Analytical Chemist - Manager of Chemical Laboratory (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
PřF:C1020 General Chemistry • 100 %
PřF:C1061 Inorganic Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:F1240 Physics for chemists I • 100 %
PřF:F1241 Physics for chemists I, seminar • 100 %
PřF:M1010 Mathematics I • 100 %
PřF:M1020 Mathematics I - seminar • 100 %
CST:CJV_DIAL Language test Dialang • 100 %
PřF:C1040 General Chemistry - sem. • 86 %
PřF:C1062 Inorganic Chemistry I - seminar • 86 %
PřF:C1050 Basic calculations in chemistry • 57 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 43 %
PřF:JAC01 English for Chemists I • 29 %
FF:CJBA37 Slovak Language • 14 %
PřF:CORE029 Critical thinking • 14 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 14 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 14 %
PřF:M2010 Mathematics II • 14 %
PřF:M2020 Mathematics II - seminar • 14 %
PřF:XA0010 Praxe pro Mendelovo muzeum • 14 %
FSpS:P927 Physical Education – Cardio Training • 14 %
FSpS:P973 Physical Education – Basketball • 14 %
2nd term
PřF:C2021 Organic Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C2022 Organic Chemistry I - Seminar • 100 %
PřF:C2062 Inorganic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C2070 Inorganic Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3150 Physical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4660 Physical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:F2090 Physics for chemists II • 100 %
PřF:F2091 Physics for chemists II, seminar • 100 %
PřF:M2010 Mathematics II • 100 %
PřF:M2020 Mathematics II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 25 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 25 %
FSpS:P976 Physical Education – Futsal • 25 %
FSpS:P978 Physical Education – Volleyball • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PřF:C1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3050 Organic Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C3055 Organic Chemistry II - Seminar • 100 %
PřF:C3100 Analytical Chemistry I • 100 %
PřF:C3110 Analytical Chemistry I - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4020 Physical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C4040 Physical Chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:BI1500 Tumor Biology for Everyone - Cell Philosophy • 50 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 50 %
PřF:C3190 Biochemistry I - seminar • 50 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 50 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 50 %
ESF:BPH_EKOR Corporate Economics • 50 %
4th term
PřF:C3120 Analytical Chemistry - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C3705 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C3706 Good laboratory practice in chemical laboratory - practical work • 100 %
PřF:C4050 Analytical Chemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C6005 Project and theses • 100 %
PřF:C6140 Optimization and Evaluation of Analytical Methods • 100 %
PřF:C6160 Analytical chemistry II - seminar • 100 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 67 %
PřF:C4200 Biochemistry II - seminar • 67 %
ESF:BPH_POEK Business Economics • 67 %
PřF:BI0001 The Stories of Science: Cancer • 33 %
PřF:CORE121 Water for modern human society • 33 %
PřF:C3700 Quality in analytical laboratory • 33 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 33 %
PřF:C7031 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry • 33 %
PřF:C7041 Molecular Spectrometry • 33 %
PřF:C8700 Technology of chemical productions • 33 %
PřF:JAC02 English for Chemists II • 33 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 33 %
PdF:CORE072 Science and Society • 33 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
PřF:C5120 Computers in Chemistry and Chemometrics • 100 %
PřF:C5140 Computers in Chemistry and Chemometrics - practical work • 100 %
PřF:C5145 Quality management in bioanalytical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C5190 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry II - laboratory course • 100 %
PřF:C5350 Analytical Chemistry III • 100 %
PřF:C5355 Analytical Chemistry III - seminar • 100 %
ESF:BPH_ZMAN Principles of Management • 100 %
PřF:C3181 Biochemistry I • 80 %
PřF:C7777 Handling chemical substances • 80 %
PřF:C3200 Chemical Information Search • 60 %
PřF:C5000 Independent project from chemistry • 60 %
PřF:CORE022 Biochemie v běžném životě • 40 %
FaF:CORE018 Plants in Health and Disease • 20 %
PřF:BI0002 The Stories of Science: Gene • 20 %
PřF:CZBMCL Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška v oboru Analytický chemik - manažer chemické laboratoře • 20 %
PřF:C2105 Computer in analytical laboratory • 20 %
PřF:C3700 Quality in analytical laboratory • 20 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 20 %
PřF:C5000F Independent project from chemistry • 20 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 20 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 20 %
PřF:C7021 Separation Methods A • 20 %
PřF:C7031 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry • 20 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 20 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 20 %
PřF:JA001 Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science • 20 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 20 %
FSpS:P984 Physical Education – Hardening • 20 %
FSpS:P988 Physical Education – Swimming • 20 %
ESF:BPH_EKOR Corporate Economics • 20 %
6th term
PřF:C2105 Computer in analytical laboratory • 100 %
PřF:C4182 Biochemistry II • 100 %
PřF:C6012 Bachelor's seminar • 100 %
PřF:C6013 Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
PřF:C7031 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry • 100 %
PřF:CZBMCL Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška v oboru Analytický chemik - manažer chemické laboratoře • 75 %
PřF:E6050 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment • 75 %
PřF:E6051 Fate of Toxic Compounds in Environment - Practicals • 75 %
PřF:CORE027 Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions • 50 %
PřF:C3700 Quality in analytical laboratory • 50 %
PřF:C6245 Analytical chemistry of organic compounds - laboratory course • 25 %
PřF:E2220 Environmental Analytical Chemistry • 25 %
PdF:CORE072 Science and Society • 25 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 25 %
ESF:BPH_POEK Business Economics • 25 %

The information was preprocessed: 5/10/2024 11:31

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