/3/0 3 bloky pro kombinované studium.5 1P
PdF:SP3172Hearing Impairments 2 M. Štibrányiovázk 0/3/0 3 bloky pro kombinované studium.5 3P
PdF:SP3173Hearing Impairments 3 L. Vrbecká Doležalovázk 0/4/0 4 bloky pro kombinované studium.6 3P
PdF:SP3174Inclusive education and the role of a teacher's assistant for children and pupils with hearing impai I. Bytešníkováz 0/1/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.2 4P
PdF:SP3180Basics of Education of Individuals with Physical Impairments I. Fialovák 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.3 3-
PdF:SP3181Diagnostics in the Field of Physical Disabilities L. Matouškovázk 0/3/0 3 bloky pro kombinované studium.4 5-
PdF:SP3182Communication and Simulation Techniques in Educations of Individuals with Physical Dysabilities V. Vojtovák 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.3 4-
PdF:SP3999Internationalization of the Special Education Field V. Vojtováz 0/0/0- 3-
86 credits

Medicínská propedeutika (15 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3002Opthalmology M. Vrubelzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 1-
PdF:SP3004Neurology P. Kachlíkzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 3P
PdF:SP3005Pediatrics P. Kachlíkzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 2-
PdF:SP3006Psychiatry P. Kachlíkk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 3P
PdF:SP3017ORL - Phoniatrics P. Kachlíkzk 1/0/0 1 blok pro kombinované studium.3 2P
15 credits

Praxe (34 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP3882Reflective Seminar on Practice in the Field of Special Education with Focus on Diagnostics L. Vrbecká Doležalováz 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.5 5-
PdF:SP3883Reflective Seminar on Practice in the Field of Special Education with Focus on Intervention L. Vrbecká Doležalováz 0/2/0 2 bloky pro kombinované studium.5 6-
PdF:SP3892Practice in the Field of Special Education with Focus on Diagnostics L. Vrbecká Doležalováz 0/0/0 4 týdny.10 5-
PdF:SP3893Practice in the Field of Special Education with Focus on Intervention L. Vrbecká Doležalováz 0/0/0 4 týdny.10 6-
PdF:SP3991Practice in the Field of Special Education L. Vrbecká Doležalováz 0/0/0 2 týdny.4 4-
34 credits

Bakalářská práce (10 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SP_BPBachelor Thesis I. Bytešníkováz 0/0/1 individuálně.2 5P
PdF:SP_BPdBachelor Thesis - Completion D. Zámečníkováz 0/0/1 Odevzdání BP.4 6P
PdF:SP_BPpBachelor Thesis - Project D. Opatřilováz 0/0/1 individuálně.2 4P
PdF:SPk132Single-subject research for Bachelor Thesis K. Pančochak 0/0/1 12 hodin.2 5P
10 credits

Elective courses